Canterbury Tales

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How many tales did Chaucer intend to write?

120 -- each pilgrim was to tell 4 total, 2 there and 2 back

How long did the walk to Canterbury take?

3-4 days

How many pilgrims are there including Chaucer?


How many tales was each pilgrim supposed to tell?

4 --2 on the way, 2 on the way back

What would the winner with the best story get?

A free meal at the expense of the other travelers.


A friar having the exclusive right to beg and preach in an assigned district.


A linen covering the head and neck.


An ancient Greek philosopher, taught that the goal of life is pleasure, which is achieved through virtue and moderation.


Aries, first sign of the zodiac. The time is mid April.

Tradesmen - Haberdasher, dyer, carpenter, weaver, carpet maker

Belonging to a guild of craftsmen. "Went to church to be seen" Not wealthy, but make good money. Considered greedy people, because they do not give to the church. Nicely, new, trimmed clothes


Belt slung over the shoulder and chest to hold a sword.


Benedictine convent near London where inferior French was spoken.


British coin worth one fourth of a penny but no longer in circulation

Where are the pilgrims going?


place where Thomas Becket was murdered by knights

Canterbury Cathedral


Capelike Garment

Why might we say that the Woman from Bath (Wife of Bath) is guilty of lust?

Chaucer implies that in addition to her marriages she kept other company in her youth (had affairs)

Well Shriven

Confessed and absolved (or forgiven) of sins.


Confession and Absolution


Convinces people he is good with others money, but not his own (in debt). Thinks highly of himself Dresses and eats well.

Settling Days

Days on which disputes could be settled out of court by independent negotiators. Though friars often acted as negotiators (for a fee), they were officially forbidden to do so.


Feminine characteristics such as, smooth face with blonde hair, and high-pitched voice. Travels the countryside granting pardons The Pardoner is good at preaching, but in his prologue he tells the pilgrims he only does it to win money, berating the people for their sinfulness so they'll be more likely to buy the relics he is selling. (Even though they are fake)


Food Merchants

Takes bribes for easy penance, and he knows the taverns and barmaids better than he does the lepers and beggars. Is rather aristocratic; too good for the lepers. He lisps and his name is Hubert.


Author of The Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer

Name the author of The Canterbury Tales.

Geoffrey Chaucer


God's word very well. Practices what he preaches. Moral & humble, & poor. Takes care of parishioners in all circumstances Would rather give his money to poor.


Good guy, followed chivalry, truthful, honorable, humble, generous. Thankful (to God) Humbly dressed in brown & stained tunic. Fine horse Fought in many wars (Crusades)

List of tradesmen in The Canterbury Tales

Haberdasher, Dyer, Carpenter, Weaver, Carpet-Maker


Had a red face full of sores. He ate onions and drank too much. He would take bribes. He had a garland of flowers on his head and held a cake like a shield.

Why is it ironic that the merchant is an expert with currency exchange?

He cannot manage his own money


He is an Oxford student. He didn't say much, didn't have a job, and just loved to learn for the sake of learning.

What game does the host propose to the pilgrims?

He proposed that they each tell two stories on the way to and from Canterbury.

Sergeant at Law

He seemed wise. He made a lot of money as a lawyer. He knew the law by rote, and seemed busier than he really was.


He was a buyer. Lawyers with all their knowledge were no match for him. He purchased well and kept the extra money for himself. He stole the lawyers blind.

What was the social class of the CT's author

He was a commoner--part of the growing middle class


He was a master of his trade. He had a sore on his knee, and was physically a rather distinguishing character.


He was from Darmouth, didnt ride well, had little conscience about killing the enemy, and was a good navigator. He seems actually like a pirate.


He was old, choleric, and thin. A good manager and good carpenter, feared by the farm workers.


He was truly Christ-like, patient, giving, holy and virtuous, and didn't believe in pomp or glory. He practiced what he preached.


Head of a guild and therefore a town council member.

Name the king who wondered who could rid him of his former friend--the meddlesome priest

Henry II


Here, Jolly, Happy


Here, Pretense


Honest & ethical. Ideal Christian. Lives by commandments: Love thy God & Love thy neighbor as thyself. Helps poor, even though he is poor as well. Plows the field


Hood or long sleeve (of his robe)



Who was to be the judge of the best story?


They draw straws

How do the pilgrims decide who will go first?

The pilgrims agree to the idea of the Host. They set out on the next morning

How does the general prologue conclude?


Knew medicine well, and took kickbacks from the pharmacist. He was not particularly religious. He was dressed in red and blue/gray garments and he loved gold.


Landowner, looked like Santa Claus, he liked to eat, drink and be merry. Was a country gentleman with a dagger and a silk purse.


Long Dagger


Lower peasant/ battle servant. Takes care of horses for The Knight & Squire. Religious & very proper. Well dressed wearing green coat and hood. Excellent shot with bow & arrows.

Which sin can you connect with the fact that the Squire "sleeps as little as a nightingale."



Lutelike instrument played by turning a crank.


Man who preaches for money. Hears confessions for money; well liked by the rich. All about the money! Charming & dressed nicely, in thick robes, making him look like a pope.


Manager of large estate / farm. Old and bad tempered short beard, short hair very skinny. Peasants are afraid of him.


Manly man, hunts for sport. "hunters not holy men" Top position in hierarchy does not follow basic rules. Fancy horses + bridal very fancy clothes (gold pins, fur gloves) Ignores rules of the church, and violates his vows.

Has a forked beard and motley coat. He is careful with money, a good negotiator, and always tells his opinions about business.


what we call the language the CT was written in

Middle English

Bald and fat, had a preference for fine clothes and luxuries. He didn't care at all for the hard work at the monastery. He liked to ride.


The Wife of Bath

Nice clothes, shoes, large head-dress. Deaf, gap teeth, & large hips. Well traveled (not usual for her time) Social gossip, demands respect, married 5 times. Religious, wants to sit in 1st row at church, to receive first offerings.

What are the three types of people (classes) the author uses in his satire?

Nobility, the clergy, commoners

St. Julian

Patron saint of hospitality.

St Christopher

Patron saint of travelers

Her name was Madame Eglantyne. She spoke French, was dainty, pleasant, sensitive and the picture of medieval beauty (although her wide forehead was a sign that she wasn't very bright)



Provides meals & looks after a school for lawyers. Very frugal, yet driven by greed. A shrewd businessman, most times outsmarted the lawyers, resulting in getting money. "buyer of provisions"- "stock broker"

Which was the only church in Medieval England?

Roman Catholic


Ruddy-complexioned. This was considered a sign of a cheerful temperament, today the word signifies optimism.

St Loy

Saint Eligius, known for his perfect manners.


Sang in a strong voice. Had long yellow hair, bulging eyes and was baby-faced. He carried a bunch of false relics to sell.


Seller of men's clothing and accessories.


Sells grain from store, but is a thief & cheat. Does this by putting thumb on scale, and getting inaccurate weight. More "brawn" than "brain." A fat, stout, man, who is a brute, with red hair, wart on nose, wide black nostrils.


Servant to Tradesmen. Excellent cook, yet very poor. Dirty with ulcer on knee.

Wife of Bath

She was a large woman, and somewhat deaf. She had a red complexion and wore a wide hat and spurs. She had been married 5 times, and she went on many pilgrimages (possibly man-hunting)


Smart & well spoken. Studies astronomy & astrology. (Uses this info to treat patients' ailments) Not religious. "special love of gold" Prescribes drugs just to make money.

Son of the knight, twenty-ish, agile and strong, fashionable and happy-go-lucky.


works for the newly rich guildsmen--is an expert in his trade but has an oozing sore on his leg

The Cook

knows the humors and uses astronomy in his work--runs a scam with the apothecary to make some extra gold

The Doctor

a landowner and a public servant with a white beard who lives for pleasure--keeps his home full of good food and drink; has a temper with bad cooks

The Franklin

took vows-- but spends hours with pretty girls, wealthy dames and barmaids; he says the sick and poor are beneath him

The Friar

newly rich members of a guild, took care of their things--wives pushed them to success

The Guildsmen

Who proposes the story telling contest?

The Host

father of the squire, lord of the Yeoman-- fights in crusades, honorable, humble, and true

The Knight


The Knight's son. Fine, young 20 yrs old, curly hair, tall, strong and agile. Practiced courtly love. Pleasant personality. Fine Horseman.

watches the market when buying supplies-- illiterate but "street smart" and can trick his educated bosses

The Manciple

has a forked beard and beaver hat--he likes to talk about money and trade but is secretly in debt

The Merchant

Who has a read beard and plays the bagpipes as the pilgrims leave town.

The Miller

a boastful and great stout fellow who loves to wrestle; he knows many filthy tavern stories and is a master at stealing grain

The Miller


The Miller had a football-player build. He had a red beard, wart on his nose, and a filthy mouth. He cheated his customers and in his spare time played the bagpipes.

ignores the "old fashioned" Rules of Saint Benet and Maur--he loves to hunt and eat a fat swan roasted whole not study in the cloister

The Monk

He cannot (or will not) find a job and spends borrowed money on books-- not on food for himself or his horse

The Oxford Cleric

sounds like a goat, has no beard and bulging eyes--makes money selling pardons and showing fake holy relics like Mary's veil

The Pardoner

practices what he preaches, poor in material goods, but rich in holy thoughts and deed-- cares for his flock and neglects none; travels with his brother

The Parson


The Parson's brother. Was honest and a hard worker who paid his taxes on time.

an honest worker--his brother, the parson, is one of the few pilgrims more virtuous

The Plowman

feeds her little dogs bread, meat and milk-- she acts very dainty but has some girth, loves to speak french and imitate courtly grace

The Prioress

trusted manager of a nobleman's estate; has grown quite rich by being frugal; feared by those beneath him

The Reeve

said to be discreet and wise, knowledgeable and a fine conveyancer, always on the go (but not quite as busy as he seems to be)

The Sergeant at Law (lawyer)

steals wine from the trader, not very good at riding the farmer's horse (stolen)--always sends his prisoners home via the plank

The Skipper

the youngest pilgrim; he can ride and fight, sing songs and recite poems; always looks his best for the ladies--both lusty and vain

The Squire

He summons sinners to church court; children are afraid of him due to his red pimply face and stinky breath; not so bright and enjoys fine red wine

The Summoner

What is the name of the inn where the pilgrims meet?

The Tabard

a seamstress, loves to laugh and chat, a bit deaf, had five husbands and wore red hose and a hat as big as a shield

The Wife of Bath

carries bow, arrows, sword and shield, a hunting horn and is dressed in green—traveled as a servant; St. Christopher is his guide

The Yeoman

Why were "the tales" never finished?

The author died

Four Orders

The four orders of beggar friars are the Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, and the Augustinians.


The god of medicine.


The owner of the Tabard Inn, who volunteers to travel with the pilgrims. He promises to keep everyone happy, be their guide and arbiter in disputes, and judge the tales.

Who else was in the nun's group?

There was another nun, and 3 priests.

Why were they going to Canterbury?

They were going to see the the shrine of Thomas a Becket.

Why was everyone at the Tabbard?

They were on their way making a pilgrimage to Canterbury.

Name the martyr buried in the shrine at Canterbury

Thomas Becket


To cause to chase game.


Top nun, prayed for people. Very strict manners, need to impress. Kind and sympathetic, but cares more for her dogs than people. Nicely dressed; wears coral Rosary, and golden brooch saying "Love conquers all"


Type of cloth.

The Franklin

Wealthy landowner, rents out space to people. (Tax collector) Has nice house, best food, best wine. Generous. Shares fortunes with others. Role model for others Wears white little purse of silk, dagger holder

- A companion of the Guild-Fraternity - Makes very good food, so he is skilled - Has an ulcer on his knee

What are the characteristics of the Cook?

- Line: 432 "He was a perfect practicing physician." - Well-versed in the writings of famous doctors from the ancient world through his own time - Does not read the Bible much - Does not spend the money that he earns because he is frugal - Loves gold (Line 454), implying that his skill is an effect of his desire for wealth

What are the characteristics of the Doctor?

- The term comes from the Middle English word frankelein. It means freeman - Described as a son of Epicurus (Line 346) so he lives for pleasure - Takes great delight in food and drink

What are the characteristics of the Franklin?

- Haberdasher, Dyer, Carpenter, Weaver, and Carpet-maker (Five Members) - Said to be fit to be a burgess (member of a legislative body) - Part of the new middle-class seeking upper class status. Shown by their clothes - Agree with wife's demands to seek higher status

What are the characteristics of the Guildsmen/Tradesmen?

- In charge of buying victuals (food) at the Inner Temple (basically a law school) - He is illiterate (Line 592) but outwits his masters who are lawyers - Very frugal

What are the characteristics of the Manciple?

- Physically imposing man. He weighs 224 lbs - "A wrangler and a buffoon" (Line 576), but skilled at stealing grain - Can pull a door off its hinge or smash it with his head - He has a wart on his nose - Carries a sword and plays the bagpipes

What are the characteristics of the Miller?

- Is on the pilgrimage though he seems to be omniscient - Will talk about the first night - Asks the reader to forgive him for recoding what the pilgrims said as literally as possible. The tales might be "unmannerly" (Line 746) - Uses Jesus and Plato to give credence to the idea that he should speak bluntly and as closely to that the pilgrims actually said

What are the characteristics of the Narrator?

- He is a student - Does not take pride in his appearance; this suggests that he is not worldly and would rather read his books - Uses money to further his education - His area of study is philosophy - Interests are learning and teaching

What are the characteristics of the Oxford Cleric?

- A pardoner dispenses papal pardons - This Pardoner rides with the Summoner and they sing together - Yellow hair is said to look like rat-tails (Lines 699) - Wears a hat with a relic on it - "Made monkeys of the priest and congregation" (Line 726). Dishonest person - Has pardons from Rome - A skilled preacher and singer but uses his talents to make money for himself

What are the characteristics of the Pardoner?

- A parson is a priest of an independent parish - This Parson is a paragon of virtue: he lives out wha he professes to believe in. This marks him out as different from other characters such as the Friar and the Pardoner - Poor with respect to money, but he is "rich in holy thought and work" (Line 489) - His behavior exhibits "how the sheep should live" (Line 516) - Christ-like - Not trying to move on from his current appointment but devotes his life to helping others

What are the characteristics of the Parson?

- A plowman is a far, laborer who is part of the lower-class - This Plowman is the brother of the Parson - Just like his brother, he lives a life filled with virtue - Helps the poor not for money but "for love of Christ" (Line 551) - Pays tithes (10%) on what he earns and owns

What are the characteristics of the Plowman?

- A reeve is an estate manager. e supervises land for lords and is elected by serfs - This Reeve is old, frail-looking and irritable - Lines 622-623: "He knew their dodgers, knew their every trick;/ Feared like the plague he was, by those beneath" - A carpenter as well - Rides at the back of the cavalcade

What are the characteristics of the Reeve?

- Expert in drawing up legal documents for the transferring of the ownership of property - A very busy man, but makes the effort to appear even busier than he actually is (Lines 331-332) - Skilled at his job

What are the characteristics of the Sergeant at the Law?

- Takes wine from the traders while they sleep - Ruthless with his enemies, but wise and skilled at planning - Skilled navigator but struggles to ride a horse - Barge he owns is called The Maudelayne, which is an ironic name for the unsentimental sailor (Maudlin: self-pitying or tearfully sentimental)

What are the characteristics of the Skipper?

- A summoner's duty was to serve summonses to church courts - His appearance frightens children - Frequently drunk and while drunk, he speaks in Latin, despite only knowing a few phrases - Lines 667-669: "Allows men to keep concubines and pardons that sin for a mere quart of wine." - Uses his power for personal gain

What are the characteristics of the Summoner?

- Somewhat deaf and has gap-teeth (which was taken as a symbol of desire...) - Talented seamstress - She was the first to arrive at the altar at the Sunday services, which shows people respect her position in her community - Married 5 times and had other "company" (Line 471) - Been on many pilgrimages before this one - Gives advice about love, this is what her tale will focus on

What are the characteristics of the Wife of Bath?

Saint Thomas a Becket was at Canterbury, Dec. 29, 1170

Who were they going to see?

How does the clerk pay back his friends?

With knowledge

Sergeant at Law

Works for the King as a Lawyer. High position, very good at job. Knows law perfectly. Suspicious and wise. Driven by money.


Works for the church, to summon sinners to court for their spiritual crimes. Can be bribed easily. Dishonest and a bad drunk. Children are scared of him. Face is covered in sores that no ointment can heal and his narrow eyes are covered by fierce, bushy eyebrows.

Squire's servant. He was a woodsman, a Robin Hood type character.


Oxford Cleric

Young man working for church to get education, so he can teach others, yet only cares about his own education. Obsessed with learning & philosophy. Thin & poor, does not care about riches or nice items. Spends all his money on books not re-teaching to others.

What is the prize for the story telling contest?

a meal, paid for by the other pilgrims, at the Tabard Inn

key term: devotee on a journey to a holy place like a shrine

a pilgrim

Why did Chaucer write in the "common vernacular" (not Latin or French)?

because it is every language--so everyone could relate and understand

literary term: uses satire and cynicism to mock its characters


literary term: narrative used to set the stage for smaller stories within

frame story

The Friar says that he is "allowed" to forgive sins (that was unlikely), but what did the sinner have to do for forgiveness?

give silver

Identify one of the many reasons people went on pilgrimage.

give thanks, seek help—pray for healing, forgiveness, favor, or peace (and to travel)

key term: sacrifices something of high value, like life, for a principle or cause


What do we call the english Chaucer wrote in?

middle english

What were the two things the host says he will judge the tales on?

morality (does it teach a lesson) and entertainment



a holy journey, a trip for religious purposes



pirate (inherently bad, known to steal) Ignores morals & ethics. Bad temper, brutal, kills prisoners.

literary term: holds human vice up to ridicule and scorn


Why did Chaucer write in the common vernacular (not french or latin)?

so common people could understand it

Which three qualities does Chaucer say he will identify in of all the pilgrims?

social class, job, and what they were wearing (looked like)

What was the popular time of year for medieval pilgrimages?

spring--the CT pilgrims travel in April

the penalty for refusing to participate or accept the host's judgement

that pilgrim would have to pay for everything

Which social class does Chaucer show the most corruption; who does he poke the most fun at (a social group)?

the clergy

Who are the only members of nobility on the pilgrimage?

the knight and the squire

In this time period-- why did Catholics buy pardons?

to pardon them of sins, keep them out of purgatory and speed them into heaven

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