Ch 12 Connect Assignments

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You make a choice for how to get things like food or water


You search for ways to get things like food or water


At this time in his life, Mateo would rather have more time off than he would a bonus check Thu could care less about meeting her goals this quarter because the reward is a $500 Omaha Steak gift card and Thu is a vegetarian

Unfulfilled need

Desire is created to get things like food or water

________ is NOT included in the four major perspectives on motivation.

Job satisfaction

Hygiene factors

Lower-level needs, related to job context- working conditions, related to dissatisfaction, an example is interpersonal relationships


These can be intrinsic or extrinsic

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Focuses on needs such as power, affiliation, and achievement An employee seeks out a promotion because it will allow him or her to have authority over more workers

Experienced responsibility for work outcomes

DeShawn performs better at work when he is given discretion about how to approach and handle work tasks. Gloria's boss is a micromanager and Gloria therefore never really feels like her work is her own.

Distributive justice

How fair is the salary I received this year? Does everyone's paycheck accurately reflect what they deserved to earn this month?

Create a to-do list to accomplishing your short-term goals

Each month, Manara has a set of tasks she wishes to accomplish, including "collect one round of data", "analyze one round of data", and "write one literature review" Manara's most productive work time is the morning. Because of this, she refrains from opening her email when she gets to work. Instead, she focuses on her research every morning and uses the afternoon hours for simpler tasks such as responding to emails

Motivating factors

Higher-level needs, related to job content- what you do, related to satisfaction, an example is responsibility

Margot enjoys reading to the Kindergarten class at the local elementary school and tutoring math in the third-grade class. She is also a Girl Scout leader with a small group from the same school. How would you describe the feeling she receives from these activities?


At The Container Store, part-time workers also get health benefits. Moreover, the company matches employees' contributions to a 401(k) account up to 4 percent of pay. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs do these two programs cover?



This plan uses cash awards on top of an employee's regular salary for achievement of specific objectives. If an employee reaches a certain goal, the employee is able to earn an additional $10,000 at the end of the year in addition to his or her normal salary.

Stock options

With this plan, employees are motivated to work harder to increase the company's stock price so that they can obtain it at a cheaper price. A company gives its executives the right to purchase 500 shares of company stock at a future date for a discounted price.

Procedural justice

Did my organization use biased decision tools to determine employee salaries? Is there a grievance procedure available to me if I feel I'm not receiving enough compensation at work?

According to equity theory, which type of justice reflects the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed or allocated?


Interactional justice

Does my supervisor treat me with respect and kindness at work? Was my organization honest with me when they said they couldn't afford to give me a raise?

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Focuses on motivating and hygiene factors in a job An employee hates going to work because the air conditioner has been broken for week and it is extremely hot in the office

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Focuses on needs such as love, esteem, physiological needs, safety, and self-actualization An employee continues working at a job because it allows him to put a roof over his family's head.

Prioritize the tasks

Hugo disciplines himself to put his financial health before short-term fun. When he has extra money at his disposal, he thinks long and hard about whether he should use it to treat himself, or whether it would be smarter to put it in savings Hugo makes certain expense cuts in at least one major area each week, and promises himself he will direct those savings straight into his savings account

According to expectancy theory, your ______ is low if you don't think a bonus or raise is going to be big enough to justify working evenings and weekends.


Extrinsic rewards

You received a $100 gift card to your favorite restaurant after being named employee of the quarter Your favorite perk at your company is the complimentary membership to your local health club- it would otherwise be really expensive to join You moved to a bigger, much nicer office when you got promoted You get to use the best parking spot as a reward for being this month's star employee

If an employee with the same job and background at one of The Container Store's competitors is paid 50-100 percent less than a Container Store employee, the competitor's employee may decrease their effort at work. Which of the following theories most closely explains this behavior?

Equity theory


This plan distributes savings to groups of employees who helped to reduce the organization's costs and increase its productivity. A company wants to be more efficient, so it has a team of workers generate a plan to cut costs and increase productivity. The team is promised a reward of 50 percent of any cost savings their plan generates.

Assuming they have choices, people will make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they can get it.


Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory

Focuses on the three needs of relatedness, competence, and autonomy Employees are motivated at their jobs because they are given a lot of discretion about how to do their work, and their supervisor doesn't micromanage them

Pay for performance

This plan bases your pay on your actual work results. It is known as merit pay. An auto salesperson receives a 25 percent commission on each and every vehicle he or she sells.

Work the plan, reward yourself, and adjust as needed

Hugo invests in a budgeting software program that allows him to consistently eye his progress toward his goals Each time he meets one of his retirement goals early, Hugo set aside $500 into a bucket list fund that he draws from when he wants to have fun and do something exciting


Lucy wants to attend training before she takes on a new job role Darius isn't confident about tackling a new project because he is not at all familiar with the software platform

Create a time schedule

Manara decides she will attend one major networking conference each year to make potential research contacts and will also submit at least one article to a journal every four months Manara uses something called the Pomodoro method during her workday. The method involves setting a tomato-shaped kitchen timer for 20 minute periods to generate maximum productivity

Identify your "wildly important" long-term goals

Manara wants to get enough high-level publications over the next 5 years to earn tenure at her university Two years into her 5-year tenure clock, Manara and her partner decide to adopt a child. She receives a one-year extension on her tenure clock and therefore adds one extra year to the time period in which she wants to achieve her goal of earning tenure

Experienced meaningfulness of work

Pheobe has degrees in journalism and history. She enjoys her current job because it allows her to write news articles about local historical facts, and thus, to put both of her degrees to use. Dai's job feels boring and monotonous to him because he only gets the chance to work on one tiny aspect of the production of a very large and complex product. Sara's work as a child advocate feels inherently rewarding to her because she feels like she is making a difference in the world.

Pay for knowledge

This plan ties employee compensation to the number of degrees or job-relevant skills each employee earns. It is also known as skill-based pay. High school teachers who have a Master's degree earn more than high school teachers who only have a Bachelor's degree.

Intrinsic rewards

Winning employee of the month made you feel that you were special and that your work was valued You use the free employee financial advisor regularly, and each time you do, you feel good about choosing to work there When you got to work yesterday there was a note on your desk thanking you for your dedication. This made you feel satisfied with your work Your new promotion includes a fancy title, which makes you feel like you are valued in your job

Personal factors

Keenan cares quite a bit about accuracy and will thus stay at work for as long as it takes to be sure all of his reports are precise before he submits them. Nudara is driven to excel in her leadership role because she has a high need for power. Camilia has a natural gift for math and numbers, and her work performance at her accounting firm is top-notch. Ivan has a Type A personality- he always likes to be busy accomplishing something. Because of this, he tends to be a good performer at work.

Contextual factors

Henry's job is extremely high risk and he sometimes has a hard time focusing on his work because he is too busy worrying about his safety. Rachel's boss always goes the extra mile to be sure his employees have what they need to be successful. Her boss' dedication to his employees makes Rachel want to do a great job. Hakeem's engineering job is extremely motivating because it allows him to constantly switch projects and use a variety of his many skills and talents. Viola and her coworkers pretty much all earn the same pay regardless of their performance. This makes it hard for Viola to want to put her heart and soul into her work.

Knowledge of actual results of work

Omar enjoys his job as a software engineer because he knows almost instantly whether he's successfully created a new program- when he tries it out, it either works exactly as he intended or it does not. Emiyo often goes months without getting any information from her boss about whether she is doing a satisfactory job at work.


Adnan's boss dangles rewards in front of employees as performance incentives, but sadly Adnan knows that even when employees perform well, most of them never see any actual awards Catalina knows that she will receive a huge year end bonus if she meets her sales goals

The Container Store pays employees 50-100 percent above the retail industry average. Based on what you know about Herzberg's two-factor theory, this above-industry pay is most related to which factor?


Most workers rate monetary benefits higher than they rate having a caring boss.


Which of the following is a motivating factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory?

The work itself

At Acuity Insurance, 20-30 employees each month are recognized through the Magic Happens program. The program begins by posting any positive feedback from customers, agents, or colleagues outside the local cafeteria. Next, one employee is drawn from this list and the positive feedback is shared over voicemail to all employees throughout the company. This employee also receives a $100 cash gift card. Based on reinforcement theory, what type of reinforcement does the Magic Happens program represent?

Positive reinforcement

Profit sharing

In this plan, the company distributes a percentage of iys profits to employees. This plan asks employees to share their job profits with the organizations.

Break your wildly important goal into short-team goals

Hugo says he wants to retire in 20 more years with enough saved in retirement to draw 60% of his current monthly income until he is 95 years old Hugo says that he will contribute 20% of his pre-tax income to his retirement plan for the next 10 years, then assess to determine whether he can drop that contribution to 15% or 10% during his last 10 years of work


Information tells you whether your choices worked or not

All employees who have been with Acuity Insurance for fewer than five years are invited to special social events that range from happy hours and kayaking trips to bean bag tournaments, NCAA March Madness competitions, and other events that encourage employees to socialize. Which of McClelland's three needs seems to be addressed here?

Need for affiliation

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