Chapter 25 Microbial Diseases of the Digestive System Quiz#13

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The digestive tract is essentially one long tube. the order of the structures, beginning with the mouth, is?

A. Pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine.

which of the following helminthic diseases is a common infestation found in the southeastern United States? Helminths are parasitic worms such as hookworms, whipworms, and threadworms that have evolved to live within a host organism on which they rely for nutrients. These include Ascaris lumbricoides, commonly known as human giant roundworm; Strongyloides stercoralis, commonly known as human roundworm; Enterobius vermicularis, commonly known as pinworm or threadworm; and Hymenolepis nana, also known as dwarf tapeworm.

Ascaris lumbricoides

which of the following is mismatched?

B) Hydatid disease - Humans are definitive host

which is of the following is mismatched?

B) eggs - Trichinella spirlais

All of the following pertain to pinworm infections EXCEPT?

B) it is most commonly transmitted by cysts in water.

All of the following are eukarcyotic organisms that cause diarrheal disease EXCEPT?

C) Campylobacter

Microscopic observation of stool sample reveals gram-negative helical cells. Think of Beautiful Ms. C. Jejuni


Microscopic examination of a patient's fecal culture shows spiral bacteria. The bacteria probably belong to the genus? Camplybacter gastronenteritis- Campylobacter are gram-negative, microaerphilic spirally curved bacteria. mostly found in poultry.

Campylobacter jejuni

Epidemics related to bacterial infection of the digestive system are typically caused by? think of question number 1,2,3

Contaminated food and water

Identification is based on the observation of oocysts in feces. Oocysts- A thick-walled structure that contains the zygote of an apicomplexan parasite and releases the infective sporozoites. The stool sample, is attain and several samples over several days may be needed to get accurate results and diagnosis. The CDC also suggests immunofluorescence microscopy, followed by enzyme immunoassays and distinguishes molecular methods as research tools. However, there are no commercially available serologic assays that detect Cryptosporidium-specific antibodies.

Cyptosporiduim The most common method of diagnosing Cryptosporidiosis is acid-fast staining methods, with or without a stool sample. Acid-fast staining, or the Ziehl-Neelsen stain, is used to detect acid-fast mycobacteria. Because Cryptosporidium is acid-fast, it retains a red color. The stool sample, on the other hand, may be more difficult to attain and several samples over several days may be needed to get accurate results and diagnosis. The CDC also suggests immunofluorescence microscopy, followed by enzyme immunoassays and distinguishes molecular methods as research tools. However, there are no commercially available serologic assays that detect Cryptosporidium-specific antibodies.

Aflatoxin is a Mycotoxin associated with ingestion of contaminted Peanuts.

D) Mycotoxin ; peanuts

Typhoid fever differs from salmonellosis in the typhoid fever.

D) The incubation period is much longer.

Many Bacterial infections of the lower digestive tract are treated with?

D) water and electrolytes

Acute gastronetertis that occurs after an incubation period of two to three days and commonly affects children is probably caused by?

E) Rotavirus

Dental plaque is an example of?

E) a biofilm

Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea is usually preceded by.

Extended use of antibiotics.

Which of the following is directly involved in the initiation of the dental Caries? pg 735

Lactic acid

which of the following disease of the gastrointestinal system is transmitted by the respiratory route?


This microbe is frequently transmitted to humans via raw eggs.


A cholera epidemic in Peru had all of the following characteristics. Which one led to the other?

Sewage contamination of water

Which of the following organisms is likely to be transmitted via undercooked pork and horse meat? Animals that feed on garbage, bears ect. cross contamination of infected meat such as horsemeat, beef, sausage or contaminated meat from machinery.

Trichinella Spiralis A story to help remember. A horse and pig decide too eating out at a popular eatery called The Trich'in -Garbage. The horse Nella notices something on Larvae the pig plate. Nella points out the Spiralis Parasite on the dish of muscle meat, Larvae notices that her dish is undercooked as well. Nella, worried that Larvae the pig would eat it and become ill later. with a fever, as well as swelling around her eyes followed by gastrointestinal upset. They would have to call Dr. ELISA that would test her then have to treat her with a consist dose of albendazole or mebendazole to kill intestinal worms. followed by a corticosteriods to reduce the inflammation.

All of the following infections can result from drinking contaminated water except? pg766 Trichinellosis- Parasite Larvea that is ingested into the body from undercooked pork. Cyclospora Diarrheal Infection- Protozoan disease of the digestive system pathogen transmitted in contaminated water Giardiasis-Protozoan Disease Giaridia intestinalis grows in the intestines of humans and wild animals and is transmitted in contaminated water. Cholera- Genus(Virbrio) Cholerae) slightly curved gram-neg rod with one single polar flagellum. Virbrio in general are grow in saltly water and readily spread in contaminated fresh water. Cryptosporisdiosis- Protozoan Disease of the digestive system. The pathogen is transmitted in contaminated water.

Trichinellosis- Tranchinella Spiralis formerly called trichinosis or trichiniasis (Trich from Greek thrix meaning hair), is an infection caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella, most commonly T spiralis in humans. Parasite (Larvea ingested from undercooked pork, horsemeat)

A characteristic disease symptom caused by this microorganism is swelling around the eyes. think about the story about The Pig Larvae eating out at Trish'i with the horse Nella. Swelling around the eyes was one of the reactions Larvae would get from the parasite.


A patient with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea within 5 hours after eating most likely has? In 1-6 hours, Staphylococcal intoxication occurs.

staphylococcal food poisoning

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