Ch. 6 X-ray Production

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Binding energy of the K shell (tungsten)

69.5 keV

A tungsten atom has ____ orbiting its nucleus in six different shells.

74 electrons

continuous emission spectrum

a graphic representation of bremsstrahlung x-ray production

discrete emission spectrum

a graphic representation of characteristic x-ray production

Absorption also depends on the ______ of body tissues through which the x-ray photons are passing.


Characteristic photons have _______

discrete emission spectrum

A 15% increase in kVp is equivalent to _____ the mAs


In order to remove the orbital electron, the filament electron must have kinetic energy _______ than or equal to the binding energy of the electron with which it interacts.


Beam quality is measured by the ______

half-value layer (HVL)


the filament electron misses all of the orbital electrons & interacts with the NUCLEUS of the target atom.


the removal of an electron ONLY in characteristics

Kinetic Energy

the result of producing x-ray (photons)

Half Value Layer (HVL)

the thickness of absorbing material (aluminum or aluminum equivalent filtration) necessary to reduce the energy of the x-ray beam to one-half its original intensity

half-value layer is defined as

the thickness of absorbing material necessary to reduce the energy of the beam to one-half its original intensity

Primary Beam

the x-ray beam as it is upon exiting the collimator & exposing the patient

Remnant Beam

the x-ray beam that remains after interaction with the patient & is exiting the patient to expose the image receptor

primary beam

the x-ray beam upon exiting the collimator and exposing the patient

Changes in generator type change...

the x-ray production efficiency of the machine

Can any outer shell electron fill an inner shell vacancy?

Yes, it is not very likely to happen bc of the far distance.

The filament electrons penetrate the face of the target to a depth of approximately


Each filament electron may undergo ______ or more interactions before coming to rest.


Normal HVL of general diagnostic beams is

3 to 5 mm Al

If 90 kVp is selected at the control panel, then we can predict that the average energy of that beam is ______

30 kVp

x-ray emission spectrum

A graphic representation of the x-ray beam as a whole, *combining* the relevant parts of the discrete and continuous emission spectra.

In beam quantity an increase in: Filtration

Affect on Quantity: Decreases

In beam quantity an increase in: Distance

Affect on Quantity:Decreases

Breamsstrahlung (brems) Interactions

An interaction in which a filament electron is attracted to the nucleus, causing it slow down and change direction. The energy loss is emitted as a bremsstrahlung photon.

electron volts

Binding energy is measured in

In this type of interaction, the filament electron misses all of the orbital electrons of the target atom and interacts with the nucleus.


The kinetic energy it loses in this process is emitted as an x-ray photon called a ______ or ______ photon.

Bremsstrahlung; brems

In beam quantity an increase in kVp

Effect on Quantity: Increases

In beam quantity an increase in mAs

Effect on Quantity: increases

Beam quality is affected by _____ and mainly ______

Filtration and kVp

In a tungsten target used for diagnostic imaging, most of the photons will be bremsstrahlung for two reasons.

First, with characteristic interactions, only those involving the K shell are of sufficient energy to be useful Second, the filament electron is more likely to miss the K shell electrons of the target atom than it is to hit it because the atom is mostly empty space.

High energy x-ray beams (high kVp) are called

High quality or hard


Most of our x-rays are produced are through Bremmsstrahlung

binding energy

The energy that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus through the force of attraction; the amount of energy needed to break up the nucleus.

inverse square law

The intensity of a source of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

beam quality

The penetrating power of the x-ray beam


The process by which x-ray photons are transmitted through the body and reach the radiographic film.

Characteristic Cascade

The process of outer-shell electrons filling inner-shell vacancies, creating a cascading effect during a characteristic interaction.


The state of light, or x-ray photons, that have passed through a substance such as air, clear glass, or different substances in the patient's body.

Inherent Filtration (0.5 mm Al) and Added Filtration (2.5 mm Al)

The total filtration is equal to the sum of?

beam quantity

The total number of x-ray photons in a beam

remnant beam

The x-ray beam that remains after interaction with the patient and is exiting the patient to expose the image receptor

Why is it that medical imaging generally focuses on K-shell interactions?

They are the highest energy and the most useful for imaging purposes

- Characteristics Interactions - Bremmsstahlung Interactions

What are the two types of x-ray production?

Changes in mA...

affect beam quantity

Changes in kVp....

affect quality & quantity

What type of material are filters made of?

aluminum or aluminum equivalent.

Characteristic Interaction

an interaction in which a filament electron removes and orbital electron from an atom, to regain stability, an outer-shell electron fills the vacancy, giving up its excess energy as a characteristic x-ray photon

A graph of brems photons creates a ______

bell- shaped continuum

Characteristic photons are so named because their energy is "characteristic" or dependent on the difference in______ between the shells involved.

binding energy

Bremsstrahlung is a German word for______

braking or slowing down.


bundles of energy

This process of outer shell electrons filling inner shell vacancies continues down the line, creating a ______

cascading effect

There are two ways in which these interactions occur:

characteristic and bremsstrahlung (brems)

This energy is given off as a ______

characteristic photon

Added Filtration

comes in the form of another 2.0 mm Al placed between the target window and the top of the collimator

Brem photons have a ______

continuous emission spectrum

What graphically illustrates the x-ray beam

emission spectrum

The removal of the orbital electron established the _____ for the x-ray production, and it is the expending of energy during the cascade the produces characteristic x-rays.


In order to regain stability, the void created by the interaction with the _______ electron must be filled


In a characteristic interaction, the ________ enters a target atom and strikes one of the orbital electrons, removing it from its orbit and the atom (if it has enough kinetic energy).

filament electron

The strength of the attraction depends on ______

how close the filament electron passes to the nucleus

As kVp increases, the beam's ability to penetrate matter _____


Inherent Filtration

inherent to the tube head assembly, the target window (0.5mm Al) is the primary contributor

If a filament electron has kinetic energy equal to 50 keV and it hits a K shell electron of a tungsten atom, does it have enough energy to remove the electron?

it does not have the energy to remove the electron because the K shell electron binding energy is 69.5 keV

The characteristic photon is named for the shell being filled

k shell= k characteristic photon l shell= l characteristic photon etc.

High-energy photons result from higher ______

kVp settings.

Low energy x-ray beams (low kVp) are called

low quality or soft

5 factors change the appearance of the x-ray emission spectrum:

mA,kVp, tube filtration, generator type, & target materialC

Beam Quantity is affected by:

mAs, kVp, distance& filtration

If a generator operates more efficiently

more filament electrons have the energy to produce x-rays, increasing quantity (amplitude of the curve)

The average energy of bremsstrahlung photons is _______ of the kVp selected at the control panel.


The peak of the curve is approximately ____ of the kVp indicated


An x-ray beam directed to a body can be described in terms of ______

penetration and absorption

The addition of tube filtration moves...

photons from the beam

To do this, an outer shell electron drops into the closer orbit. To occupy this closer orbit, the orbital electron must give up some of its _____

potential (stored) energy

Less dense structures with a much lower probability of absorption are said to be


Body structures that readily absorb x-rays are called


Beam Quantity

refers to the overall number of photons in the beam

Beam quality

refers to the penetrating power of the beam


refers to those photons that are attenuated by the body and do not reach the image receptor.

What does brems attraction cause the filament electron to do?

slow down (brake) and change direction.

As the atomic number of the target material goes up

so does the average energy, quantity of photons, and the position of the discrete line of the spectrum

Beam quantity varies inversely as the ____ of the distance

square (inverse square law)

The closer the filament electron passes to the nucleus, the _____ the attraction


When the kVp is set too high for the body area being imaged...

the area will be overpenetrated and the image will be too dark overall

These photons do not pass through the body to expose the image receptor..

the areas of the body that absorb the most x-rays appear on the radiographic image as clear or white.

potential difference

the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts (the increased and decrease of positive attraction)

What is the purpose of added filtration?

to remove low- energy x-ray photons from the beam before they can expose the patient and contribute anything useful to the imaging process

High-energy photons are more likely to be ____ through the body rather than be absorbed in an interaction with atoms in the body.


What is the remnant beam composed of?

transmitted photons and scattered photons

True or False: Most of the x-ray beam is made up of bremsstrahlung photons


True or False: The stronger this attraction, the more energy the filament electron loses and the stronger the resultant brems photon.


the vacancy created by this interaction causes the atom to be very ______



when an electron in an inner SHELL is knocked from its orbit by a projectile electron.


x-ray photons that are transmitted through the body and reach the IR

It is when the outer shell electrons release energy to fill this void that ______ are produced.


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