Chapter 17 Renewing the Sectional Struggle 1848-1854

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Map Activity: The Compromise of 1850: How many representatives did California contribute to the national total upon becoming a state in 1850?


Primary Source Activity: Missouri Compromise, 1850: Based on your careful reading of both documents, select whether each statement represents the view of Danial Webster, John V. Calhoun, or both men. 1. Abolition of slavery will destroy the social organization of the South and be detrimental to both races 2. The West represents a region of great opportunity 3. Religious feelings about slavery in the North must be set aside to honor constitutional obligations.

1. Calhoun 2. Webster and Calhoun 3. Webster and Calhoun

Map Activity: The Compromise of 1850: In the mid-1840s, increasing sectional antagonism forced Congress to proceed cautiously to avoid a crisis that would break up the Union. The resulting Compromise of 1850 staved off sectional conflict by making concessions to both sides. Which of the following were provisions of the Compromise of 1850? Check all that apply.

1. California admitted as a free state 2. Compensation would be provided to Texas

Primary Source Activity: Missouri Compromise, 1850: Which of the following were concessions made to the North to strike a balance and reach an agreement on the Compromise of 1850? Check all that apply.

1. California would be admitted to the Union as a free state 2. The slave trade would be abolished in the District of Columbia

Critical Thinking Activity: Renewing the sectional struggle: The Kansas-Nebraska Act proposed by Senator Stephen A. Douglas reignited conflict between northern and southern interests. What were the ramifications of the passage of this act? Check all that apply.

1. Increased abolitionist sentiments and made slavery a moral issue 2. Repealed the slavery restrictions within the Missouri Compromise of 1820

Map Activity: The Compromise of 1850: Identify whether each of the men listed was inclined toward or against the proposed compromise. 1. Daniel Webster 2. John C. Calhoun

1. Pro-Compromise 2. Anti-Compromise

Critical Thinking Activity: Renewing the sectional struggle: Complete the following table by matching the key terms with their definitions. 1. Ostend Manifesto 2. Treaty of Wanghia 3. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

1. Secret proposal to buy or wrest Cuba from Spanish control 2. Agreement with China to secure commercial trading rights 3. Agreement with Britain over isthmus water route across Central America

Critical Thinking Activity: Renewing the sectional struggle: I once had thought Senator Daniel Webster a decent man, a man we could count on to help us in God's great mission to_________. Having just read his speech before Congress, "The Seventh of March," pleading with his northern colleagues to compromise and accept___________ , I can only assume he has been bewitched by the enemy. How can we accept the expansion of slavery in the West? Surely the South has lost her power. Surely the threats of secession by___________ are empty declarations of the desperate. Webster contends that the sanctity of the Union must be preserved at all costs. Yet, what of the sanctity of our moral conscience?

1. abolish slavery 2. a new fugitive-slave law 3. Senator Calhoun

Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: What impending political event likely spurred the creation of this cartoon?

A presidential election

Which of the following is true of the Underground Railroad?

It consisted of an informal chain of antislavery homes.

All of the following were true of the 1848 presidential candidates except:

Lewis Cass ran a pro-slavery campaign.

All of the following are true about the California gold rush except:

It resulted in a balance of free and slave states in the Union.

Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by which of the following?

Popular sovereignty or democratic vote by the white male residents of each divided territory

The election of 1852 marked the effective end of which of the following?

the Whig Party

Who gave the Seventh of March speech?

Daniel Webster

Map Activity: The Compromise of 1850: Which of the following best describes the method by which slaves traveled the Underground Railroad to freedom?

Ex-slaves and sympathetic northerners moved slaves through a system of secret chambers to free states in the North and to Canada.

Why did the Free Soil Party condemn the expansion of slavery?

It destroyed opportunities for white workers to rise from wage-earning dependence to independent ownership

Why did the public like popular sovereignty?

It fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination.

Which best describes the scheme to seize Cuba and turn it into several new slate states?

It urged that the administration offer $120 million for Cuba.

Which of the following terms of the Compromise of 1850 was a concession to the North?

The domestic slave trade (but not slavery) would be abolished in the District of Columbia.

Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: What can be inferred from the image about the period?

Vigilante justice was a threat in Kansas.

Which was a consequence of the Fugitive Slave Law?

It inspired more northerners to take a stand against slavery.

All of the following were true of the Republican Party during this period except:

It was generally south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Image Analysis Primary Source Activity: What is the cartoonist's view of slavery?

Slavery poses a risk to the racial purity of the free states.

What was the most durable political offspring of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The emergence of the new Republican Party

What was Commodore Matthew C. Perry best known for?

Opening Japan to U.S. trade

Map Activity: The Compromise of 1850: Following the Compromise of 1850, which region enjoyed the largest senatorial representation?

the free states

What was the primary purpose of the Gadsden Purchase of 1854?

To facilitate the construction of a southern transcontinental railroad

Primary Source Activity: Missouri Compromise, 1850: What can you extrapolate about the role of John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster as senior statesmen during the debate of the Compromise of 1850?

These leaders were instrumental in negotiating compromise on slavery issues for decades and sought to bring that experience and balance to the current debate

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