Ch 8 - Everyday Memory and Memory Errors

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self-image hypothesis

idea that memory is enhanced for events that occur as a person's life identity forms

cognitive hypothesis

idea that periods of rapid change followed by stability cause stronger encoding memories

cultural life script hypothesis

idea that personal events are easier to recall when they are standard in a society

narrative rehearsal hypothesis

idea that we remember some life events better because we practice them

constructive nature of memory

idea that what people recall is based on what actually happened plus additional factors

misleading postevent information (MPI)

inaccurate data presented after a person witnesses something

post-identification feedback effect

increase in confidence of memory recall due to confirming information

repeated recall

memory tested immediately after an event and then retested at various times after the event


memory that involves a sentimental affection for the past

repeated reproduction

method in which a person is asked to remember something on multiple occasions

source misattribution

misidentification of the origin of a memory

youth bias

perception that the most notable public events in a person's life occur when the person is young


person's knowledge about what is involved in a particular experience

cognitive interview

procedure used for talking to crime scene witnesses that involves letting witnesses talk without interruption

source monitoring

process by which people determine the origins of memories, knowledge, or beliefs

pragmatic inference

process that occurs when reading a statement leads a person to expect something not explicitly stated

music-enhanced autobiographical memories

recall for specific events from a person's life elicited by hearing music

autobiographical memory

recall for specific events from a person's life, which can include both episodic and semantic components

flashbulb memory

recall for the circumstances surrounding hearing about shocking, highly charged events

repressed childhood memory

recollection that has been pushed out of a person's consciousness

highly superior autobiographical memory

capacity possessed by some people to remember personal experiences that occurred on any specific day from their past

cultural life script

collection of personal events that commonly occur at a particular time in a particular society

misinformation effect

concept that inaccurate data presented after a person witnesses something changes how the person later describes it


ease with which a statement can be remembered

reminiscence bump

enhanced memory for events from adolescence and young adulthood found in people older than 40

illusory truth effect

enhanced probability of evaluating a statement as being genuine upon repeated presentation

eyewitness testimony

statement given by a person who has seen a crime take place


subcortical structure involved in processing emotional aspects of experience, including memory for emotional events

weapons focus

tendency for eyewitnesses to a crime to focus attention on the instrument used for harm


type of schema


unconscious plagiarism of the work of others

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