Chapter 2 COnstitution

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Match each articles to its purpose. 1. Article V1 2. Article iv 3. article v 4. article vii

1. All treaties shall be the supreme law of the land. 2. Regulates the relationship between the many states. 3. outlines the process of amending the constitution 4. describes the process of ratifying the constitution.

Match each article to its purpose 1. Judicial branch 2. Executive Branch 3. Legislative BRanch

1. Has original jurisdiction over cases where the state is a party. 2. Must be natural born citizen 3. Must be a citizen of the US for 7 years.

For each quotation from the US constittution, indicate whether it is part of the Cc mission, foundational structures or essential processes. 1. Preamable: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, established justice. insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of america. 2. Article I, section 1: all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives. 3. Article I, Section 2: WHen vacancues happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies 4. Article I, Section 8: The congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the US 5. Article II, Section 1: The executive power shall be vested in a president of the US of America. 6. Article II, Section 1: The congress may determine the time of the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the united states. 7. Article III, section 2: In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which state shall be party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction 8. Article IV, section 4: The US shall gaurantee to every state in this union a republician form of government. 9. Article V: the congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this constitution, or on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments.

1. Mission 2.Foundational Structures 3. Essential Processes 4. Foundational structures 5. Foundational structures 6. Essential processes 7. foundational structures 8. Mission 9.Essential Processes

Match each article to its purpose. 1. Judicial branch 2. legislative branch 3. Executive branch

1. Shall hold their offices during good behaviour 2. power to coin money 3. Must be 35 years old.

Match the Term 1. Virginia Plan 2. Great Compromise 3. three-fifths compromise 4. Anti federalists 5. Federalists

1. a constitutional proposal for a strong congress with two chambers, both of which would be based on numerical representation, thus granting more power to the larger stated. 2. agreement at the constitutional convention to create a two-chamber congress with the house apportioned by population and the senate apportioned equally by state. 3. A compromise worked out at the 1787 convention between northern stated and southern stated; each slave was top be counted as three fifths of a person for purpose of federal taxation and con gressional apportionment. 4. a term used to describe opponents of the constitution during the debate over ratificmation 5. a term used to describe supporters of the constitution during the debate over ratification

Match the term 1. Federalists 2. Anti federalist 3. The federalist Papers 4. Bills of rights

1. individuals who supposed the new constittuion as presented by the constitutional convention in 1787. 2. Individuals who opposed ratification of the constitution because they were deeply suspicious of the powers it gave to the national government and of the impact these powers would have on states authority and individuals freedoms. 3. A series of essays, written by james madison, Alexander hamilton, and john jay, that argued for the ratifications of the constitution. 4. The first ten amendments to the constitution =, which were ratified in 1791, constitutiong an enumeration of the individuals liberties with which the government is forbidden to interfere

Match each article to its purpose. 1. Legislative branch 2. Judicial 3. Executive

1. power to regulate trade among the several states 2. power to settle controversies between two or more states 3. power to regulate trade with foreign nations

Match each article to its purpose. 1. judicial 2. legislative 3. executive

1. power to settle controversies between two or more states 2. power to regulate trade among the several states 3. power to regulate trade with foreign nations

Match the term 1. Constitution 2. natural rights 3. republic 4. bicameral legislature 5. unicameral legislature 6. bills of rights

1. presents the fundamental principles of a government and establishes the basic structures and procedures by which the government operates to fullfill those principles; may be written or unwritten 2. the rights possessed by all humans as a gift from nature, or god, including the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness( also called unalienable rights) 3. a government that derives its authority from the people and in which citizens elect government officials to represent them in the processes by which laws are made; a representative democracy 4. a legislature compromised of two parts called chambers 5. a legislative body with a single chamber 6. A written list of cizitens liberties within a constitution that establishes a limited government by ensuring that both the people and the government know what freedoms the government cannot violate.

what is required in order for the members of the congress to propose an amendment to the constitution

A minimum of two-thirds vote in both the house of representatives and the senate

when was the bill of rights added to the constitution?

After some states refused to ratify the constitution

which document convinced many colonists to rebel against great britian

Common Sense

What presents the fundamental principles of a govenrment and establishes the basic structures and procedures by which the government operates to fulfill those principles?


of those states that would eventually secede from the union what distinguihes georgia on this map

It was the only state with no areas that had a majority against ratification

the decision in marbury v. madison established the principle of_______ which has ensured that the constitution remains a living, evolving document

Judicial review

The men who crafted the US COnstitution were most representative of

Lawyers and Businessmen

The case that established the supreme courts power to interpret the US Constitution Was

Marbury vs. Madison

what type of rights did the representatives of the colonists feel that britain had violated

NAtural rights

The united states constitution includes a(n)________, which outlines the mission and goals of the United States government.


There are_____ Articles in the united states constitution that outline the fundamental structures of the united states government and its operating procedures


which event best showcased the inadequates of the articles of confederation

Shay's Rebellion

who can ratify amendments to the constitution?

State Legislatures

which of the following stipulations within the US Constitution originally created an indirect democracy

THe Electoral college The three-fifths COmpromise The connecticut compromise ANswer-All of the above

Who or what has the power to determine whether an action taken by any government official or governing body violated the constitution

The Supreme Court

The first constitution of the United States was called

The articles of confederation

which of the following is true of the US Constitution

The constitution can be revised through both formal amendment and judicial interpretation

why did the leaders of the young American nation draft and adopt a second constitution

The first constitution did not create a strong central government

why did the smaller states oppose the virginia plan

The plan made representation in the legislature proportional to state population

which of the following procedures establish checks and balances within the federal government

The presidental Veto advice and consent juducial review ANswer- ALl of the abpve

which amendment to the constitution gave the voters the power to elect their senators, rather than senators being elected by state legislatures

The seventeenth amendment

which of the following can be said about amendments to the US constitution

They are difficult to ratify

which of the following is not central to the government created by the us constitution?

Unicameral Legislature

Written constitutions, such as the United States constitution, contain all of the following elements Except

a description of the government structures found in each of the fifty states

before the states agreed to adopt the US constitution, compromises had to be reached between

both the small and large state and northern and southern stated

if the supreme court does not review constitutional interpretations made by a lower federal court, then the

interpretations of the lower are upheld

As a genral matter, how does support for ratification change as one moves from west to east on the map

it increases

which of the following made the new government formed by the us constitution stronger than the government formed by the articles of confederation

national supremacy

the principle of checks and balances is based on the notiion that

power must be used to offset power

Under the articles of confederation,

states retained ultimate authority in matters of day to day life

What radical principle lay behind the declaration of independence's premise that the people have a right to abolish a governemnt

the consent of the governed

At the time of the American Revolution, state constitutions placed the majority of power in

the legislative branch

Amendments to the US constitution can only be ratifies if approved by

three-fourths of state legislatures or three-fourths of the special state conventions

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