business law t1 pt2

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moral principles and values applied to social behavior is referred to as


the first step to follow when investigating and solving specific ethic problems is


the IDDR approach to making ethical business decisions involve

organizing the issues and approaching them systematically

The minimum degree of ethical behavior expected of a business firm, which is usually defined as compliance with the law is referred to as

the moral minimum

An action may be legal but not ethical.


business ethics focus on

what constitutes ethical behavior in the business world

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Federal legislation passed in 2002 that sets higher ethical standards for public corporations and accounting firms. Key provisions limit conflict-of-interest issues and require financial officers and CEOs to certify the validity of their financial statements.

A key technique employed by utilitarians to determine the morality of a given action is:

To conduct a cost-benefit analysis

one of the most effective ways of setting a tone of ethical behavior within an organization is to create

an ethical code of conduct

what constitutes right or wrong behavior in the world of business and the application of moral principles to situations that arise in a business setting is referred as

business ethics

with respect to business ethics, the moral minimum is

compliance with the law

Holly, a lawyer on the staff of International Group, applies the utilitar-ian theory of ethics in business contexts. Utilitarianism focuses on

consequences of an action

participants in business process pragmatism procedure will craft a consensus plan of action for the corporation in the

decision stage

A reasoning process in which an individual examines the situation at hand in light of his or her moral convictions or ethical standards is known as

ethical reasoning

a job candidate may not be rejected for failur to maintain social media presence


because the first amendment employers may not restrict employees use of social media in anyway


employers are prohibited from conducting background checks beyond running criminal checks in official government databases


ethics is not concerned with the way in which moral principles are derived


if a company followers IDDR decision making process it always leads to a clear decision


it is widely accepted that judging a potential employee for what she or her does outside of work is unethical


legal and ethical issues concerning employee online speech are largely settled by now


managers must apply different standards to themselves then they apple to their employees


since 2012, no employee can fired for engaging in unpopular speech


the foreign corrupt practices act prohibits of small amounts to minor offices


the most common reason that ethical problems occur in business is an overemphasis on long run profit maximization


the national labor relations board is unlikely to hear another case about employees on line speech


the sarbanes ox key act required employees to set up confidential reporting systems so employees can report allegations of workplace harassment


using suppliers in developing nations no longer raises any ethical issues



idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

abc communications incorporation need to cut costs by downsizing. in determining which employees to lay off abc with be concerned primarily with

its ethical duty to long term employees its profit margin and the legality of dischargjng the older workeds

the primary focus of utilitarian ethics is the

outcome of actions

duty based ethical standards often derive frlm

principles rooted in religion

managers can reduce the probability that employees will act unethically by setting

realistic production or sale goals

all groups who are affected by the decisions of a corporation are referred to as


two fundamental approaches to ethical reasoning in a business environment are

the duty based and outcome based approaches

mack is a sales manager, compared to mack's personal activities his business activities involve

the same ethical standards

"grease" or facilitating payments are meant to accelerate performance of administrative services that might otherwise be carried out at a slow pace


It is often easier to see ethical lapses in retrospect than it is to identify potential ethical problems in advance


a number of companies have fired employees for such activities as criticizing other employees or managers through social media outlets


business face ethical issues with respect to their social media polices


corporate ethic policies must be clearly communicated to be effective


corporate watch can exercise much pressure on the us business using foreign suppliers


ethical standards based on religious teachings tend to be absolute


in the evaluation phase of business process pragmatism the solution to an ethical dilemma should be analyzed


managers have found that discharging even one employee for ethical reasoning has a tremendous impact as a deterrent to u ethical behavior in the workplace


one of the most important ways to create and maintain an ethical workplace is for top management to demonstrate its committee to ethical decision making


setting realistic workplace goals can reduce the probability that employees will act unethically


side payments to government officials in exchange for favorable business contracts are not unusual in such countries where they are not considered to be unethical


some US companies have chosen to produce goods in devolving nations because the wage rates in those nations are significantly lower than wages in the united states


some employees reject job candidates if the do not participate in social media


some people believe that researching job candidates social media post invaded their provacy


some us companies have refused to deal with certain suppliers to avoid negative publicity


the foreign corrupt practices act prohibits bribery of foreign officials if the purpose of the payment is to induce the officials i. their official capacity to provide business opportunities


the foreign corrupt practices act prohibits us business persons from bribing foreign officials to secure advantageous contracts


the minimal acceptable standard for ethical behavior is compliance with the law


the national labor relations board has issued a ruling preventing an employer from completely prohibiting its employees from using social media to discuss work


jill lied to her family. according to legal and ethical principles this is

unethical only

an approach to ethical reasoning in which a good decision is one that results in the greatest goof for the greatest number of people affected by the decision is


ethics can be defined as the study of

what constitutes right and wrong behavior

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