Changes in family roles and relationships

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Rising Divorce Rates

Generally, when a divorce happens, one parent will have the children on a day to day basis, the other parent may only have custody over the children at the weekend This can mean increased responsibility for the parent taking the lions share of the care role There may be tension residual between the parents, and often complaints of "they get to be the fun one" One parent, after an acrimonious divorce, a parent may even try to turn the children against the other parent

Effects of divorce

It can end up that one parent only sees the children occasionally (Fun Dad/Mum) or eventually loses touch with them This can be due to starting a family unit with someone else(Stepdad)/(Mum), or it can be due to having to move for employment etc. Children can be resentful to the parent who moves out, or may suffer a sense of loss - making them believe that the remaining parent is "to blame" The financial burdens of divorce may mean lower income for the family and a changed lifestyle as a result

Religious belief

The decline in religious belief can also have an impact on family roles and relationships Partners may feel less committed and easier for one partner to leave without going through divorce Less stigma for children with unmarried parents now - in past they were termed as "illegitimate" May feel pressure from more traditional family members with expectations of marriage

Changing gender roles

Many women with children still pursue careers after childbirth Effective contraception means women have control over family size Women now increasingly the breadwinner and can sometimes find it easier to get a job than men There are changes in attitudes which make it more acceptable for men to take over role of primary caregiver

Changing role of men

More and more women are entering the workforce and this means major changes in roles in the family this has resulted Men in taking on more of the domestic labour that used to be considered the domain of women They are also increasingly taking on the role of carer for children

Step families

Step parent may be resented as replacing natural parent who is no longer around They may not be accepted by child Parenting styles may differ between step and natural parent, this may lead to renegotiation of roles Children from each parent may not accept one another

Same sex families

The increase in same sex families changes the traditional roles on mother and father, with both parents taking on more equal roles This means there is less gender division of tasks between parents,

Effects of same sex families

There may be problematic attitudes from people within the wider family which may have an impact on relationships Children may encounter lack of understanding from other children in a more traditional family unit However, relationships may be just as caring and secure as in any more traditional family Parents need to support child in explaining why their family is different to friends, neighbours etc

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