chapter 16 study questions

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Assuming a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what will the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype be in the next generation if the frequency of the dominant allele in the current generation is 0.60?


What is the frequency of the recessive allele in a population if 16% of the individuals in the population have the recessive phenotype?


What is the frequency of a recessive allele in a population if 25% of the individuals are homozygous recessive and 50% are heterozygous?


Calculate the dominant allele frequency in a population if the homozygous dominant genotype frequency is 49%.


The bottleneck effect is the loss of genetic diversity that can be caused by ___________

A natural disaster

When an extreme phenotype is favored and the distribution curve shifts in that direction, _____ selection occurs.


What form of natural selection increases the frequency of an extreme form of a trait?

Directional selection

Which type of selection is most likely to persist in an environment that is subject to a high degree of change?


What form of natural selection maintains high levels of two different forms of a trait?

Disruptive selection

True or False: Most adaptations resulting from natural selection are perfectly suited to the environment.


When genetic drift occurs, resulting in rare alleles, or combinations of alleles, occuring at a higher frequency in a population isolated from the general population, this is called the _____________ effect.


Which of the following are types of genetic drift?

Founder Effect and Bottleneck Effect

What does p represent in the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

Frequency of the dominant allele

Which individuals have an advantage in an environment in which malaria is present?


What are the five principles of the Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium?

NO mutation, natural selection, genetic drift, nonrandom mating, and gene flow.

What form of natural selection increases the frequency of an intermediate form of a trait?

Stabilizing selection

Which disease is associated with cystic fibrosis and thought to have kept the recessive allele within the population?

Typhoid fever

In examining male competition using cost-benefit analysis, the benefit that a male receives is in increased

access to mating

A gene pool includes all of the ___________ of all of the genes of a species


A type of mating that occurs when individuals choose a mate with a preferred trait is called __________ mating.


Antibiotic resistance is developing in the __________ that causes gonorrhea, making this disease more difficult to successfully treat.


Sexual selection in males usually results in an increased ability to ______________ for mates, whereas sexual selection in females usually involves ______________ a mate with the best fitness

compete; choosing

Territoriality relates to ___________ behaviors.


Populations that have a structure in which higher-ranking animals have greater access to resources than lower-ranking animals are said to have _______________ hierarchies.


The ability to produce surviving offspring is called


The percentage of each allele in a population's gene pool is referred to as an allele ______________


A Canada goose leaving its population in order to mate with a goose from another population is an example of _______ ______

gene flow

The movement of alleles between populations is referred to as

gene flow

If a scientist studies the diversity of genes in a population they are studying population


Assortative mating can cause the frequency of ____________ to change within a population


The hypothesis regarding sexual selection that states that females choose mates on the basis of traits that increase a male's chance of survival is called the _____________ hypothesis.

good genes

Sickle-cell disease is caused by an abnormal form of _________ in red blood cells.


The maintenance of genetic diversity of future generations is often maintained through the ________________ advantage


Regarding sickle-cell disease, __________ individuals have both normal red blood cells and protection from malaria.


The heterozygote advantage means that the heterozygote for a trait has an advantage over the two ________________


During times of environmental change, populations with genetic ____________ have a better chance of adapting.


A trait that is controlled by many genes is said to be a _______________ trait


A _______________ is a group of organisms of a single species living in the same geographic area.


Microevolution refers to evolutionary changes within a _____________


If migration between populations does not occur, the gene pools of those populations may become different over time which can lead to the populations becoming _______________ isolated


In some animals the males and females differ in size and other characteristics. This is referred to as _________

sexual dimorphism

An abnormal form of hemoglobin causes __________-_______ disease

sickle cell

The intermediate phenotype is the favored phenotype in ______________ selection


The area that is defended against competitors is called a


Chemical or physical agents that cause mutation are called


Mutations are changes to the _________ sequence, and serve as a source of new genetic variation.


The alleles in nonrandom mating assort according to

mating behavior

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