Career Prep Study guide

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.If you can develop an idea of the ____________ you might give and come up with some general __________ ________, you are much more likely to be _________ and poised.

answer, talking points, confident

Titles, sections and ____________ _________ are useful tools commonly seen in résumés, but to be effective, they must be properly __________. Font style and size should be _________ to read.

bullet points, aligned, easy

A cover letter is a matter of _____________ , used to introduce yourself, explain ________ you are submitting your résumé and identify any _________ and ___________ relevant to the position.

courtesy, why, skills, expriences

Do not use __________ or stock letters found on the Internet. Recruiters and hiring managers can easily __________ these, and they send the message that you do not ________ enough to write a _________ cover letter.

generic, identify, care, tailored

A cover letter should not be ___________. Before you begin to write a cover letter, think about what you ___________ about the company or organization it will address. You should ____________ the company or organization and write a ___________ letter for each situation.

generic, know, research, targeted

When you collect a job application, it is usually a good idea to ask when the _____________ ___________ will be available so you can hand it ____________ to them

hiring manager, directly

The weaknesses part, that's just a hard question to answer. I think just try to be as __________ as you can, because a lot of people now, I think, give the _________ answer because it's one of the most asked questions and one of the most ____________ questions.

honest, same, googled

Use the job _____________ from the posting to learn as much as you can, and if possible, talk to others working in similar ________. Create a _________ ________ consisting of everything you learn so you can __________ it the day of the interview.

description, positions, fact sheet, review

Employment early in life can expose you to new people, environments and experiences. It can allow you to explore career interests, gain a better understanding of career fields, and meet professional contacts.

dont know

I think preparing for critical-thinking questions and solving problems: just think about your ________ and what situations have you had to __________.

life, overcome

You really want to think about it, and it is a hard question, but _________ and think about it and make sure that you're being _____________. I think the worst thing that you can do if asked that question by an interviewer is to just stop and say "I _________ really know" and don't _________ it at all.

stop, creative, don't, answer

Your font size should be standard _____ or _______ point as well. The formatting details of your cover letter should _________ the formatting details of your ________ so they look _________.

10, 12, match, resume, uniform

You should definitely double check and ____________ check your résumé for ___________, ___________ and punctuation mistakes. It is probably wise to have peers and __________ review your résumé as well. No matter your ____________, your résumé will likely get thrown out with simple_____________ such as misspelling and poor grammar.

Triple, grammar, spelling, teachers, qualifications, mistakes

In your experience and skills section, you should describe your past experiences in _________, skill-related terms and emphasize ________________. How you write this section will depend on the ___________ of résumé you have chosen to create.

active, accomplishments, style

The "Tell me about yourself" question is not a question that is looking to find out when you were _________, what city you grew up in. It is more of a question that relates to your ______ sets, your ability to _______ in the company, what it is you've ___________ academically, what is it you've accomplished professionally.

born, skill, fit, accomplished

Making a personal _____________ to the company and expressing an understanding of the company's _______ could help you stand out. However, you should be absolutely __________ of the company's culture if you plan to include this. Do not assume anything, as this will make you look presumptuous or simply ___________.

connection, customs, sure, assume, foolish

When you find job opportunities, you must carefully _______ each before applying. The last thing you want to do is go through the ___________ of the job application process for a job you do not actually ________.

consider, hassle, want

Never lie or __________. Be completely _________ about your experience. If you feel you do not have a strong work background, focus on what you do __________ and how you can _______ ______for your lack of experience.

exaggerate, honest, know, make up

After considering templates and ___________, you should develop your own ____________ format and ______________ utilize it through the résumé. Hiring managers spend very little time looking at each résumé, so it is __________ your format makes your information easy to follow and _________.

examples, effective, consistently, vital, scan

A résumé is the most basic and ____________ of all career-building tools. It is a brief document summarizing your ____________ , ___________ history and experience. It is used to highlight _________ and sell yourself to employers, college admittance staff and scholarship boards.

necessary, education, employment, skills

The only time you might _______ need a cover letter is when you are delivering your résumé during a __________ event, such as a career ________ _________. In this situation, you will likely have the opportunity to ___________ yourself and your résumé in person.

not, networking, career fair, introduce

Using the Internet to identify types of positions available can be useful, but depending on what you are looking for, there is likely an ______________ amount of information to sift through and hundreds or even _______________ of applicants competing for these jobs. Therefore, the Internet might be more valuable when used as a starting point and not as your sole resource.

overwhelming, thousands

Often applications will have a place for you to indicate which ______________ you desire. You should do some ____________ before filling this out to determine what positions ___________ or are _________ at the time you are applying

position, research, exist, open

Some companies have also begun including critical-thinking or ______________-___________ questions in the interview. Sometimes, these questions do not appear to have much in common with the job, but employers ask them to determine how quickly you can ____________ on your _______ and how you approach __________ situations.

problem-solving, think, feet, difficult

Career fairs provide the opportunity for you to learn more about hiring companies, meet ___________ in person, and gain valuable professional contacts.


Although most of the information included on an application should be on your ___________, many organizations prefer to use an _______________ because it allows them to ________ candidates through a ______________ form.

resume, application, compare, standardized

Sometimes, you might have the _________ of the recipient, but you are not sure of the __________. If this is the case, use the person's full name _________ a formal _________. For example, "Dear ________ Johnson."

name, gender, without, title, Taylor

Part-time employment usually involves between ____ and ___ hours of work each week and allows for more flexibility. However, part-time jobs rarely include benefits.

10, 30

When an applicant is asked if they're right for a position, the _______ thing they can do is answer the question with the __________ and unique skill set that they have and then tie that back into the ______________ that the job is looking for.

best, specific, requirements

Once you have developed the _______________ of your résumé, you can start thinking about ______________ and format. There are many different acceptable formats for résumés. The main objective is that it is __________ to ___________.

contents, organization, easy, follow

However you deliver your résumé, you should always include a ______________ ___________. A cover letter is a basic professional _____________, and failing to include one will reflect poorly on your professionalism and ____________.

cover letter, courtesy, maturity

You should use _____________ language in your résumé. Use detailed and ______________ terms when describing your objective, skills and past job duties. Think about the number of résumés which will be submitted and reviewed. You don't want your résumé to read the __________ as each of them, so be _________ and ____________.

descripitive, expressive, same, specific, original

The second paragraph is where you should really make yourself __________. Focus on how you can ___________ to the company or organization by connecting your past experiences to key __________ of the position. In other words, consider what the job posting requested and demonstrate how you _________.

desirable, contribute, responsibilities, qualify

There are many benefits to getting a job as a student. In addition to the monetary rewards, a job is a great way to learn life lessons including work ethic and responsibility.

dont know

Applications should not include any questions regarding marital or __________ status, race, ____________ origin or religion. Even ______________ questions which might reveal any information of this nature are ______________ .

family, national, indirect, prohibited

Even if it is true, it is unwise to list a reason such as ________, quit, ___________ , absenteeism, personal _____________ or _________ with co-worker or boss.

fired, tardiness, problems, conflict

Generally, cover letters will be ___________ the same as any other professional letter, with _________ name and contact information _________, then the ________ , the name and contact inform, and a salutation, or a ___________.

formatted, your, first, date, greeting

Everyone's résumés will not be the same, but there are some common elements they contain, including: _________ ; career __________; education; experience and __________; _____________ activities; awards and honors; and personal ___________.

heading, objective, skills, extraciricular, interests

Ask others to review your cover letter so that you can be sure you are communicating what you are ______________ to communicate. You should also be as ___________ as possible. You are not giving your life story, so sharpen your _________ and make paragraphs _________ and to the ___________.

intending, concise, focus, short, point

The third and final paragraph should reiterate your strong _________ in the position, refer the reader to your __________, and express your __________ to further discuss the possibility of your employment in an interview. You should also include your __________ information.

interest, resume, desire, contact

If you are still trying to fill your résumé page, you can consider listing personal ____________ and ____________ which show you are a well-rounded person. Do not list just any interests, but include interests which relate to your __________ ___________ and demonstrate your ___________.

interests, hobbies, career goals, abilities

Your career objective is a statement describing your career __________. It should be ____________ based on the ___________ you are trying to secure. Be _____________ about your interests and allow your objective to show a reviewer what you hope to __________ through the position.

interests, tailored, position, specific, achieve

The ultimate goal of a résumé is to secure an ___________ and eventually an _________, so it is important your résumé ____________ how you can _______________ to an organization and its efforts.

interview, offer, communicates, contribute

After receiving an invitation to interview, you must ________ all you can about the __________ or organization. Find out about the organization's ___________ and services, clientele, ___________, culture, and goals.

learn, business, products, reputation

Any résumé that has ____________, that has not been ______________ is a résumé that is headed toward the _______________.

mistakes, proofread, garbage

Many businesses post job openings on their websites. Websites such as ______________ and ________________ allow you to search job postings, compare openings at multiple companies, and __________ for jobs.,, apply

A cover letter should be about _______ ________ long and include ________ to ________ paragraphs. The first paragraph is used to get the reader's ___________ while identifying the position of interest.

one page, three, four, attention

Many employers have begun using ____________ applications. Components are generally the same as traditional paper applications, but rather than having to _______ up and _________ it off, applications can be completed from any ___________.

online, pick, drop, computer

You should not include any ________________ information such as birth _______, marital or family status, _________, height or weight.

personal, date, photo

Before any interview, you must take the time to understand the company, ____________ and most importantly, your own __________ and values. __________ the interview process with your parents, friends or in front of the mirror. You may even consider ___________ yourself in a mock interview situation so you can see how your posture and body language come across.

position, abilities, practice, filming,

Always finish your cover letter with a _____________ closing such as "____________." Leave space to hand sign your letter and type your full name __________ where your signature will be.

professional, sincerely, below

When delivering in person, dress _____________ and make a good __________ when submitting it, because if the person who accepts your résumé is not the decision maker, he or she may pass along news of your ______________ or ___________.

professionally, impression, appearance, attitude

Any time you are collecting applications in person, you should be ________________ dressed and look as if you are ready to go to ___________. The person who gives you the application may be the person who will ____________ it and decide if you should get the position. Therefore, it is important to make the best possible _________ _________.

professionally, work, review, first impression

It is incredibly important to ____________ your cover letter carefully. Again, this is the first impression you will make. Even one __________ indicates ___________ to the employer. Your _______ will probably not even get _________ at if you have spelling and grammar mistakes in the cover letter.

proofread, mistake, carelessness, resume, looked

Applications will typically _________ by requesting a variety of ____________ information.

start, personal

At-will employment is employment which can be ____________ at will, meaning at any _________ , with or without _________. The employer has the right to lay off or fire an employee at any time, and the employee has the right to ___________at any time.

terminated, time, reason, quiet

The interview process can be nerve-racking, especially if you are ___________ with it, but with ____________ and practice a difference can be made to improve your ____________ and performance.

unfamiliar, preparation, confidence

The last section on most applications requires you to ________ all information on the application is correct and provide your __________________. Many times, applications can be considered _________ documents, so signing at the end is the employer's way of discouraging lies and _________________

verify, signature, legal, exaggerations

When you begin looking for jobs, it is important to understand it is often all about _______ you know. It is estimated that ____ percent of jobs are filled through networking. Networking is the process of building and utilizing beneficial ___________________________

who, 70, professional relationships

If you do not have much ___________ experience, you may want to display your ____________ information before work experience. List your _________ and date of graduation or ___________ date of graduation.

work, education, school, expected

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