Computer Fundamentals D#1

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The Third Generation

"Integration" The first integrated circuit (IC) was invented independently by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

Extented ASCII

A superset of ASCII Uses eight bits to represent each character Provides codes for 128 additional character

Information Processing Cycle

Accepts data - input Processes data - processing Produces output - output Stores results - storage

Mother board

Also known as main board. The computer's main circuit board. Houses all essential chips. Provides connecting circuitry between chips


An alternative 8‐bit code used by IBM mainframe computers

The Fifth Generation

Artificial intelligence, Expert systems, Natural language processing

Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)

Completes a task with as little code using a very little RAM

Storage Devices

Computer System Unit Hard Disk Drive Floppy Disk Drive Flash Disk


Computers are used to store information, provide easy interface with customers, and facilitate processing and presentation of data

Character Data

Consists of letters, symbols, and numerals not used in arithmetic calculations. Represented by a series of bits in a digital computer.

Data Representation

Converts text, sounds, and images into electrical signals


Degrees of miniaturization and integration have multiplied n-fold

The Second Generation

Development of the "transistor" Smaller size and increased reliability Faster and more energy-efficient than their predecessors. Used "assembly language"

The Fourth Generation

Development of user-friendly software packages Very-large-scale-integration (VLSI) Ultra-large-scale-integration (ULSI)


Each character is composed of 8 bits. There are 256 standard characters in letters, numbers and symbols.


Ease of use in the creation of presentation materials and documents

Computer Applications

Education, Mathematics and Science, Engineering, Medicine, Entertainment, Business


Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. A pioneer in implementing von Neumann's architecture, the key to which was the Central Processing Unit (CPU) which allowed all computer functions to be coordinated through a single source


Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer a hulk of machinery consist of 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, and 5 million soldered joints, and occupied a space equal to a small warehouse


Fastest type of computers Employed for specialized applications Weather forecasting Animated graphics Fluid dynamic calculations Nuclear energy research


Interactive games and virtual simulations, computer-generated effects

What do you call a Utilized I/O media?

Jacquard's punched cards.

Input Device

Pointing Devices,Scanner,,Digital Cameras Microphone,CD/DVD ROM,Keyboard


Provides codes for 65,000 characters and makes use of 16 bit

Computer system

Refers to a computer and all of the input, output, and storage devices that are connected to it

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)

Simpler instructions sets Completes a single instruction in a single cycle of the system clock


Small desktop systems with limited I/O devices


Sometimes known as processor An integrated circuit designed to process instructions The most significant component of computer Usually the most expensive single component Executes instructions provided by a computer program


Ultimate ancestor of today's computers. The arithmetic tool of early merchants. Used to aid in handling numerical/logical computations.

Numeric Data

Used in arithmetic operations

Analytical Engine

Utilized I/O media called Jacquard's punched cards. Punch cards are used for storing operating instructions (programs), and would have been able to store around 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal places. Also allowed output devices for displaying results.

Workstations Palmtop / Handheld Tablet PC Main Frame

Types of Computer

Difference Engine

Was based on the Method of Differences, Was powered by steam, Embodied the basic concepts and elements of a modern general-purpose computer

Mathematics and Science

Watson and Crick's discovery of the structure of the DNA

The First Generation

Were based on the use of wired circuits containing vacuum tubes. Utilized punch cards as the main storage medium. Designed for a specific task. Used binary codes of "machine language"

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

What does EBCDIC mean?

December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire in the UK

When and where was Charles Babbage Born?

Analog Device

Works with continuous data

Digital Device

Works with discrete ‐distinct or separate ‐data or digits, such as 1 and 0

Random Access Memory(RAM)

allows instructions and data to be stored, changed and retrieved by the user

Read Only Memory(ROM)

allows only readout capability

Memory Subsystem

also known as the "secondary storage" allows for extra data storage, exceeding the CPU's primary storage. an efficient and compact means of sorting large amount of data, ready for retrieval or further processing. retrieval time is slower than the primary storage.


an area wherein it holds the processed info or data temporarily.

Virtual Memory

an imaginary memory area supported by the software in conjunction with the hardware

executable file

use to perform various functions

Charles Babbage

"Father of Computing" Invented the Analytical and Difference Engines

control unit, arithmetic unit, main memory

3 units of the CPU

Computer System

A collection of objects, procedures, or techniques that interact in regulated manner to form an organized whole


A device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored instructions


A general‐purpose computing device


Avery large and expensive computer capable of supporting thousands of users simultaneously

Binary Number System

Has only two (2) digits : 0 and 1 Allows computers to represent virtually any number simply by using 0s and 1s Conveniently translates into electrical "on" and "off" signals

7 bits

How many bits in an ASCII?


How many characters does UNICODE provide?

70,000 resistors

How many resistors does ENIAC have?

5 million soldered joints

How many soldered joints does ENIAC have?

18,000 vacuum tubes

How many vacuum tubes does ENIAC have?

Instruction Set

List of instructions that a microprocessor can perform. Hardwired into the processor's circuitry comprising of basic arithmetic and logical operations, fetching data, and clearing registers

Digital Electronic

Manipulates simple "on" and "off" signals to perform complex tasks

Floppy Disks Compact Disc Digital Versatile Disc Zip Disc

Mass Storage Components

Desktop PC

Medium sized computers. Relatively inexpensive and designed for individual users.

Output Devices

Monitors / Display Devices Printer Dot Matrix-uses metal pins Ink Jet -uses magnetic ink Laser-highest quality print Speakers Sound Card CD Writers Modem


More reliable artificial hearts are being offered to those with heart problems

data file

The content of the file


The electronic that holds place for instructions and data which the microprocessors can reach quickly


anything that is processed sent out by the computer.


binary digit, abbreviated as a lowercase "b"


composed of eight (8) bits abbreviated as an uppercase "B"


composed of four (4) bits a halfway between a little bit and a big byte


consists of 1's and 0's


consists of 8 bits

Programmable Read Only Memory(PROM)

enables the user to add special information to the ROM


entered in the computer

1 Terabyte

equals to 1,000 gigabyte, 1,000,000 megabytes, 1,000,000,000 kilobytes, 1,000,000,000,000 bytes

1 Megabyte

equals to 1,000 kilobytes, 1,000,000 bytes

1 Gigabyte

equals to 1,000 megabytes, 1,000,000 kilobytes, 1,000,000,000 bytes

1 kilobyte

equals to 1,024 bytes


everything that is stored like an audio file.


holds long term data and information, where you can save your files.

control unit

initiates proper commands


integrates and coordinates overall operations composed of three (3) units

arithmetic unit

performs calculations


processed data

Input/Output Subsystem

provides the mechanism for communications between the CPU and the outside world

input subsystem

reads data and converts them into electronic pulses

output subsystem

reports the results of the processing by the CPU


set of characters and symbols

Computer Program/Software

set of instructions on how to process data

main memory

temporary storage of processed data and information

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

what does ASCII mean?

Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

what does EDVAC mean?

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

what does ENIAC mean?

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