Cancer test

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Which of the following is correct regarding cancer?

* Cancer cells can affect the physiology of the body's organ systems. * Cancer is a disease that is the result of an inability to regulate cell division. *One in three females and one in two males will develop cancer in their lives.

A research oncologist is one who studies the causes and treatments of cancer. What area(s) would a research oncologist study to understand the formation of a new cancer?

* Genetic factors * Environmental factors * Prevalence in male versus females

Which of the following is correct regarding immunotherapy? Select all that apply.

* It uses the body's immune cells to fight cancer. * It has the ability to attack specific cancer cells. * It may use monoclonal antibodies to attack cancer cells.

Four levels of protein structure

* Primary structure * Secondary structure * Tertiary structure * Quaternary structure

Which of the following are used to determine the stage of cancer?

* The size of the tumor * The presence of cancer in nearby lymph nodes * Whether the cancer has moved to other organs of the body

Which of the following are correct regarding malignant tumors? Select all that apply.

* They may undergo metastasis. *They invade surrounding tissues. *They are masses of unspecialized cells

Which of the following is not correct regarding tumor-suppressor genes?

A mutation in just one gene causes cancer. A cell has two copies of each tumor suppressor gene, and if there is a mutation in one gene, the other copy will still function correctly.

The two strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides. Which of the following correctly matches the complementary nucleotides of DNA?

Adenine:Thymine and Cytosine:Guanine

Which of the following is a natural product, produced by plants, that interferes with the formation of the spindle fibers during cell division?

Alkaloids,- Alkaloids are a natural product, produced by plants, that interferes with the formation of the spindle fibers during cell division

This type of chemotherapeutic drug causes breaks in the structure of the DNA molecule, thus preventing cell division.

Alkylating agents-Alkylating agents are a chemotherapeutic drug that causes breaks in the structure of the DNA molecule, thus preventing cell division.

Secondary structure

Amino acids interact based on weak chemical interactions

Which of the following scanning tools is a special type of X-ray that is used to deternine if the cancer has spread?

CT scan

Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 1 of breast cancer?

Cancer is found in a few lymph nodes

Which characteristics correspond with Stage 0 of breat cancer?

Cancer is localized and less than 2 cm

Immunotherapy helps the body recognize what?

Cancerous cells as non-self


Cells and tissues of the immune system

Change of Breast cancer

Change by the growth and migration away from the original location

During Angiogenesis tumor cells release what?

Chemical signals that promote the growth of new blood vessels, which supply the tumor with nutrients


Connective tissue, such as bone

A mutation in the __________ results in uncontrolled cell division. This mutation can lead to be cancer.


The replication of the genetic material occurs following a successful passage of which checkpoint?


At which of the following checkpoints is a cell's DNA checked for damage, and if found, the cell is sent to the G0 phase?

G1, - At the G1 checkpoint, a cell's DNA is checked for damaged, and if found, the cell is sent to the G0 phase.

Which of the following forms of radiation has the shortest wavelength and highest amount of energy?

Gamma waves, Gamma waves are a form of radiation that has the shortest wavelength and highest amount of energy.

Cancer can be caused by.

Genetic or environmental factors

Cytosine binds with?


Which of the proteins below is expressed by a proto-oncogene?


Tumor suppressor genes

Halt cell division if an error is found in the DNA

Which of the following terms means the ability of the body to operate under a set of defined internal conditions?


The shape of an enzyme determines what?

How it will interact with molecules.

Genes are units of genetic information that provide what?

Instruction for making proteins


Lining of the internal organs or skin

Which tumor holds the greater threat to our bodies? Begnin or Malignant


Which of the following is the end result of a PCR process?

Multiple copies of a gene of interest

Which of the following is the end result of a PCR?

Multiple copies of a gene of interest

Quaternary structure

Multiple protein chains interact to form larger molecules with more complex functions

Enzymes are?

Protein catalysts for chemical reactions

ERBB-2 is a?


Tumor suppressor genes do what?

Shut down cell division to repair errors that have occurred



A breast cancer tumor is detected that is about 2 cm in size and has only moved into lymph nodes associated in the breast? What stage would this cancer be assigned to?

Stage 2

Adenine binds with?


__________ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed near the tumor



is between


is within

CT scans are?

less invasive than other scans and are used to determine the extent of the cancer

What molecule helps to move the genetic information from the nucleus of the cell to the ribosome?


Angiogenesis is:

the growth of blood vessels in response to a growing tumor

Immunotherapy is a new method of treatment that?

* Uses monoclonal antibodies to target specific antigens on the surface of cancer cells * Involves genetically-engineered white blood cells that activate the action of cytotoxic T cells * Uses chemical such as interferons and interleukins to stimulate white blood cells activity * Helps the immune system identify cancerous cells and target them for destruction

Which of the following procedures use X-rays to detect the presence of cancer? Select all that apply.

*CT scan *Mammogram

Tertiary structure

3-D molecule, functional

There are two types of brachytherapy. ___________ brachytherapy is when the "seed" is placed in the tumor


Cancer is a disease that is caused by?

The inability of the body to control the cell division of cells

Primary structure

The linear sequence of amino acids


The majority of the cell's time; normal functions occur Consists of G1( Growth), S(synthesis), and G2 (growth) phases

The information for producing a protein is contained within which part of the DNA molecule?

The nitrogen-containing bases

What does the Cell Cycle describe?

The organized series of events required for cell divison

M phase

The portion where cell division occurs; consists of mitosis and cytokinesis


The process of reading codons to bring in complementary amino acids

Cancers are named based on which of the following?

The types of tissues or organs they originate in

Chance of females having cancer?

There is a one and three chance of developing cancer

Chance of males having cancer?

There is a one in two chance of developing cancer

Begnin tumors often rrsemble to there surrounding


Malignant tumor often do not resemble there surrounding


The purpose of translation is to

Use mRNA codons to link together amino acids to form a polypeptide chain


White blood cells in the bone marrow

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