Chapter 12

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when adolescents experience emotional turmoil, conflict within the family, alienation from adult society, reckless behavior, and rejection of adult values, they are experiencing

adolescent rebellion


adolescents struggle with parental authority

greater intimacy, loyalty, and sharing with friends mark a transition toward _______ friendships


which two ethnic groups are at greatest risk for teenage pregnancy?

african american teenagers hispanic teenagers

which portion of the brain have been associated with the development of antisocial behavior?

areas of the brain that regulate reactions to stress

regarding ethnic minority adolescences, _______ may undergo the process of indentity formation earlier than

girls; boys

effective delinquency intervention programs

integrate deviant youth into the nondeviant mainstream

many teenagers get much of their "sex education" from the _______, which present a distorted view of sexual activity, associating it with fun, excitement, competition, or violence


according to erikson, __________ develop an identity through work, whereas ___________ develop an identity through marriage and motherhood

men; women

Effective delinquency programs operate on Bronfenbrenner's _________ by affecting interactions between the home and the school or child care center


according to marcia, young people who experience an identity crisis without commitment are in


identity _______ involves experiencing a crisis without making a complete commitment


friends of antisocial youth tend to be _________ similar to the youth themselves


parents tend to want ____ disclosure than their adolescents are willing to provide


some people believe that community and school based sex education leads to sexual activity even though evidence shows otherwise


Mario's parents make sure that he stays after school twice a week for homework club. They also communicate with the parents of Mario's friends. When Mario is out with friends on the weekend, they require him to call or text at least twice to check in. Mario's parents are demonstrating

parental monitoring

adolescents who have the most secure attachment relationships tend to have strong, supportive relationships with



parents and laissez-faire in child rearing attitudes and are not available to children


parents are overly involved with their children and avoid expressing differences


parents encourage autonomy and connection with teachers and explore differences together

the ________ group provides a place to form intimate relationships that serve as rehearsals for adult intimacy


problems arise in the parent-adolescent relationship when parents overstep their authority in the _____ domain


according to marcia, commitment involves

personal investment in an occupation personal investment in an ideology

________ _________ is the term used to describe individuals as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual

sexual orientation

diseases spread by sexual contact are called _________ _________ _________, or STIs

sexually transmitted infections

what happens when fathers become less happy in their marriages?

siblings become closer and quarrel less

brain imaging studies reveal that brain structures between homosexuals and heterosexuals of the other sex are quite


identity ______ involves making a commitment without experiencing a crisis


identity _______ involves making a commitment without experiencing a crisis


James E. Marcia identified _______ identity statuses or states of ego (self) development


virginity pledges have been shown to

have limited effectiveness

andrew typically refuses to listen to his parents or teachers. He doesn't seem to care about the feelings of others and tends to bully other classmates. He always blames his problems on others. What can we predict about Andrew's behavior?

andrew is at risk of committing violent acts


anxious and fearful of success; high levels of ego development, moral reasoning, and self esteem

full fledged adolescent rebellion

appears to be relative uncommon

What STI is the most common, accounting for about half of all STI infections diagnosed in 15 to 24 year olds?


which parent has the greatest impact on reducing adolescent behavior problems?

a father living in the home

relationships with parents during adolescence set the stage for the overall quality of the relationship with

a partner in adulthood

what is the important component of pregnancy prevention in european countries that contributes to the drop in teen pregnancy?

access to reproductive services

identity _______ involves experiencing a crisis and making a commitment


identity ________ involves experiencing a crisis and making a commitment


delinquency peaks at about the age of


what percent of school killings represent homicides among school age youth?


the influence of peers normally peaks at ages _______

12 to 13

at what age is both family conflict and positive identification with parents at its highest?


both family conflict and positive identification with parents are highest at age ________ and then diminish until age ________, when they stabilize or increase somewhat

13, 17

delinquency peaks at about age ____ and then declines as most adolescents and their families come to terms with young people's need to assert independence


effective delinquency prevention programs target high risk urban children and last at least _____ years during the child's first 5 years


a nationally representative study reported that 1 in ____ adolescent girls ages 14 to 19 has had at least one STI


in a national survey, ____% of 15 to 19 year old boys and ___% of girls in that age group reported ever having had same sex sexual contact

4.5; 10.6

more than _____% of sex education programs that emphasized abstinence and condom use delayed and/or reduced sexual activity and increased the use of condoms or contraceptives


more than ____ in 10 of adolescent girls in the US have been pregnant at least once before age 20


the first full genome wide scan for male sexual orientation has identified three sketches of DNA on chromosomes

7, 8, 10

more than _____% of pregnant teenagers describe their pregnancies as unintended


which of the following has had a major impact on young people abstaining from sexual activity outside of committed relationships or engaging in safer sexual practices?

AIDS epidemic

what determines identity diffusion?

absence of both crisis and commitment

Jenny and Jeff are parents that insist on important rules, norms, and values but are willing to listen, explain, and negotiate with their teenagers. They exert behavioral control over their children but not psychological control. Jenny and Jeff demonstrating the __________ style of parenting


_______ parenting can help young people internalize standards that may insulate them against negative peer influences and open them up to positive influences


jenny and jeff are parents that insist on important rules, norms, and values but are willing to listen, explain, and negotiate with their teenagers. They exert behavioral control over their children but not psychological control. Jenny and Jeff demonstrating the _______ style of parenting


Which parenting style fosters healthy psychosocial development?

authoritative parenting

which parenting style fosters healthy psychosocial development?

authoritative parenting

control over a child's conduct is called ________ control, whereas control over the child's feelings, beliefs, and sense of self is called _________ control

behavioral; psychological

a _________ process helps explain the link between the quality of parent relationships and adolescents' choice of friends. Good relationships foster adjustment, which in turn fosters good friendships


a ___________ process helps explain the link between the quality of parent relationships and adolescents choice of friends. Good relationships foster adjustment, which in turn fosters good friendships


which of the following situations and/or individuals are most likely to engage in persistent violence?

boys who have had early antisocial influences teenagers who do not see positive alternatives or who come from dysfunctional families

research indivates that the more older biological ___________ a man has, the more likely he is to be gay


which of the following statements regarding siblings and gender is false?

brothers tend to report more intimacy with sisters and vice versa than with same sex sibling pairs

according to marcia, a personal investment in an occupation or ideology is called


which theorist argued that girls and women judge themselves on their handling of their responsibilities and on their ability to care for others as well as themselves?

carol gilligan


change has explored his identity and understands and accepts his ethnicity

identify all of the following that are FACTS regarding youth violence

children with conduct disorders or uncontrolled behavior do not necessarily turn out to be violent adolescents juveniles tried in adult courts have significantly higher rates of repeat offenses than young offenders tried in juvenile courts

arguments between parents and teenagers often focus on

chores, schoolwork, money

A __________ is a structured group of friends who do things together


a ______ is a structured group of friends who do things together


Which two hallmark adolescent behaviors have been identified as defenses against identity confusion?

cliquishness and intolerance of differences

maria is a parent of a fourteen year old girl. She doesnt worry about her daughter because she knows all her neighbors will keep an eye out for her. Maria lives in a community with high

collective efficacy

which of the following are factors that contribute to positive outcomes of teenage parenting?

comprehensive adolescent pregnancy and home visitation programs, contact with the father, involvement in a religious community

which of the following are characteristics of racial/ethnic identity?

connectedness to one's own racial group embedded achievement awareness of racism

what do arguments between adolescents and parents typically focus on?

control over everyday personal matters

according to marcia, in the search for identity, a _______ is actually a period of conscious decision making


compared to cliques, ________ are larger and less personal


the term _______ _______ refers to practices that teach children about their racial or ethnic heritage, promote cultural customs and traditions, and foster racial/ethnic and cultural pride

cultural socialization

which of the following is not a reason why some adolescents avoid early sexual activity?

getting good grades in school

which statement is true regarding the origin of sexual orientation and mental illness?

decades of research reveal no association between homosexual orientation and emotional or social problems

family conflict tends to ______ over time in warm, supportive families


compared to the children of older parents, children of teenage parents are at greater risk for

depression, early sexual activity, academic problems, substance abuse

Han is a korean high school student and devotes a great deal of time to schoolwork and family obligations. Han is likely to

devote his free time to hanging out with friends

identity ________ refers to individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis and have not made a commitment


what type of parental discipline is consistent with antisocial behavior in adolescence?

discipline may have been harsh or inconsistent in punishing misbehavior parents may give attention to antisocial behavior and therefore reinforce it parents may have failed to reinforce good behavior

marital _______ is related to poor adolescent adjustment and academic, psychological, and behavioral problems


________-onset antisocial behavior tends to lead to chronic juvenile delinquency in adolescence


negative emotions and mood swings are most intense during

early adolescence

which of the following are characteristics of racial/ethnic identity?

embedded achievement, connectedness to one's own racial group, awareness of racism

in terms of dating violence, _______ violence occurs when a partner is threatened or verbally abused


__________ defined identity as a coherent conception of the self, made up of goals, values, and beliefs to which the person is solidly committed


During adolescence, parent child conflict typically involves

everyday events

which statement below is true regarding gender and friendship intimacy?

girls friendships tend to be more intimate than boys

true or false: according to erikson, an identity crisis refers to a stressful event, such as losing your job


true or false: homosexuality is considered a mental disorder in the latest edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders


true or false: most adolescents turn away from their parents and reject their fundamental values


true or false: white teenagers tend to engage in sexual activity at earlier ages than african american teenagers


research has shown that asian, latino, and european american teens all tend to show higher levels of happiness when they participate in activities that help the


in one study involving mothers from various ethnic backgrounds, researchers found no negative effects of single parenting on school performance or on problem behavior. What mattered most were

family income, quality of the home environment, the mother's educational level and ability

the ________ has the greatest impact on reducing adolescent behavior problems


according to erikson, sustained loyalty, faith, or a sense of belonging to a loved one or to friends is called


good relationships foster adjustment, which in turn fosters good


which STI is considered to be a chronic, recurring, often painful, and highly contagious disease?

genital herpes

which two STIs are considered the most common and curable?

gonorrhea and chlamydia

which of the following is not an outcome associated with attending the chicago child parent centers?

greater likelihood of remaining in poverty

feeling good about one's ethnicity is called

group esteem

which of the following is not a risk factor associated with early sexual activity?

have high self esteem


high levels of authoritarianism and stereotypical thinking


high levels of ego development, moral reasoning, self certainty, self esteem, and intimacy

teenage mothers are more likely to experience all of the following outcomes except

high school graduation

which STI is transmitted through bodily fluids by the sharing of intravenous drug needles or by sexual contact with an infected partner?

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

when asked what he plans to do after high school, caprice responds "ive been doing a lot of thinking. I know im going to college and I want to major in education. I have worked at several child care centers during summer breaks, I currently tutor junior high students, and I shadowed a third grade teacher for a week during spring break.: which identity status best described caprice?

identity achievement

according to erik erikson, the chief task of adolescence is to confront the crisis of

identity versus identity confusion

social connectedness _________ through the use of social networking


male self esteem seems to be linked with striving for

individual achievement

___________ is an adolescent's struggle for autonomy and personal identity


which components below are consistent with comprehensive sex education programs

information about risks and consequences of teenage pregnancy education about sexuality fostering skills for making responsible sexual decisions and communicating with partners information about birth control methods and where to get medical and contraceptive help

which components below are consistent with comprehensive sex education programs?

information about risks and consequences of teenage pregnancy fostering skills for making responsible sexual decisions and communicating with partners education about sexuality information about birth control methods and where to get medical and contraceptive help

many american adolescents who openly identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual feel


Kenny has parents who engage in authoritarian parenting. What can be expected regarding Kenny's behavior in adolescence?

kenny is most likely going to reject his parents and seek peer support and approval at all costs

kenny has parents who engage in authoritarian parenting. What can be expected regarding Kenny's behavior in adolescence?

kenny is most likely going to reject his parents and seek peer support and approval at all costs

_____________-onset antisocial behavior begins after puberty


lexi's parents are divorced and she resides with her mother. Devon's parents both work long hours and have had their ups and downs but they have remained married. Based on this information, who is at greater risk for behavior problems in adolescence?


the concept of the identity crisis was based in part on Erikson's

life experiences

many teenagers perceived their own personal risk for contracting STIs as



low levels of ego development, moral reasoning, and self esteem


low levels of ego development, moral reasoning, cognitive complexity, and self certainty

Mr and Mrs Wilson wonder what behavioral changes they can expect in their son, Marcus, as he transitions to adolescence. What behaviors are they likely to notice?

marcus will seek out time to be alone marcus will often retreat to his room


maria has begun to explore her ethnicity but is confused about what ti means to her

in adolescence, siblings become

more similar in their levels of competence

which of the following statements about oral sex in adolescence is true?

most teenagers view oral sex as less risky than intercourse

which of the following is a FACT regarding youth violence?

most youths involved in violent behavior will never be arrested for a violent crime

adolescent girls tend to have closer, more supportive relationships and confide more in their


Which of the following outcomes have NOT been found to be related to economic hardship in adolescence?

negative peer relationships

the chicago child parent centers provide follow up services through age


which of the following statements is true regarding sexual behavior among adolescents today?

noncoital forms of genital sexual activity such as oral and anal sex are common and teens believe noncoital forms of genital sexual activity represents abstinence

adolescents who can talk about sex with _____ as well as with parents are more likely to have positive attitudes toward safer sexual practices

older siblings

nearly _______ of 15 to 17 year olds, especially boys, said they had experienced pressure to have sex

one third

which of the following factors are associated with teenage pregnancy?

physical, emotional, and sexual abuse domestic violence exposure to parental divorce

_________ children are more likely than other children to commit antisocial acts and those whose families are continuously poor tend to become more antisocial over time


which of the following are two major concerns about adolescent sexual activity?

pregnancy contracting STIs

which statement is false regarding current attitudes toward sexuality?

premarital sex is less acceptable today than in the past

Olivia is a pregnant teenager from a low income family. Olivia's baby is likely to be


research shows that comprehensive early intervention programs to reduce teenage pregnancy should begin in


what determines identity foreclosure?

presence of a commitment in the absence of a crisis

what defines identity moratorium?

presence of a crisis but not of a commitment

what defines identity achievement?

presence of both a crisis and a commitment

which type of sex eductation program has been found to delay sexual initiation and increase contraceptive use among adolescents?

programs that encourage abstinence and discuss STD prevention and safer sexual practices

when thinking about issues that are subject to disclosure to parents, order the following issues in order from most subject to disclosure to least subject to disclosure: personal issues, moral issues, multifaceted issues, prudential issues, and conventional issues

prudential issues moral issues conventional issues multifaceted issues personal issues

a person's right to his or her own thoughts and feelings is called

psychological autonomy


rajiv has done little or no exploration of his ethnicity but has clear feelings about it

the development of antisocial behavior involves a complex and _______ interaction between environment and biological risk factors


when studying group esteem and exploration in the meaning of ethnicity in one's life, african americans and latinos experienced in

rise in the exploration of the meaning of ethnicity in middle adolescence rise in group esteem in early and middle adolescence

erikson regarded identity or ______ _______ as the prime danger of adolescence

role confusion

______ relationships tend to become more intense and more intimate across adolescence


which of the folllowing is not one of the three major issues that must be resolved to form an identity according to erikson?

satisfaction with body image

which statements regarding self esteem levels in adolescence are true?

self esteem drops more rapidly for girls than for boys in adolescence adolescent girls have lower self esteem on average than adolescent boys

seeing oneself as a sexual being, recognizing one's sexual orientation, coming to terms with sexual stirrings, and forming romantic or sexual attachments are all parts of achieving a

sexual identity

delinquency intervention programs in adolescence should target

spotting troubled adolescents prevention of gang recruitment


tanisha has done little or no exploration of her ethnicity and does not clearly understand the issues involved

which of the following is a specific component of comprehensive sex education programs aimed at adolescent boys?

teaching wisdom regarding the delay of parenthood and the need to take responsibility when it occurs

the _______ ___________ program which has resulted in a significant decrease in teen pregnancy, teaches teenagers to make decisions, handle emotions, and deal with peers and adults

teen outreach

which of the following statements regarding sexual behavior of adolescents is true?

the average girl has her first sexual intercourse at age 17, the average boy at 16

what are the trends in contraceptive use among adolescents today?

the use of contraceptives among teenagers has increased since 1990

how do effective programs prevent delinquent behavior?

they offer families assistance and support geared to their needs they influence children directly through high quality day care or education

what are the features of crowds?

they tend to be based on reputation they are larger than cliques many are defined by activities

Which STI may be passed along by moist towels and swimsuits?


true or false: teenage birthrates in the united states are 12 times as high as in japan


what type of sex education is prevalent in europe's industrialized countries?

universal, comprehensive sex education in schools

what factors mediate the degree of risk associated with family economic hardship?

whether adolescents have a strong kinship network whether parents perceive their situation as stressful

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