SOCI- Exam 3

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Sometimes prejudice results from


what is genocide?

deliberate, systematic killing of entire people or nation

What is institutional discrimination?

denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from normal operations of a society

what is discrimination?

denial of opportunities and equal rights to people on an arbitrary basis

in the conflict perspective, One way for the powerful to maintain the status quo is to define and disseminate the society's _______________ ______________

dominant ideology

a plumber whose father was a physician provides an example of

downward intergenerational mobility

A man who becomes a taxicab driver after his accounting firm goes bankrupt undergoes

downward intragenerational mobility.

In the United States, Puerto Ricans, Jews, and Polish Americans are all categorized as

ethnic groups

Inteactionist Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity

everyday contact contributes to tolerance or hostility

what are gender roles?

expectations regarding proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

According to Marx, ________________ of the proletariat will inevitably lead to the destruction of the capitalist system, because the workers will revolt.


A sociologist argues that the capitalist ruling class is willing to tolerate high rates of illegal immigration because these immigrants serve as a cheap labor pool. This sociologist is most likely drawing upon

exploitation theory

T/F: Distinction between racial and ethnic groups are not socially significant


In Gender role socialization, girls are viewed as


soft, emotional, sweet, and submissive are all terms to describe


In 2000 Congress passed Trafficking Victims Protection Act for what purpose?

for the purpose of : Monitoring other countries' efforts to investigate, prosecute, and convict those participating in trafficking

what is colonialism?

foreign power maintains political, social, economic, and cultural domination for an extended period of time

Mobility patterns in ______________ countries are usually associated with both intergenerational and intragenerational mobility


Similar to the systems of slavery and caste, __________ __ _____ _______________ largely defined the estate system

inheritance of one's position

Which sociological perspective notes that among those elderly who decline in their mental capacities, deterioration is most rapid in old people who withdraw from social relationships and activities?

interactionist perspective

What are the two types of vertical mobility?

intergenerational and intragenerational mobility

Max Weber saw class as closely related to people's

life chances

which class disproportionately consists of Black and Hispanic people, single mothers with young children, and people who cannot find regular work or must make do with low-paying work

lower class

which type of middle class includes less affluent professionals, such as elementary school teachers, and nurses, owners of small businesses, and a sizable number of clerical workers?

lower middle class

In Gender-Role Socialization, Boys are viewed as


what are stereotypes?

unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences with the group

Of the five classes, which class is declining noticeably in size

working class

Upper class makes up ________% of U.S. and consist of great wealth and political power


Upper middle class makes up ___ % of the U.S


T/F: Distinction between racial and ethnic groups is always clear


T/F: Terms such as "her" are an example of gender neutral pronouns.


movement within the same range of prestige is called

Horizontal mobility

negative attitude toward an entire category of people is known as


Caste is an _______________ status


Those at the top of the social hierarchy may purchase more automobiles than they can reasonably use, or build homes with more rooms than they can possibly occupy. This example represents what?

conspicuous consumption

purchasing goods not to survive but to flaunt superior wealth and social standing is known as

conspicuous consumption

symbolic ethnicity is the

emphasis on concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage

what is Amalgamation?

happens when majority group and minority group combine to form a new group United States as "melting pot" does not adequately describe dominant-subordinate relations

Life chances are reflected in measures such as

housing, education, and health

active, aggressive, tough, daring, and dominant are all terms to describe


Beginning at birth women face

sex discrimination

Marx focused on the two classes that began to emerge as the feudal estate system declined, the ________________ and the ________________

the bourgeoisie and the proletariat

what are the 5 basic properties of a minority group

1. Unequal treatment 2. Distinguishing cultural characteristics 3. Involuntary membership 4. strong sense of group Solidarity 5. In-group marriage

what is the five-class model that is used to describe the U.S. class system?

1. Upper 2. Lower Classes 3. middle class 4.Working Class 5.Class Warfare

lower class makes up ______% of the U.S


lower middle class makes up ___ % of the U.S


social position that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts describes what?

Achieved status

positive efforts to recruit minority members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities is known as

Affirmative action

Which is not a way in which racial and ethnic groups can relate to one another? Genocide segregation Amalgamation Assimilation Pluralism?

All are ways in which racial and ethnic groups can relate to one another

The social position assigned to person by society without regard for the person's unique talents or characteristics. such as biological like female or male, describes what?

Ascribed status

Past and present discrimination heightens these problems for those low-income urban residents who are

Black or Hispanic

capitalist class; owners of the means of production, such as factories and machinery describes which of Marx's classes


___________ is generally associated with Hinduism in India.


hereditary ranks that are usually religiously dictated and that tend to be fixed and immobile, describes what


In the class system, __________ __________ is heavily dependent on family and ascribed factors such as race and ethnicity

Class standing

in which system is social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility?

Class system

This system allows little or no possibility of moving up. in such societies with this system, social placement is based on ascribed statuses, such as race or family background, which cannot be changed

Closed system

which perspective believes that Multinational corporations exploit local workers to maximize profits

Conflict Perspective

which perspective do the following statements fall under? Social stratification facilitates exploitation Social inequality is excessive and growing Wealthy use dominant ideology to further their own interests

Conflict Perspective

In the dependency theory, Industrialized nations exploit developing nations through colonialism and multinational corporations. this relates to what perspective?

Conflict perspective

in which perspective are Human beings prone to conflict over scarce resources such as wealth, status, and power?

Conflict perspective

What is the conflict explanation for the existence and necessity of social stratification?

Conflict theorists argue that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality.

In the Interactionist Perspective, _______________ hypothesis describes the interracial contact between people of equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon old stereotypes

Contact hypothesis

even as developing countries make economic advances, they remain weak and subservient to core nations and corporations. this theory is known as

Dependency theory

An elementary school teacher who becomes a bank teller moves from one social position to another of the same rank. what form of mobility is being described?

Downward Vertical Mobility

who predicted "the color line" foremost problem of 20th century?


The Impact of ____________, in social mobility, plays a critical role, especially in intergenerational mobility


which system required peasants to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection and other services?

Estate system (also called feudalism)

reputation a specific person has earned within an occupation, is known as


group set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns, is known as

Ethnic group

T/F: The most extreme form of legalized social any quality for individuals or groups is a castle system

False Correct answer is Slavery

which perspective believes that Multinational corporations help developing nations

Functionalist Perspective

in which perspective is Social inequality necessary so people will be motivated to fill functionally important positions?

Functionalist perspective

which perspective do the following statements fall under? Social stratification facilitates filling of social positions Social inequality is necessary to some extent Talents and skills of the wealthy create opportunities for others

Functionalist perspective

which perspective does not explain the wide disparity between rich and poor

Functionalist perspective

What is the Functionalist explanation for the existence and necessity of social stratification?

Functionalists maintain that a differential system of rewards and punishments is necessary for the efficient operation of society.

Adults, older siblings, mass media, religious institutions, and educational institutions exert important influences for

Gender-Role Socialization

An invisible barrier blocking promotion of qualified individuals in work environment because of gender, race, or ethnicity, is referred to as

Glass ceiling

_____________is often blamed for the growing inequality, because it has forced less skilled workers to compete with lower-paid foreign-born workers


An elementary school teacher who becomes a police officer moves from one social position to another of the same rank, what form of mobility is being described here?

Horizontal mobility

what is the "One-drop rule"

If a person had even a single drop of "Black blood," that person was defined and viewed as Black, even if he or she appeared to be white.

Racial and ethnic makeup of present-day society determined by three things, what are they?

Immigration Colonialism Slavery

In who's view does Poverty and the poor satisfy positive functions for many non-poor groups

In Gans view

Divides in global wealth emerged as result of the _____________ ______________ and rising ______________ productivity

Industrial Revolution / agricultural

which perspective do the following statements fall under? Social stratification influences people's lifestyles Social inequality influences intergroup relations Wealthy exhibit conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure

Interactionist Perspective

changes in children's position relative to their parents, describes what type of vertical mobility?

Intergenerational mobility

when the social position changes within person's adult life, this is ______________________ mobility

Intragenerational mobility

Who said this quote "of all classes the rich are the most noticed and the least studied." ?

John Kenneth Galbraith

No theorist stressed significance of class for society more strongly than

Karl Marx

lower class generally _______ wealth and income and are politically _______

Lack/ weak

who are the largest minority in the U.S. with more than 55 million?


in who's viewpoint does the emergence of surplus resources expands possibilities for inequality?

Lenski's Viewpoint

people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable life experiences, is known as

Life chances

who argued stratification has many dimensions?

Max Weber

in _______ __________ view of stratification, No single characteristic totally defines a person's position within the stratification system

Max Weber's

One whose income falls between two-thirds and twice the nation's median household income is in which class?

Middle class

One contributor to why 11 - 15% in the United States live below the poverty line is that large number of workers are employed at

Minimum wage

A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives, is referred to as

Minority group

the process by which peripheral nations move from traditional institutions to those characteristic of developed societies, is called


In _______________ mobility, people who reach an occupational level above or below that of their parents usually advance or fall back only one or two out of a possible eight occupational levels. Example: the child of a laborer may become an artisan or a technician, but he or she is less likely to become a manager or professional.

Occupational Mobility

In _________________ mobility, the odds against reaching the top are extremely high unless one begins from a relatively privileged position

Occupational Mobility

In this system, the position of each individual is influenced by the person's achieved status. this system encourages competition among members of society.

Open system

who was the first sociologist to distinguish between horizontal and vertical mobility?

Pitirim Sorokin

a money income figure that is adjusted annually to reflect the consumption requirements of families based on their size and composition is known as

Poverty line

"My daughter, the physicist" connotes something very different from "my daughter, the waitress.". This is an example of what?


respect and admiration an occupation holds in society, describes what?


working class describes which of Marx's classes


group set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance, is called

Racial group

One important and widespread ideology that reinforces prejudice is


floating standard by which people at the bottom of society are judged as being disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole., is known as

Relative poverty

The key to the objective method is that the ____________, not the person being classified, identifies the person's class position


who used a five-class model to describe U.S. class system?


what is an example of close system?

Slavery and caste systems

In the movie Maid in Manhattan, Jennifer Lopez plays the lead in a modern-day Cinderella story, rising from the lowly status of chambermaid in a big-city hotel to a company supervisor and the girlfriend of a well-to-do politician. This is an example of

Social mobility

The movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society's stratification system to another, is called

Social mobility

Rose's four dysfunctions associated with racism include

Society that practices discrimination fails to use resources of all individuals Discrimination aggravates social problems Society must invest time and money to defend barriers to full participation Racial prejudice undercuts goodwill and diplomatic relations between nations

Gans has identified a number (5) of social, economic, and political functions that the poor perform for society. what are they?

Society's dirty work performed at low cost Creates jobs for occupations and professions that serve the poor Upholds conventional social norms and values Guarantees higher status of the more affluent Poor absorb costs of social change

Conflict theorists see ____________ as a major source of societal tension and see that this leads to instability and social change


What can be said about the patterns of intergenerational mobility in industrial nations?

Structural factors influence opportunities for social mobility.

T/F: Each caste is quite sharply defined, and members are expected to marry within that caste


T/F: In the Social Construction of Race, Society labels those differences people consider important, while ignoring other characteristics


T/F: Ironically Asian Americans are often held up as unqualified success story


T/F: Majority of the poor live outside of urban slums


T/F: Most significant mobility is movement out of poverty


T/F: Occupational Mobility has been common among males


T/F: Occupying a higher social class in society improves your life chances and brings greater access to social rewards


T/F: Overall composition of the poor changes continually


T/F: Prejudiced attitudes are not the same as discriminatory behavior


T/F: Stratification is universal in that all societies maintain some form of social inequality among members.


T/F: The overwhelming majority of people begin with a definite sex and quickly receive societal messages about how to behave.


T/F: The working class tends to identify with manual workers and their long history of involvement in the labor movement.


T/F: Vertical mobility can also involve moving downward in a society's stratification system


T/F: in the class system the boundaries between classes are imprecisely defined, and one can move from one stratum, or level, of society to another


T/F: the minority group's sense of solidarity encourages marriage within the group and discourages marriage to outsiders


long-term poor who lack training and skills are called


the management of an apartment complex may refuse to rent to African Americans, Hispanics, or Jews, is an example of

Unequal treatment

which type of middle class includes professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and architects. these individuals participate extensively in politics and take leadership roles in voluntary associations?

Upper middle class

In India there are four major castes, called,


An elementary school teacher who becomes a lawyer moves from one social position to another of the same rank. what form of mobility is being described here?

Vertical mobility

movement from one position to another of a different rank

Vertical mobility

who theorized the world systems analysis where interdependent global economy rests on unequal economic and political relationships


____________ in the U.S. much more unevenly distributed than income


___________, ___________, and ___________ provide additional ways of coping with problems and disappointments

Wealth, status, and power

________ households have 10 times median wealth of _________ households; 13 times that of _________

White; Latino; Blacks

What is modernization theory?

a functionalist perspective that modernization and development will gradually improve lives of people in developing nations

Asian Pacific Americans constitute a model minority. what is the meaning of model minority?

a group that, despite past prejudice and discrimination, succeeds economically, socially, and educationally without resorting to political or violent confrontations with whites

which of the following is a correct statement based on the impact of gender: Clerical occupations open to women offer modest salaries and little advancement Women find it harder to secure financing for new business ventures Women unlikely to move into fathers' positions

all are correct: Clerical occupations open to women offer modest salaries and little advancement Women find it harder to secure financing for new business ventures Women unlikely to move into fathers' positions

What is racially profiling and what perspective does it fall under?

any arbitrary action initiated by an authority based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on person's behavior Labeling perspective

what is false consciousness?

attitude held by members of class that does not accurately reflect their objective position

what is Pluralism?

based on mutual respect among various groups in a society for one another's cultures

why is Estate system also called feudalism?

because it's associated with feudal societies during the Middle Ages

Conflict theorists generally agree that two major power sources are closely interrelated. What are they?

big business and government

For Marx, class consciousness was part of a collective process in which the proletariat comes to identify the _____________ as the source of its oppression.


In capitalist societies, the members of the _________________ maximize profit in competition with other firms


In both Europe and the New World, the rise of slavery was essential to the growth and development of


A group of people who have similar level of wealth and income is known as a


certain workers in the United States try to support their families through minimum-wage jobs. According to Weber's definition, these wage earners constitute a _________ because they share the same economic position and fate.


Marx identified three distinct components of stratification:

class, status, and power

Multinational corporation is the

commercial organization headquartered in one country but doing business throughout the world

According to Veblen, the top of the social hierarchy typically convert part of their wealth into

conspicuous consumption

what is Neocolonialism?

continued dependence on more industrialized nations for managerial and technical expertise by former colonies

Conflict Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity

economic structure is a central factor in the exploitation of minorities. Example is the Exploitation theory

what is Capitalism?

economic system in which means of production held largely in private hands, and main incentive for economic activity is accumulation of profits

T/F: Income in the United States is distributed evenly

false, it is distributed Unevenly

One commonly used measure of absolute poverty is the

federal government's poverty line

Girls develop a feminine self-image by identifying with

females and males in their families and neighborhoods and in the media

Inequality is a significant determinant of

human behavior

With the impact of ___________, Women more likely to leave the labor force if job skills exceed offered jobs

impact of gender

what is wealth?

inclusive term encompassing all a person's material assets

A Major factor in the feminization of poverty has been the:

increase in families with women as single heads of household

Sociologists use the terms open stratification system and closed stratification system to

indicate the degree of social mobility in a society

Sociologists and feminist sociologists have come up with new approaches to asses women's social class standing. One new approach focuses on the __________ rather than family or household


what is socioeconomic status (SES)

measure of social class based on income, education, and occupation

in a status group, an individual gains status through

membership in a desirable group, such as the medical profession

what is absolute poverty?

minimum level of subsistence that no family should live below

Labeling theorists Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity

minorities singled out for differential treatment by law enforcement

When sociologists define a ________ ___________, they are concerned primarily with the economic and political power, or powerlessness, of that group

minority group

Another complication in measuring social class is that advances in statistical methods and computer technology have

multiplied with advances in statistical methods and computer technology

Ethnic groups are set apart from others because of

national origin or distinctive cultural patterns

What distinguishes this oppressive system of stratification (slavery) is that enslaved individuals are ___________ by other people, who treat these human beings as ___________


To determine the socioeconomic status of a young person, such as a college student under age 25, they use

parental income, education, and occupation

what is Redlining

pattern of discrimination against people trying to buy homes in minority and racially changing neighborhoods

What is segregation?

physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence

The ability to exercise one's will over others describes


if you immediately stereotype your roommate on the basis of such characteristics as race, ethnicity, or religion, that is a form of


The ___________ ____________ of occupations has proved to be a useful indicator of a person's class position.

prestige ranking

what is Assimilation

process through which people forsake their cultural traditions to become part of a different culture Generally, practiced by a minority group member who wants to conform to the standards of the dominant group

Downward mobility is significantly higher with the impact of ______ and ___________

race and ethnicity

Whites, Black Americans, and Asian Americans are all considered _________ groups in the United States


The creation of a reservation system for Native Americans in the late 1800s is one example of

racial formation

sociologists use the term _______ _________ to refer to those minorities

racial group

Functionalist Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity

racial prejudice and discrimination positive for dominant groups

what is Exploitation theory?

racism keeps minorities in low-paying jobs and supplies dominant group with cheap labor

What is Black Power?

rejected assimilation into White middle-class society

what is the objective method?

researchers assign individuals to classes on basis of criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence

what is white privilege?

rights or immunities granted to people as a benefit or favor simply because they are White

What is income?

salaries and wages, earned interest, stock dividends, and rental income

what is Dominant ideology?

set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests

Interactionists are interested in the importance of social class in

shaping a person's lifestyle

Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibits _________ in all forms


What are the Four general systems of stratification?

slavery, castes, Estates social classes

Because race is a ___________ _______________, the process of defining races typically benefits those who have more power and privilege than others.

social construction

Stratification involves the ways in which one generation passes on ______________ ________________ to the next, producing groups of people arranged in rank order, from low to high

social inequalities

All societies demonstrate some degree of __________ _____________

social inequality

In Lenski's viewpoint, the Allocation of surplus goods and services by holders of power and wealth reinforces __________ ____________

social inequality

When researchers use multiple measures, they typically speak of

socioeconomic status (SES)

people who have the same prestige or lifestyle, is called

status group

Prejudice is also rooted in racial and ethnic


what is Stratification?

structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society

According to the text, the global poor can be found in, choose one: a. sub-Sahara Africa and the West Bank. b. Eastern Europe. c. Japan and the Philippines. d. Latin America and South America.

sub-Sahara Africa and the West Bank.

What is class consciousness?

subjective awareness of common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about change

In Lenski's view, As a society advances _______________, it becomes capable of producing surplus of goods.


Conflict theorists and other observers trace the higher rates of poverty among women to three distinct factors, what are they?

the difficulty in finding affordable child care, sexual harassment, sex discrimination in the labor market

Three forces are particularly responsible for the long-term domination of the world marketplace by a few nations:

the legacy of colonialism, the advent of multinational corporations, modernization.

In Robert Atchley's conceptualization of the retirement process, the "near phase" refers to the:

the person establishes a specific departure date from his or her job

In Karl Marx's View of Class Differentiation, Social relations depend on who controls the

the primary mode of production

what is Social inequality?

the situation in which members of society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power

Racial formation is

the sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed

those with, - Limited educational opportunities - Greater exposure to crime and health risks - Reduced access to private investment - Higher prices for goods and services fall under

the underclass

what is Color-blind racism? also called Covert Racism

the use of principle of race neutrality to defend racially unequal status quo

Leonardo DiCaprio, who was raised by a single mother in a neighborhood frequented by drug dealers and prostitutes, illustrates

upward intergenerational mobility

A woman who begins work as a teacher's aide and eventually becomes superintendent of the school district experiences

upward intragenerational mobility.

Depending on its _________, a society may assign people to distinctive ranks based on their religious knowledge, skill in hunting, physical attractiveness, trading expertise, or ability to provide health care.


Past studies of social class tended to neglect occupations and incomes of _________ as determinants of social rank


Another feminist effort to measure the contribution of women to the economy is to give monetary value to __________ __________ _________

women's unpaid work

Since World War II, an increasing proportion of U.S. poor have been ________, this trend is known as ________________ ___ _____________

women/feminization of poverty

which class does this describe "Some may have income above those of the lower-middle class but identify with manual workers"

working class

which class makes up 40-45% of the U.S?

working class

What is globalization?

worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and exchange of ideas

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