Chapter 15: Voices of Protest

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A characteristic of the second version of the Ku Klux Klan is that _____.

African Americans had few rights that the Klan felt obliged to respect

It had been _____ more than anyone else who persuaded W. E. B. Du Bois and probably other black leaders of Woodrow Wilson's goodwill toward African Americans.

Alexander Walters

Why was W. E. B. Du Bois's "Close Ranks article" controversial?

Because it advocated that blacks put the race struggle on a backseat to their patriotic duty to their country during wartime

Why were Caribbean immigrants proportionally overrepresented in the population of successful black New Yorkers in the 1920s and 1930s?

Because they had a higher level of education and literacy than African Americans

Identify a true statement about the efforts made by southern leaders to stop the leaderless migration of blacks to the North in the 1910s.

Black church leaders, although initially in opposition to the migration, ultimately left the South to follow their flock.

In May 1919 the NAACP held a national conference on lynching at which the chief speaker was _____, the former Supreme Court justice who had been the unsuccessful Republican candidate for president in 1916.

Charles Evans Hughes

In 1919, the most serious racial outbreak occurred in _____ in late July.


True or false: Involved in the larger African American protest movement, black women looked blindly at racism in the larger woman's movement with which they also identified.


True or false: When American whites freely suggested that foreign influences—especially exposure to the French tradition of equality during the war and Bolshevik propaganda after the 1917 Russian Revolution—had caused blacks to become more assertive, black leaders accepted the claims.


Which of the following is true of black feminism?

For most black women, a truly interracial feminism languished to die on the cross of racism.

How did Ossian H. Sweet's family respond when a mob of 400-500 whites gathered outside their home and began to hurl stones in an attempt to get them to leave their house in Detroit in 1925?

Gunfire rang out from inside the Sweets' home, killing a white man in the crowd.

Identify an accurate statement about the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.

He achieved his progressive-reform agenda through tariff and banking reforms.

In the context of black nationalism, identify the true statements about Hubert Harrison. (Check all that apply.)Please note the following acronym:NAACP—National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

He analyzed the race question from a socialist perspective. His periodicals drew attention to the role of race in relation to class politics.

How did W. E. B. Du Bois react to presidential candidacy of Woodrow Wilson?

He believed that Wilson would bring to the presidency a new model of leadership.

In the context of black nationalism, identify a true statement about Hubert Harrison.Please note the following acronym:NAACP—National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

He insisted that there was a need for a more radical policy than that of the NAACP.

After becoming President of the United States, how did Woodrow Wilson respond to the African American issue?

He refused to endorse the NAACP's request to form a national commission on the Negro problem.

Which of the following is true of W. E. B. Du Bois?

He wrote scathing articles against colonialism and white privilege.

Which of the following caused Marcus Garvey to lose support among former supporters as Hubert Harrison and Cyril Briggs?

His highly publicized meeting and "pact" with a representative of the Ku Klux Klan.

Identify the features of Marcus Garvey's civil rights movement. (Check all that apply.)

His movement was by far the largest black movement in American history at that time. He was considered to be the true leader of the black race by working-class people.

What finally put an end to Marcus Garvey's meteoric rise as the most popular leader of the blacks?

His promise of a steamship line

In the context of black nationalism, which of the following statements are true of Marcus Garvey? (Check all that apply.)

His wide popularity rested on his appeal to race pride. He said that the only hope for African Americans was to redeem Africa from European colonialism. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association.

Who was the leader who mobilized black women voters in Chicago in 1913 after the state of Illinois granted women the right to vote?

Ida B. Wells

Which of the following is true of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 1920s?

It assumed the responsibility for punishing people whom it considered dangerous, the foreign-born in general.

What was a drawback of the NAACP in the early decades of the twentieth century?

It failed to capture the imagination and secure the following of the many blacks on the lower social and economic levels.

Identify an attribute of the NAACP in the 1920s and 1930s.

It had never functioned as a mass movement.

Which of the following happened when the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) attempted to pass an antilynching bill in the U.S. Senate in the 1920s?

It initiated a memorial urging the bill's passage, which was signed by twenty-four governors.

What role did Ida B. Wells' Alpha Suffrage Club play in the civil rights movement?

It played a decisive role in black voter turnout in the Chicago election year of 1915.

Identify an accurate statement about the NAACP in the 1920s.

It published Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States, 1889-1918, detailing the causes of lynching

How did the administration of Woodrow Wilson treat blacks in the United States?

It segregated the eating and restroom facilities of black federal employees.

Identify a feature of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation.

It set up several ten-day schools for whites and blacks to train leaders in promoting interracial work.

What did the Commission on Interracial Cooperation do in the years immediately following World War I?

It spoke out against lynching, mob violence, debt peonage, and disfranchisement.

How did the race riot that took place in Elaine, Arkansas, in 1919 start?

It started when a deputy sheriff was killed in a melee between his posse and black farmers.

What did the second version of the Ku Klux Klan do in the 1910s and 1920s?

It targeted and lynched African American soldiers.

How would the NAACP normally react when an African American was lynched?

It would display a banner outside its New York City offices solemnly announcing, "A man was lynched yesterday."

Identify a feature of the Amenia Conference.

Its participants agreed to work quietly and earnestly for enfranchisement and the abolition of lynching.

What did the NAACP do in its initial years as a civil rights organization?

Its publications adopted fact-gathering and social-scientific methods to gain broad support for antilynching legislation.

Identify a feature of the NAACP in its initial years.

Its publications drew public attention to the heinous abuses associated with racial violence.

Identify true statements about the Moore v. Dempsey case that was a result of the Elaine, Arkansas race riot of 1919. (Check all that apply.)

NAACP lawyers had argued that the Arkansas men had not received a fair trial, because blacks were excluded from the jury. In 1923 the Supreme Court ordered a new trial in the Arkansas courts for the black farmers who had been convicted of murder.

No organization fought lynching and mob violence as systematically and persistently as the _____ did in the 1910s and 1920s.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Arthur Alfonso Schomburg, a famous immigrant from Puerto Rico, helped establish the _____ in 1911.

Negro Society for Historical Research

According to A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen, who was a "New Style Negro"?

One who unmistakably defends himself by shooting his attackers

Which of the following statements is true of the great migration of the 1910s and 1920s?

Southern community leaders attempted to stem the flow by arguing that adaptation to the North would be difficult for the "uncultured Negro."

Which of the following is true of the Afro-Caribbean migration of the early decades of the twentieth century?

The Afro-Caribbean migration reached a high point in the middle of the 1920s.

Which notorious white supremacist group resurfaced in the southern states in 1915?

The Ku Klux Klan

Identify a true statement about the efforts of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) toward securing passage of a federal antilynching law in the late 1910s and 1920s.

The NAACP succeeded in passing a bill in the House of Representatives in the 1920s.

Which organization stood out prominently as the leading voice of civil rights activism in the United States in the period leading to World War I?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Which of the following is true of the 1915 Guinn v. United States case?

The Supreme Court declared in favor of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Which of the following is true of the case of the Sweets' family?

The Sweets were finally acquitted, but irreparable harm had been done to race relations in Detroit.

Why did blacks from Caribbean islands migrate to the United States in great numbers in the early decades of the twentieth century?

The collapse of the sugar economy in the Caribbean and a series of land disasters convinced the blacks to migrate.

What was a unique feature of the Great Migration of blacks to the North in the early twentieth century?

The migration or movement had no visible leader.

Which of the following are true of the Chicago race riot of 1919? (Check all that apply.)

The most serious friction arose over the issues of housing and recreation. The riot that began on July 27 had its immediate origin in an altercation at a Lake Michigan beach.

How did black Americans all along the political spectrum react to the whites' suggestion that foreign influences, such as exposure to Bolshevik propaganda and the French tradition of equality, caused blacks to fight back in greater force in the 1910s and 1920s?

They ridiculed the claim that their new assertiveness was the result of "outside agitation."

Which of the following is true of the lives of Afro-Caribbean immigrants in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s?

They were more highly visible in radical political movements than African Americans.

How did the administration of Woodrow Wilson affect the lives of blacks in the United States? Multiple choice question.

Wilson by executive order phased out most blacks in civil service jobs.

In the Buchanan v. Warley case, before the Supreme Court, Moorfield Storey, a lawyer of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, convinced the Court to declare unconstitutional _____.

a Louisville ordinance requiring blacks to live in certain sections of the city

In the context of black nationalism, Marcus Garvey's movement associated with his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was characterized by _____.

a truly mass following that represented a variety of religious, political, and economic convictions

An attribute of the migration movement of blacks to the North in the 1910s and 1920s is that _____.

blacks moved with a sense of collective destiny through the help of friends, family members, and migration clubs

A feature of the Washington D. C. race riot of 1919 is that _____.

blacks retaliated on the third day when hoodlums sought to invade and burn their section of the city

An accurate statement about the Amenia Conference is that the _____.

conference attendees drew up no impassioned manifesto

An accurate statement about Arthur Alfonso Schomburg is that _____.

he amassed one of the world's largest collections of books, documents, and artifacts related to people of African descent

An accurate statement about the race riot that took place in Longview, Texas, in 1919 is that _____.

several white men were shot when they went into the black section of the town in search of a black schoolteacher

An attribute of Marcus Garvey's civil rights movement is that _____.

the movement had a broad appeal throughout the South, in urban and rural areas

In their magazine The Messenger, A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen regularly defended the _____.

white left

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