Cancer Prep-U (EXAM 4)

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Which of the following is an early sign of laryngeal cancer?

Persistent mild hoarseness.

At what age is an individual most at risk for acquiring acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)?

4 to 12 years

A few minutes after beginning a blood transfusion, a nurse notes that a client has chills, dyspnea, and urticaria. The nurse reports this to the physician immediately because the client probably is experiencing which problem?

A hemolytic allergic reaction caused by an antigen reaction

A client complains of sporadic epigastric pain, yellow skin, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and fatigue. Suspecting gallbladder disease, the physician orders a diagnostic workup, which reveals gallbladder cancer. Which nursing diagnosis is appropriate for this client?

Anticipatory grieving Rationale: Anticipatory grieving is an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client because few clients with gallbladder cancer live more than 1 year after diagnosis

A nurse is caring for a client with a long-term central venous catheter. Which steps should the nurse include in teaching how to care for his catheter at home?

Clean the port with an alcohol pad before administering I.V. fluid through the catheter.

A client receiving chemotherapy for cervical cancer indicates that she has an advance directive. She tells the nurse that she worries her children will not honor her wishes if her condition should worsen. In order to facilitate the honoring of the client's wishes, what should the nurse encourage the client to do?

Discuss her end-of-life wishes with her family.

After a mastectomy for breast cancer, the nurse teaches the client how to avoid the development of lymphedema. Which of the following instructions should be included?

Elevating the affected arm on a pillow.

Which of the following observations should the nurse make first when the client who has had a modified radical mastectomy returns from the operating room to the recovery room?

Ensuring that the client's airway is free of obstruction.

A nurse is teaching a community class about how to decrease the risk of cancer. What is the best food for the nurse to recommend?


Which finding is an early indicator of bladder cancer?

Painless hematuria

A nurse is administering daunorubicin to a patient with lung cancer. Which situation requires immediate intervention?

The I.V. site is red and swollen.

The nurse is assessing a middle-aged client with cancer who has lost 1 lb (0.5 kg) in 4 weeks. The client is taking ondansetron for nausea and now has a temperature of 101° F (38.3° C). The fever is indicative of:


The nurse is preparing a community presentation on oral cancer. Which is a primary risk factor for oral cancer that the nurse should include in the presentation?

use of alcohol

A nurse is working with a dying client and the client's family. Which communication technique is most important to use?

Use active listening and silence when communicating.

Which nursing goal is appropriate for a client with multiple myeloma?

Achieve effective management of bone pain.

To combat the most common adverse effects of chemotherapy, a nurse should prepare to do which of the following?

Administer an antiemetic.

A client receiving 5-fluorouracil is experiencing nausea and vomiting. Which is the nurse's best course of action?

Administer odansetron prior to administering the 5-fluorouracil

A client with suspected gastric cancer undergoes an endoscopy of the stomach. Which of the following assessments made after the procedure would indicate the development of a potential complication?

The client experiences a sudden increase in temperature.

A client is undergoing a total prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The client asks questions about his sexual function. The best response by the nurse nurse is "Loss of the prostate gland means that:

you will be infertile and there will be no ejaculation. You can still experience the sensations of orgasm."

After receiving chemotherapy for lung cancer, a client's platelet count falls to 98,000/?l. What term should the nurse use to describe this low platelet count?


After a transsphenoidal adenohypophysectomy, a client is likely to undergo hormone replacement therapy. A transsphenoidal adenohypophysectomy is performed to treat which type of cancer?

Pituitary carcinoma

A client receiving radiation therapy for thyroid cancer reports mouth and throat pain. While inspecting the mouth and throat, the nurse notices white patches and ulcerations in the oral mucosa. The nurse notifies the radiation oncologist, and expects which intervention for this client?

To administer an antifungal agent

A client with suspected cervical cancer is undergoing a colposcopy with conization. The nurse gives instructions to the client about her menstrual periods, emphasizing that:

her next two or three periods may be heavier and more prolonged than usual.

A client at risk for lung cancer asks about the reason for having a computed tomography (CT) scan as part of the initial exam. What is the nurse's best response? "A CT scan is:

useful for distinguishing small differences in tissue density and detecting nodal involvement."

A nurse is developing a care plan for bone marrow suppression, the major dose-limiting adverse reaction to floxuridine (FUDR). How long after drug administration does bone marrow suppression become noticeable?

7 to 14 days

A 32-year-old woman recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease is admitted for staging by undergoing a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. To obtain more information about the client's nutrition status, the nurse should review the results of which test?

albumin level

After a lobectomy for lung cancer, the nurse instructs the client to perform deep-breathing exercises to:

expand the alveoli and increase lung surface available for ventilation.

A nurse is assessing a client with metastatic lung cancer. The nurse should assess the client specifically for:


A woman tells the nurse, "There has been a lot of cancer in my family." The nurse should instruct the client to report which possible sign of cervical cancer?

light bleeding or watery vaginal discharge

On discharge, a client who underwent left modified radical mastectomy expresses relief that "the cancer" has been treated. When discussing this issue with the client, the nurse should stress that she:

should continue to perform breast self-examination on her right breast.

The nurse is developing a care plan for a client who has leukemia. What instructions should the nurse include in the plan? Select all that apply

• Monitor temperature and report elevation. • Recognize signs and symptoms of infection. • Avoid crowds. • Maintain integrity of skin and mucous membranes.

A 21-year-old client undergoes bone marrow aspiration at the clinic to establish a diagnosis of possible lymphoma. Which statement made by the client demonstrates proper understanding of discharge teaching? Select all that apply.

• "I will not be able to play basketball for the next 2 days." • "I will take acetaminophen for pain." • "I can apply an ice pack or a cold compress to the puncture site."

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