BUS 302 Quiz 5

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________ is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customer's value.

Organizational process

What are the two types of political risk that affect companies conducting global business?

political uncertainty and policy uncertainty

Hallmark has four departments. These departments are (1) Flowers and Gifts, (2) Cards and E-cards, (3) Hallmark Collectibles, and (4) Photo Albums and Scrapbooks. Hallmark uses ________ departmentalization.


A cosmetics company that is considering entering the South American market would be especially interested in the discretionary income within that region. In other words, which of the following would be a determining factor in its global strategy?

purchasing power

_______ determines the number, kind, and variety of tasks that individual workers perform in their jobs.

Job design

________ is the degree to which a job gives workers the discretion, freedom, and independence to decide how and when to accomplish their jobs.


________ is a method of investment in which a company builds a new business or buys an existing business in a foreign country.

Direct foreign investment

________ occurs when a company sells domestically produced products to customers in foreign countries.


________ are both examples of cooperative contracts.

Franchising and licensing

________ is the process of solving problems by consistently applying the same rules, procedures, and processes.


________ is the degree to which a job is perceived to have a substantial impact on others inside or outside the organization.

Task significance

When managers delegate work, three transfers occur. The three transfers are responsibility, authority, and ________.


Uganda is one of only two countries in the world that produce a mineral required in the manufacturing of cellular phones. A company which mines that rare mineral decided to not invest in the country due to a bloody civil war resulting from a change in rulers. The mining company used a(n) ________.

avoidance strategy

What are the strategies that can be used to minimize or adapt to the political risk inherent to global business?

control, avoidance, and cooperative strategies

A manufacturer of acrylic and latex gloves sells to medical laboratories, to factories where employees handle chemicals, to companies that manufacture micro-tech equipment, and to cleaning services. Because it is organized to better satisfy the needs of each of its four target markets, the manufacturer uses ________ departmentalization.


Kimberly-Clark is subdivided into organizational units called Kimberly-Clark Health Care, which provides products to hospitals, Kimberly-Clark Professional, which sells to businesses, and Kimberly-Clark Consumer, which sells the company's products to customers. From this information, you know that KimberlyClark uses ________.


Job specialization can result in ________

employee boredom

Fran Wilson Creative Cosmetics is a medium-sized U.S. company that sells 1.5 million tubes of its lipstick annually in Japan. It has no physical presence within the country beyond the fact its products are sold there. Fran Wilson Creative Cosmetics uses ________ to reach the Japanese market.


According to Hofstede's research on cultural dimensions, ________ cultures emphasize the importance of relationships, modesty, caring for the weak, and quality of life.


In a multinational firm, managers at company headquarters typically prefer an emphasis on ________ because it simplifies decisions.

global consistency

According to Hofstede, when people in a culture are oriented to the present and seek immediate gratification, that culture is described as ________.

having a short-term orientation

The organizational process ________.

is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customers value

An organization that has increased the number of different tasks that a worker performs within one particular job has engaged in ________.

job enlargement

With ________ departmentalization, most employees report to two bosses.


Which of the following is an approach to managing interorganizational processes?

modular organizations

The Japanese government has proclaimed that its snow is different from that found in any other region of the world. As a result, all snow skis marketed in Japan must be manufactured in Japan. This is an example of a(n) ________.

nontariff barrier

The purpose of pre-departure language and cross-cultural training is to ________.

reduce the uncertainty for those becoming expatriates

A(n) ________ is a form of matrix departmentalization in which managers in different parts of the matrix negotiate conflicts and resources directly.

simple matrix

In 2000, the United States imposed a tax on all steel imports in an effort to protect about 5,000 jobs. This tax is an example of a(n) ________.


The two general kinds of trade barriers are ________

tariff barriers and nontariff barriers

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