Chapter 15 & 2

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The archaeologist who discovered the temple of Knossos on the island of Crete was___?

Arthur Evans

Who was the prthenon for?


The artist___created the Pop Art-like construction entitled The Liberation of Aunt Jemima in 1972. The painting announces the necessity of change for the Africian American in this society.

Betye Saar

Demeter (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Ceres. Goddess of grain; agriculture. Mother of persophone

what did Andy Warhol create that was condidere "Pop art?"

Marilyn Monroe Diptych

The painter who worked in a style known as "color field painting" in which there is no subject but merely one or two large squares or rectangles of varying color on a field of color was...

Mark Rothko

Who created the painting "Green on Blue?

Mark Rothko

Ares (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Mars, God of war, weapons of war

Greek artists represented both human form and architecture in harmonious proportions derived from what?


Athena (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Minerva, Goddess of wisdom, weaving, protectress of Athens, owl, dove

Poseidon (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Neptune. God of the sea, horses, bulls, and earthquakes. Trident

Who is the young women w/ wings (Victory)


Who was known for "Commercial art?"

Norman Rockwell

How was Dionysus born?

Out of Zeus's thigh

The major surviving architectural monument of the Minoans is the...?

Palace of Minos at Knossos

What is the second function of Joseph Campbells myth/ religion?

Present single cosmological image that will inform, and center the individual in relation to his/ her environment. (Cosmological or "scientific" )

What is the first function of Joseph Campbells myth/ religion.

Reconciling Consciousness to the Preconditions of its own existence, "Life eats life"

Second generation of greeks?

Rhea and Cronus

Who created the Spiral Jetty?

Robert Smithson

What is Cronus's roman name?


Who was the first to look at civilization on Crete?

Sir Arthur Evans

Who reconstructed the Grand Staircase?

Sir Arthur Evans ("Matriarchy")

The period between the end of WW1 (1945) and the fall of the soviet Union (1991) was known as thw what?

The Cold War

Third Generation of greeks?

The Olympians

During the 1960's and early 1970's many millions of people, particularly college students, took to the streets to protest what?

The Vietnam War

Which one of Judy Chicagos work changed the way people looked at her art?

The dinner party, 1979

Athena was the patron god of athens. true or false?


Who was Pythagoras?

was the most important presocratic thinkers, and for him, "number" was at the heart of all things especially music.

The Minoan "Snake goddess" was most likely made by women for __?


What was Mark Rothko's painting also known as?

"Color field painting"

How did Botticelli say Venus was born?

"The birth of Venus from the sea foam."

What did art critic Brian Sewell call Edward Kienholz?

"The latest known, most neglected and forgotten american artit.

What are the three basic attitudes found in world mythologists?

-Affirmation of life -Rejection of life -Correction and reconstruction of life

What was Greek culture based on?

-Human Reason (Humanism) -Bringing order to human existence. (order out of chaos) - The ideal (Greek ideal)

Because there is no recoginizable subject in jackson Pollock's Autumn Rythm: Number 30, the work is referred to as non-objective or...?

Abstract expressionism

In the 1960's the Theater of the ___ wss a theater in which the meaninglessness of existence is the central thematic concern.


Who made "Christina's world?"

Andrew Wyeth

The work of___embodies the world of cheap and reproducible mass production as evidenced in his Campell Soup Cans and in Th Marilyn Monroe Disptych.

Andy Warhol

The Figurine of a Woman is what kind of art?

Cycladic Art


Daughter of Demeter, Hades "lover."

Artemis (Twin sister of Apollo) (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Diana. Goddess of hunting, moon, childbirth. Bow and arrow, animals, especially deer

What are the three classical greek orders?

Doric, Ionic, corinthian

Who is the young man with wings?


Who created the black figure ware?


Jackson Pollock was a German Expressionist. True or False?


The Parthenon is dedicated to Hera the patron goddess of Athens. True of False?


Who was a "Postmodern" Artist?

Frank Stella

The Guggenheim Museum in New York was the creation of the architect...

Frank lloyd Wright

Who is the first generation of the Greeks

Gaia, and Uranos

Apollo (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

God of light and sun, music, medicine, archery. Lyre; bow and arrow

Poseidon was the Greek...

God of the sea

What is the fourth function of Joseph Campbells myth/ religion?

Harmonize and deepen the psyche of the individual as he/ she passes through the major thresholds. From adulthood, old age, through death. (Psychological)

Who created the Lion Gate, Mycenae, Greece

Heinrich Schlieman

What was ancient greece called?


Ancient greeks referred to themselves as what?


All that is greek before Alexander is called what?


What is the Athenian acropolis mean?

High City

What are the two types of cyclopes in greek myth?

Homer: Polyphemus (much talking) kind, hunter-gatherer. Hesiod: "Hig tech" Makers of Zeus's thunderbolts. There are three of them: Brontes, Steropes, Arges

____ is best known for his "drip" or "action" paintings.

Jackson Pollock

Whose work was also referred to as "Drip Paintings?"

Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)

Who created some of the paintings like "Running Fence," "Wrapped Reichstag."

Jeanne Claude

Who incorporated feminism in a lot of her work that the public refused to reognize ?

Judy Chicago

Hera (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Juno, Queen of the gods, marriage, golden sandals

Zeus (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Jupiter (Jove), King of the gods, Thunderbolt, eagle

What did Eero Saarinen create?

Kennedy Airport Terminal (New York)

Dionysos (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Liber. (Bacchus in both Greek and Roman) God of moisture in nature. Thyrsus (Long hollow stick with ivy leaves on the end)

From the evidence, the chief deities of the Minoan religion were most likely female and ___ is the best known example in sculptural form even though some scholars doubt its authenticity.

The snake goddess

In June 1963 the white singing folk trio "Peter, Paul & Mary" released the Bob Dylan song "Blowing In The Wind" which became a kind of anthem for civil rights. True or False?


The philosophy of Existentialism is a recent phenomenon, appearing after WW11. True or False?


What is the third function of Joseph Campbells myth/ religion?

Validate and maintain a certain sociological / moral order. (Social) - in this one religions differ greatly

Aphrodite (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Venus, Goddess of love and beauty; fertility. Usually attended by Eros (Cupid); dove, goose.

Hestia (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

Vesta. Goddess of fire nand hearth.

With Priam painter, what comes first black or red figures in pottery?


what term first appeared in ancient Greece?


All of the architectural elements of the Parthenon are executed in perfectly straight, vertical and horizontal lines. True or False


Together Demeter and her daughter Persephone are associated in Greek mythology with...

grain and planting

Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of


Hades (Roman name, Function, attributes)?

pluto. God of the underworld, accompanied by Cerebus.

Ensembles d'études connexes

Muscles of Abdomen and Thorax; origin, insertion

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