Chapter 14 Vocab

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master's degree

A graduate degree typically requiring two or three years of study beyond a bachelor's degree; an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctorate.


The subject, theme, or professional field In which students choose to specialize during their undergraduate education.

Entry level

What a job is called if it doesn't require prior work experience, making It suitable for someone who is new to the field or has Just graduated and is looking for a first job.


Yearly earnings.


A master's in business administration: an advanced university degree in business studies.


A secondary specialization students may choose to focus on during their undergraduate education. While a student might take 30 or more units in a major, a minor might require only 15 units.


A university student who has not yet received a first degree.


A value that indicates the amount of college credit assigned to a course. In many cases, one hour of lecture a week equals one unit of credit. Units are used to determine whether a student is full-time or pari-time and may also be a part of scholarship requirements.

associate's degree(or AA)

An academic degree given for successful completion of a course of study at a two-year college.

Bachalor's degree (or BA or BS)

An academic degree typically requiring four years of study, conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies a bachelor of arts ls a BA and a bachelor of science is a BS.


An educational institution that usually maintains one or more four-year undergraduate colleges(or schools) with programs leading to a bachelor's degree. Also maintains a graduate school of arts and sciences that awards master's and doctoral degrees(PhDs); may also maintain graduate professional schools, sucH as law or engineering schools


An employment position in which an industry expert is called In to provide assessments and give advice


An institution of higher learning that offers undergraduate programs, usually of a four-year duration, that lead to a bachelor's degree in the arts or sciences (BA or BS).

postsecondary education

Education pursued after high school (secondary school).

PhD or doctorate

One of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university; a PHD is a"doctor of philosophy" while an MD is a"doctor of medicine."


One type of average, found by arranging the values in order and then selecting the value in the middle. Half of the values are higher and half are lower.

graduate school

Post-undergraduate education, usually In pursuit of a master's degree, doctorate, or professional degree.

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