Cert. Test C

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Which of these test samples is not sensitive to light?

A. Bilirubin B. Ascorbic acid C. Phylloquinone D. Complete blood count <——-

Which of these tests is not compatible with the dark-green-top tube?

A. Calcium studies B. Oral glucose tolerance test <——— C. Hormone assay D. Bilirubin

Which of these is not a component of the pulmonary circulation?

A. Pulmonary artery B. Pulmonary vein C. Right ventricle D. Left ventricle <——-

What is the normal range of platelets in a healthy adult?

A. 150,000 to 250,000/mcL B. 100,00 to 300,000/mcL C. 150,000 to 450,000/mcL <——— D. 250,000 to 400,000/mcL

Which of these is a critical value for biacarbonate?

A. 15mEq/L B. 20mEq/L C. 9mEq/L <——— D. 23mEq/L

Which of these needles has less risk for hemolyzing blood samples and causing nerve pain?

A. 16G B. 18G C. 21G <——- D. 25G

What is the normal bleeding time in an adult who is not on anticoagulant therapy?

A. 2 to 5 minutes B. 1 to 3 minutes C. 2 to 7 minutes <———- D. 8 to 15 minutes

Which of these is a critical value for carbon dioxide?

A. 50mmHg B. 65mmHg <——— C. 45nmHg D. 38mmHg

According to NCCLS guidelines, what is the blood-to-anticoagulant ratio for coagulation studies?

A. 9:3 B. 9:1 <——— C. 1:1 D. 3:1

Which of these phenomena is true about phlebotomy done on a standing patient?

A. A shift of fluids into the intravascular space B. A shift of fluids into the interstitial space <——— C. A shift of fluids into the intracellular space D. A shift of fluids into the lymphatic system

Which of these is not a component of hemostasis?

A. Aggregation of platelets B. Vasoconstriction of the ruptured vessel C. Activation of the coagulation cascade D. Movement of the fluid between the interstitial, intravascular space <———-

Which of these is not a principle of emergency resuscitation?

A. Airway B. Breathing C. Circulation D. Elimination <———

What vascular system disorder is characterized by a bulging and dilatation of an arterial wall?

A. Arteriosclerosis B. Aneurysm <——— C. Arteritis D. Phlebitis

What vascular system disorder is characterized by stiffness of the blood vessels caused by an accumulation of plaque?

A. Arteriosclerosis <———— B. Thrombosis C. Embolism D. Varicose veins

Which of these is not a part of a syringe?

A. Barrel B. Plunger C. Hub D. Port <———-

Which of these is the appropriate time to label tubes?

A. Before introducing yourself to the patient B. Before venipuncture C. After venipuncture <————- D. At the laboratory

Hand hygiene is appropriate for all these conditions except:

A. Before touching non-intact skin and mucous membranes B. Before using the toilet <———- C. After a phlebotomy procedure D. After using medical equipment

Workplace safety is governed by which of these bodies?

A. Center for Disease Control and Prevention B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration <--- C. World Health Organization D. National Institutes of Health

A blood pregnancy test is handled by which of these laboratory departments?

A. Chemistry <——— B. Hematology C. Serology D. Endocrinology

Which of these is not a case of prolonged bleeding time?

A. Chronic liver disease B. Vitamin K deficiency C. Von Willebrand disease D. Thrombophilla <———

A phlebotomist just noticed he collected an inadequate blood sample from a patient. If the patient has left, which of these actions is appropriate?

A. Discard the sample B. Request for the return of the patient C. I form the offering physician D. Transport the sample to the lab <————

Which of these is false about the coagulation process?

A. Formation of prothrombin activator B. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin C. Conversion of thrombin to fibrin D. Conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen <———

In wearying PPE for a patient with SARS, which of these is the correct order?

A. Gloves, gown, mask B. Gown, mask, gloves <————- C. Mask, gown, gloves D. Mask, gloves, gown

All these can be analyzed in a dipstick urinalysis except:

A. Glucose B. Ascorbic acid C. Urinary sodium <———- D. Ketones

Which of these disease require the observance of contact, droplet, and airborne precautions?

A. HIV B. SARS <——— C. Scabies D. Rotavirus

All these are problems of an underfilled sample tube except:

A. Hemolysis B. Increased clotting time <——— C. False-negative blood culture results D. Hypernatremic blood samples

All these are components of standard precautions except:

A. Hepatitis B vaccination for exposure to bloodborne pathogens <———- B. Use of personal protective equipment C. Hand washing D. Cough etiquette

Which of these is not a special consideration for a geriatric patient?

A. Iatrogenic anemia B. Rolling veins C. Fragile skin D. Petechiae <———-

Which of these is incorrect about an arterial blood sample?

A. If is suitable for measuring arterial blood gases B. It is routinely collected from the femoral artery C. It is scarlet red D. It can be obtained from a heel prick <———-

To reduce the chances of needlestick injuries when performing a venipuncture on a pediatric patient, which of these is appropriate?

A. Immobilize the patient with a muscle relaxant B. Immobilize the patient with help from an assistant <———- C. Immobilize the patient with a cloth restraint D. Sedat the patient with halothane

Which of these is correct about the light-blue-top tube?

A. It as no minimum and maximum volume requirements B. It should be inverted three to four times <——— C. It is used for calcium studies D. It contains thrombin

Which of these is correct about the sodium citrate additive?

A. It can be used for erythrocyte sedimentation rates <——— B. It speeds up the deterioration of factor V and factor VII C. It can be used for calcium studies D. It's blood-to-additive ratio is 3:1

Which of these is false concerning cold agglutinins?

A. It can cause a rare type of autoimmune hemolytic anemia B. It can be triggered when the individual is exposed to cold temperatures C. Blood samples for cold agglutintin tests are collected in a lavender-top tube D. Blood samples must be stored in the refrigerator <———

Which of these is false concerning the potassium oxalate additive?

A. It chelates calcium B. It is used at a concentration of 3mg/ml <———- C. It does not cause a shrinkage of cells D. It inhibits numerous metabolic enzymes

Which of these is true about the royal-blue-top tube?

A. It contains trisodium citrate B. It is used for coagulation studies C. It is used for calcium studies D. It is used for trace elements <———-

Which of these is correct about the size of 16G needle?

A. It has a blue hub B. It has an outer diameter of 1.60mm <——— C. It is used for standard venipuncture procedures D. It is used for pediatric patients

Which of these is correct about the 25G needle?

A. It has an orange hub <——— B. It has external diameter of 1.55mm C. It is used for patients with normal-size veins D. It is larger than 18G needle

Which is false about the systemic circulation?

A. It involves the right side of the heart <—— B. It has a higher pressure than the pulmonary circulation C. The aorta is a component of the systemic circulation D. The mitral valve represents the backflow of blood

Which of these statements is false concerning venipuncture on a patient with anxiety?

A. It is a common occurrence in pediatric patients B. Therapeutic communication techniques can reduce the risk of anxiety C. I'd the patient becomes increasingly anxious during the procedure, the phlebotomist should use of physical restraint <————— D. Immobilize is useful for pediatric patients

Which of these is correct about the gold-top tube?

A. It is also known as the clot-activating tube B. It should be filled C. It contains heparin D. It should be inverted 5 to 10 times <———-

Which of these is false about the extrinsic pathway?

A. It is faster than the intrinsic pathway B. It is activated by the ruptured of a blood vessel C. It depends on factor VII D. It depends on factors IX, XI, XII <———-

Which of these is correct about the M shape of veins?

A. It is found in about 79% of the human population B. It is made up of the median cephalic and the median cubital veins C. The median antebranchial vein is located in the lateral part of the forearm <——— D. The median cephalic vein is the least preferred vein for venipuncture

Which of these is correct about the aorta?

A. It is i convex in the pulmonary circulation B. It is the largest artery in the body <——— C. Blood pressure is lowest in the aorta and increases at the point of end circulation D. It originates from the right ventricle

Which of these is not an advantage of using a straight needle?

A. It is ideal for fragile and tiny veins <———- B. It is good for collecting multiple specimens C. It has reduced risk of yielding clotted and hemolyzed samples D. It has less risk for needle prick injuries

Which of these is correct about the intrinsic pathway?

A. It is part of the primary hemostatic process B. It is faster than the extrinsic pathway C. It depends on the activation of factor VII <——— D. The final result is the formation of fibrinogen from fibrin

Which of these is correct about the endocardium of the heart?

A. It is related to the visceral layer of the pericardium B. It is the thickest layer of the heart C. This layer consigns the coronary blood vessels D. It's endothelium is connected to the endothelium of the blood vessels <————-

Which of these is not an advantage of a single butterfly needle?

A. It is suitable for tiny and fragile veins B. It is suitable for patients with tremors C. It is cost-effective <———- D. It can be used for patients with seizures

Which of these is correct concerning the EDTA additive?

A. It is the anticoagulant of choice for chemical studies B. It chelates potassium C. It is not suitable for iron studies <——— D. It is available as a tri-potassium salt

Which of these is correct about the heparin additive?

A. It is the cheapest anticoagulant B. It prevents coagulation by neutralizing thrombin C. It is the best anticoagulant for chemical studies <——- D. It is not good for peripheral blood smears

Which of these is correct about the myocardium?

A. It is the thickest part of the heart <——— B. It is made up of thin, elastic connective tissue C. It is divided into serous fibrous layers D. It consigns the coronary blood vessels

Which of these is correct about the sodium fluoride additive?

A. It is used for plasma glucose samples <——- B. It is suitable for most biochemical tests C. It is a strong anticoagulant D. It enhances glycolysis

Which of these factors makes the median branch of the basilic vein the least preferable vein for venipuncture in the M-shaped pattern of veins?

A. It is very painful to puncture <———- B. It is very superficial vein C. It is a torturous vein D. It is closely related to the ulnar artery

Which of these is incorrect about the left atrium?

A. It receives oxygen-rich blood from the pulmonary arteries <———- B. The mitral values prevent the backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium C. It is involved in the systemic circulation D. It has a higher pressure than the right atrium

Which of these is correct about the right atrium?

A. It revived deoxygenated blood via the superior and inferior vena cavae <——— B. The mitral valves do not permit the backflow of blood into the right atrium C. It is involved in the pulmonary circulation D. It has a lower pressure than the left atrium

Which of these is correct about the dark-green-top tube?

A. It should be inverted four to six times B. It must be filled C. It is used for peripheral blood films D. It can be used for calcium studies <———-

Which of these statements is correct about lavender-top tube?

A. It should be inverted three to eight times B. It is suitable for calcium studies C. It is unsuitable for ESR D. It is suitable for malaria screening <———-

Which of these is correct about the red-top tube?

A. It should be inverted two to five times B. It contains thrombin C. It is used for blood alcohol levels <——— D. It should be filled

Which of these is incorrect about a dipstick urinalysis?

A. Its components include gravity, clarity, and color <——— B. It can be used to diagnose ketonuria C. It is a CLIA-waived test D. It can be used to assess the amount of creatinine excreted

Which of these tubes is used for collecting a sample for blood bank services?

A. Lavender-top tube <——— B. Light-blue-top tube C. Green-top tube D. Gray-top tube

What tube is used to collect blood to screen a patient with suspected sickle cell anemia?

A. Lavender-top tube <——— B. Light-blue-top tube C. Dark-green-top tube D. Gray-top tube

Which of these guidelines is not useful for the collection of blood for coagulation studies?

A. Make sure that the tube is filled B. Invert the tube three to four times C. Protect the sample from direct sunlight <——- D. Collect the sample after collecting a sample for blood culture

Which area of the heart contains a specialized group of cells with a synchronized contractile quality?

A. Myocardium <———— B. Epicardium C. Endocardium D. Pericardium

Which of these is not a special consideration of a pediatric patient?

A. Noncompliance B. Iatrogenic anemia C. Size of veins D. Neonatal jaundice <——-

Which of these tubes contain thrombin that is used for STAT serum tests?

A. Orange-top tube <——— B. Light-blue-top tube C. Dark-green-too tube D. Lavender-top tube

Which test is used to assess the extrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade?

A. Partial thromboplastin time B. Platelet count C. Prothrombin time <——— D. International normalized ratio

Which test is used to assess the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade?

A. Prothrombin time B. Platelet count C. Partial Prothrombin time <——— D. International normalized ratio

Which of these analytes decrease during exercise?

A. Pryruvate B. Insulin <——— C. Lactic acid D. Creatinine

Which of these is most appropriate to dispose of a needle and syringe used for venipuncture?

A. Recap the needle before disposing into the sharps containers to prevent needle prick injuries during disposal B. Separate the needle from the syringe, discard the needle in the sharps container and plastic syringe in the wastebasket C. Discard both the uncapped needle and syringe in the sharps container immediately after use <——— D. Bend the sharp edge of the needle before disposing to avoid puncturing the sharps container

Concerning personal protective equipment used for phlebotomy, which of these is correct?

A. Sterile gloves are indicated B. Non-sterile gloves are indicated <——— C. Eye goggles are indicated D. Surgical gowns are indicated

Which of these is not a great vessel of the heart?

A. Superior vena cava B. Aorta C. Pulmonary artery D. Coronary artery <———

Which of these vessels drains blood from the head, neck, upper limbs, and chest directly into the heart?

A. Superior vena cava <———- B. Inferior vena cava C. External jugular vein D. Internal jugular vein

Which of these areas are suitable for venipuncture?

A. The arm on the contralateral side of a mastectomy <——- B. A skin site with extensive scar tissue C. The arm with an intravenous infusion D. An edematous limb

Which of these veins is readily palpable in obese patients?

A. The basilic vein B. The cephalic vein <———- C. The branchial vein D. The median cephalic vein

Which of these prevents the heart from over-expanding?

A. The endocardium B. The pericardium <——— C. The myocardium D. The epicardium

Which of these is false about the anatomy of the heart?

A. The heart is medial to the lungs, posterior to the sternum, and superior to the diaphragm B. It weighs about 250 to 300gm C. The layers of the heart include the pericardium, the epicardium, and the endocardium <———- D. The heart has four chambers

An incident reporting system should contain all this information except:

A. The location of the incident B. The cause of the incident C. The employee's medical history <--- D. Eyewitnesses' accounts

In the M-shaped pattern of veins, which of these is the most preferred vein for venipuncture?

A. The medial cephalic vein B. The median basilic vein C. The median branch of the antebrachial vein <——- D. The ulnar vein

Which of these is false about bandage procedures and considerations?

A. The phlebotomist must rule out a history of allergies to adhesives B. Geriatric patients are at risk of skin dehiscence from repeated bandage C. Pediatric patients may benefit more from compression rather than bandages after a dermal puncture D. Patients with arterial punctures may need a bandage for at least 30 minutes <————-

What are the physiologic circulation of the heart?

A. The pulmonary and aortic circulation B. The pulmonary and central circulation C. The central and peripheral circulation circulation D. The pulmonary and systemic circulation <———

Which of these is false about sample collection in a light-blue-top tube?

A. The tube must be inverted eight times <——— B. The tube must be full C. The tube is used to screen for bleeding disorders D. The tube can be used to collect samples for ESR

Concerning disinfectants, which of these is correct?

A. They are chemical substances used for non-living materials <———- B. They are chemical substances used for living tissues C. Chlorhexidine gluconate is an example D. Tincture of iodine is an example

All these are guidelines related to CLIA-waived tests except:

A. They are cleared by the FDA for home use B. They have procedures that are simple with minimal risk for errors C. They use only unprocessed specimens D. They must be done only at point-of-care- center <——-

Which of these is false about the pulmonary veins?

A. They are four in number B. They connect the right ventricle to the lungs <—— C. They carry oxygenated blood D. They are involved in pulmonary circulation

Which of these best defines the term BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS?

A. They are infectious microbes that are present in the blood and other body fluids and can cause disease in affected workers <————— B. They are infectious bacteria that are present in the blood and other body fluids and can cause disease in the affected area C. They are infectious microbes in the blood that are responsible for most hospital-acquired infections D. They are infectious microbes in the blood that are resistant to conventional antibiotics

Which of these is false about clotting factors?

A. They are proteins found in the serum <———- B. Calcium is a clotting factor C. Thrombin is a clotting factor D. Hemophilia is a lack of clotting factors

Which of these best describes work practice controls?

A. They are protocols used to reduce the risk of exposure to biohazards by altering the way tasks are performed B. They are devices that isolate or eliminate potential hazards from the workplace C. These are precautions used in the collection and transportation of all laboratory specimens D. These are principles that can minimize needle picks and sharps injury <————

Which of these is false about the veins of the forearm and hand?

A. They have a higher risk of hematoma and embolism <———— B. They are not well anchored C. The metacarpal network of veins drains into the cephalic and basilic veins D. They are least preferable compared to the veins in the antecubital fossa

Which of these is incorrect about universal precautions?

A. They were created by OSHA B. They are more centered on the employee than on the patient C. They are part of the bloodborne pathogen standard D. They are used for all infectious body fluids, including non-intact skin and mucous membranes <———

Which of these best describes the significance of midstream urine?

A. This urine is collected straight from the urethra B. This ruins is obtained from the bladder <———— C. This urine is sterile D. This urine is obtained from the ureter

Which of these is not useful in preventing the formation of clots?

A. Trisodium citrate B. Sodium fluoride C. Heparin D. Thrombin <——-

What layer of a blood vessel is covered with dense connective tissue that keeps it anchored to its surrounding structures?

A. Tunica lamina B. Tunica media C. Tunica interna D. Tunica adventitia <———-

Which layer of the blood vessel is responsive for controlling blood pressure and volume?

A. Tunica media <——— B. Tunica intima C. Tunica adventitia D. Tunica interna

Which of these tips is not useful for a phlebotomist who has to perform a venipuncture on an arm with an intravenous line?

A. Turn the intravenous infusion for at least two minutes before collecting the sample B. Use a tourniquet above the IV site <———- C. Select a vein that is not the IV vein D. Avoid an edematous limb

According to the NHA's Code of Ethics, the phlebotomist is expected to do all these except:

A. Use his or best efforts for the betterment of society, the profession, and members of the profession B. Uphold the standards of professionalism and honesty C. Create and distribute a patient's health information D. Consistently learn, apply, and advance scientific and practical knowledge and skills and be updated on the latest research and application

All these are principles of hand hygiene except:

A. Use of running water and plain soap B. Use of hand rubs with at least 60% alcohol C. Use of paper towels D. Use of hand rubs for soiled hands <———-

Which of these is not a component of the primary hemostatic process?

A. Vasoconstriction B. Formation of a platelet plug C. Formation of fibrin <———— D. Release of calcium from the tunica media

Which of these bleeding disorders is caused by a deficiency of clotting factors?

A. Von Willebrand disease B. Dissemination intravascular coagulopathy C. Thrombocytopenia D. Hemophilia <——-

Which of these guidelines is not useful to the health care worker who has just had a needle prick injury during a venipuncture?

A. Wash the affected area under running water B. Report to his or her supervisor C. Test the blood sample of the patient for blood pathogens D. Swab the puncture site with chlorhexidine <——-

Which of these tubes is used for pediatric ESR?

A. White-top tube B. Black-top tube <——— C. Royal-blue-top tube D. Tiger-top tube

Which of these is correct about the 21G needle?

A.it has an eternal diameter of 1.8mm B. It has a green hub <——— C. It is used for venipuncture for blood donors D. It is used for patients with seizures

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