Chapter 12: Management

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Relevant Information

Information that is useful to managers in their particular circumstances for their particular needs.

Executive Support System (ESS)

A quick-reference, easy-access application of information systems specially designed for instant access by upper-level managers.

Oral and Written

Interpersonal communication generally takes one of two forms:

It is often quite accurate and provides a permanent record of the exchange. The sender can take the time to collect and assimilate the information and can draft and revise it before it is transmitted. The receiver can take the time to read it carefully and can refer to it repeatedly, as needed.

What are some advantages of written communication?

Conflicting or inconsistent signals, credibility about the subject, reluctance to communicate, poor listening skills, predispositions about the subject.

What are some individual barriers to effective communication?


Raw figures and facts reflecting a single aspect of reality.


Research has identified three kinds of ______________ communication practiced by managers—images, settings, and body language.

Downward communication

______________ communication occurs when information flows down the hierarchy from superiors to subordinates. The typical content of these messages is directives on how something is to be done, the assignment of new responsibilities, performance feedback, and general information that the higher-level manager thinks will be of value to the lower-level manager.


_______________ can disrupt the communication process at any step.

All-Channel Network of Communication

_____________________, the most decentralized, allows a free flow of information among all group members. Everyone participates equally, and the group's leader, if there is one, is not likely to have excessive power.

Systems for knowledge workers and office applications support the activities of both knowledge workers and employees in clerical positions.

Support the activities of both knowledge workers and employees in clerical positions. They provide assistance for data processing and other office activities, including the creation of communications documents.


A communication network similar to the Internet but operating within the boundaries of a single organization.


A communication network that allows selected outsiders limited access to an organization's internal information system, or intranet.


Available in time for appropriate managerial action.

Maintenance operations center advisor (MOCA)

A system called ____________________________, by imitating the thought processes of a maintenance manager, schedules routine maintenance for American Airlines' entire fleet.

Transaction-processing systems (TPSs)

An application of information processing for basic day-to-day business transactions.

Management by wandering around

An approach to communication that involves the manager's literally wandering around and having spontaneous conversations with others.


An informal communication network among people in an organization.

Management Information Systems (MISs)

An information system that supports an organization's managers by providing daily reports, schedules, plans, and budgets.

Decision Support Systems (DSSs)

An interactive system that locates and presents information needed to support the decision-making process.

Nonverbal Communication

Any communication exchange that does not use words or uses words to carry more meaning than the strict definition of the words themselves.

Grapevine, management by wandering around, and nonverbal communication.

Common forms of informal communication in organizations include...

Horizontal Communication

Communication that flows laterally within the organization; involves colleagues and peers at the same level of the organization and may involve individuals from several different organizational units.

Vertical Communication

Communication that flows up and down the organization, usually along formal reporting lines; takes place between managers and their superiors and subordinates and may involve several different levels of the organization.

Upward Communication

Consists of messages from subordinates to superiors. This flow is usually from subordinates to their direct superior, then to that person's direct superior, and so on up the hierarchy.


Data presented in a way or form that has meaning.

Written communication often inhibits feedback and interchange and is usually more difficult and time consuming than oral communication.

Drawbacks of written communication?

Oral Communication

Face-to-face conversation, group discussions, telephone calls, and other circumstances in which the spoken word is used to transmit meaning.

By maintaining open channels of communication and responding vigorously to inaccurate information.

How can a manager control and minimize damage done by the grapevine?

Wheel Pattern Communication Network

In the ____________ pattern, all communication flows through one central person, who is probably the group's leader. In a sense, the __________ is the most centralized network because one person receives and disseminates all information.

Y Pattern Communication Network

In the wheel pattern, all communication flows through one central person, who is probably the group's leader. In a sense, the wheel is the most centralized network because one person receives and disseminates all information. The ______________ pattern is slightly less centralized—two people are close to the center.

The recent increase in merger, acquisition, and takeover activity. Another is that more and more corporations move facilities from inner cities to suburbs, employees tend to talk less and less to others outside the organization and more and more to one another.

Informal communication is increasing in many organizations for what two basic reasons?

Systems for operations and data workers

Make sure that the right programs are run in the correct sequence, and they monitor equipment to ensure that it is operating properly. Many organizations also have employees who enter data into the system for processing.

Written Communication

Memos, letters, reports, notes, and other circumstances in which the written word is used to transmit meaning.

Cluster chain

One person passes the information to a selected few individuals. Some of the receivers pass the information to a few other individuals; the rest keep it to themselves.


One special form of AI, the _____________ system, is designed to imitate the thought processes of human experts in a particular field. ___________ systems incorporate the rules that an expert applies to specific types of problems, such as the judgments a physician makes in diagnosing illnesses.

Accurate Information

Provides a valid and reliable reflection of reality.

Complete Information

Provides the manager with all the information that he or she needs.

Circle Communication Network

The Y pattern is slightly less centralized—two people are close to the center. The chain offers a more even flow of information among members, although two people (the ones at each end) interact with only one other person. This path is closed in the ________ pattern.

Chain Communication Network

The _________ offers a more even flow of information among members, although two people (the ones at each end) interact with only one other person.


The __________ for communication also plays a major role in nonverbal communication. Boundaries, familiarity, the home turf, and other elements of the ____________ are all important.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The construction of computer systems, both hardware and software, to imitate human behavior—that is, to perform physical tasks, use thought processes, and learn.

Communication network

The pattern through which the members of a group communicate.

Communication Process

The process of communication begins when one person (the sender) wants to transmit a fact, idea, opinion, or other information to someone else (the receiver). This fact, idea, or opinion has meaning to the sender, whether it is simple and concrete or complex and abstract. The next step is to encode the meaning into a form appropriate to the situation. The encoding might take the form of words, facial expressions, gestures, emojis, or even artistic expressions and physical actions. After the message has been encoded, it is transmitted through the appropriate channel or medium. The channel by which this encoded message is being transmitted to you is the digital or printed page. Common channels in organizations include meetings, e-mails, memos, letters, reports, and phone calls. After the message is received, it is decoded back into a form that has meaning for the receiver. As noted earlier, the consistency of this meaning can vary dramatically. In many cases, the meaning prompts a response, and the cycle is continued when a new message is sent by the same steps back to the original sender.

Effective Communication

The process of sending a message in such a way that the message received is as close in meaning as possible to the message intended.


The process of transmitting information from one person to another.

Information Technology (IT)

The resources used by an organization to manage information that it needs to carry out its mission.

Gossip chain and cluster chain

The two most common grapevine chains in organizations are?

Knowledge-level and office systems

The widespread availability of text processing, document imaging, desktop publishing, computer-aided design, simulation modeling, and similar tools has increased the productivity of both knowledge and office workers. Desktop publishing combines graphics and word-processing text to publish professional-quality print and web documents.

Develop good listening skills, encourage two-way communication, be aware of language and meaning, maintain credibility, be sensitive to the receiver's perspective, be sensitive to the sender's perspective.

What are some individual skills to use for overcoming communication barriers?

Semantics, status or power differences, different perceptions, noise, overload, language differences.

What are some organization barriers?

Follow up, regulate information flows, understand the richness of media.

What are some organization skills to use for overcoming communication barriers?

Promotes prompt feedback and interchange in the form of verbal questions or agreement, facial expressions, and gestures. It's also easy, can be done with little preparation, and doesn't need any equipment.

What are the advantages of oral communication?

It may suffer from problems of inaccuracy if the speaker chooses the wrong words to convey meaning or leaves out pertinent details, if noise disrupts the process, or if the receiver forges part of the message. In a two-way discussion, there is seldom time for a thoughtful, considered response or for introducing many new facts, and there is no permanent record of what has been said. In addition, although most managers are comfortable talking to people individually or in small groups, fewer enjoy speaking to larger audiences.

What are the drawbacks of oral communication?

Gossip chain

When one person spreads the message to many other people.

When the message is personal, non-routine, and brief.

When should oral communication be used?

When the message is more impersonal, routine, and longer.

When should written communication be used?


When the group's task is relatively simple and routine, ____________ networks tend to perform with greatest efficiency and accuracy. The dominant leader facilitates performance by coordinating the flow of information.


When the receiver is being sent more information than he or she can effectively handle.


When the task is complex and nonroutine, such as making a major decision about organizational strategy, __________ networks tend to be most effective because open channels of communication permit more interaction and a more efficient sharing of relevant information.

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