CDC Z3N05X Core Public Affairs Journeyman: Vol. 1

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What is the first step in practicing effective OPSEC (operations security)?

Identifying critical information.

Why is it important to choose the right tools and methods to measure program effectiveness?

If PA uses the wrong tools or measures the wrong activities, it will lead to incorrect conclusions about the effectiveness of the communication program or other PA activities.

When is the best time to collect data using a survey?

Immediately, unless conducting some time-based trend analysis, which may focus on people's feelings about an event or activity over time.

Why is the PA value of vision important?

Vision determines our direction and focuses on the future. It moves us beyond the priorities, practices, and products of today and allows us to anticipate, plan, and position for tomorrow.

What must organizations seeking to establish a public website do in order to receive approval?

Complete a communication plan that identifies the purpose and intended primary audience, and specifies the personnel positions responsible for maintaining the site. They must coordinate release approval from the commander and PA.

Explain the difference between a census and a sample survey.

In a census survey, all members of the population are studied. Sample surveys gather information from only a portion of a population of interest—the size of the sample depends on the purpose of the study.

What is the Air Force's policy regarding libel in its publications? What is PA responsibility regarding it?

Libel cannot and will not be tolerated in Air Force publications. + Always fully identify individuals (full name, rank, unit, and job title), especially with news stories that allege crime, fraud, dishonesty, or immoral or dishonorable conduct. + Changing names in a story, although the story is based on facts, does not protect the Airman. + PA members can be sued if anyone recognized who the story is about.

Explain what should occur between the time a customer comes to PA with a request for support and the time PA fully understands what the customer needs.

Listen carefully to what the customer says and ask questions when needed until we know what the customer needs.

List ways in which PA office manning can differ from one place to the next, to include joint environments.

Manning variations include three types of manning: + Uniformed officer & enlisted positions + DoD civilian positions + Contracted employee positions

How many key audiences exist?

Multiple. Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of key audiences possible.

What resource provides general guidelines regarding the type of imagery the DoD seeks from PA professionals, and what PA should do with images they take that meet its criteria?

The DoD Visual Information Records Schedule:

What has no place in DoD PA programs?


Which core competency allows public affairs (PA) to execute its other four core competencies effectively? a. PA readiness. b. Public trust and support. c. Trusted counsel to leaders. d. Global influence and deterrence.

a. PA readiness.

The point where you organize your raw data, perform the needed calculations, and prepare to interpret the results indicate you are a. distributing. b. avoiding pitfalls. c. processing the data. d. using the wrong tools.

c. processing the data.

Within how many workdays must a requester receive a response after making a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request? a. 7. b. 10. c. 15. d. 20.

d. 20.

Describe DoD Directive 5230.09's two major provisions on releasing information to the public.

(1) Accurate and timely information is made available to the public, Congress, and news media to help the analysis and understanding of defense strategy and national security issues. (2) The public release of official DoD information is limited only as necessary to safeguard national security.

What are the two defenses against a charge of invasions of privacy?

(1) Newsworthiness — Establish that the information revealed was newsworthy and in the public interest. (2) Consent — To avoid violating an individual's right to privacy, get the individual's permission before using his or her likeness, name, or words.

List the steps of the 11-step approach to producing a questionnaire.

(1) Put the evaluation tool together in such a way as to reflect quality. (2) Minimize the amount of time it takes for the respondent to complete the entire process. (3) Use a logical flow of questions. (4) Ask questions, all the respondents understand. (5) Keep the questionnaire as short and as simple as possible. (6) Phrase the questions, so they do not get ambiguous responses. (7) Avoid biased or leading questions that cause the respondent to answer in a certain way. (8) Avoid misleading questions caused by unstated assumptions. (9) Make sure to include all possible responses to the questionnaire items. (10) Avoid questions that could get responses of hostility or embarrassment or cause suspicion about what PA is trying to find out and why. (11) Avoid "double-barreled" questions.

What do the characters in the VIRIN (visual information record identification number) 160214-F-FF123-056 represent?

+ 160214 is the year, month, day + F is Air Force + FF123 is the VI professional's Vision ID number + 056 is the consecutively sequenced image number

What is the difference between real objectives and stated objectives?

+ A stated objective is simply one that is articulated. + The desired outcome is the real objective.

Explain the difference in the information measured by tangible and intangible surveys.

+ A survey designed to yield tangible information asks questions designed to add up simple totals of facts. + Intangibles measure such things as opinions, values, morals, beliefs, attitudes.

When the Air Force refers to the importance of Airmen's morale and readiness in taking care of its most valuable resource, whom does the Air Force consider to be part of its Airmen resource?

+ Active-Duty + Guard and Reserve + Officer and enlisted + Civilian + Contract employees + Retired members + Families

What is the difference between choir and non-choir audiences?

+ Choir audiences are those who directly support the DoD or have some close association with the DoD or its members. + Non-choir audiences are groups who do not fit into the choir category.

Describe contingency and operations plans (OPLAN).

+ Contingency plans are developed in anticipation of a potential crisis outside of crisis conditions. A contingency is a situation that likely would involve military forces in response to natural and human-made disasters, terrorists, subversives, military operations by foreign powers, or other situations as directed by the President or SECDEF. + An OPLAN is part of the contingency planning process. It is a complete, detailed joint plan that describes the concept of operations and includes all applicable annexes, and cargo, personnel, and movement data. It identifies the specific forces, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan.

List eight PA responsibilities that fall under the core competency of providing trusted counsel to leaders.

+ Deliver candid and timely counsel to commanders + Identify and analyze critical issues + Develop messages + Provide media training + Target key audiences + Ensure the AF meets legally-mandated public involvement requirements + Recommend message delivery methods + Evaluate results

Describe the PA value of leadership.

+ Doing the right thing for PA people, the Air Force, and our nation + Committed to caring for people + Providing the policy, resources, training, recognition, and support Airmen need + Providing counsel so the organization will do what is right and can be understood and supported by Air Force people and the public

What four activities does PA accomplish to manage the military's reputation?

+ Evaluate public opinion toward the DOD and the armed forces + Evaluate the effectiveness of policies and actions of the DOD on issues that generate public opinion + Make recommendations to defense officials and commanders that lead to better public understanding and acceptance as it affects public opinion + Keep the military and public informed

What are the most commonly recommended social networking sites for use at the wing level or higher PA offices?

+ Facebook + Twitter + YouTube + Instagram However, PA offices should not feel pressured to use all of them.

What is the difference between local and general priorities?

+ Local priorities are priorities created or generated by a commander for the local installation. + General priorities are things generally considered necessary everywhere PA goes.

Identify and describe the two types of environmental laws?

+ Most environmental laws are substantive, meaning they are fundamental laws written to protect specific environmental resources and apply to the entire American society. + Procedural laws deal with technical aspects, meaning practices and procedures, and as such, they also prescribe steps for enforcing those laws. The first procedural environmental law is the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act).

In what ways can a base website promote a better understanding of the Air Force?

+ News and feature stories + Imagery on our home page + Links to archived information + Additional pages on websites + Bios + Fact sheets + Tenant unit(s) + Associated base functions + More

List and describe each of PA's three reputation management responsibilities.

+ Promote the Air Force's reputation through the timely, accurate release of information to command and external audiences and through proactive command information, media operations, and community engagement initiatives. + Monitor news media and online posts about the base and its organizations. + Address crisis communication needs and information that could or has negatively impacted the Air Force's reputation.

Describe quantitative and qualitative data.

+ Quantitative data includes exact numbers or percentages + Qualitative data encompasses things such as how people feel or think

Describe each element of the SAPP (security, accuracy, propriety, and policy) review process.

+ Security is the first and most important limitation. It refers to information that is formally classified or falls under operations security (OPSEC) or essential elements of friendly information (EEFI). The release of this type of information could cause harm to national security. + Accuracy is the second most crucial limitation, and perhaps the hardest. Do not answer questions or release information unless PA is sure they have accurate information. Do not be pressured into an inaccurate release. Sometimes the best answer is, "I do not know, but I will find out for you." Sometimes PA is not the subject-matter expert. In such cases, the best answer is, "That is outside of my scope of responsibility or knowledge." + Propriety is ensuring all the releases are in good taste. For example, if PA writes news or a feature story, it would be inappropriate to include off-color humor, embarrassing comments. Propriety also applies to photographs. Do not release photographs that may cause distress to family members. An obvious example is a photograph of a dead or injured service member. + Policy is the last element of SAPP review. All information released to the public must reflect DOD and Air Force policy. Policies often specify release guidance.

List five things required in order to be ready to perform the PA mission.

+ Stay current on training + Develop confidence in PA abilities + Follow PA doctrine, policy, and guidance for career field + Be responsive to the commander's priorities + Put effort toward professional development

What are the disadvantages of method delivery through television?

+ Television broadcasts may reach a broader group than needed. + Only effective if key audience is watching at the exact moment the message is broadcast. + No feedback mechanism. + TV viewing has dramatically decreased in recent years. + TV is more likely useful overseas or in an area with limited choices.

What is the difference between the command and external audiences?

+ The command audience can be thought of as those within the confines of the base. + External audiences would be everyone else.

What do PA programs help Airmen understand?

+ Their roles in the mission + How policies, programs, and operations affect them and their families + Provide avenues for feedback + Recognize individual and team achievements

What duties are accomplished by a MAJCOM, FOA (field operating agencies), or DRU/PA office?

+ They develop procedures and implement command-unique policies + Monitor and evaluate their assigned organizations and units' PA programs + Perform command information, community engagement, media operations, security and policy review, and plans and resources activities

What is the Privacy Act designed to do?

+ To allow citizens to review records kept about them by the government. + To prevent government agencies from excessive disclosure of personal information to agencies that do not need to know.

What character(s) in the AFSC (Air Force specialty codes) identifies this career field as PA?


What AFSC (Air Force specialty codes) and supplementary code identifies a photojournalist craftsman who has completed an accredited photojournalism school, such as the Military Photojournalism Program?

3N075 with a 332 SEI (special experience identifiers).

What is a DoD-directed control to help mitigate the unintentional release of CI, and what types of things are generally included in it?

A Critical Information List (CIL). Things contained within a CIL: + Personally Identifiable Information (Privacy Act) + Rosters + Information About Key Personnel + Personnel Training & Qualifications + Force Readiness + Deployment, Mobilization, Employment & TDY Details + AEF Cycle Information + Schedules + Exercise Information + Capabilities & Limitations + Security Measures + Communications + Codes, Call Signs Passwords, & PINs + Base Infrastructure + Critical Nodes

What is a VIRIN and how is it used?

A VIRIN is the visual information record identification number, which is the identification system used to store and retrieve still and motion imagery for future use.

Explain what is meant by a derived priority.

A derived priority is one that comes from another source.

What is an environmental hazard? What types might Airmen encounter performing their PA duties?

A factor in the workplace environment that can cause injury, illness, or death. PA may experience environmental hazards such as explosive elements, flight line and aircraft hazards, and slips, trips, and falls.

What rights do military members have regarding the use of copyrighted material? What action does Air Force policy direct?

A government agency has no more right to use copyrighted material without permission than any commercial publishing house does. It is Air Force policy to recognize a copyright owner has a legally enforceable right.

In which AFI (Air Force instruction) is there an available complete listing of PA organizations and their responsibilities?

AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Responsibilities and Management.

Why is flexibility key when developing messages?

A message may work effectively with one audience and not with another. Even the same message may work with a key audience in the location but not work with the same group in another location.

What is meant by "key audience"?

A specific group of people with whom PA is trying to communicate a message.

What do 'specific priorities' mean?

A specific issue the commander wants to address.

What has become so commonplace in today's global society that people generally expect a business or professional organization to have one?

A website.

What AFI provides environmental PA guidance?

AFI 35-108

Which AFI directs PA to have an installation PA employment plan? Why is it necessary?

AFI 35-109 Visual Information, Chapter 4, Installation-Level Support: Directs every installation PA office to have a commander-endorsed employment plan that prioritizes all office activities. + Helps ensure all mission-critical needs are met + Prevents inappropriate use of PA resources + Enables Airmen to better focus on accomplishing PA's core competencies.

What AFI governs Air Force surveys?

AFI 38-501, Air Force Survey Program.

Advantages and disadvantages of using social media to deliver messages:

Advantages: + Speed + Focus on a specific audience + Communicate interactively + Solicit feedback + Draw people to official website + Possibilities for communicating limited by imagination Disadvantages: + Not everyone will use every social media tool + It can be hard to determine which tools are best for different audiences + Technological controls will limit or prevent access to some social media venues + Keeping current with continually developing capability + The time it can take to post, monitor and respond

Why are Air Force VI resources authorized solely to support official Air Force organizations and their missions, DOD, or other government agencies per current host-tenant support agreement, memorandum of agreement, or similar vehicle?

Air Force VI resources (personnel, equipment, facilities, funding) are government property.

What elements of communication does an interpersonal discussion activate?

All of the senses: + Sight + Sound + Smell + Taste + Touch

What happens to the public and PA when news media report Airmen misusing or abusing scarce budget dollars, equipment or personnel?

American people become particularly critical—and rightfully so. What does this mean for PA? Reactive reputation management!

Describe PA's Annex F and identify other annexes PA may be responsible for.

Annex F is PA's OPLAN (operations plan) document and stipulates the concept of the overall conduct of a PA program in support of an operation or exercise in development. It is a complete, detailed plan for conducting joint military operations. A combatant commander develops it in response to actual or potential situations for which military operations may be required. The other type of annex PA may be responsible for is a local annex, which outlines PA's role in a base emergency.

How can an individual's right of privacy be violated?

Any of the following actions may violate an individual's right to privacy: (1) Disclosure—Disclosing private facts, if they are offensive to a reasonable person and are not newsworthy. (2) False light—Printing photographs, or stating that people are something other than what they are. (3) Appropriation—Using someone's likeness, name, or words for profit without their approval. (4) Intrusion—Using hidden cameras, microphones, tape recorders, when and where individuals have a reasonable right to privacy. A court order is frequently required to use hidden devices, but in some states, it is only necessary for one of the parties involved to be aware of the existence of the device.

Provide an example of policy that specifies release guidance.

Any of the following: + DoD Directive 5230.16, Nuclear-Radio-logical Incident + Public Affairs (PA) Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act. + DoD Instruction 5120.4, DoD Newspapers, Magazines, Guides, and Installation Maps.

List five PA strategic, proactive management efforts.

Any of the following: + Plans, annexes, and guidance + Audience research + Crash kit and checklist preparation + Message development and delivery + Security review + Media training + Legal, ethical and procedural guidelines + Marketing stories to news media + Training and exercises + Speaker's program and media contact lists + News stories and briefs about current and upcoming events + Community engagement and media travel + Online posting, monitoring feedback and appropriately responding + Base tours, open houses and honorary commanders program

How can a PA professional determine the true objectives?

Ask a lot of "why" questions.

Why are surveys a popular method used for collecting data?

Because of their flexibility.

When and why should PA try to find another solution for a customer request that, as presented, is not authorized for support, or PA manning cannot accommodate?

Before turning down a customer request that does not meet other criteria for authorization or does not fit into PA's schedule due to manning, reviews the commander's priorities again and sees how the request aligns with them. If the request aligns with the commander's priorities, ask questions to determine if there is another solution.

What actions are essential to conducting a successful test run?

Being informal + Varying your participants

How can focus groups be arranged so that feedback is focused?

By key audience.

What are the two postures of reputation management?

Proactive + Reactive

Define CI (critical information). Please explain why the risk of it getting into the wrong hands is increased.

CI is defined as specific facts about friendly capabilities, activities, limitations, and intentions (CALI) vitally needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively to guarantee failure or unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment. It is essential to recognize that critical information is not the same as classified information. CI is unclassified, meaning the risk of it getting into the wrong hands is increased.

List the four PA programs and describe what each one does.

COMCAM + AFN + Production centers + Bands + Combat camera is a specially trained PA who provides imagery for use in operational analysis, training, public information, and for permanent historical records. It is an essential battlefield resource. + AFN is the brand name for the AFRTS, the radio and TV broadcasting organization operated by the DoD under the DMA. It includes the Radio and Television Production Office (RTPO), The Pentagon Channel, and the AFN Broadcast Center. AFN communicates DoD policies, priorities, programs, goals, initiatives, and stateside radio and TV programming to service members, DoD civilians, and their families serving OCONUS. OCONUS Production centers create video products that support the full range of Air Force training, education, corporate communications, and info requirements. They can be distributed in any format: CD-ROM, DVD, internet, etc. + Air Force VI productions are created for multi-base, command-wide, Air Force-wide, and DoD-wide requirements. + Air Force bands promote the global Air Force mission in war and peace by providing world-class musical products and services.

What is Air Force policy regarding members of Congress, and who is exempt from this policy?

Cooperate fully with members of Congress and their staffs, and provide timely, factual answers to congressional inquiries, within the limitations of security, the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), and the PA. Only the SECAF (Secretary of the Air Force) may deny a congressional request for information or release classified information to a member of Congress.

What is copyright and what types of things does it protect?

Copyright is an exclusive right of writer, composer, artist, photographer, to own, control, & profit from works. Types of creative expressions eligible for copyright protection include literary, graphic, photographic, audiovisual, & musical works. Other things, such as personal letters or diaries, may be protected by copyright, even though they may not have been published & may not contain a copyright notice.

How long does a copyright last and to what does it entitle the owner?

Copyright is protected for the life of the author, plus 70 years. However, there are some exceptions to this, as indicated in AFI 51-303. The owner of a copyright has the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute copies of the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works, and to perform or display certain types of works publicly. Any of these acts, if done without the copyright owner's permission, maybe infringement.

What is the Defense Imagery Management Operations Center's role in accessioning DoD imagery?

DIMOC maintains the DoD physical and digital imagery archive and makes all DoD visual information accessions to the National Archives. DIMOC site has both released imagery and FOUO imagery available to CAC (Common Access Card) holders.

Describe deliberate and crisis action planning (CAP).

Deliberate and crisis action planning are both joint, DoD-level planning processes to address threats to U.S. national security. + Deliberate planning is peacetime planning that occurs when time is not a critical factor to address hypothetical situations. + CAP is carried out in response to specific situations as they occur and develop rapidly.

What policies must installation commanders follow when establishing and directing PA programs within their organizations and in their local area?

DoD Air Force MAJCOM

What imagery alterations does DoDI 5040.02 allow, and under what conditions?

DoDI 5040.02 allows images to be altered using techniques familiar to the traditional darkroom to record an event accurately. Ex: Dodging, burning, color balancing, spotting, dusting, "de-noising," sharpening, contrast adjustments Cropping, editing, and enlarging selective portions of an image is also acceptable—as long as the fundamental facts are not misrepresented.

Identify and describe the two types of customers.

External and internal customers. + External customers come to the customer service desk, call the office or send an e-mail to request support. + Internal customers are those Airmen work with every day to accomplish the mission.

What do all video or audio products with scripted elements require in order to meet Section 508 compliance?

Final scripts must be attached for viewing.

How can PA determine which message and what delivery methods will result in successful communication?

Find out how the audiences prefer to receive information and what types of messages resonate with them.

What are the next crucial steps after the evaluation is prepared?

Getting the evaluation tool to the field and having those who have been selected to fill it out.

What is one of PA's biggest OPSEC failures?

How much information is shared about work activities on the Internet

How can PA avoid intentional manipulation of data or analysis when evaluating the effectiveness of the communication program?

Have someone else collect and analyze the data to determine program effectiveness.

What causes most electrical hazards, and what simple efforts can Airmen make to avoid them?

Human error. Help prevent them by: • Inspect lighting and recording equipment regularly and keep all items in good repair. • Avoid twisting or severely bending electrical cords. • Never use any equipment with a damaged plug or power cord. • Keep electrical cords away from heat sources that could damage their insulation. • Never use any equipment if its cord insulation is damaged. An exposed wire could injure personnel or ignite a fire if it makes contact with combustible material. • Allow cooling space for any electrical item that generates heat. • Keep combustible materials clear of electrical equipment that generates heat. • If an extension cord must be used, be sure it is designed to carry the number of current equipment needs. • Do not plug too many electrical items into one extension cord, or overload electrical outlets with multiple adapters or surge protectors. • When outdoors, use extension cords with an independent testing laboratory label and that are marked for outdoor use.

What can we get when we talk with someone face-to-face that we cannot get via any other form of communication?

Instant feedback.

How can working backwards assist in message development?

It can help PA remain focused on the actual objects rather than the specific tools used to get there.

What does the PA value of professionalism encompass and result in?

It encompasses the expertise, quality, and attitude our customers expect and deserve. When PA Airmen perform their job to the best of their ability and master our profession's core competencies, they demonstrate the professionalism necessary to meet the needs of the customers successfully.

Why is a pretest of the survey tool and field procedures important?

It is the only way of finding out if everything "works," primarily if a survey uses new techniques or a new set of questions.

Why should special attention be given to the first question in an evaluation tool?

It is usually the point where respondents determine if they will continue with the questions. Being able to answer the first question easily often gives the respondent the motivation and confidence to continue to complete the questions.

Explain how to schedule military focus groups to prevent rank from becoming an issue.

It usually is better to schedule two groups at any given base: + One with "junior" people (company-grade officers, enlisted up to E-4 or E-5). + One with "senior" people (O-4, O-5, E-6 to E-8). It is best to avoid putting chiefs or colonels and above in these groups because there is a likelihood of inhibiting subordinates' frank exchange of ideas.

What is DoD policy regarding anything that weakens or casts doubt on the credibility of its imagery? What does it forbid to protect credibility?

It will not be tolerated. Alteration of images except under particular conditions is forbidden.

Why are key leaders considered an important key audience?

Key leaders are the people who can make decisions or strongly influence those who make decisions.

What is reputation management?

Managing reputation, or managing people's beliefs and opinions.

What are some methods PAs can use to find local key audiences?

Methods used to find key audiences are only limited by PA creativity—the key is to research and ask many people. Also, any of the following: (1) Telephone book. (2) The local chamber of commerce or the mayor's office. (3) Internet searches.

What drives your PA office's employment plan priorities?

Mission and commander priorities.

If classified information exposed at an accident or incident scene cannot be covered and PA are asked to document the scene with the classified information still present, what should PA do?

Notify the supervisor and the base Information Assurance Office for collateral classified or the SSO if classification is SCI before beginning.

What all-inclusive term describes the PA training Airmen will receive while performing the mission? What other two types of training fall under it?

OJT (on-the-job training) There are two types of OJT: UGT (upgrade training) + Qualification training

Define OPSEC (operations security) and who must practice it.

OPSEC is a method for denying adversary access to our critical information, thus reducing our vulnerability. OPSEC is part of everyone's job—U.S. service members, DoD employees and contractors, and even family members.

When is it acceptable to release certain information to the news media by way of the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) process instead of handling it as a response to a query?

Only when the FOIA is the only way, an agency will release specific information to the news media.

For what reason might PA find themselves exposed to an unanticipated safety hazard in the performance of their PA duties?

PA : Practically Anything

What two-part program is used to identify, plan, conduct, and manage an Airman's training?

PA CFETP (Career Field Education and Training Plan).

What do PA plans help us accomplish?

PA plans to tell us how to use our resources best to achieve our commander's communication goals. PA plans to help us purposefully and professionally respond to conditions, as opposed to too hastily or ineptly reacting to them. PA plans help us steer and optimize our productivity.

How should PA professionals determine what level of importance to assign to specific PA priorities?

PA priorities should have the same level of importance as the priorities of the commander.

What is PA's responsibility regarding HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)?

PA professionals are not subject to HIPAA because we do not meet the definition of a "covered entity." What we are responsible for is how we receive information from a medical provider.

Why should PA consider religious organizations as a distinct form of a key audience?

PA should be aware of what religious organizations are in the area or how the communication efforts or the activities may impact them on the base.

How do the commander's priorities affect PA activities?

PA's role is to help communicate the commander's messages to a critical audience to achieve specific and measurable results.

Describe what initial steps to take when a customer submits a valid request for VI support.

Perform a product archive research to see if the product has already been accomplished at + If yes, let the customer know it exists and how to access it online. + If no, open the most recent version of AFI 35-109 for help determining whether to complete an AF IMT 833, a DD Form 1995, or potentially both.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a copyright violation that entails taking credit for another person's expression of ideas or information without permission.

From what necessary activity does every military policy, regulation, instruction, and training plan materialize?

Planning; thinking ahead.

What kind of training occurs during and after UGT (upgrade training), and at any other time, an individual is not fully qualified for a position and is "hands-on" task performance training?

Qualification training.

What does the DoD use to encourage public involvement in the environmental restoration process? What does it promote?

RABs, which serve to promote communication between the community and installations regarding IRP efforts RABs establish and maintain open and interactive dialogue between community representatives, interested groups, local, state and federal regulatory agencies, and the Air Force.

Who does SAF/PA advise?

SAF/PA advises the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF), the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF), and other principal Department of the Air Force military and civilian leaders.

What level of PA is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping Airmen and ensuring each career field has enough trained people at the decent grades?


What federal law mandates all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities? What is the PA primary area of control regarding this law?

Section 508, Rehabilitation Act of 1998. PA is required to provide text for non-text elements on the Webpage. Non-text elements can best be described as images, video, audio, or graphic products PA post to the website.

What is the primary disadvantage of radio?

Short lifespan.

Define situational awareness.

Situational awareness is the ability to recognize and understand dangerous or potentially dangerous elements present in the environment. Said, it knows what is going on around.

What is the number one advantage of radio?


What should be done if the PA office receives a written request directly from the general public that implies the request is made under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) either by referencing the law, statute, or regulation number?

Take it to the FOIA manager immediately.

Which delivery method has proven to be a more effective way to reach people? Why?

Television: It combines both audio & video components. The more senses a person can activate or use during their communication effort, the higher the chance the message will be understood.

How does the Air Force standardized content review, release process, and maintain a uniform appearance on all public websites?

The Air Force consolidates and centrally hosts all of its public websites under the Air Force Public Web (AFPW) Program on AFPIMS, which is administered by the DMA and the AFPAA.

Public trust and support are essential because the public provides the Air Force with what three things?

The American public provides the people who join the Air Force, funds that ensure readiness and quality of life, and the support needed to conduct operations and training.

To what does the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) apply?

The FOIA applies to the executive branch of the government, including the executive office of the president.

What does the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) require?

The FOIA requires the Air Force to give maximum information to the public, within the bounds of security and legal privilege.

What resource can help verify the website's compliance with Section 508?

The Public Web section of the Air Force Public Affairs Community of Practice

What are things critical for you to have in order to handle classified media properly?

The appropriate security clearance, a need to know, and a signed SF 312. PA must also follow the prescribed controls for handling classified information outlined in DODM 2500.01.

What are the dangers of using derivative methods to analyze program effectiveness?

The derivative methodology is filled with variables that can affect the accuracy of the information and could lead to false conclusions.

What does "end state" mean as it relates to message development?

The end state, or actual objective, is what specific objective PA is trying to achieve with the communication efforts.

Describe safety hazards associated with equipment.

The gear's safe design can cause us to become careless and fail to guard against unnecessary minor accidents—cuts, abrasions, crushing, bruising, falls, and burns. Gear gets heavy to hold. It also may have moved, detachable, suspended, or sharp parts that could accidentally come off. There are also times when we need to rely on a relatively unstable support platform to hold substantial weight. All of these equipment-associated dangers are worsened when we are fatigued or inattentive.

Describe the impact increased popularity of the Web, and social media has had on the scope of PA's reputation management responsibilities.

The increased popularity of the Web and social media has increased the scope of PA's reputation management responsibilities equitably.

What is required if the information PA wish to include in a story is subject to the protections of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)? How is this requirement accomplished within the military health system?

The individual's authorization must be in writing before the medical provider can release the information. Within the Military Health System, this is usually done using DD Form 2870, Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information.

What is the most critical factor in preventing injury or death, whether Airmen are on or off duty?

The level of commitment to practicing good safety habits; something that begins with being situationally aware

What do photos require in order to meet Section 508 compliance?

The metadata associated with the photo fulfills Section 508 compliance as it provides an alternative text used by assistive technology that can translate the information to speech and Braille for sight-impaired people.

In addition to staying safe while on duty at the home station, what other benefit comes from deliberately practicing situational awareness to avoid or address safety hazards?

The more deliberately Airmen practice situational awareness to avoid or address safety hazards while accomplishing the home station mission, the more instinctively it will occur during a contingency or other occasion when situational awareness may make the difference between life and death.

Why is simple messaging preferred over more complicated messaging?

The most effective messages tend to be the simplest ones. The more complicated the message, the higher the likelihood the audience will not understand it, or it will lose its effectiveness.

What band serves the National Capital Region?

The premier band.

Before releasing information of a personal nature about an individual, what must be weighed in all cases?

The public's right to know must be weighed against the individual's right to privacy.

What do HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations specify?

The purposes for which information may and may not be released without authorization from the patient.

What five requirements must PA follow when requesting to use copyrighted material?

The requirements for requesting to use copyrighted material are: 1. The request must be for no greater rights than needed. 2. The request must sufficiently identify the material for which PA is obtaining permission. 3. The request must explain the proposed use and state the conditions of use so that the copyright proprietor or agent need only give affirmative consent to the proposed use. 4. The request must be submitted in two copies to the copyright proprietor so they may retain one copy and return the other signed to show assent to the request. 5. A self-addressed return envelope will be enclosed with the request.

What is right of privacy?

The right to privacy is the right of an individual or organization to be left alone—to be free from unwarranted publicity. This right has been expanded in the Privacy Act of 1974 to include the right of individuals to control information.

Why are classified information environments highly controlled?

To prevent disclosure of information.

What role does length play in message development?

The shorter something is, the easier it is to remember, and the higher the likelihood it is to become a compelling message.

Identify and describe the three primary elements of libel.

The three primary elements of libel are: Defamation—communication that tends to expose people to hatred, ridicule, or contempt; usually comprised of lies that damage a person's reputation. Identification—someone is able to infer the identity of the person who was defamed. A person does not always have to name a person to libel that individual. Publication—a third person must be involved in the libel besides the person expressing the defamation and the person being defamed. Defamatory communication has to have been published or broadcast.

Identify and define two types of defamation.

The two types of defamation are slander and libel. + Slander is oral defamation. + Libel is defamation in printed form.

How do focus groups collect information for analysis?

These groups are led by a facilitator whose role is to guide the conversations into areas for which data is being collected.

How many follow-up reminders should PA send in order to maximize responses to the evaluation tool PA distribute?


What two factors will influence the decision about what method to use to collect data for analysis?

Time + Skills

What is your role regarding the Privacy Act?

To achieve good personnel practices and sound records management. It requires PA to keep only essential information, ensure it is correct, adequately protected, and used only for intended purposes.

What is the purpose behind all PA communication efforts?

To achieve specific and measurable results with the members of the key audience. This principle is known as communicating for effect.

What is the best method for developing a survey?

To find out if there is already one available and adapt it to meet the needs. Contact MAJCOM/PA or SAF/PA to assist in identifying existing surveys.

During what type of training is the performance, conduct, and potential assessed?

UGT (upgrade training).

What will PA likely encounter during a reactive state of reputation management?

Unanticipated events; usually of a crisis nature that lead to the release of bad news

What two criteria are used to evaluate measurement tools? Describe what each one evaluates.

Validity + Reliability + Validity deals with the degree to which an evaluation tool measures what it is supposed to measure. + Reliability is the extent to which a measuring device is consistent in measuring.

What must PA find out at the beginning of a communication effort before they can select the best product and delivery method?

What specific activities PA are trying to achieve (the end state)—the real, true objective of the communication and commander's priorities.

Under what circumstances do DoD principles of information afford to withhold information?

When disclosure would adversely affect national security, threaten the safety or privacy of U.S. government personnel or their families, violate the privacy of the citizens of the United States, or be contrary to law.

What makes a study and its statistically significant results important?

When it provides meaningful information to an existing body of knowledge

What is the role of PA as it applies to fix problems and the commander's priorities?

When something is placed on the list of commander priorities because it is a problem that requires correction, PA will need to research how to use its tools and talents to help the commander solve it through communication initiatives.

Why should PA look to the world of advertising and marketing for ideas on message development?

While PA does not sell a product, we have similar goals as a company selling a product. If a company is not successful in its marketing efforts, it will not be successful as a company. We want to market the Air Force successfully.

What publication best defines the term "copyright" as an exclusive right under title 17, United States Code (USC)? a. AFI 51-303, Intellectual Property—Patents, Patent Related Matters, Trademarks, and Copyrights. b. AFMAN 37-104, Managing Information to Support the Air Force Mission. c. AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Responsibilities, and Management. d. AFPD 35-1, Public Affairs Management.

a. AFI 51-303, Intellectual Property—Patents, Patent Related Matters, Trademarks and Copyrights.

Which two programs are accomplished exclusively by broadcast journalists? a. American Forces Network (AFN) and productions. b. Forensic and uncontrolled combat documentation. c. Controlled combat documentation and AFN. d. Productions and forensic documentation.

a. American Forces Network (AFN) and productions.

What is part of the contingency planning process and provides a complete, detailed joint plan that describes of the concept of operations? a. Operations Plan (OPLAN). b. Crisis Action Plan (CAP). c. Contingency Plan. d. Annex.

a. Operations Plan (OPLAN).

When is the appropriate time to ask people to participate in an evaluation? a. Before sending out the evaluation tool. b. At the same time the evaluation tool is sent. c. Only during follow-up reminder emails/letters. d. There is no need to ask for people to participate.

a. Before sending out the evaluation tool.

Each of these key audiences consists of members from your command audience and specific organizations that may not be part of your command audience except a. Boy Scouts. b. American Legion. c. Veterans of Foreign Wars. d. Airmen who attend a local church.

a. Boy Scouts

What tool do public affairs (PA) offices typically have when television is used to reach the command audience? a. Commander's Access Channel (CAC). b. Armed Forces Broadcasting Service (AFBS). c. American Forces Networks (AFN) or detachments. d. Special agreement with public access channels.

a. Commander's Access Channel (CAC).

Which is not a public affairs (PA) reputation management responsibility? a. Discuss. b. Monitor. c. Promote. d. Address.

a. Discuss.

Which reference provides general instructions on the type of imagery the Department of Defense (DoD) seeks? a. DoD Visual Information Records Schedule. b. DoD Instruction 5040.02. c. DoD Logic Table. d. National Archive.

a. DoD Visual Information Records Schedule.

At what level was the visual information (VI) policy forbidding alteration of images except under very specific conditions? a. DoD. b. MAJCOM. c. Air Force. d. Local.

a. DoD.

What can be a very useful way to get feedback on a proposed project, find out how effective an existing program is or help figure out all the things you should put on a questionnaire? a. Focus groups. b. Control groups. c. Descriptive surveys. d. Derivative methods.

a. Focus groups.

Public affairs (PA) practitioners can often refer to which of the following to find specific release guidance? a. Policy. b. Propriety. c. Accuracy. d. Attribution.

a. Policy.

Which is not a concept of reputation? a. Reputation has no influence on individual perception. b. Reputation is subjective and driven by perception. c. Reputation can change and be managed. d. Reputation is a collective concept.

a. Reputation has no influence on individual perception.

Continuity, clarity of message and a more thorough understanding of the Air Force via a means the Air Force maintains control of best describes the advantages of delivering messages via a. Website only. b. Social media only. c. Radio and television. d. Interpersonal and radio.

a. Website only.

When a person has built-in assumptions or pre-conceived ideas or preferences, this can affect how data is collected or analyzed and can skew the results. This is called a. bias. b. prejudice. c. poor understanding of statistics. d. intentional manipulation of the data.

a. bias.

As well as the appropriate security clearance, a need to know, and a signed SF-312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement, you must also follow the prescribed controls for handling, preparing and shipping a. critical information. b. FOUO information. c. classified information. d. compartmentalized information.

a. critical information.

All of the following are different major command (MAJCOM), field operating agency (FOA), and direct reporting unit (DRU) public affairs' (PA) functions except a. they directly supervise operations. b. their missions are varied and specialized. c. they monitor and evaluate PA programs. d. their typical duties include command information, media, and community engagement.

a. they directly supervise operations.

Air Force band missions include deployments, ceremonies, outreach and a. retirements. b. recruiting. c. funerals. d. training.

b. recruiting.

Noise complaints contribute to which environmental restoration program? a. RAB. b. AICUZ. c. ESOH. d. CERCLA


When planning communication, what actions are essential to conducting a successful test run? a. Being methodical and informal. b. Being informal and varying the participants. c. Being formal and ensuring an adequate representation of participants. d. Ensuring an adequate representation of participants and being methodical.

b. Being informal and varying the participants.

What are two defenses against charges of violating the right of privacy called? a. Disclosure and consent. b. Consent and newsworthiness. c. Newsworthiness and disclosure. d. Newsworthiness and appropriation.

b. Consent and newsworthiness.

What type of plan helps ensure local mission-critical needs are met, prevents inappropriate use of public affairs (PA) resources, and enables you to better focus on accomplishing PA's core competencies? a. Development. b. Employment. c. Production. d. Limitation.

b. Employment.

What common safety measure might you perform due to the fact that something as small as a pebble on the flightline can get sucked into an aircraft engine and cause significantly monetary damage as well as endanger human life? a. Debris and Damage Prevention (DDP) walk. b. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) walk. c. Airfield Clear Check (ACC). d. Pre-Flight Inspection (PFI).

b. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) walk.

When producing an evaluation tool, which is not a recommended construction tip in the 11-step approach? a. Keep questions short and to the point. b. Include routinely used technical terms. c. Use a logical flow of questions from general to specific. d. Avoid biased questions that cause the respondent to answer in a certain way.

b. Include routinely used technical terms.

Who establishes and directs the Air Force public affairs (PA) program at the wing level? a. Installation public affairs officer (PAO). b. Installation commander. c. Group commander. d. Group PAO.

b. Installation commander.

Who is normally the individual responsible for processing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests? a. PA officer (PAO). b. PA records manager. c. Communications squadron commander. d. Communications squadron records manager.

b. PA records manager.

What type of key audience is one you may not need to address directly, but should at least be aware of how this audience may be affected by your communication efforts or the activities on your base? a. Civic. b. Religious. c. Educational. d. Environmental.

b. Religious.

Where can you find a list of all training tasks and levels of learning required to perform your public affairs (PA) mission effectively in the 3-, 5- and 7-skill levels? a. The career development course (CDC) section of your Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP). b. The Specialty Training Standard (STS) section of the CFETP. c. The CFETP section of the STS. d. The upgrade training (UGT) section of the CDC.

b. The Specialty Training Standard (STS) section of the CFETP.

Which is an example of how the Air Force applies the principles of information? a. Through its policy that all information is made available, whether cleared for release or not. b. Through its policy that a free flow of information is made available without censorship. c. By providing sufficient information to commanders. d. By providing sufficient information to the public.

b. Through its policy that a free flow of information is made available without censorship.

What two criteria are used to evaluate the effectiveness of your measurement tool? a. Validity and clarity. b. Validity and reliability. c. Accuracy and clarity. d. Accuracy and reliability.

b. Validity and reliability.

Before starting any type of activities or communication program, public affairs (PA) must first understand how they align with a. available resources. b. commander's priorities. c. Air Force Instructions and regulations. d. directives issued by MAJCOM/PA staff.

b. commander's priorities.

The public and civilian media, local and non-local military organizations including Air Force Office of Special Investigations, your local security forces squadron, and safety office, base equal employment event coordinators, and other public affairs (PA) offices are examples of PA's a. mission partners. b. external customers. c. secondary audiences. d. government resources.

b. external customers.

The type of pitfall that occurs when data or the analysis of data is purposely altered to achieve specific results is called a. use of the wrong tools. b. intentional manipulation. c. unintentional manipulation. d. use of information operations.

b. intentional manipulation.

A published statement that may not be defamatory in and of itself, but may become defamatory in light of other facts, is considered a. libel per se. b. libel per quod. c. slander per se. d. slander per quod.

b. libel per quod.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 applies to all of the following except a. medical billing companies. b. patient's next-of-kin. c. Tricare. d. doctors.

b. patient's next-of-kin.

If you need to develop a survey, you will get better results if you keep it a. short but in depth on the topic. b. short and focused on the topic at hand. c. short and focused the outcome you desire. d. focused on the outcome you desire and in depth on the topic.

b. short and focused on the topic at hand.

Libel is more serious than slander because it is a. defamatory and intentional. b. widespread and intentional. c. defamatory and unintentional. d. widespread and unintentional.

b. widespread and intentional.

What is the Air Force specialty code (AFSC) of a broadcast journalist craftsman? a. 3N0X2. b. 3N052. c. 3N072. d. 3N092.

c. 3N072.

What resource exists to verify your base website complies with federal requirements? a. The DoD Section 508 website. b. AFI 35-109, Visual Information. c. AFI 33-129, Web Management and Internet Use. d. The Public Web section of the Air Force Public Affairs Community of Practice.

c. AFI 33-129, Web Management and Internet Use.

What publication provides information on citizens' right to review their records kept by the government? a. AFI 35-101, Public Affairs Responsibilities and Management. b. AFI 33-101, Commanders Guidance and Responsibilities. c. AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Program. d. AFI 35-105, Community Relations.

c. AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Program.

What is the second most important limitation, after security, to look for in public affairs (PA) correspondence? a. Policy. b. Propriety. c. Accuracy. d. Attribution.

c. Accuracy.

Which core competency allows public affairs (PA) professionals to help all Airmen understand their roles in the mission; how policies, programs and operations affect them and their families? a. Public trust and support. b. Trusted counsel to leaders. c. Airman morale and readiness. d. Global influence and deterrence.

c. Airman morale and readiness.

Which annex is public affairs' (PA) Operations Plan (OPLAN) document? a. Annex X b. Annex P. c. Annex F. d. Annex A.

c. Annex F.

What must all military photojournalists or broadcast journalists remember to do to avoid committing plagiarism? a. Minimally use the original form or content without alteration. b. Minimally alter the original form or content. c. Cite sources and properly attribute them. d. Cite sources in an editor's note.

c. Cite sources and properly attribute them.

Which is not a reason Air Force bands perform at military ceremonies and protocol events, base open houses, dining ins/outs, unit morale events, military recognition events, and military honors? a. Esprit de corps. b. Promote troop morale. c. Community involvement. d. Quality-of-life initiatives.

c. Community involvement.

All Air Force public websites are consolidated and centrally hosted under the a. Section 508 of United States Code (USC). b. DoD Public Web Program. c. Defense Media Activity (DMA) Catalog. d. Air Force Public Web (AFPW) Program.

c. Defense Media Activity (DMA) Catalog.

What type of priority comes from another source, such as a major command (MAJCOM) or higher headquarters, that may not actually be an issue at your location? a. Local. b. General. c. Derived. d. Specific.

c. Derived.

Why is your first priority to listen carefully to what your customer says and then ask questions until you fully understand what the customer needs? a. So you know where to refer the customer to see if the product requested already exists. b. So you can demonstrate customer care which builds and strengthens reputation. c. It ensures you provide the customer exactly what he requested. d. So you can fill out an AF IMT 833 in its entirety.

c. It ensures you provide the customer exactly what he requested.

What type of key audience is comprised of people who have the ability to make decisions or strongly influence those who do make those decisions? a. Civic. b. Religious. c. Key leader. d. Environmental.

c. Key leader.

With whom should you consult before conducting a survey to ensure there are no violations of the laws, rules, and regulations of the Human Subjects Review Board? a. Base legal office. b. Area Defense Counsel (ADC). c. MAJCOM/PA or SAF/PA. d. No one; it shouldn't be an issue if you don't record people's names.


A method for denying an adversary access to our critical information (CI), thus reducing our vulnerability defines a. Security management. b. Information management. c. Operations security (OPSEC). d. Critical information list (CIL).

c. Operations security (OPSEC).

What should you do if a request comes to public affairs (PA) which, as presented, does not meet the commander's priorities? a. Always say no. b. Accept the request. c. Thoroughly evaluate the request for PA support. d. Tell the customer you don't have the manpower to fulfill the request.

c. Thoroughly evaluate the request for PA support.

Why is it important to research your key audience? a. To find out how and where they socialize. b. To find out where they are and how they think. c. To know the type of message to deliver and how effective it will be. d. To determine what is popular or trendy so it will help you be a more effective communicator.

c. To know the type of message to deliver and how effective it will be.

On which website will you search to see if the product your customer requests has already been accomplished? a. b. c. d.


The two classifications of Air Force bands are a. premier and local. b. local and national. c. premier and regional. d. national and regional.

c. premier and regional.

Force support squadron (FSS) morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) non-appropriated funded (NAF) missions, farewell videos and private organization social events are examples of a. priority "C" VI assignments. b. priority "D" VI assignments. c. unauthorized VI requests. d. authorized VI requests.

c. unauthorized VI requests.

During the communication cycle, when should planning take place to measure the effectiveness of your communication efforts? a. After conducting a test run. b. After selecting your key audience. c. At the same time you are planning on how to communicate a specific message. d. At the same time you are asking the commander his or her priorities and objectives.

d. At the same time you are asking the commander his or her priorities and objectives.

Who assigns vision identification numbers? a. Base records manager. b. Defense Information School (DINFOS). c. The MAJCOM visual information manager (VIM). d. Defense Imagery Management Operations Center (DIMOC).

d. Defense Imagery Management Operations Center (DIMOC).

In what way has increased popularity of the Web and social media impacted the scope of public affairs' (PA) reputation management responsibilities? a. Inequitably decreased. b. Inequitably increased. c. Equitably decreased. d. Equitably increased.

d. Equitably increased.

What should you ensure when using copyrighted material on your website? a. Do not give credit for the material as it could be viewed as government endorsement. b. Acknowledge the base legal office's permission with the copyright material. c. Include the copyright owner's permission as a quote in the article. d. Give prominent and appropriate credit to the copyright owner.

d. Give prominent and appropriate credit to the copyright owner.

Which core competency allows public affairs (PA) professionals to prepare Airmen for worldwide operations and develop them into frontline ambassadors? a. PA readiness. b. Public trust and support. c. Trusted counsel to leaders. d. Global influence and deterrence.

d. Global influence and deterrence.

What generally happens to classified information at an accident or incident scene you must document? a. Nothing. The presence of classified information is irrelevant if documenting accidents and incidents. b. The wing commander will designate which pieces of the classified information you must document. c. Edit imagery in a secure environment to prevent identification of the classified information. d. It will be covered or removed before you document the scene.

d. It will be covered or removed before you document the scene.

What are developed then practiced during exercises to ensure our ability to effectively execute military operations during a crisis or contingency? a. Employment plans and priorities. b. Employment plans and annexes. c. Plans and priorities. d. Plans and annexes.

d. Plans and annexes.

What product does each public affairs (PA) office modify or develop to more purposefully and professionally respond to conditions, as opposed to too hastily or ineptly reacting to them? a. Adapted competencies. b. Qualification training. c. CFETP. d. Plans.

d. Plans.

Which reputation management mode is orderly, calm and focused? a. Positive. b. Reactive. c. Negative. d. Proactive.

d. Proactive.

What type of data does public affairs (PA) collect when measuring the effectiveness of its communication programs? a. Related and pertinent. b. Primary and secondary. c. Specific and measurable. d. Qualitative and quantitative.

d. Qualitative and quantitative.

When news media report Airmen misusing or abusing budget dollars, equipment or personnel, in what activity will public affairs (PA) subsequently participate? a. Personal and professional accountability. b. Budget and equipment accountability. c. Proactive reputation management. d. Reactive reputation management.

d. Reactive reputation management.

Who plans and schedules your public affairs (PA) training after determining education and training requirements? a. Noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC). b. Public affairs officer (PAO). c. Superintendent. d. Supervisor.

d. Supervisor.

Which senses can be activated during interpersonal communication? a. Sight and hearing only. b. Touch, sight, and hearing only. c. Sight, hearing, smell, and touch only. d. Touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell.

d. Touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell.

What are the two types of public affairs (PA) on-the-job training (OJT)? a. Formal training and upgrade training (UGT). b. Qualification training and informal training. c. Informal training and formal training. d. UGT and qualification training.

d. UGT and qualification training.

Why may public affairs (PA) provide visual information (VI) support solely to support official Air Force organizations and their missions, Department of Defense (DOD) or other government agencies? a. VI resources are limited. b. All other entities have their own VI resources. c. The customer will not require VI documentation for any other reasons. d. VI resources (personnel, equipment, facilities, funding, etc.) are government property.

d. VI resources (personnel, equipment, facilities, funding, etc.) are government property.

According to the Department of Defense (DoD) principles of information, public affairs (PA) programs will not tolerate or engage in activities that intentionally misinform, mislead or a. provide otherwise releasable information. b. classify otherwise releasable information. c. share otherwise releasable information. d. deny otherwise releasable information.

d. deny otherwise releasable information.

If you determine the video product a customer requests does not already exist, you will next refer to AFI 35-109 to determine a. what fields to complete on an AF IMT 833. b. what fields to complete on a DD Form 1995. c. the standard turn-around time to produce various video products. d. whether to complete an AF IMT 833, a DD Form 1995, or potentially both.

d. whether to complete an AF IMT 833, a DD Form 1995, or potentially both.

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