Chapter 12 Practices

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Humoral immunity is provided by ______.


excess accumulation of fliud, which imparts the exchange of materials within the tissues is called _____.


All types of lymphocytes produce antibodies (T/F)


Allergies, or hypersensitivities, are normal immune responses to pathogens or harmful antigens (T/F)


As people age, they become more resistant to the development of autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases (T/F)


B cells become immunocompetent in the thymus (T/F)


Macrophages and dendritic cells release interferons to trigger an immune response from T cells (T/F)


Pathogens that make it through the mechanical barries of the body are encountered by phagocytes such as cytokines and interferons (T/F)


The constant region of the antibody joins heavy and light chains to form an antigen-binding site specifically made to fit an antigen (T/F)


Which statement is true of antibody IgE?

IgE is involved in allergies

Preyer's patches and the tonsils are part of the collection of small lymphoid tissues that protect the upper respiratory and digestive tracts from infection and are referred to as _____.

MALT or mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues

Within a lymph node, what cells engulf and destroy bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances in the lymph?


The nonspecific defense by which complement proteins attach to sugars or proteins on the surface of foreign cells is called coplement fixation (T/F)


The process that occurs when antibodies clump foreign cells is called agglutination. (T/F)


The role of the spleen in the lymphatic system is to provide a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance (T/F)


Which of the following best describes positive chemotaxis?

The movement of cells toward a high concentration of signaling molecules

Which one of the following is not a mechanism that aids lymph return to the heart?

The pumping action of the heart

Which antibody class is found in the secretions that bathe body surfaces, such as tears and mucus?


All lymph rejoins the bloodstream via the subclavian veins (T/F)


Which line of defense involves the recognition of specific antigens and actions to inactivate or destroy them?

Third line of defense

Which of the following provides active immunity that is artificially acquired?


If you cut up raw chicken meat that houses potentially harmful bacteria, which barrier from your first line of defense provides protection?

Acid mantle

Which antibody-antigen interaction results when a foreign blood type is transfused and clumped?


Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?

Allergic contact dermatitis

Which of the following is not of the nonspecific body defense?

Antibody production

Chemical secreted by white blood cells and macrophages exposed to foreign substances that can increase body temperature are called pyrogens (T/F)


Arnav will need a skin graft to cover the hole where his basal cell carcinoma is removed. His surgeon will use a piece of skin from behind his ear to create the skin graft. This type of graft is a(n).


Lymph is largely composed of water that has escaped from ______.


What do B cells develop immunocompetence?

Bone marrow

Jill felt small, swollen structures under her chin in her neck during a recent head cold. She probable has swollen _____.

Cervical lymph nodes

Which of the following is not one of the four most common indicators of the inflammatory respons?


Membrane attack complexes (MAC) form holes in attacked cells causing them to burst; this is a result of _______.

Complement fixation

What is the chief way the body responds to cellular antigens, such as bacteria or mismatched red blood cells?

Complement fixation

Which portion of the antibody's structure determines the antibody's class?

Constant region

The process by which neutrophils are squeezed through the capillary walls during the infalmmatory process is called ____.


The two main structures of the lymphatic system are the lymphatic vessels and the blood vessels (T/F)


What does fever accomplish?

Fever inhibits bacterial reproduction and speeds the repair process

AIDS cripples the immune system by interfering with the activity of cells called _____.

Helper T cells

Due to a recent respiratory illness from a viral infection, Jennifer has now developed ______.

Naturally acquired active immunity

From what part of your body does the right lymphatic duct collect lymph?

Right arm

Antigen presentation is essential for the activation and clonal selection of ____.

T cells

Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) present fragments of cells so they can be recognized by ____.

T cells

Newer cancer drugs use antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to attract the attention of the immune system to target tumors for destruction. What type of cell would you rate as most important for the APCs to activate in order for this new therapy to be succesful?

T cells

What type of T cell releases cytokines to indirectly rid the body of antigens?

Helper T cells

T cells or B cells that are capable of responding to a specific antigen by binding to it with antigen-specific receptors that appear on the lymphocyte's surface are considered.


The specific foreign substances that an individual's immune system has the ability to recognize and resist are determined by ______.

Individual genetic makeup

Declan was bitten by a number of ants. He has taken an antihistamine to reduce the redness and swelling associated with the ant bites. What will his antihistamine prevent?

Inflammatory response

What small proteins are secreted by virus-infected cells to help defend cells that have not yet been infected?


Which of the following is least likely to provoke an immune response?


The lymphoid organ that destroys worn-out blood cells is the ______


What lymphoid organ stores platelets and acts as a blood reservoir?


The inflammatory process begins with release of chemicals, which do all of the following except ______.

Stimulate the release of lysozyme

Which blood vessels receive lymph from the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct?

Subclavian veIns

Antibodies can inactivate an antigen in many ways, including complement fixation, neutralization, and opsonization. (T/F)


Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are secreted by activated B cells or by their plasma-cell offspring in response to an antigen (T/F)


The innate (nonspecific) defense system and adaptive (specific) defense system make up the immune system (T/F)


Which statement regarding the role of T lymphocytes (T cells) is true?

T lymphocytes (T cells) constitute the cell-mediated arm of the adaptive defenses

Which one of the following is not true of the constant (C) regions of antibodies?

The constant regions form an antigen-binding site

Which of the following is not applicable to the third line of defense?

The injection of serum containing antibodies will always provide immunity against disease

While walking barefoot, Maggie got a cut on the sole of her foot. She later noticed redness, swelling, and pus draining from her wound. How would you describe these symptoms?

These symptoms indicate the inflammatory response is in progress

Which of the following is mismatched?

Third line of defense: natural killer cells and antimicrobial proteins

Which of the following lymphoid organs functions at peak level during youth?


Which of the following is not a lymphoid organ?

Thyroid gland

What is the region of the antibody that varies from antibody to antibody?

Variable or V region

Developmentally, what is the origin of lymphatic vessels?

Veins of the blood vascular system

A patient with an infection is given a dose of interferon. The interferon injection was successful and helped her recover from the illness more quickly. Deduce the type of infection she had.


Sheldon experiences difficulty breathing when he eats peanuts. Recently, he had a cookie that contained peanuts and developed a systemic acute allergic reaction known as

anaphylactic shock

Autoimmune disease arises when the immune system is no longer tolerant of self-antigens, and antibodies are produced to attack the body's own tissues. (T/F)


B lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes (T cells) must both become self-tolerant of the body's own cells. (T/F)


Intact keratinized epidermis and mucous membranes are strong mechanical barriers to most microorganisms and serve as the body's first line of defense (T/F)


The development of self-tolerance of ____ is critical for T lymphocytes (T cells) and B lymphocytes (B cells) to function properly

The body's own cells

Cedric needs a kidney transplant. Which type of graft is least likely to be successful?

A xenograft

Where are the tonsils located?

Throat (pharynx)

What type of cells specializes in killing virus-infected, cancer, or foreign graft cells directly?

Cytotoxic T cells

The lymph nodes filter bacteria, viruses, and humor cells from blood on its way back to the heart. (T/F)


The most important function of the thymus gland is to destroy worn-out red blood cells and return some of the products to the liver (T/F)


Xenografts are ideal donor organs or tissues since they rarely cause rejection (T/F)


What makes lymph capillaries different from blood capillaries?

Lymph capillaries are characterized by the presence of flap-like mini valves

Fluids that have escaped the cardiovascular system are picked up by the _____.

Lymphatic system

What mediates the adaptive defense system (specific defense system)?


What type of cells develops immunocompetence prior to responding to specific antigens?


In the 1940s, Christine had chicken pox at age 4. At age 8, she was exposed to the virus again when her sister contracted the chicken pox. What type of cells present in her blood was capable of responding to the antigen during the second exposure?

Memory cells

The process by which antibodies bind to specific sites on bacterial exotoxins (toxic chemicals secreted by bacteria) to block their harmful effects is called ______.


Antibody binding that tags an antigen on a cellular target for phagocytosis is known as _____.


Antibodies provided by serum from an immune donor or an animal donor do not challenge the B cells and thus provide.

Passive immunity

Which of the following are harmful or disease-causing microorganisms from which nonspecific defenses protect the body?


How do plasma cells assist with humoral immunity?

Plasma cells secrete highly specific antibodies

How do natural killer (NK) cells protect the body?

Promot cell lysis

What chemical do white blood cells and macrophages secrete to raise body temperature and induce fever?


bacteria and tumor cells are removed from lymph by ____.

lymph nodes

The binding of complement proteins to certain sugar or proteins on a foreign cell's surface is called ______.

Complement fixation

What is the body's first line of defense against the invasion of disease-causing microorganisms?

Skin and mucous membranes

Anaphylactic shock, an acute systemic allergic response, causes vasodilation and difficulty breathing (T/F)


Antigen presentation is essential for the activation of clonal selection of T cells (T/F)


Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) engulf antigen and present them to cells that will deal with them (T/F)


Artificially acquired passive immunity is conferred when one receives immune serum for poisonous snakebites (T/F)


The lymphoid tissues that trap and remove bacteria that enter the throat are the ____.


The role of the ____ is to trap and remove bacteria or other foreign pathogens entering the throat.


Hannah has an autoimmune disease in which the beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed. As a result, she does not make enough insulin. What disease does she have?

Type I diabetes mellitus

Which of the following is not a cell that behaves as an antigen-presenting cell (APC)?


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