Ch 23/24 Quizzes

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The most abundant waste solute in urine is... a) uric acid b) creatine c) urea d) potassium e) protein

c) urea

The largest lipoproteins, _____________, are produced by intestinal epithelial cells from the fats in food. a) chylomicrons b) very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) c) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) d) high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) e) intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs)

a) chylomicrons

Which of the following is not a function of the urinary system? a) excretes excess albumin molecules b) contributes to stabilizing blood pH c) eliminates organic waste products d) regulates blood volume e) regulates plasma concentrations of electrolytes

a) excretes excess albumin molecules

Lipogenesis generally begins with... a) succinyl-CoA b) acetyl-CoA c) amino acids d) fatty acids e) glucose

b) acetyl-CoA

The process of filtration is driven by... a) active transport b) renal pumping c) glomerular hydrostatic pressure d) net filtration pressure e) blood colloid osmotic pressure

c) glomerular hydrostatic pressure

___________ carry excess cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver. a) very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) b) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) c) high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) d) very-high-density lipoproteins (VHDLs) e) intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs)

c) high-density lipoproteins

The area of the brain that regulates body temperature is the... a) pineal gland b) medulla oblongata c) hypothalamus d) cerebral cortex e) pons

c) hypothalamus

Increased sympathetic tone can do all of the following except... a) stimulate peripheral vasoconstriction b) increase cardiac output c) increase the glomerular filtration rate d) produce venoconstriction of blood reservoirs e) increase systemic blood pressure

c) increase the glomerular filtration rate

The vitamin that is required for proper bone growth and for calcium absorption and retention is vitamin... a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

d) D

The vitamin that is essential for the production of several clotting factors is vitamin... a) A b) B c) C d) K e) E

d) K

Wally decides to go on a hunger strike to further one of his favorite causes. After many days with nothing but water you would expect to observe.... a) lowered blood pH b) elevated levels of glucocorticoids c) ketone bodies in his urine d) all of the answers are correct e) none of the answers is correct

d) all of the answers are correct

The portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the... a) proximal convoluted tubule b) papillary tubule c) calyx d) distal convoluted tubule e) nephron loop

d) distal convoluted tubule

The vitamin that is a coenzyme in amino acid and nucleic acid metabolism is... a) vitamin C b) pyridoxine (B6) c) vitamin K d) folic acid (folate) e) pantothenic acid

d) folic acid (folate)

Under normal conditions, glomerular filtration depends on three main pressures. Which of those pressures is a pressure that favors the filtration pressure? a) capsular colloid osmotic pressure b) capsular hydrostatic pressure c) urinary bladder hydrostatic pressure d) glomerular hydrostatic pressure e) blood colloid osmotic pressure

d) glomerular hydrostatic pressure

A disorder caused by the ingestion of excessive quantities of a fat-soluble vitamin is known as... a) protein deficiency disease b) avitaminosis c) Kwashiokor d) hypervitaminosis e) carbohydrate loading

d) hypervitaminosis

The process of filtration occurs at the... a) collecting duct b) distal convoluted tubule c) nephron loop d) proximal convoluted tubule e) glomerulus

e) glomerulus

The prominent indentation on the medial surface of the kidney is the... a) pelvis b) calyx c) pyramid d) ureter e) hilum

e) hilum

All of the following take place during the absorptive state except.... a) blood glucose levels rise b) insulin stimulates glycogenesis c) blood lipid levels rise d) estrogen promotes protein synthesis e) ketone bodies begin to form

e) ketone bodies begin to form

The hormone ____________, which supresses appetite and stimulates satiety, is released by adipose tissue. a) insulin b) estrogen c) ghrelin d) neuropeptide Y e) leptin

e) leptin

Each of the following is a normal constituent of urine except... a) hydrogen ions b) uric acid c) creatinine d) urea e) proteins

e) proteins

All of the following occur during the postabsorptive state except that... a) glycogen is broken down into glucose in the liver b) lipid mobilization occurs c) levels of blood glucose are elevated d) gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver e) ketone bodies may be formed

c) levels of blood glucose are elevated

Urine is carried to the urinary bladder by... a) the ureters b) the urethra c) the calyces d) blood vessels e) lymphatics

a) the ureters

As the filtrate passes through the renal tubules, approximately what percentage is reabsorbed and returned to the circulation? a) 99 b) 74 c) 63 d) 1 e) 38

a) 99

The vitamin that plays a role in maintaining epithelia and is required for the synthesis of visual pigments is vitamin... a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

a) A

Eighty-five percent of nephrons in the human kidney are located in the _______ and have short nephron loops. a) renal pelvis b) cortex c) medulla d) fibrous capsule e) renal columns

b) cortex

Glucocorticoids have which of the following effects on general peripheral tissues? a) they increase glycogenolysis b) they increase gluconeogenesis c) they incrase the conversion of amino acids to pyruvate d) all of the answers are correct e) none of the answers are correct

d) all of the answers are correct

The position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity is stabilized by... a) contact with adjacent visceral organs b) the overlying peritoneum c) supporting connective tissues d) all of the answers are correct e) none of the answers is correct

d) all of the answers are correct

The following is a list of the blood vessels that carry blood to the kidney. 1. afferent arteriole 2. arcuate artery 3. interlobar artery 4. renal artery 5. glomerulus 6. cortical radiate artery 7. efferent arteriole 8. peritubular capillary a) 4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 7, 8 b) 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 1, 8 c) 4, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5, 1, 8 d) 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5, 7, 8 e) 4, 3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 7, 8

e) 4, 3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 7, 8

The vitamin that prevents breakdown of vitamin A and fatty acids is vitamin... a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

e) E

Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are examples of... a) vitamins b) transport proteins c) lipoproteins d) essential amino acids e) essential fatty acids

e) essential fatty acids

The minimum resting energy expenditures of an awake, alert person is called... a) basal metabolic rate b) steady state c) homeostasis d) body mass index rate e) stasis

a) basal metabolic rate

All of the following are true of beta-oxidation except that.... a) lipids are converted into glycogen molecules b) it requires coenzyme A, NAD, and FAD c) it ultimately yields large amounts of ATP d) it occurs in the mitochondria e) fatty acids break down into acetyl-CoA that enter the citric acid cycle

a) lipids are converted into glycogen molecules

Homeostatic control of body temperature is termed... a) thermoregulation b) basal metabolic rate c) homeostasis d) thermic monitoring e) energetics

a) thermoregulation

In transamination, the amino group of an amino acid is __________, yielding a different amino acid. a) transferred to another molecule b) transferred to acetyl-CoA c) converted to ammonia d) converted to urea e) absorbed by water

a) transferred to another molecule

Renal columns are... a) conical structures that are located in the renal medulla b) bundles of tissue that extend between pyramids from the cortex c) expanded ends of the ureters d) the basic functional units of the kidney e) internal cavities lined by the fibrous capsule

b) bundles of tissue that extend between pyramids from the cortex

The amount of filtrate produced by the kidneys each minute is called the... a) net filtration pressure b) glomerular filtration rate c) corpuscular output d) filtration ratio e) autoregulation capacity

b) glomerular filtration rate

____________ nephrons are essential to water conservation and the production of concentrated urine. a) cortical b) juxtamedullary

b) juxtamedullary

The energy content of foods is commonly given in units of... a) carbohydrates b) kilocalories (also, kcal or Cal) c) degrees Celcius d) ATP units e) grams( also, g, or gms)

b) kilocalories (also, kcal or Cal)

The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the... a) minor calyx b) nephron loop c) proximal convoluted tubule d) collecting loop e) distal convoluted tubule

b) nephron loop

Regarding kidney function, in reabsorption.... a) blood pressure forces water and solutes across the membranes of the glomerular capillaries and into the capsular space b) water and solutes are transported from the tubular fluid, across the tubular, epithelium, and into the peritubular fluid c) solutes enter the tubular fluid after exiting the peritubular fluid and crossing the tubular epithelium

b) water and solutes are transported from the tubular fluid, across the tubular, epithelium, and into the peritubular fluid

A drug that blocks the action of lipoprotein lipase would... a) prolong the circulation time of chylomicrons b) interfere with triglyceride utilization c) all the answers are correct d) none of the answers are correct

c) all the answers are correct

The lipoproteins that carry absorbed lipids from the intestinal tract to the bloodstream are the... a) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) b) very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) c) chylomicrons d) high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) e) none of the answers are correct

c) chylomicrons

One mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to.... a) decrease secretion of aldosterone b) increase filtration into glomerular (Bowman's) capsule c) decrease urinary albumin concentration d) increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex e) increase release of angiotensin II by the suprarenal glands

d) increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex

The nutrients that yield the most energy per gram when metabolized are... a) vitamins b) proteins c) carbohydrates d) lipids e) nucleic acids

d) lipids

The filtrate first passes from the glomerular capsule to the... a) minor calyx b) nephron loop c) collecting duct d) proximal convoluted tubule e) distal convoluted tubule

d) proximal convoluted tubule

A vitamin obtained from meat that is a coenzyme in amino acid and lipid metabolism is... a) riboflavin b) niacin c) pantothenic acid d) pyridoxine (B6) e) folic acid (folate)

d) pyridoxine (B6)

The glomerular capsule and the glomerulus make up the... a) collecting tubule system b) renal pyramid c) nephron loop d) renal corpuscle e) renal papilla

d) renal corpuscle

Triangular or conical structures located in the renal medulla are called... a) nephrons b) renal pelvises c) calyces d) renal pyramids e) renal columns

d) renal pyramids

The vitamin that is part of coenzymes in glycolysis and the citric acid cycle is... a) thiamine b) folic acid (folate) c) cobalamin d) riboflavin e) niacin

d) riboflavin

During lipolysis.... a) lipids are metabolized to yield ATP b) lipids are converted into glucose molecules c) lipids are formed from excess carbohydrates d) triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids e) triglycerides are converted into molecules of acetyl-CoA

d) triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids

The conversion of ammonia into a less toxic substance produces... a) water b) ketone bodies c) acetyl-CoA d) urea e) nitrate

d) urea

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