Chapter 3: Food Safety

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Foods often associated with the presence of Salmonellae organisms include A) raw meat, poultry, and eggs. B) pasteurized milk, cheese, and yogurt. C) home-canned meats and vegetables. D) fresh fruits, vegetables, and cereal grains.


HACCP is A) a way to assess risks and systematically prevent foodborne illness. B) a sanitizing chemical used in foodservice C) a method for monitoring food temperatures. D) an inspection process used to exam food just before processing


Identify the marine toxin that is the result of a predatory tropical reef fish, such as barracuda, contaminated by microscopic sea plants. A) Ciguatoxin B) Scrombrotoxin C) Paralytic shellfish poisoning D) Anisakis simplex


Illness caused by Listeria monocytogenes is most likely to occur in A) pregnant women. B) young adults. C) people with incomes below the poverty level. D) people who eat large amounts of seafood.


Mycotoxins are toxins produced by A) mold. B) Clostridium botulinum. C) yeast. D) Clostridium perfringens.


The symptoms of Staphylococcus food poisoning usually occur within what time period after a person eats the contaminated food? A) 1-7 hours B) 12-24 hours C) 2-3 days D) 2 days to 3 weeks


A microorganism that is capable of causing a food infection leading to illness is A) Aspergillus flavus. B) Salmonella enteritidis. C) Clostridium botulinum. D) Staphylococcus aureus.


According to the FDA Food Code, foods containing ground beef must be cooked to a minimum of A) 145-150°F. B) 155-160°F. C) 165-170°F. D) 175-180°F.


According to the FDA Food Code, what is the minimum recommended safe end point cooking temperature for pork? A) 135°F B) 145°F C) 155°F D) 165°F


Can the safe end point temperature of ground beef be reliably determined by the color of the meat? A) Yes - if the ground meat is brown and the juices are clear, the beef is safe to consume. B) No - ground beef may NOT be hot enough to be safe even when brown.


Clean" means that the surface/equipment has been A) swept clear of crumbs. B) washed to remove visible soil. C) sanitized to kill bacteria. D) sterilized to kill bacteria.


Hand washed dishes may be sanitized in a solution of 1 gallon water and ______ household bleach. A) 1 teaspoon B) 1 tablespoon C) 2 tablespoons D) 1/2 cup


Identify three distinctly different types of food safety hazards. A) bacteria, microorganism, viral B) biological, chemical, physical C) cross contamination, parasites, viral D) salmonella, bacteria, parasites


Irradiated foods A) may be radioactive and are unsafe to consume. B) have been treated with ionizing radiation to reduce risk of foodborne illness. C) are genetically modified to reduce risk of foodborne illness. D) have low levels of radioactive ingredients, but are safe to consume.


The Partnership for Food Safety Education, FIGHT BAC, reminds consumers to A) Wash, Cook, Don't cross contaminate, Use thermometers B) Clean, Separate, Chill, Cook C) Sanitize, Refrigerate, Use thermometers, Wash hands D) Wash, Heat, Cool, Don't mix


The most likely sources of human infection by Campylobacter are A) custard or cream-filled baked goods. B) inadequately cooked foods of animal origin. C) inadequately processed home-canned vegetables or meats. D) meat or poultry held for serving at warm but not hot temperatures.


The survival of Campylobacter jejuni in food products is prolonged by A) drying. B) refrigeration. C) pasteurization. D) acidic conditions.


What government agency monitors pesticide residues on foods and conducts the Total Diet Study? A) Environmental Protection Agency B) Food and Drug Administration C) U.S. Department of Agriculture D) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Which food borne pathogen is commonly found in the nasal passages, skin, hair, or throats of 50 percent of more of healthy people? A) Clostridium botulism B) Staphylococcus aureus C) Campylobacter jejuni D) Hepatitis A


A food infection capable of causing illness in a human subject may result from A) toxin production in an unrefrigerated food. B) spore formation by bacteria present in canned vegetables. C) growth of pathogenic microorganisms in an unrefrigerated food. D) fermentation by microorganisms in a food mixture left at room temperature.


According to the FDA Food Code, foods containing poultry must be cooked to a minimum of A) 145°F. B) 155°F. C) 165°F. D) 175°F.


During preparation, service, and cooling, food should not be held in the danger zone longer than A) 2 hours B) 3 hours C) 4 hours D) 5 hours


Early symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating with later symptoms of muscular pains, facial edema, and fever are signs of A) Botulism. B) Listeriosis. C) Trichinosis. D) Yersiniosis.


Identify an anaerobic bacteria from the list below. A) Salmonella enteritidis B) Escherichia coli C) Clostridium botulinum D) Listeria monocytogenes


If a cooked meat dish that causes illness when eaten by human subjects has been cooled too slowly or held on a steam table at a temperature below 140°F for an extended period of time, the causative organism is likely to be A) Campylobacter jejuni. B) Clostridium botulinum. C) Clostridium perfringens. D) Escherichia coli O157:H7.


Seafood, such as tuna, swordfish, and mackerel, are associated with which food borne illness when temperature-abused? A) Paralytic shellfish poisoning B) Ciguatoxin C) Scrombotoxins D) Cyclospora cayetanensis


Some microorganisms produce toxins in the human intestine which cause illness. This is called A) food infection B) food intoxication C) toxin-mediated infection D) all of the above


When microorganisms multiply and produced a toxin in food that results in an illness, it is most accurately called A) food infection. B) food intoxication. C) foodborne illness. D) bacterial disease.


Which of the following organisms usually causes illness by toxin production in foods before they are consumed? A) Salmonellae. B) Yersinia enterocolitica. C) Staphylococcus aureus. D) Escherichia coli O157:H7.


Yeasts are one-celled microorganisms that thrive particularly well in A) dry cereals. B) fresh water fish. C) acidic fruit juices. D) vacuum packed vegetables.


A round worm that may be found in some fish such as cod, Pacific salmon, and flounders is A) Trichinella spiralis. B) Cylospora cayetanensis. C) Aspergillus flavus. D) Anisakis simplex.


Bacteria that grow well at refrigerator temperatures are called A) mesophilic. B) hydrophilic. C) thermophilic. D) psychrophilic.


Bacteria that will grow at temperatures warmer than room temperature are called A) mesophilic. B) psychrophilic. C) hydrophilic. D) thermophilic.


Fish that has been temperature abused and has begun to spoil are likely to result in a rash, diarrhea, flushing, sweating, headache, and vomiting within minutes to two hours of consumption. What is the name of this foodborne illness? A) ciguatera poisoning B) paralytic shellfish poisoning C) red tide poisoning D) scrombrotic fish poisoning


Potentially hazardous food generally will have these characteristics. A) high protein, dry and salty, with a neutral pH B) low protein, moist and sweet, with a neutral pH C) low protein, low moisture, and acidic pH D) high protein, high moisture, and neutral pH


Should infants under one year of age be served honey? A) Yes, it is a natural form of sugar B) Yes, it is safe for all ages C) No, infants can become ill because of Trichinella spiralis D) No, infants can become ill because of Clostridium botulinum


Solanine in a food source is representative of A) mycotoxins. B) pesticide residues. C) environmental contaminants. D) naturally occurring toxic substances.


Symptoms of hemorrhagic colitis and possibly hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans may be caused by eating food contaminated with A) Clostridium botulinum. B) Campylobacter jejuni. C) Staphylococcus aureus. D) Escherichia coli O157:H7.


To cool foods safely and quickly A) Allow to cool at room temperature before placing in the refrigerator B) Put in an ice bath and stir periodically, then refrigerate C) Divide into small quantities and refrigerate D) B and C


What range of temperatures is the temperature danger zone? A) 35-120°F B) 41-130°F C) 60-120°F D) 50-130°F E) 40-140°F


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