Chapter 13 Conquest and Exile

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According to Isaiah, what unlikely place would be victorious in the later time?


Who is known as the great reformer?



One of the northern tribes in Galilee deported with Israel

Who were the Samaritans?

People from the Assyrian Empire it's settled in the towns around some area and mixed with the Israelites

What is the main theme of Isaiah's prophecy?

Repentance and the judgment to come without it


A district of Israel's population was not deported with the rest of the Kingdom


A king of Judah who destroyed all his father Hezekiah's reforms and persecuted the worshipers of the True God. After many disasters, he repented and turn back to God


A reforming king of Judah who returned the people to the true worship of the true God. During his Reign the book of the law was found in the Temple might have been hidden during Manasseh's persecutions


A great prophet who rose during the exile


A great prophet who stood up to official persecution to bring God's word to the people of Judah


And Isaiah, the small number of people who return to Jerusalem after the coming exile


Anointed one. Ideal future king of Israel promised by God through the Prophets. The Greek translation is Christ

How did Josiah react when he found out she was about to be punished by God?

He read aloud the book of the law and started a great reform

When were the many books of the Old Testament edited in their final forms?

During the Babylonian exile

Where did the remnant of Judah sleep after the leading citizen have been deported to Babylon?


What happened when Manasseh was taken away by the Assyrians?

He converted and returned to undo the wrong he had done

How did King Manasseh begin his reign?

He undid his father's reforms and established Pagan worship

Who is Hezekiah ?

King of Judah that led reforms with the help of Isaiah


One of the northern tribes and gallery not deported with the rest of Israel


The great Imperial City to which the conquered people of Judah were taken as captives by Nebuchadnezzer's kingdom


The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah

Why did Hezekiah destroy Moses in the bronze serpent?

The people had begun to worship it as a god


The time the people of Judah spent as captives in Babylon

Who was that Zedekiah?

The youngest of Josiah last king of Judah

What important Discovery did the priest make during Josiah's reign?

They found the book of the law

What happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abendnego?

They were thrown in the fiery furnace but we're unharmed

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