Ch 8 Psych

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in pavlovs original expirement with dogs, the tone was initially an ____, stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a _____ stimulus

neutral, conditioned

a desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards


during extinction the ____ is ommited; as a result, the ____ seems to dissapear


in watson and rayners expirement the loud noise was the ____ and the white rat was the _____


in pavlovs original expirement with dogs, the meat served as

a ucs

for the most rapid conditioning a CS should be presented

about one half second before the US

punishment is a controversial way of learning because

behavior is not forgotten and may return, punishing stimui often create fear, punishment often increases agresiveness

each and every response is reinforced

continuous reinforcement

what is a form of associative learning

classical operant and observational

mental representation of ones enviornment

cognitive map

an acquired reinforcer

conditioned reinforcer

in order to obtain a reward a monkey learns to press a lever when a 1000-hz tone is on but nor when a 1200-hz tone is on. what kind of training is this?


in which of the following may cc play a role

emotional problems, helping drug addicts, the bodys immunw response

leons schedule instructor has scheduled an exam every 3rd week of the twem leon will probably study the most just before an exam and the least just after an exam this is because the schedule of exams is reinforcinf studhing according to which schedule

fixed interval

the peicework or comission method of payment is an ex of which reinforcement schedule

fixed ratio

expirements on taste aversion learning demonstrate

for the conditioning of certain stimuli, the US need to immidietlt follow the CS

mirror neurons are found in the brains_____ and are believed to be the neural basis for _____

frontal lobe, observational learning

tendency for similiar stumuli to evoke a CR


for operant conditioning to be most effective. when should the reinforcers be presented in relation to the desired response

immidietlt after

cognitive processes are

important in both classical and operant conditioning

one difference between classical and operant conditioninf is that

in classical conditioning the responses are automatically triggered by stimuli

in distinguishing between negatove reinforcers and punishment we note that

in contrast to punishment, negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a response by the termination of an aversive stimulus

the motivation to perform behavior for its own sake

intrinsic motivation

after exploring a complicated maze for several days, a rat subsequently ran the maze with very few errors when the food was placed on the goal box for the first time this is

latent learning

learning that becomes apparent only after reinforcement is provided

latent learning

a relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience


putting on your coat when it is cold outside is a behavior that is maintained by

negative reinforcement

removal of an averisve stimulis

negative reinforcement

a response that leads to the removal of an unpleasent stimulus is one being

negatively reinforced

learning by imitating others behaviors is called _____ learninf. the researcher best kkown for studying this type of behavior is _____

observational bandura

on an intermittent reinforcement schedule reinforcement is given

only some of the time

the type of learning associated with skinner


you teach your dog to fetch the paper by giving him a cookie each time he does so this is

operant conditioning

shaping is a ____ technique for _____ a behavior

operant establishing

presentation of a desired stimulus

positive reinforcement

an example of reinforcement

presenting a positvie stimulus after a response, removing an unpleasent stimulus after a response, being told you have done a good job

an innately reinforcing stimulus

primary reinforcer

presentation of an aversive stimulus


which of the following is the best example of a conditioned reinforcer

recieving an approving nod from the boss as a job well done

learning is most rapid with continuous reinforcement but intermettent reinforcement produces the greatest resistance to extinction


reinforcing closer and closer approximations of a behavior


on line testing systems and interactive software are apps of the operant conditioning pincuples of

shaping and immediate reinforcement

in promoting observational learning the most effective models are those we percieve as

similar to ourseleves respected and admired and successful

operant conditioning is to ____ as classical conditioning is to_____

skinner pavlov

the reapperance of a weakened CR

spontaneous recovery

in garcia and koellings studies of taste aversion learning, rats learned to associate

taste with sickness

classical conditioning expirements by rescorla and wagner demonstrate that an important factor in conditioning is

the predictability of an association

salivation to the meet was the


responses that are reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time

variable interval schedule

the highest and most consistent rate of response is produced by a

variable ratio schedule

regarding the impact of watxhinf tv violence in children, most researches believe that

watchinf violence on tv leads to agressive behavior

in pavlovs studies of cc of a dogs salivary responses spontaneious recovery occuref

when the CS was reintroduced following extinction of thw CR and a rest period

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