Chapter 2

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Tribal Totalitarianism

A political system in which a party that represents the interests of a particular tribe monopolizes political power

Theocratic Totalitarianism

A political system in which political power is monopolized by a party that governs according to religious principles

Right-Wing Totalitarianism

A political system in which political power is monopolized by a party that permits individual economic freedom but restricts individual political freedom


A political system that emphasizes collective goals as opposed to individual goals. The needs of a society as a whole are more important than individual freedoms

Civil Law

A system of law based on a very detailed set of written laws and codes

Theocratic Law

A system of law based on religious teachings

Common Law

A system of law based on tradition, precedent, and custom

Communist Totalitarianism

A version of collectivism advocating that socialism can be achieved only through a totalitarian dictatorship

Market Economy

An economic system in which the interaction of supply and demand determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced

Mixed Economy

An economic system where market and command economies are used

Command Economy

An economic system where the allocation of resources, including determination of what goods and services should be produced, and in what quantity, is planned by the government


An emphasis on the importance of guaranteeing individual freedom and self expression

Social Democrats

Believed that socialism could be achieved by democratic means


Believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship


Form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life

Representative Democracy

Political system in which citizens periodically elect individuals to represent them in government


Political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives

Political Economy

Political, economic, and legal systems of a country are interdependent and in doing so they affect the level of economic well-being


Someone who believes in public ownership of the means of production for the common good of society

Legal System

System of rules that regulate behavior and the processes by which the laws of a country are enforced


The sale of state owned enterprises to private investors

Political System

The system of government in a nation

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