Ch 7 Study Area

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How many lumbar vertebrae exist in the vertebral column?


The largest and strongest bone in the body is the __________.


What three bones fuse during childhood to form the coxal bone?

Ilium, Ischium, Pubis

Which part of the coxal bone articulates with the sacrum?


What bones meet at the lambdoid suture?

Occipital and parietal

Which pair of bones meets along the sagittal suture?

Parietal bones

The thumb is the __________ while the great toe is the __________.

Pollex, Hallux

Which bone marking provides a site where bones articulate or to which ligaments and tendons attach?


What part of scapula articulates with the clavicle?


What is the main function of the bones of the appendicular skeleton?

Aid in motion

The weight-bearing structure of a vertebra is the __________.


Which of the following is an opening in a bone?


Wrist bones are known as __________.


What structure is present on the second cervical vertebra (C2 or axis) that allows you to rotate your neck to say "no"?


The pelvic girdle consists of two bones, the clavicle and scapula, which support the upper limb and anchor it to the trunk.


Membranous areas, or "soft spots," seen in the skull of an infant are called __________.


What part of the scapula articulates with the humerus?

Glenoid cavity

The palatine bone contributes to the structure of the __________.

Hard palate

What part of each metacarpal forms the "knuckle" of your hand?


From proximal to distal, what bones form the upper limb?

Humerus, Ulna/Radius, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges

Which bones house teeth?

Mandible and maxillary

In anatomical position, the ulna is __________ to the radius.


Which prominent arch runs along the medial side of the foot from the calcaneus to metatarsals I-III?

Medial longitudinal arch

The distal end of the fibula articulates with the __________.


Geri has pain behind her ear lobe and was diagnosed with mastoiditis. Which bone is affected?

Temporal bone

Craniostenosis is the premature fusion of one or more skull sutures in an infant. Predict what problem may arise if the skull sutures prematurely ossify during infancy.

The bones of the skull may be deformed and brain development can be restricted when skull sutures prematurely close.

What are the two primary curvatures seen in the vertebral column of a fetus?

Thoracic and sacral

Ribs 8-12 are considered false ribs because they do not directly attach to the sternum by their own cartilage. Instead, the costal cartilage of ribs 8-10 attach to the cartilage of the seventh rib.


What bones form the forearm (antebrachium)?

Ulna and radius

Which of the following is NOT a cranial bone?

Zygomatic bone

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