Ch.6 & Ch.15 Final Exam Multiple Choice

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Donna exhibits two separate personalities, each well-defined and distinct from one another, so Dr. Paulson diagnosed Donna with ________ disorder.

A. anxiety B. dissociative identity** C. personality D. schizophrenia

A panic disorder is a type of ________disorder characterized by panic attacks, along with at least one month of worry about panic attacks or self-defeating behavior related to the attacks.

A. anxiety** B. generalized C. safety D. social

In ________ reinforcement, the person or animal is not reinforced every time a desired behavior is performed.

A. continuous B. partial** C. primary D. secondary

In the initial period of learning, ________ describes when an organism learns to connect a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.

A. acquisition** B. conditioning C. extinction D. neutral stimulate

If a slamming door is a conditioned stimulus, then being able to distinguish between the sound of a slamming door and the sound of a heavy item being dropped would represent ________.

A. conditioned response B. stimulus discrimination** C. stimulus generalization D. unconditioned response

________ delusions involve the (false) belief that other people or agencies are plotting to harm the person.

A. grandiose B. hallucination C. paranoid** D. somatic

________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities.

A. classical B. operant C. primary** D. secondary

Why do so many people believe there is a link between autism and the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine?

A. A prestigious medical journal published a paper, which was later retracted, that identified a link.** B. Autism rates increased in every city with an aggressive vaccination program. C. Everyone knows that vaccinations are unhealthy. D. Parents with autistic children can see a clear link between vaccinations and autism.

Which of the following is true about neurodevelopmental disorders?

A. All neurodevelopmental disorders are diagnosed in early childhood.** B. All neurodevelopmental disorders are diagnosed in middle-aged patients. C. All neurodevelopmental disorders are disorders of the elderly. D. Neurodevelopmental disorders are not diagnosed in males.

Apollonia was diagnosed with major depressive disorder five years ago. She knows her mother took medicine to combat depression and she worries her daughter will experience depression too. Why?

A. Apollonia also suffers from social anxiety disorder. B. Mood disorders are more likely to occur in younger people. C. Mood disorders have been shown to have a strong genetic and biological basis.** D. People who grow up with a depressed parent become depressed themselves.

is known for using Little Albert in his studies on human emotion.

A. B. F. Skinner B. Edward Thorndike C. Ivan Pavlov D. John B. Watson**

Which of the following is a good example of a flashback?

A. Eugene was bitten by a snake. Now when he sees a snake, he is careful to move away slowly and silently. B. Eugene was in a boating accident. Now he experiences intense fear of large bodies of water and avoids boats. C. Eugene was in a car accident. He is convinced that if he starts, stops, and restarts the engine five times in a row he will avoid having a car accident. D. Eugene was in a motorcycle accident. When he hears a sudden loud noise he relives the accident and feels as if it is happening all over again.**

Which of the following statements about autism spectrum disorder is incorrect?

A. Exposure to environmental pollutants such as mercury has been linked to the development of this disorder. B. Genetic factors appear to play a prominent role in the development of this disorder. C. It is characterized by a pervasive pattern of inattention and/or hyperactive and impulsive behavior. D. This disorder involves feeling overwhelmed and sad for extended periods of time. **

Etiology is another word for ________.

A. causes** B. conditions C. forms D. psychopathology

Dymesha watches her older sister do headstands. Dymesha falls over when she attempts to do a headstand herself. She watches her older sister more carefully, and she notices that her sister leans backward slightly to complete her headstand. Dymesha is then able to do headstands herself. Which type of learning is this?

A. classical B. conditioning C. observational** D. operant

John wants to train his daughter to excuse herself before she leaves the table. Although he does not know how often he will reward her for excusing herself, he does know that he will not reward her every time she excuses herself. Which reinforcement schedule is John planning to use?

A. continuous B. partial** C. primary D. secondary

Kerry is conditioned to fear strawberries. Raspberries are similar to strawberries, and even though no attempt was made to make Kerry fear raspberries, she reacts with fear when she sees them. This is an example of ________.

A. imitation B. modeling C. stimulus discrimination D. stimulus generalization**

Egon can't pay attention in class. He is easily distracted, won't sit still, and displays poor impulse control. The school counselor suggested that his parents take him to a doctor to have him assessed for ________.

A. Asperger's syndrome B. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder** C. autism spectrum disorder D. schizoid personality disorder

Who experimented with rats to demonstrate that organisms can learn even if they do not receive immediate reinforcement?

A. B. F. Skinner B. Edward C. Tolman** C. Ivan Pavlov D. John B. Watson

Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

A. Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it. ** B. Lana wants to receive a candy bar and she knows from reading the rulebook that she will receive one if she earns enough good behavior tokens. C. Park wants to avoid detention, so he follows the school rules and does not smoke on the playground. D. Ryan observes Cameron getting a time out for spitting out her toast. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his toast.

What is the main idea of social learning theory?

A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments. B. Fear is a conditioned response. C. Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. D. One can learn new behaviors by observing others. **

What was the main point of Ivan Pavlov's experiment with dogs?

A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments. B. Fear is a conditioned response. C. Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus.** D. One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

What is the primary conclusion John B. Watson's made after working with Little Albert?

A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments. B. Emotions can be a conditioned response.** C. Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. D. One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

What is the main idea of social learning theory?

A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments. B. Fear is a conditioned response. C. Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. D. One can learn new behaviors by observing others.**

What is the main idea of operant conditioning?

A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments.** B. Fear is a conditioned response. C. Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. D. One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

Which term best describes rewarding successive approximations of a target behavior?

A. acquisition B. learning C. reinforcement D. shaping**

Which of the following is an example of avolition?

A. inability to enjoy fine dining B. lack of interest in going out with your friend C. lack of motivation to bathe yourself** D. refusing to speak

Schizophrenia is considered a ________ disorder.

A. mood B. obsessive-compulsive C. personality D. psychotic**

Which of the following is an example of vicarious punishment?

A. Belinda saw Mavis receive a hug for cleaning his room. She is careful to clean her room because she saw Mavis get a reward for doing it. B. Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.** C. Job wants to avoid being fired, so he follows the shop rules and does not smoke in the bathroom. D. Laurie wants to receive a smiley sticker and she knows from reading the rulebook that she will receive one if she behaves herself.

Which of the following is an example of a variable ratio reinforcement schedule?

A. Bill traveling to Myrtle Beach for vacation every June B. Jeremy checking YouTube every morning before work C. Joyce playing scratch-off lottery tickets** D. Nikita taking her dog to the vet once a year

To maximize learning, a ________ should be presented on a(n) ________ schedule.

A. CS + UCS; continuous** B. CS + UCS; intermittent C. UCS alone; continuous D. UCS alone; intermittent

Which classification system is used by most mental health professionals in the United States of America?

A. Desperate Social and Mental Disorders B. Determinants of Social Mental Disorders C. Determining Statistical Manifestation of Disorders D. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders**

Which of the following is not a reason that ADHD may be overdiagnosed?

A. Doctors are too quick to medicate children as a behavior treatment. B. The amount of ADHD in the population has increased tenfold since it was first identified.** C. There is greater awareness of ADHD now than in the past. D. What might seem like inattention to some parents and teachers could simply reflect exposure to too much technology.

According to Albert Bandura, ________.

A. Fear is a conditioned response. B. Learning can occur by watching others and modeling what they do or say.** C. Learning is the result of reinforcing desired behavior at fixed intervals. D. Organisms cannot learn if they do not receive immediate reinforcement.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of autism spectrum disorder?

A. Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to. ** B. Gemma is quick to anger and is incapable of dealing with a situation in which she is not the center of attention. C. Gemma is submissive and physically clings to the people around her. D. Gemma is very impulsive—as soon as an idea enters her head she acts upon it.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of autism spectrum disorder?

A. Gemma exhibits deficits in social interaction by not initiating conversations with other children, and she turns her head away when spoken to.** B. Gemma is quick to anger and is incapable of dealing with a situation in which she is not the center of attention. C. Gemma is submissive and physically clings to the people around her. D. Gemma is very impulsive—as soon as an idea enters her head she acts upon it.

Which of the following is an example of flight of ideas?

A. Gilbert attempts suicide, then calls 9-1-1. B. Gilbert exhibits an abundance of energy during his debate session. C. Gilbert speaks in a monotone voice. D. Gilbert talks loudly and quickly, switching topics rapidly.**

Which statement about Edward C. Tolman is incorrect?

A. He disagreed with John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. B. He found that emotions can be a conditioned response. ** C. He placed hungry rats in a maze with no reward for finding their way through it, and he studied a comparison group that was rewarded with food at the end of the maze. D. His experiments demonstrated that organisms can learn even if they do not receive immediate reinforcement.

Which of the following statements about Ivan Pavlov is true?

A. He is considered the founder of behaviorism. B. He is famous for demonstrating the principles of operant conditioning: The motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated. C. He is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning.** D. He placed hungry rats in a maze with no reward for finding their way through it, and he studied a comparison group that was rewarded with food at the end of the maze.

Which of the following is false about John B. Watson?

A. He is considered the founder of behaviorism. ** B. He is famous for demonstrating the principles of operant conditioning: The motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated. C. He placed hungry rats in a maze with no reward for finding their way through it, and he studied a comparison group that was rewarded with food at the end of the maze. D. He worked with Edward C. Tolman to prove that fear is both an instinct and a reflex.

Who argued that the notion of mental illness was invented by society (and the mental health establishment) to stigmatize and subjugate people whose behavior violates accepted social and legal norms?

A. Isla Fischer B. John Waller C. Marcia Cross D. Thomas Szasz**

Which of the following statements is true about obsessive-compulsive disorder?

A. It involves intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors. ** B. It involves persistent, unfocused anxiety. C. It is most often diagnosed during adolescence. D. Men are more often diagnosed than women.

Identify the major flaw with John B. Watson's Little Albert experiment.

A. It is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear.** B. John B. Watson did not have the consent of Little Albert's mother. C. John B. Watson falsified most of his data. D. Little Albert was much older than John B. Watson reported him to be, which invalidated the study.

Who identified psychological disorders as a harmful dysfunction?

A. Jerome C. Wakefield** B. John Waller C. Stanley Rachman D. Thomas Szasz

Which of the following is an example of a variable interval reinforcement schedule?

A. Julie knows she will get a trampoline if she accumulates enough allowance money B. Nikita takes her dog for a walk every day at 8 a.m. C. Viviane plays scratch-off lottery tickets D. Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification**

Which of the following is an example of a diathesis-stress model?

A. Ozzie has a genetic predisposition towards depression, but he did not experience depression until his mother and father died.** B. Ozzie treats his depression by exposing himself to a series of stressors so he can learn coping skills. C. Ozzie treats his manic episodes by using medication to induce depression. D. Ozzie's doctor does not believe that mental illness has a biological basis.

Which of the following is false of dissociative disorders?

A. People with these disorders become disconnected from their sense of self. B. People with these disorders exhibit a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture.** C. People with these disorders experience memory and identity disturbances. D. These disorders do not have a physical cause.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of histrionic personality disorder?

A. Phoebe feels helpless when she is alone, and she can't make decisions on her own. B. Phoebe feels uncomfortable when she is not the center of attention, and she has alienated friends by demanding excessive amounts of their attention.** C. Phoebe is impulsive, unpredictable, and sometimes engages in self-mutilation. D. Phoebe often displays an overinflated and unjustified sense of self-importance.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of paranoid personality disorder?

A. Rafe believes he is entitled to special treatment from those around him. B. Rafe believes that his dreams are prophetic. C. Rafe is convinced his life has meaning beyond himself. D. Rafe is extremely suspicious of the people around him and mistrusts them for no identifiable reason.**

Which of the following is an example of hopelessness theory?

A. Rochelle has an expectation that terrible things will happen and there is nothing she can do about it—this leads her to become depressed.** B. Rochelle is depressed, so she thinks terrible things will happen. C. Rochelle is in an earthquake and many of her friends die, so she becomes depressed. D. Rochelle stops taking her medication because she does not think medication will help her depression.

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of schizotypal personality disorder?

A. Stella is devoted to her work and works so much that she has no time for friends or family. B. Stella laughed when her dog died and cried while watching a funny movie.** C. Stella often lies, fights, and gets into trouble with police. D. When Stella's father asked how her day was, she interpreted it as a threat.

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In Social Learning Theory, B. F. Skinner identified three types of models: live, verbal, and symbolic.

A. The name "B. F. Skinner" should be changed to "Albert Bandura."** B. The word "models" should be changed to the word "reinforcers." C. The words "live, verbal, and symbolic" should be changed to the words "primary, secondary, and tertiary." D. The words "social learning theory" should be changed to the words "classical conditioning."

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Spontaneous acquisition is the return of a previously extinguished conditioned response.

A. The word "acquisition" should be changed to the word "recovery." ** B. The word "extinguished" should be changed to the word "acquired." C. The word "response" should be changed to the word "stimulus." D. The word "spontaneous" should be changed to the word "planned."

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In classical conditioning, the initial period of learning is known as latent.

A. The word "classical" should be changed to the word "operant." B. The word "conditioning" should be changed to the word "behaviorism." C. The word "initial" should be changed to the word "interval." D. The word "latent" should be changed to the word "acquisition."**

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate events that repeatedly happen together.

A. The word "conditioning" should be changed to the word "reinforcement." B. The word "operant" should be changed to the word "classical."** C. The word "repeatedly" should be changed to the word "never." D. The word "repeatedly" should be changed to the word "rarely."

A recent study compared the vaccination histories of 256 children with autism spectrum disorder with that of 752 control children across three time periods during their first two years of life. Researchers found that ________.

A. a combination of genetics, mental predisposition, and bad parenting combined with the MMR vaccination caused autism spectrum disorder B. delaying vaccinations lessened the odds that a child would develop autism spectrum disorder after a vaccination C. quantity of immunogens from vaccines received during the first two years of life was related to the development of autism spectrum disorder D. the quantity of immunogens from vaccines received during the first two years of life were not at all related to the development of autism spectrum disorder**

Which of the following is an example of latent learning?

A. a rabbit knowing to run away from an unleashed dog B. earning tokens for good behavior and spending the tokens on good behavior prizes C. learning karate from your best friend who takes karate lessons D. remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute**

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all anxiety disorders?

A. above average number of phobias B. excessive, persistent fear and anxiety** C. inability to control the body's reaction to fear D. sporadic, intense panic attacks

What kind of symptoms involves reflecting noticeable decreases and absences in certain behaviors, emotions, or drives?

A. absentee B. invisible C. negative** D. positive

Jerry allows others to take over and run his life. He is submissive and clings to those around him. He cannot make decisions without advice and reassurance from others, probably because he lacks self-confidence. He finds it impossible to do things on his own, and he feels uncomfortable and helpless when he is alone. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Jerry's personality?

A. avoidant personality disorder B. borderline personality disorder C. dependent personality disorder** D. narcissistic personality disorder

Molly attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She repeatedly pairs her entry to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires this ability, and Molly realizes how irritating it is for the puppy to run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make the puppy stop, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer greeting her when she enters the house is an example of ________.

A. acquisition B. conditioning C. extinction** D. learning

In operant conditioning, what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior?

A. acquisition B. extinction C. punishment** D. recovery

Which of the following is the decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus?

A. acquisition B. extinction** C. recovery D. reflex

Kieran is attempting to condition a parrot to greet him when he enters the room. He repeatedly pairs his entry to the room with a treat for the parrot. Kieran can say that ________ has occurred as soon as the parrot greets him in response to his entry.

A. acquisition** B. extinction C. secondary conditioning D. stimulation

If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior ________.

A. after dreaming about having a fight with their parents B. after dreaming they were on television C. after seeing a television character being punished for taking violent action against another character D. after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character**

Joffrey talks and moves slowly. When asked a question, he answers slowly in monotone monosyllables, if he answers at all. Joffrey is experiencing psychomotor________.

A. agitation B. deprivation C. disorder D. retardation**

Lovell is noticeably fidgety and jittery. He can't sit still; he paces, wrings his hands, and pulls at his clothing constantly. Lovell suffers from psychomotor________.

A. agitation** B. distress C. rigidity D. tension

Which of the following is not a risk factor for suicide?

A. alcohol dependence B. history of previous suicide attempts C. popular music that promotes suicide** D. substance abuse

Which brain region is believed to play a critical role in OCD?

A. anterior cortex B. cingulate cortex C. orbitofrontal cortex** D. prefrontal cortex

Cordelia, an active duty marine, served in Afghanistan. While she was on patrol with her friend, an IED went off, killing her friend and injuring her. In the two months since her friend died, Cordelia has been jumpy, irritable, avoids talking about her friend, and once every few days experiences a flashback to the explosion. Cordelia is experiencing a ________ disorder.

A. antisocial personality B. mood C. posttraumatic stress** D. schizotypal personality

Which childhood disorder is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests?

A. antisocial personality disorder B. attention deficit disorder C. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder D. autism spectrum disorder**

From an early age, Kwaku got into trouble constantly. He continually violates the rights of others and he often lies, fights, and has problems with the law. Generally, he is impulsive and fails to think ahead. He is frequently deceitful and manipulative in order to get the things he wants, and he never regrets his misdeeds or considers the feelings of those he has harmed. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Kwaku's personality?

A. antisocial personality disorder** B. dependent personality disorder C. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder D. paranoid personality disorder

Which psychological disorder is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, and behavior?

A. anxiety B. bipolar C. personality D. schizophrenia**

People with ________ disorders experience thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts.

A. anxiety B. obsessive-compulsive** C. personality D. phobia

Veena's thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors are impaired to the point where she is unable to function normally in life. She experiences significant difficulties in many day-to-day activities, such as holding a job, paying bills, grooming, maintaining personal hygiene, and sustaining relationships. Which of the following disorders is Veena living with?

A. anxiety disorder B. borderline personality disorder C. major depressive disorder D. schizophrenia**

________ disorders are characterized by excessive, persistent fear and apprehension and by related disturbances in behavior.

A. anxiety** B. body dysmorphic C. obsessive-compulsive D. personality

Dr. Griffiths diagnosed Manuel with major depressive disorder because he ________.

A. appears tearful to others and spends weeks at a time feeling sad, empty, and hopeless** B. exhibits three separate personalities, each distinct from the other C. hates being outside the home alone D. refuses to leave his room due to anxiety over what might happen during the day

Classical and operant conditioning are forms of ________ learning.

A. associational** B. instinctive C. processual D. reflexive

Kicking your leg when your knee is tapped and quickly pulling your hand back when you accidently touch a hot stove are both examples of ________.

A. associations B. instincts C. learning D. reflexes**

Fidel suddenly wanders away from his home and experiences confusion about his identity. Fidel may be experiencing a(n) ________.

A. associative fugue B. catatonia C. depersonalization D. dissociative fugue**

Cole spends a few weeks being treated for major depressive disorder. He eventually stops exhibiting symptoms, but a few months later they reoccur. Once again the symptoms dissipate, but a few months later they reoccur. Cole's major depressive disorder is ________?

A. asymptomatic B. episodic** C. limited in duration to a few weeks D. reoccurring every few months

The belief that you ________ is an example of a delusion.

A. can perform miracles** B. can quit smoking C. do not love your parents D. will be arrested for committing a crime

Nicole is socially inhibited and oversensitive to negative evaluation. She was thinking about a career in nursing, but she changed her mind because she believes the doctors would criticize her and patients would reject her. She has never been on a date because she feels socially inept and unappealing; she avoids meeting new people because anything less than immediate, unconditional acceptance causes her anxiety. Just yesterday she was invited to go on a kayak trip, but she didn't go because she was worried she would embarrass herself. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Nicole's personality?

A. avoidant personality disorder** B. dependent personality disorder C. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder D. schizotypal personality disorder

Which of the following is an example of instinct: unlearned knowledge that involves complex patterns of behavior?

A. baby seeking food by rooting and suckling** B. believing that nudity is wrong C. teacher demonstrating algebra to students D. toddler who is toilet training

Which of the following is an example of a reflex: an unlearned, automatic response by an organism to a stimulus in the environment?

A. becoming angry at your friend for raising his voice B. becoming bored at a wedding C. sitting very still in the classroom D. the pupil of your eye contracting in the presence of bright light**

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all dissociative disorders?

A. becoming split off, or dissociated, from one's core sense of self ** B. feeling sad and hopeless over a long period of time C. memory loss D. rapidly fluctuating mood

Which of the following is a major risk factor for developing a social anxiety disorder?

A. behavioral inhibition** B. biological predisposition C. displaying a specific phobia D. exhibiting stress

Which of the following is an example of stimulus generalization?

A. being conditioned not to laugh at hats B. being conditioned to laugh at all kinds of hats C. being conditioned to laugh when you see a top hat and cry when you see other kinds of hats D. being conditioned to laugh when you see a top hat, then also laughing when you see other kinds of hats**

Piper is diagnosed with agoraphobia because she experiences intense fear and anxiety of ________.

A. being outside the home alone** B. blood C. enclosed spaces D. heights

The ________ perspective suggests that psychological disorders result largely from faulty physical processes, and the ________perspective emphasizes the importance of factors such as stress and thoughts as well as environmental factors in the development of psychological disorders.

A. biological; psychological** B. diathesis; supernatural C. medical; stress D. psychological; biological

Alexis experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder, but only during midwinter. What kind of depression does Alexis have?

A. bipolar B. peripartum/postpartum C. persistent depressive D. seasonal pattern**

________ is a subtype of depression in which a person experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder only during a particular time of year.

A. bipolar disorder B. mood disorder C. persistent depressive disorder D. seasonal pattern**

Which of the following experiments involves the use of social learning theory?

A. blindfolding someone and timing her to see how long it takes her to determine what she is eating B. determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if she is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting** C. pairing a puff of air to the eye with a handshake to see how long it will take someone to blink before offering her hand D. rewarding a girl for finishing her homework with ice cream and counting how much homework she will complete before becoming sick of ice cream

Which experiment involves the use of classical conditioning?

A. blindfolding someone and timing him to see how long he takes to find a button hidden in a room B. determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if he is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting C. knowing that a student fears exams, the instructor wears a bright red shirt only on exam day, every exam day, to see how long it is before the red shirt becomes an object of fear to the student** D. rewarding a boy for finishing his vegetables with ice cream and counting how many nights of reinforcement are required before he voluntarily eats his vegetables

Which of the following experiments involves the use of operant conditioning?

A. blindfolding someone and timing him to see how long it takes him to estimate the size of a room B. determining how long it takes someone to learn how to fish if he is only allowed to watch other people fishing C. pairing a puff of air to the eye with seeing the color red in order to find out how many repetitions it will take for someone to blink when he sees the color red D. rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily**

Janice is in the middle of a distinct period of an abnormally and persistently elevated mood. In the last week she has cleaned her house from top to bottom (breaking windows and dishes in the process), bought a new car that she can't afford, and dug up most of her yard in case she might want a garden next year. Janice is experiencing ________.

A. body dysmorphia B. flight of ideas C. mania** D. rapid cycling

Mae notices that her daughter, Natalie, is extremely preoccupied with the freckles on her nose. Mae can barely see the freckles, but Natalie spends hours in front of the mirror and recently declared that her nose is deformed and she is ugly. She spent her entire weekend applying products to eliminate the freckles, and she recently announced her plans to save money for plastic surgery. Mae believes her daughter may have a ________ disorder.

A. body dysmorphic ** B. generalized anxiety C. mood D. neurological

Nathan has an overinflated and unjustified sense of self-importance. He is preoccupied with fantasies of success and believes that he is entitled to special treatment from others. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Nathan's personality?

A. borderline personality disorder B. histrionic personality disorder C. narcissistic personality disorder** D. schizotypal personality disorder

What did John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner demonstrate with their studies of Little Albert? Difficulty: Difficult APA Standard: 1.2, 2.1

A. boys display fear differently from girls B. boys display more fear than girls C. emotion can be a conditioned response** D. fear cannot be a conditioned response

What symptom of schizophrenia is illustrated by the following example? So bees with knees have fleas and fleas jump, I jump like a jack, Jack the Giant Killer. Giants kill and transform things and something happened, but we can't hear because our eyes are like flies that flew away.

A. catatonic behavior B. disorganized thinking** C. hallucinations D. paranoid delusions

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "A person diagnosed with a specific anxiety experiences excessive, distressing, and persistent fear about a particular object or situation."

A. change the word "anxiety" to the word "phobia"** B. change the word "fear" to the word "terror" C. change the word "specific" to the word "generalized" D. change the word "specific" to the word "simple"

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "For centuries, psychological disorders were viewed from a natural perspective: attributed to a force beyond scientific understanding."

A. change the word "beyond" to the word "within" B. change the word "natural" to the word "supernatural"** C. change the word "psychological" to the word "psychopathological" D. change the word "scientific" to the word "spiritual"

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "The psychological perspective views disorders as linked to biological phenomena, such as genetic factors, chemical imbalances, and brain abnormalities."

A. change the word "psychological" to the word "biological"** B. change the word "abnormalities" to the word "anomalies" C. change the word "disorders" to the word "pathologies" D. change the word "perspective" to the word "theory"

Peripartum onset depression is a kind of depression ________.

A. characterized by mood states that vacillate between depression and mania B. in which an individual experiences mania, characterized by extremely cheerful and euphoric mood, excessive talkativeness, irritability, increased activity levels, and other symptoms C. in which an individual has a tendency to repetitively and passively dwell on one's depressed symptoms, their meanings, and their consequences D. that applies to women who experience an episode of major depression either during pregnancy or in the four weeks following childbirth**

Which of the following is an example of a fixed interval reinforcement schedule?

A. checking your Facebook account at random times throughout the day B. playing basketball with your friends after completing your chores C. playing poker D. taking your dog to the park every afternoon at 4:00 p.m.**

Which of the following is an example of fixed ratio reinforcement schedule?

A. checking your e-mail at random times throughout the day instead of every time you hear the new e-mail notification B. feeding your fish every day at 8 a.m. C. knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart** D. playing the slot machine

Mia is taught to go to sleep when the light is turned off. However, for many months Mia no longer falls asleep when the light is turned off. Later, Mia begins to fall asleep when the light is turned off again. This is an example of ________.

A. classical conditioning B. higher order conditioning C. neutral stimulus D. spontaneous recovery**

Hideki tells a lie and is grounded. He does this several times, finally learning that his behavior (lying) is associated with a consequence (being grounded). Which kind of learning is this?

A. classical conditioning B. imitation C. modeling D. operant conditioning**

Which of the following is a process by which we learn to associate stimuli and, consequently, to anticipate events?

A. classical conditioning** B. controlled conditioning C. physiological conditioning D. psychic conditioning

In ________ conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus unconditionally elicits a reaction. For example, a bit of black pepper blown into the eye produces a blinking response.

A. classical** B. operant C. response D. stimulus

What is comorbidity?

A. co-occurrence of two disorders** B. having two causes for a single disorder C. having two causes of death D. mental disorder leading to death

Gabrielle watches her father put batteries into her toy phone, and she is then able to put the batteries into the toy phone herself without further instruction from her father. In this example, Gabrielle's father is a ________.

A. cognition B. model** C. response D. stimulus

Tabetha has a mental picture of the layout of her house, also called a ________, so when she comes home late at night she can navigate through the rooms without turning on a light.

A. cognitive map** B. fixed interval map C. fixed ratio map D. latent map

Ron is taught to use a special numbers trick to check his final answer, but he does not demonstrate this skill until his end-of-the-year math test. This is an example of ________.

A. cognitive mapping B. conditioning C. latent learning** D. reinforcement

Identify the obsession in the following sentence. "Keisha is overly concerned about germs, so she spends hours wiping the surfaces of her home and washing her hands."

A. concern over germs ** B. germs C. spending hours washing her hands D. spending hours wiping the surfaces of her home

A psychological disorder is a ________.

A. condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors** B. condition characterized by normal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors C. manifestation of a psychopathology D. situational, idiosyncratic, or unconventional inner feelings

Learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it is called ________ learning.

A. conditioned B. latent** C. partial D. primary

In classical conditioning, the ________ is an unlearned reaction to a given stimulus. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen and sneeze, sneezing is an unlearned reaction to the pollen (i.e., the stimulus).

A. conditioned response B. conditioned stimulus C. unconditioned response** D. unconditioned stimulus

Mabel clicks her tongue while tickling Francis. Eventually, Francis starts to squirm and giggle every time Mabel clicks her tongue, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, tongue clicking is a(n) ________.

A. conditioned response B. conditioned stimulus** C. unconditioned response D. unconditioned stimulus

Grace whistles while tickling Khaleel with a feather. Eventually, Khaleel starts to squirm and giggle every time Grace whistles, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, squirming and giggling is a(n) ________.

A. conditioned response** B. conditioned stimulus C. unconditioned response D. unconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ________.

A. conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned response B. neutral response and a conditioned response C. neutral stimulus and a neutral response D. neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus**

Which of the following is an example of stimulus discrimination?

A. conditioned to associate a bell ringing with food, drooling when the bell rings B. conditioned to drool only when food is paired with a bell C. conditioned to drool when a bell rings and being able to tell the difference between the sound of a ringing bell and the sound of a whistle** D. conditioned to tell the difference between the sound of the bell and the taste of the food

What do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience?

A. conditioning B. instincts C. learning ** D. reflexes

Birds migrating, cats chasing prey, sea turtles moving toward the ocean immediately after birth, and joeys moving to the mother's pouch immediately after birth are all examples of ________.

A. conditioning B. instincts** C. learning D. reflexes

What are innate behaviors that are triggered by a broader range of events, such as aging and the change of seasons?

A. conditions B. instincts** C. operants D. reflexes

Jemma wants to teach her son to say thank you. Every time he says thank you, Jemma praises him and gives him a hug. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

A. continuous** B. partial C. primary D. secondary

When an organism receives a reinforcer each time it displays a behavior, it is called________ reinforcement.

A. continuous** B. partial C. primary D. secondary

What do obsessive-compulsive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and hoarding disorder have in common?

A. conviction that the patient herself is the cause of many people's troubles B. generalized anxiety and specific phobias C. obsession with the suffering of others D. repetitive thoughts and urges, as well as an uncontrollable need to engage in repetitive behavior and mental acts**

If a stimulus plus a response results in a satisfying outcome, the probability of that response occurring again ________.

A. decreases B. depends on the CS-UCS relationship C. increases** D. is not affected

The ________ model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events. Difficulty: Easy APA Standard: 1.1, 1.2

A. diathesis-stress** B. supernatural C. Szasz D. Venn

Exhibiting a personality that ________ is a common characteristic of all personality disorders.

A. differs markedly from the expectations of one's culture** B. is borderline or narcissistic C. is incompatible with Western cultural norms D. is split off, or dissociated, from one's core sense of self

Diondre harbors the belief that spider eggs have been implanted underneath his fingernails. What kind of delusion is this?

A. disorganized B. grandiose C. paranoid D. somatic**

Due to Dominique' s obsessive-compulsive disorder, she may ________. C .refuse to leave her bed due to anxiety over what might happen during the day

A. exhibit an extreme fear of water B. insist that she hears voices C. wash her hands every 10 minutes throughout the day.**

If Laura has bipolar disorder, then she ________.

A. experiences flashbacks interspersed with depression B. never thinks about the risk that a major depressive episode will follow a manic episode C. often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania** D. once started a day euphoric and ended the day tired

Which of the following factors does not strongly predict the development of posttraumatic stress disorder?

A. experiencing trauma in isolation** B. greater trauma severity C. lack of immediate social support D. trauma experience

Which of the following is not an example of suicidal ideation?

A. fearing you will die** B. making a suicide attempt C. spending an unusual amount of time talking about death D. writing suicide letters

Gambling at a slot machine is an example of which reinforcement schedule?

A. fixed interval B. fixed ratio C. variable interval D. variable ratio**

Harold catches fish throughout the day at unpredictable intervals. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

A. fixed interval B. fixed ratio C. variable interval** D. variable ratio

You call a friend on the phone and repeatedly get sent to voicemail, so you continue to call her every 5-20 minutes hoping to speak to her personally. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

A. fixed interval B. fixed ratio C. variable interval** D. variable ratio

Frances receives one dollar for every pound of worms she gives her grandfather. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

A. fixed interval B. fixed ratio** C. variable interval D. variable ratio

Gus receives a paycheck every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this?

A. fixed interval** B. fixed ratio C. variable interval D. variable ratio

________ involves thoughts of death by suicide, thinking about or planning suicide, or making a suicide attempt.

A. flight of ideas B. rumination C. suicidal ideation** D. suicide

Miguel worries excessively about things beyond his control, and his worries often interfere with his life. He avoids driving because he worries about car accidents. He calls his parents twice a day because he worries they are dead. He checks his credit card statement three times a day because he worries about identity theft. Miguel probably suffers from ________.

A. free-floating anxiety disorder B. generalized anxiety disorder** C. obsessive-compulsive disorder D. persistent depressive disorder

Identify the compulsion in the following example. Demarco can't stop thinking about his book collection, which includes hundreds of first editions. He wants it to be in a particular order. He spends hours every day organizing his books alphabetically by author, then by color, then by size.

A. having hundreds of first editions in his book collection B. organizing the books** C. thinking about the books all the time D. thinking about the order of the books all the time

In ________ conditioning, an established conditioned stimulus is paired with a new neutral stimulus.

A. higher order** B. initial C. primary D. secondary

Jeff is an unforgiving perfectionist who would rather deliver work a week late than turn in a project with even minor mistakes. In fact, he spends so much time working that he never has time for anything else. Jeff is known to be rigid, inflexible, and stubborn, and he never compromises. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Jeff's personality?

A. histrionic personality disorder B. narcissistic personality disorder C. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder** D. schizoid personality disorder

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? "The stress model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with stress."

A. insert the word "diathesis-" before the first appearance of the word "stress"** B. change the first appearance of the word "stress" with the word "trauma" C. change the second appearance of the word "disorder" with the word "diathesis" D. change the word "predisposition" to the word "susceptibility"

Which of the following defines antisocial personality disorder?

A. instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood B. lack of regard for others' rights, impulsivity, deceitfulness, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse over misdeeds** C. overinflated and unjustified sense of self-importance D. pervasive need for perfectionism that interferes with the ability to complete tasks

Julian watches his grandfather repair watches. As Julian matures he imitates what his grandfather does, and then his grandfather shows him more complicated techniques. Eventually, Julian is as proficient at repairing watches as his grandfather. This exemplifies ________.

A. instinct B. learning** C. reflex D. stimulus

Learning that occurs while watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say is called ________ learning.

A. latent B. observational** C. Pavlovian D. vicarious

Which process involves observing a model being punished and then becoming less likely to imitate the model's behavior?

A. latent acquisition B. latent punishment C. vicarious punishment** D. vicarious reinforcement

Which of the following is an example of observational learning?

A. learning to speak Spanish by attending Spanish class B. teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park** C. your brother refusing to play with you D. your father teaching you how to write by holding your hand as you form the letters

Yuri experiences excessive, distressing, and persistent fear or anxiety about heights. Yuri suffers from a(n) ________.**

A. mood disorder B. obsessive-compulsive disorder C. phobia** D. psychosis

Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________.

A. negative punishment B. negative reinforcement ** C. positive punishment D. positive reinforcement

In operant conditioning, ________ is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior.

A. negative reinforcement** B. positive reinforcement C. punishment D. punishment reinforcement

________are mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations, such as wearing bland, neutral clothes to avoid drawing attention to oneself.

A. obsessions B. ruminations C. safety behaviors** D. therapies

Dimitri and Rita eat some donuts for breakfast and then spend the morning at an amusement park. After a few hours of riding the Super Looper Double Twist Dimitri feels nauseous and regurgitates the donuts. Rita is fine, but Dimitri has developed a ________, and the next time they stop for donuts, Dimitri immediately feels ill.

A. taste aversion** B. taste response C. unconditioned aversion D. unconditioned response

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

A. when a cat and a dog share the same water bowl B. when a cat learns to drool at the sound of a can opener C. when a dog plays dead she gets a treat in order to encourage her to repeat the behavior ** D. when a dog refuses to play dead

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

A. when a cat and a dog share the same water bowl B. when a cat learns to drool at the sound of a can opener C. when a dog plays dead she gets a treat in order to encourage her to repeat the behavior** D. when a dog refuses to play dead

Although B. F. Skinner and John B. Watson refused to believe that thoughts and expectations play a role in learning, ________ suggested a cognitive aspect to learning.

A.Edward C. Tolman** B. Ivan Pavlov C. Little Albert D. Rosalie Rayner

Which of the following experiments involves the use of social learning theory?

A.blindfolding someone and timing her to see how long it takes her to determine what she is eating B. determining how long it takes a person to learn how to knit if she is only allowed to watch YouTube videos of people knitting ** C. pairing a puff of air to the eye with a handshake to see how long it will take someone to blink before offering her hand D. rewarding a girl for finishing her homework with ice cream and counting how much homework she will complete before becoming sick of ice cream

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