LabPractical 2

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What pressure changes occur when the primary muscle contracts?

decreases intrathroacic pressure

Name the space formed between the visceral and parietal pleura

pleural cavity

During inspiration why does the thoracic cavity increase in volume?

to accomodate expansion of the lungs

Name the organ that maintains an open passageway to and from the lungs. What particular structure helps to keep this passageway open?

trachiobronchial tree Trachea

The coval folds are also known as what? and Why?

vocal chords because they produce sound when air passes through them

How many lobes are in the left lung?

2 upper, and lower

How many lobes are in the right lung?

3 upper, middle, lower

NAme the structure that conducts air to the alveoli

Alveolar duct

Name the structure that contains two or more alveoli

Alveolar sac

Name the structure that provides the respiratory surface for gas exchange


Name the only cartilage of the respiratory tree is a complete ring

Cricoid Cartilage

Name the structure that closes over the laryngeal inlet when swallowing


Name the bone that does not articulate with any other bone

Hyoid bone



Vital Capicity+Residual Volume=

Inspiratory Capacity+FRC

Name the portion of the pharynx posterior to the larynx


Name the branches eminating from the main bronchi. How many are found in each lung?

Lobar bronchus, Left has 2, right has 3

Name the subdivision of the pharynx that is part of both the respiratory and digestive tracts


Describe the direction of diffusion of oxygen and CO2 in the alveoli

Oxygen diffuses from the air in the alveoli into blood and CO2 diffuses from the blood into the alveoli

What causes diffusion of gases across this membrane? Explain for both oxygen and carbon dioxide?

PArtial pressure differences O2 diffuses from a high PO2 in the alveolus to a low PO2 in the pulmonary capillaries Co2 diffuses from a high PCO2 to a low PCO2

Name the thin structure that separates the capillary blood from the air in the alvelous

Respiratory membrane

What structures drive changes in the volume of the thoracic cavity during breathing?

Respiratory muscles

Name the structures formed by the bifurcation of the trachea. Which of the two is where foreign bodies that enter the trachea tend to pass?

Right and Left main bronchus Right main bronchus

Name the braches eminating from the bronchi

Segmental bronchus and segments

Name the cartilaginous structure that closes over the laryngeal inlet when swallowing

Thyroid cartilage

Name the largest laryngeal cartilage

Thyroid cartilage

What are two types of specialized cells in the wall of the alveoli?

Type I and Type II

Name the serious membrane that covers the lungs?

Visceral pleura

Total Lung Capacity=

Vital Capacity+Residual Volume

Name the structure with the major role in sound production

Vocal fold

What regulates the length of the thoracic cavity?

by changes in the shape of the thoracic diaphragm

How is the length of the thoracic cavity increased during inspiration?

by flattening and descent of the dome-shaped diaphgram when it contracts

What regulates the depth and width of the thoracic cavity? How?

by intercostal muscles that alternatively elevate and depress the ribs of the sternum

What is the respiratory membrane made of?

capillary endothelial cell, alveolar type I epithelial cell and their fused basement membrane

What effect does the nasal cavity have on inhaled air?

cleaned warmed humidifed

Describe the uvula

conical muscular core covered by mucous membrane

What changes occur with the diaphragm and the thoracic cavity during expiration?

diagphragm is elevated as it relaxes and the length of the thoracic cavity decreases

Name the structures of the upper respiratory tract

external nose nasal cavity pharynx

Why does the left lung have one fewer lobe than the right lung?

heart makes it smaller

In the lungs, gas exchange takes place...

in the terminal portion of the bronchial tree

How does the movement of the sternum and ribs facilitate inspiration?

increase in volume and decrease in pressure in the thoracic cavity

How does the elevation of the ribs affect the thoracic cavity width?

increases width similar to the handle of a bucket

Name the structure that contains the vestibular and vocal folds? What protective function do these folds have?

larynx prevent foreign particles from entering lower respiratory system

Name the structures of the lower respiratory tract

larynx trachea bronchi lungs

What are the two function of the respiratory system?

move air in and out of lungs provides a surface for gas exchange

How do oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the blood and alveoli?

oxygen diffuses across membrane into blood and CO2 moves from blood back into the air

Name the structure shared by both the respiratory and digestive systems


What structure serves as the site for gas exchange/

pulmonary capillaries surrounded by alveoli

What do these cells secrete? What is the function of this secretion?

pulmonary surfacant it reduces surface tension and prevents collapse of the allvelous

Another term for breathing is...

pulmonary ventaliation

Each terminal bronchiole divide repeatedly to form:

respiratory bronchioles alveolar ducts alveolar sacs

What are alveoli? Where are they located?

small saccular out pocketings of the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts. located in the lungs

Where is the uvula located?

soft palate posterior midline

What effect does the elvation of the ribs have on the sternum?

sternum moves anteriorly and superiorly, increasing thoracic cavity depth

What occurs as a result of diffusion at the venous ends of the pulmonary capillaries?

the PO2 in the blood is equal to the PO2 in the alveoli same for the PCO2

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