CH 4 (psy)

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secure, avoidant, resistant, disorganized

types of attachment. Sensitive, consistent unavailable, rejecting, irritable inconsistent, unaffectionate neglectful, abusive

The current U.S. policy on parental leave is to allow ______.

up to 12 week of unpaid leave

The current U.S. policy on parental leave is to allow ______.

up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave

In a most basic classification sense, enthusiasm, joy, and love are classified as ___________ emotions, whereas anxiety, anger, and guilt are classified as _______ emotions.

positive, negative

The early emotions of anger, disgust, fear, interest, joy, sadness, and surprise are all examples of _________ emotions.


Emotional interactions between caregiver and child are ______, or synchronous, meaning they shape and are shaped by each other.


______ involves parents who take the time to interact with a child in such a way that the child experiences turn-taking and the parents support the child's efforts at any age.


Which of the following terms are used to describe the interactional nature of emotional communication between parents and child when all is going well?

Synchronous, reciprocal

An individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is his or her ______.


More children are in child care today than ever before, primarily because U.S. adults

cannot receive paid leave

Jenny, an infant, gets scared and starts to cry. She is using her emotions to _________ with her parents.


When parents of children in East Asia encourage the demonstration of emotional reserve, this illustrates the influence of __________diversity on emotional development.


An important form of reciprocal socialization is _____________ , in which parents adjust the level of guidance to fit the child's performance, thus allowing them to be more skillful.


___________attached infants have caregivers who are sensitive to their signals and constantly available to respond to the infants' needs.


What type of emotions require self-awareness and a sense of 'me'?

self-coscious emotions

In 1992, the European Union mandated a

14 week paid maternity leave

In general, infant fear first emerges at six months and peaks at about 18 months.


Which individuals are displaying self-conscious emotions?

7 year old- harry, who is embarrased. 4 year old- Sam , who feels shame.

The interaction between children and caregivers is like a dance or dialog in which each successive action depends on the partner's previous behavior. The term used to describe this is reciprocal


The family can be thought of as a constellation of ______ defined in terms of generation, gender, and role.


Which of the following statements are true of stranger anxiety?

It appears at about 6 months of age.

Infants communicate important aspects of their lives such as joy, sadness, interest, and fear through


are influenced by both biological foundations and by an individual's experiences.


______ play encourages infants to prefer people over objects.

face to face

What emotion would an infant younger than 6 months likely not experience?


Many children in the United States are cared for by ______ outside caregivers.


The enduring personal characteristics of the individual are known as


Almost all classifications designate an emotion as either

positive or negative

Individual differences in behavioral styles, emotions, and characteristic way of responding reflect the ____________ of a person's personality.


The reciprocal interchanges and mutual influence processes between parents and children are sometimes referred to as


True or false: Personality in infants is thought to involve a sense of self, trust, self-recognition, and independence.


About ______ children in the United States currently receive formal, licensed child care.

2 million

Which of the following statements are true regarding face-to-face play?

It begins when the infants is about 2 to 3 months of age It includes vocalization, touch, and gesture.

Which of the following statements are true regarding cultural influences on emotional development?

Japanese parents try to prevent their children from experiencing negative emotions. East Asian infants display less frequent and less positive and negative emotions than non-Latino White infants. Non-Latino White mothers are more likely than Japanese parents to respond after their children become distressed.

True or false: Marital relationships, parenting, and infant behavior and development have both direct and indirect effects on one another.


The term stranger __________ describes a situation in which infants demonstrate a wariness of people they do not know.


A feeling or affect that occurs when individuals are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their well-being, is called an


A feeling or affect that occurs when people are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially to their wellbeing is known as a/an


a high quality day care center should provide which of the following?

A safe environment Age appropriate toys for play age appropriate activities

Which of the following factors can result in an infant showing fear as early as 3 months?

Neglect and abuse

True or false: A quality child care environment should provide a low caregiver-child ratio.


Which of the following statements best describes the influence of biology and environment on emotional development?

Emotions are influenced by both nature and nurture

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