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It was during the period of British rule in India that the first hints came to light regarding the fact that Sanskrit may be a branch of the family of languages that came to be known as _________.


Two patterns characterize the evolution of imperialism-colonialism in the period of 1750-1900: the first pattern was the shift from coastal trade forts under chartered companies to government takeover, territorial conquest and colonialism, while the second pattern was _________by European countries in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire as well as in Asia and Africa.

. the rise of direct territorial imperialism-colonialism.

The degree of brutality which came to characterize the European powers' nineteenth century colonialist race in Africa can best be summed up in Josepth Conrad's description of the horrors in the _________ in his novel Heart of Darkness, perhaps the most powerful anti-imperialist depiction of the time.

Belgian Congo.

The international political system that dominated Europe from 1815 to 1914 and which advocated a balance of power among states is referred to as the _________ and was aimed at preventing any renewed European imperialist goals of the kind Napoleon had pursued.

Concert of Europe.

The Indian Civil Service, among the most exclusive bureaucracies in the world and seldom comprised of more than a 1,000 "Anglo-Indian" and Indian officials, governed a quarter of a billion people by means of _________tactics.

Divide and Rule

True or False: Great Britain's occupation of Egypt had infinitely less to do with shoring up British commercial interests in the region than with a manifest desire for Mediterranean imperialism.


By 1750, the chief European rival competing against British commercial monopoly in India were the _________, who were aggressively building up both trading and political power in the southern part of the Indian Subcontinent.


Important early commercial interests in Australia included all but one of the following:


_________teamed up successfully against Russia during the Crimean War, a conflict which demonstrated the superiority of new industrially produced rifles and breech-loading artillery.

Great Britain and France.

In the early 1900s, the political competition in Europe had narrowed a struggle for Western European supremacy between _________.

Great Britain and Germany.

The Spanish-American War in 1898 brought an end to over four centuries of Spanish colonialism in the Pacific as Spain was defeated by the United States not only in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines but also in _________.


Which of the following nations was not a an autonomous Ottoman province ruled by its own dynasty of beys, or lords ?


The Scramble finally ended in the early 1900s with the French declaration of a protectorate over _________.


French imperial and colonial involvement in Indochina began in 1858 under _________.

Napoleon III.

In 1757, the battle of _________effectively eliminated the French threat in the Subcontinent and consolidated Great Britain's supremacy in India following the treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in 1763.


The period of direct British rule in India following the failure of the Great Mutiny is known as the British _________.


British interventionism in Egypt after that country was unable to repay the enormous debt incurred from the French-led construction of the _________in 1869, a debt-collection effort which Britain had taken over from France, ultimately resulted in the British occupation of Egypt in 1882.

Suez Canal.

The first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838, ushered in the rivalry for supremacy over Central Asia between the British and the Russian Empires, a period otherwise known as _________ .

The Great Game.

True of False: Great Britain's first foray into Mediterranean imperialism came as a result of the British takeover of the island of Cyprus from the Ottomans as a protectorate, in order to prevent a renewed Russian invasion of Istanbul.


True or False: The great distance separating the East India Company's London directors from actual operations in India as well as the enormous potential for personal wealth to be had there tended to make the local leadership more or less autonomous from London oversight and opened the door to corruption on a grand scale, especially under the leadership of Warren Hastings.


True or False: The loss of Mexico to independence motivated Spain to liberalize trade and shift from silver to commercial agriculture for export.


_________was the staging ground for adventurers, explorers and missionaries in the nineteenth century to enter the African Interior.


A system in which people from one country settle in another, maintaining connections to the mother country, most often used in the context of the exploitation of weaker countries by imperial powers is referred to as _________.


In the aftermath of disillusionment caused by the wholesale change and reform instigated by British missionaries, the Great Mutiny of 1857, also known by the British as the Sepoy Mutiny and by the Indians as the _________, broke out among the East India Company's Sepoy troops and swiftly turned into a civil war as pro- and anti-British Indian forces clashed across Northern India.

first war of independence

In the wake of rapid agricultural growth, a thriving wool and gold export business and textile industry growth, large-scale immigration and urbanization encouraged far-reaching social legislation, making New Zealand the first country in the world to _________.

grant voting rights to women.

Which of the following does not describe Australia's demographic and economic development in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

growth of the native

In the final decades of the nineteenth century, as a result of the rise of social Darwinism and of pseudo-scientific theories of race, the British community in India, seldom more than about 100,000 at any given time, was increasingly encouraged to _________.

segregate and set itself up as a caste and race apart.

Among the "barbaric" practices prevalent in Indian society which these missionaries were able to successfully campaign against despite a lack of support from a largely indifferent East India Company leadership, were female infanticide, thugee, the ritual murders of travelers on Indian roads and sati, the _________.

self-immolation of widows on their husbands funeral pyres.

The Spanish galleon trade, based out of the Philippines, traded _________for Chinese silk, porcelain and lacquer ware.


In the wake of the Industrial Revolution and as Britain's share of India's economy grew, the British increasingly sought to create markets for their own goods there and shunt Indian exports toward _________.

the exclusive use of the British domestic market.

Colonialism on the coast of West Africa after 1885 was an outgrowth of the traditional _________.

trade fort system.

In 1885, the Indian National Congress, the precursor of India's present Congress Party, was first convened with the ongoing mission of _________.

winning greater autonomy for India within the structure of the British Empire.

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