Chapter 25 Microbiology

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Orchitis and epididymitis is seen in young adult males as a complication of A. croup. B. mumps. C. influenza. D. measles (rubeola). E. rubella.


Which part of HIV facilitates attachment of HIV to TH cells? A .integrase B .GP-120 C. fusion promoter D. protease E. capsid proteins


Retroviruses have the following characteristics, except A. glycoproteinspikes. B. DNA genome. C. envelope. D. reverse transcriptase. E. viral genes that integrate into the host genome.


The major agents responsible for the common cold are A. coxsackie viruses. B. rhinoviruses. C. influenza viruses. D. Caliciviruses. E. rotavirus.


Which of the following is incorrect regarding Coronaviruses? A. One type can cause the common cold. B. One type can cause SARS. C. They are common animal viruses in pigs, dogs, cats, and poultry. D. There are no tests to confirm diagnosis. E. There is no specific treatment other than supportive care.


All of the following pertain to poliomyelitis, except A. summer outbreaks in the United States have been recently increasing. B. it is transmitted primarily by fecal contaminated water. C. it can be asymptomatic or mild with headache, sore throat, fever, and nausea. D. if virus enters the central nervous system, motor neurons can be infected and destroyed. E. there are effective vaccines to prevent polio.


All the following are correct about the polio vaccines, except A. the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) can occasionally revert to a neurovirulent strain. B. treatment for polio involves mainly alleviating pain and suffering. C. the virus is transmitted through the fecal-oral route. D. most infections do not result in paralysis. E. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the IPV vaccine in 1954.


All the following pertain to measles (rubeola), except A. it is transmitted by direct contact with the rash. B. humans are the only reservoir for the pathogen. C. secondary bacterial otitis media and sinusitis occur. D. it may involve a fatal complication called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). E. symptoms include dry cough, sore throat, fever, and conjunctivitis.


Hydrophobia, the dumb phase, and Negri bodies in nervous tissue are all part of which disease? A. rabies B. denguefever C. Norwalk virus D. subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) E. Creutzfeldt-JakobDisease


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) A. can cause high fever, pneumonia, respiratory distress. B. began with an initial outbreak in the United States and then spread to Canada and China. C. is caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. D. is not highly transmissible. E. All of these choices are correct.


Sin Nombre hantavirus has all the following characteristics, except A. its reservoir is human carriers. B. it is a zoonosis. C. the symptoms are abrupt fever, lung edema, respiratory distress, and hypotension. D. it is transmitted by aerosol transmission from rodent excreta. E. the first U.S. outbreak occurred in 1993 in the Southwest.


West Nile virus has the following characteristics, except A. it causes a hemorrhagic fever. B. it is an arbovirus. C. it is transmitted by a mosquito vector. D. it is typically a flu-like illness. E. it causes a severe encephalitis in less than 1% of infected persons.


Which infection is marked by labored, noisy breathing, and a hoarse cough? A. croup B. mumps C. influenza D. measles (rubeola) E. rubella


Which of the following diseases is not caused by a paramyxovirus? A. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) B. parainfluenza C. mumps D. measles E.respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)infections


Which of the following is a hemorrhagic fever? A. yellow fever B. Western equine encephalitis C. Eastern equine encephalitis D. Colorado tick fever E. St. Louis encephalitis


The most effective HIV treatment includes A. several different drugs designed to inhibit reverse transcriptase .B. several different drugs each directed at different enzymes (reverse transcriptase, integrase, fusion, and protease). C. several different protease inhibitors. D. several different fusion inhibitors and reverse transcriptase inhibitors.


Which area has the largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS? A. North America B. Sub-Saharan Africa C. Southeast Asia D. Carribbean E. WesternEurope


Which drug/s interfere with the action of an HIV enzyme needed for final assembly and maturation of the virus? A. reverse transcriptase inhibitors B.protease inhibitors C.fusion inhibitors D.integrase inhibitors E.All of these choices are correct.


Which is incorrect about the MMR immunization? A. It contains attenuated viruses. B. It contains toxoids. C. It is given in early childhood. D. It provides protection against three different viral diseases.


Which of the following viruses is associated with adult T-cell leukemia? A. HIVB. B. HTLV-1C. Hepatitis C virus D. HTLV-2 E. reovirus


A client displays symptoms of fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, neurological changes, and enlarged lymph nodes. The client thought they had the flu because they felt ill, then felt better over the last 5 years. However, this cycle of feeling tired has led to fever, fatigue, sore throat, and night sweats with a rash. The patient also has thrush. Which result indicates the causative agent of AIDS? A. high level of CD4 T-cells B. detection of HIV antigen C. presence of Candida albicans D. isolation of herpes simplex from skin and mucous membrane ulcers E. isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis


All arboviruses involve A. congenital infection. B. arthropod vectors. C. diarrhea. D. birds as the primary reservoir. E. All of these choices are correct.


All of the following are true of prions and prion diseases, except A. prions are not readily destroyed by routine sterilization methods. B. prion diseases are diagnosed by an indirect ELISA test that detects antibody to prions. C. there are no medications that can halt the progression of prion diseases. D. prion diseases are all neurodegenerative diseases. E. prions are composed exclusively of protein.


Characteristics of the Orthomyxoviruses include all of the following, except A. they have an envelope. B. they include paramyxoviruses. C. they have hemagglutinin spikes. D. their genome is RNA. E. they have neuraminidase spikes.


Documented transmission of HIV involves A. mosquitoes. B. unprotected sexual intercourse and contact with blood/blood products. C. respiratory droplets. D. contaminated food. E. All of these choices are correct.


Why do rhinoviruses infect the upper respiratory tract, particularly the nose, but not the lower respiratory tract? A. They are unable to attach to receptors on the pulmonary cells in the lower respiratory tract. B. They replicate most effectively at the cooler temperatures of the upper respiratory tract. C. The prevalence of alveolar macrophages in the lower respiratory tract prevents them from becoming established there. D. IgA antibodies in lower respiratory tract secretions prevent them from becoming established in the lower respiratory tract.


Which of the following could block the attachment of HIV to TH cells? A. integraseinhibitors B. antibodies against GP-120 C. antibodies against co-receptors on TH cells D. fusion inhibitors E. antibodies against the HIV capsid


A frequent cancer that is seen in AIDS patients is A. leukemia. B. Hodgkin'slymphoma. C. Kaposi's sarcoma .D. melanoma. E. coloncancer.


Cocksackieviruses A. are paramyxoviurses. B. are the etiological agents of hairy-cell leukemia. C. can cause hand-foot-mouth disease. D. are retroviruses. E. replicateinhelperT-cells.


Following several days of nausea and fatigue, Jackie has become jaundiced and her urine is very dark- colored. Tests ordered by her physician have confirmed that she has Hepatitis A. Which of the following is most likely to shorten the duration and lessen the severity of her symptoms? A. treatment with acyclovir B. administration of the HAVRIX vaccine C. administration of pooled human immune serum globulin D. interferon therapy


Inhalation of respiratory secretions is involved in the transmission of the following, except A. influenza .B. rubella. C. dengue fever. D. mumps. E. SARS.


Rubella is A. caused by the measles virus(Morbillivirus). B. a zoonosis. C. associated with congenital transmission causing miscarriage, deafness, and cardiac and mental defects. D. characterized by high fever, severe sore throat, severe cough, and myalgia. E. All of these choices are correct.


Symptoms of influenza include A. nasal discharge, mild fever, and absence of cough. B. fever, diarrhea, vomiting. C. fever, myalgia, sore throat, cough, nasal discharge. D. fever, sore throat, rash, cough. E. fever and pneumonia.


What does AIDS stand for? A. aids induced disease B. aids in disguises C. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome D. human acquired immunodeficiency syndromes


Which is correct about influenza? A. Antigenic shift is a minor change in the viral strain. B. The virus is found in swine and cats. C. The virus is grown in poultry eggs for vaccines. D. Influenza A has a mortality rate of close to 35%. E. The virus binds to the intestinal mucosa.


Which is incorrect about Hepatitis A infection? A. It is transmitted by the oral-fecal route. B. It has flu-like symptoms with discomfort near the liver and darkened urine. C. It predisposes a person for liver cancer. D. Immune globulin therapy helps decrease the severity. E. HAVRIX is an inactivated vaccine for prevention.


Which is incorrect about measles? A. Koplik's spots appear before the characteristic rash. B. Humans are the sole reservoir. C. Vaccination is with an attenuated oral vaccine. D. It is also known as rubeola. E. It is one of the most contagious infectious diseases.


Which is not a disease caused by arenaviruses? A. lymphocytic choriomeningitis B. Lassa fever C. Hantaviruses D. Bolivian hemorrhagic fever E. Argentine hemorrhagic fever


Which of the following presents the greatest challenge to the development of a vaccine against HIV? A. HIV doesn't provoke the production of antibodies. B. Antibodies against HIV don't provide any protection from infection. C. Surface antigens on HIV change readily due to frequent mutations D. Individuals are unwilling to participate in vaccine trials out of fear of developing AIDS.


Which two hepatitis viruses are generally acquired in a similar manner? A. HBA and HBV B. HBA and HBC C. HBV and HBC


Which is incorrect about rabies? A. It is a zoonotic disease. B. Wild populations of bats, skunks, raccoons, cats, and canines are primary reservoirs. C. Transmission can involve bites, scratches, and inhalation. D. The average incubation in humans is one week. E. Symptoms include anxiety, agitation, muscle spasms, convulsions, and paralysis


All of the following are important bunyavirus diseases, except A. Hantavirus. B. RiftValleyfever. C. California encephalitis. D. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). E. Korean hemorrhagic fever.


All of the following pertain to HIV, except A. it attaches primarily to host cells with CD4 receptors. B. the viral DNA integrates into the host nucleus. C. it has reverse transcriptase. D. it causes Kaposi'sarcoma. E. it can enter into nervous tissues and cause abnormalities.


Each of the following viruses or diseases are transmitted via the oral-fecal route, except A. Hepatitis A virus. B. poliovirus. C. rotavirus. D. Hepatitis C virus. E. norovirus.


Influenza vaccines include all the following, except A. inactivated intramuscular vaccine. B. usually incorporates three different strains. C. attenuated, nasal drops vaccine. D. provides lifelong immunity. E. Guillain-Barré syndrome is a postvaccination neurological complication.


Oral lesions called Koplik's spots are seen in patients with A. croup. B. mumps. C. influenza. D. measles (rubeola). E. rubella.


Parainfluenza virus A. usually infects the elderly. B. is in the Orthomyxovirus family. C. causes influenza. D. causes croup, bronchitis, and bronchopneumonia. E. All of these choices are correct.


The enzyme associated with the influenza virus that hydrolyzes the protective mucous coating of the respiratory tract is A. catalase. B. reverse transcriptase. C. hyaluronidase. D. neuraminidase. E. kinase.


Which class of drugs interferes with the virus inserting itself into host DNA? A. reverse transcriptase inhibitors B. proteaseinhibitors C. fusion inhibitors D. integrase inhibitors E. All of these choices are correct.


Why were blood transfusions prior to 1985 more likely to be associated with Hepatitis C transmission than blood transfusions done since 1985? A. Since 1985, the incidence of Hepatitis C infection in the general population has been significantly lower than it was prior to 1985. B. Since 1985, donor blood is tested for the human immunodeficiency virus. C. Since 1985, the processing and storage of donor blood destroys any Hepatitis C virus in the blood. D. Since 1985, donor blood has been tested for either nonA, nonB Hepatitis virus or specifically for Hepatitis C virus.


he main route for transmission of HIV in most parts of the world is through A. intravenous drug use. B. homosexualsex. C. blood transfusion. D. heterosexual sex. E. bloodproducts.


All of the following pertain to patients with AIDS, except A. they have a profound immunodeficiency. B. that have CD4 T-cell counts below 200 cells/mm C. they get repeated, life-threatening opportunistic infections. D. they can get unusual cancers and neurological disorders. E.the highest number of cases worldwide is in the United States.


Coronaviruses cause A. fever, rash, and nasal discharge. B. meningitis. C. measles. D. croup. E. common cold and SARS.


Encephalitis caused by arboviruses involves A. fever, headache, and rash. B. coma, convulsions, and paralysis in severe cases. C. myalgia and orbital pain. D. muscle aches and joint stiffness. E. All of these choices are correct.


Influenza infection can be treated with A. amantadine. B. rimantadine. C, zanamivir. D. oseltamivir. E. All of these choices are correct.


Norwalk agent is A. a Calicivirus. B. transmitted oral-fecally. C. sometimes acquired from contaminated water and shellfish. D. a common enteric virus of gastroenteritis. E. All of these choices are correct.


Respiratory syncytial virus (Pneumovirus) A. causes serious disease in infants 6-months-old or younger. B. uses the nasopharynx as its main replication site. C. can be treated with the antiviral aerosol ribavirin. D. is the most common cause of respiratory infections in babies E. All of these choices are correct.


Reye's syndrome involves A. aspirin use. B. a febrile viral illness such as influenza or chickenpox. C. fatty degeneration of liver, brain, kidney. D. children, adolescents, and young adults. E. All of these choices are correct.


Spongiform encephalopathies are A. associated with abnormal, transmissible, protein in the brain. B. chronic, fatal infections of the nervous system. C. caused by prions. D. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, kuru, and Gerstmann-Straüssler-Scheinker syndrome. E. All of these choices are correct.


The worldwide, primary viral cause of morbidity and mortality from diarrhea is A. coxsackie viruses. B. rhinoviruses. C. influenza viruses. D. Caliciviruses. E. rotavirus.


Treatment of an animal bite for possible rabies includes A. debridement. B. washing bite with soap or detergent. C. infusion of the wound with human rabies immune globulin (HRIG). D. post-exposure vaccination with HDCV. E. All of these choices are correct.


Which febrile disease with a rash has a pathogen that can cross the placenta and cause serious fetal damage? A. croup B. mumps C. influenza D. measles (rubeola) E. rubella


Which of the following is correct about polio? A. The disease is still affecting millions of people worldwide, mainly in Africa and India. B. The disease is spread by the respiratory route. C. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is not responsible for causing any polio. D. The Sabin vaccine is preferred over the Salk vaccine in the United States today. E. The virus multiplies in the mucosa of the intestines and is shed in feces.


Yellow fever and Dengue fever are A. caused by arboviruses. B. caused by viruses that disrupt capillaries and blood clotting. C. zoonoses. D. transmitted by a mosquito vector. E. All of these choices are correct.


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