castillo mid term multiple choice and fill in the blanks

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animals that live in the desert

are usually nocturnal

An estuary functions as a mineral trap due to

The mixing action of river water and ocean water

chaparral plants usually survive fires because

They can resprout from small amounts of surviving plant tissue.


are usually described by their vegetation

which of the following statements is not correct

rivers, generally move faster, and their oxygen levels decrease, as they near the ocean

which of the following adaptations are used by animals of the arctic tundra

rodents burrow underground for winter protection

excessive nutrient growth in an aquatic ecosystem can be accelerated by -


the amount of dissolved salts in water is known as -


Which ecosystem has the highest level of salinity?

salt marsh

Adaptations of desert animals that help them survive in the hot, dry desert often include

searching for food at night

the main factors that determines what type of plants grow in a biome is

temperature and precipitation

the types of organisms food in a pond or lake depend on

the amount of sunlight, the presence of nutrients, the temperature of the water

An arctic ecosystem depends almost entirely on ____________________ for its available food.

the ocean

coral reefs are intricately shaped rocklike structures that are formed as a result of

the secretion of calcium carbonate by tiny marine animals

Why doesn't photosynthesis occur in deep ocean water?

there is no sunlight

which of the following is not a characteristic of wetlands

they are limited to inland freshwater environments

which of the following is an adaptation of coniferous trees in the taiga

they have a unique overall shape in order to accumulate snow, which sets as a heavy insulating layer

which of the following is not true about temperate deciduous forests

trees grow lush green leaves in the spring but loose their leaves in late summer

As they flow down a mountain to flatter ground, rivers generally become

wider, slower, and warmer

the --------layer f a tropical rain forest receives the most sunlight


a forest with the greatest species diversity would be located near the -


a - lake has a large amount of plant growth due to nutrients


the distance north or south of the equator, as measured in degrees, is called


coral polyps secrete skeletons of - that slowly accumulate and form coral reefs

limestone or calcium

in the -------- zone, life is diverse and abundant


all of the following are characteristics of temperate rain forests except

low rainfall in summer but abundant snow in winter

mosses use - to anchor themselves to rocks near churning river headwaters


Estuaries are very productive ecosystems because they receive fresh nutrients from

rivers and oceans

an estimated - percent of all coral reefs are threatened by human activities


taiga is

A forested biome dominated by coniferous trees

which of the following is a threat to coral reefs

Oil spills, sewage, and pesticides.

What mainly distinguishes nekton from benthos?

One swims freely and the other often lives attached to a hard surface.

which of the following statements is not correct

Tropical rain forests are resistant to change because the plants contain so many nutrients.

because water - sunlight, photosynthesis is limited to the upper 100 meters of the ocean


Plants in a particular biome have ___________ that help them to survive in that biome.


tropical rain forests are being destroyed primarily by logging for lumber and to create open land for -


the arrangement of organisms in the open ocean is determined by the

amount f nutrients and sunlight that are available

a forest that receives relatively little rainfall and has acidic soul would be located near the

arctic circle


are ecosystems where both fresh water and salt water are present

Grasslands, such as the prairies of North America,

are threatened by soil erosion because native grasses have been damaged or destroyed by plowing and overgrazing

long, thin - islands typically run parallel to a shore


plankton form the - of the marine food web


barnacles are a type of -, or bottom-dwelling organisms


in the ------ zone, the water is cool and dark


which of the following is not a characteristic of salt marshes and mangrove swamps

both are dominated by marsh grasses

the water in salt marshes is saltier than the water in - marshes


a common adaptation of animals living in the chaparral is --


most of the animals in the tropical rain forests live in the - layer, where fruits and flowers are abundant


which of the following is located primarily in coastal areas that have mediterranean style climates with warm dry summers and mild wet winters


most -- plants are low-lying evergreen shrubs and trees with small leathery leaves


the biome that has trees that lose their leaves during fall is called--


plants that have adaptations, such as rhizomes, for surviving harsh winters would most likely be found in a temperate ----- forest


tropical rain forests are threatened by

deforestation and the trade of rain forest plants and animals

a - biome has an annual precipitation of less than 25 cm


animals that have thick scaly skin to prevent water loss would most likely be found in a - biome


which of the following would you expect to see in the emergent layer of the tropical rain forest

eagles, bats, and snakes

what adaptation prevents phytoplankton from sinking into deep waters


Swamps are commonly found on

flat, poorly drained land

the deforestation of the rain forests may cause climate changes which, in turn, may affect


animals such as pronghorn, bison, and badgers live on the north american -


Many forest biomes are experiencing __________ destruction, when land inhabited by an organism is destroyed or altered.


the tundra

has a layer of soil that is permanently frozen beneath the top soil

which of the following is not an environmental function of wetlands

increasing runoff

What causes most coastal pollution in the United States?

industrial waste and sewage

Most pollutants that enter estuaries break down over time, yet they are still considered a problem because

it is the volume of the pollutants, more than the time factor, that harms estuaries

Most ocean pollution can be traced to activities on ____________________.


a river changed with the - and - through which it flows

land and climate

If you visited a savanna, you would likely see

large herds of grazing animals, such as rhinos, gazelles, and giraffes.

what are the two types of freshwater wetlands

marshes and swamps

Fish are a type of ___, or free swimming, organisms


three groups of aquatic organisms include- and benthos


marshes are dominated by - plants while swamps contain mainly - plants

nonwoody, woody

In estuaries, fresh water and salt water mix, forming a(n) - trap


Two threats to ocean ecosystems are

nutrient runoff and industrial waste discharges, overfishing and entanglement of marine mammals in trawl nets, sewage and algal blooms

deserts are

often formed on the dry side of mountain ranges

the least productive marine ecosystem is the

open ocean

you are walking through a forest that gets large amounts of rain, has high humidity, and has moderate temperatures year-round. where might you be located

pacific northwest

in the tundra, the frozen layer of soil just beneath the surface is called


Most of the food in aquatic ecosystems is produced by ________.


which organism produces most of the food in an aquatic ecosystem


two types of phytoplankton are microscopic plans called - and microscopic animals called -

phytoplankton, zooplankton

the majority of marine organisms are found in

shallow coastal waters

Biomes with higher temperatures and less precipitation tend to have

shorter and less dense vegetation

Downstream, a river often widens and flows more


Many rivers originate from ___ in mountains


which of the following best describes a tropical rain forest

species of animals with specialized ways of surviving in order to avoid competition

Upstream, a river is usually cold and flows ____________________ through a shallow riverbed.


During harsh winters, animals of the _____ have adaptations such as the ability to change color to avoid predators


the climate of a biome is determined mostly by average - and precipitation


Adaptations demonstrated by plants in tropical rain forests include

trees with aboveground roots called buttresses, orchids and vines that use tall tree trunks for support, and herbs with large flat leaves located in the understory

The incredibly diverse vegetation in ______________________________ is responsible for the evolution of numerous highly specialized animal species.

tropical rain forest

a - biome receives 200 to 450 cm of rain per year

tropical rain forest

Biomes found up to 30 degrees north or south of the equator are often

tropical rain forests

Due to the extreme temperature conditions and simple, easily disrupted food chains, the __________ is very sensitive to human disturbance.


As you travel from the North Pole toward the equator, you would expect to see

tundra, then grasslands, then tropical rain forests

Biomes are classified and often named according to their ____________________, which determines which other organisms that can live there.


corals live only in shallow - water where there is enough light for photosynthesis


vegetation in biomes where - is scarce consists predominantly of short trees, shrubs, and grasses


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