Chapter 21: Quattrocento Italy

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Which Venetian palazzo testifies to the continued preference in that city for flowery Gothic ornamentation? a. Palazzo Medici-Riccardi b. Palazzo Rucellai c. Or San Michele d. Ca d'Oro

Ca d'Oro

What term do art historians use to describe the type of illusionism used by Mantegna on the ceiling of the Camera Picta? a. Quadro riportato b. Bel composto c. Quadratura d. Di sotto in sù

Di sotto in sù

Which of the following is NOT a device used by Piero della Francesca in his painting Resurrection? a. Vanishing point b. Diminishing size of figures c. Receding landscape d. Foreshortening

Diminishing size of figures

The Pazzi Chapel is an example of which socioeconomic trend of the Renaissance period? a. Donation of family chapels b. Donation of rural shrines c. Donation of orphanages d. Donation of royal chapels

Donation of family chapels

Which of the following works is NOT a clear example of linear perspective? a. Ghiberti, Isaac and His Sons b. Donatello, Feast of Herod c. Perugino, Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter d. Gentile, Adoration of the Magi

Gentile, Adoration of the Magi

Which artist is credited with creating a Venetian school of High Renaissance painting? a. Giovanni Bellini b. Domenico Ghirlandaio c. Luca Signorelli d. Pietro Vannucci

Giovanni Bellini

What explains Andrea del Castagno's choice of setting for his painting of the Last Supper? a. His talent for painting different types of marble b. Its similarity to the room the painting decorates c. His fidelity to the biblical description of the chamber d. His interest in experimenting with linear perspective

His interest in experimenting with linear perspective

Which mode of thinking inspired the Medici family and many of the artists of the Early Renaissance in Italy? a. Stoicism b. Capitalism c. Paganism d. Humanism


Which two practices comprised the system of artistic training in Quattrocento Italy? a. Diversification and emulation b. Imitation and emulation c. Imitation and innovation d. Innovation and evolution

Imitation and emulation

Which of the following classical figures is NOT depicted in Botticelli's Primavera? a. Jupiter b. Three Graces c. Venus d. Mercury


Which sculptural workshop was responsible for many of the funerary monuments in the basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice? a. Mone Cassai family b. Lombardo family c. Rossellino family d. Contarini family

Lombardo family

Who was the patron of Mantuan projects such as Leon Battista Alberti's Sant'Andrea and Andrea Mantegna's Camera degli Sposi of the ducal palace? a. Federico da Montefeltro b. Ludovico Sforza c. Ludovico Gonzaga d. Marino Contarini

Ludovico Gonzaga

What slightly earlier work was the likely inspiration for the arrangement of the central group of figures in Tribute Money? a. Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi b. Bernardo Rossellino, tomb of Leonardo Bruni c. Filippo Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac d. Nanni di Banco, Four Crowned Saints

Nanni di Banco, Four Crowned Saints

Which Florentine monument received sculptural groups by several artists for its exterior niches? a. Or San Michele b. Santa Croce c. Pazzi Chapel d. Baptistery of San Giovanni

Or San Michele

The mixture of orders Leon Battista Alberti uses on the facade of the Palazzo Rucellai reveals his inspiration to be what building? a. Basilica Nova b. Santa Maria Novella c. The Pantheon d. Roman Colosseum

Roman Colosseum

Which church is home to Masaccio's Holy Trinity mural? a. Santa Maria del Carmine b. Santissima Annunziata c. Santa Maria Novella d. Santa Trinità

Santa Maria Novella

Which of the following is NOT a result of the influence of humanist doctrines on Italian Renaissance art of the 15th century? a. Shifting power relations and rise of princely courts b. Revival of portraiture and self-promoting patronage c. Concern with accurate depiction of anatomy d. Popularity of classical subjects

Shifting power relations and rise of princely courts

Which two Early Renaissance artists showed great interest in depicting muscular bodies in frenetic action? a. Botticelli and Uccello b. Mantegna and Bellini c. Perugino and della Francesca d. Signorelli and Pollaiuolo

Signorelli and Pollaiuolo

Which aspect of Domenico Ghirlandaio's painting Birth of the Virgin is NOT an example of the secularization of sacred themes that took place in this period? a. Living women of rank present in a biblical drama b. Display of patrician elegance of the women viewing the biblical scene c. Central position of Ludovica Tornabuoni in the scene d. Statuesque figures and clear spatial representation

Statuesque figures and clear spatial representation

Which funerary sculptural genre came into prominence after Bernardo Rossellino finished the commission for the tomb of Leonardo Bruni? a. Sarcophagus b. Floor tomb c. Wall tomb d. Mausoleum

Wall Tomb

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