Chapter 3 Grammar Clamor

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Friend, tell the girl that you have seen us waiting here

Amici, dic puellae te vidisse nos manentes hic

Meanwhile you heard that the rumor of such great beauty was proceeding more widely

Interea, audivisti rumorem formositatis tantae procedere latius

Psyche thought that her sisters had written her a letter

Psyche putavit suas sorores scripsisse sibi epistolam

I know that the husband will immediately carry the bride across the threshold

Scio maritum confestum laturum esse nuptam trans limins

Define the ablative absolute

The ablative absolute is a type of participial phrase generally consisting of a noun or pronoun and a modifying participle in the ablative case, loosely connected to the rest of the sentence

In an ablative absolute construction, where is the ablative noun/pronoun usually located? Where would additional words be located?

The ablative noun/pronoun would be first, the participle last, and the other words sandwiched inbetween

What does Wheelock mean when he says that the ablative absolute is always self contained?

The participle and noun it modifies are in the same phrase and the noun of the ablative absolute phrase is not referred to otherwise in the sentence (not grammatically connected)

Why can't an ablative absolute be used in the following phrase? Romam videntes, viri gaudebant

The participle modifies the subject of the main clause

Imperatore imperium accipiente, milites gaudebant

With the emperor receiving command, the soldiers were rejoicing

How do we translate the ablative absolute literally?

With the noun verbing (PAP) With the noun having been verbed (PPP)

Oratore dicturo, multi cives in senatum veniunt

With the orator about to speak, many citizens came to the senate

Fabula narrata servi ridebant

With the story having been told, the servants were laughing

What punctuation mark often sets off and ablative absolute phrase

a comma

What is an indirect statement

a statement that reports indirectly, like someone saying what someone else did

What construction do we use in Latin for an indirect statement

an infinitive phrase with an accusative subject

turn : equo verso into the plural and translate

equis versi - with the horses having been changed

turn: ferris sublatis into the singular and translate

ferro sublato - with the sword having been raised

What sort of verbs introduce and indirect statement

head verbs

With the threshold having been crossed, the girl entered the home

limine transito, puella domum intravit

What does each tense of the infinative mean relative to main verb in an indirect statement

present - same time perfect - before future - after

How do you form infinatives?

present passive (1st, 2nd, 4th) - remove final e of 2 principle part and replace with i (3rd - remove ere replace with i) Present active - 2nd principle part perfect active - perfect stem + isse Perfect passive - 4th principle part + esse Future active - future active participle (4th + tur+ ending) + esse Future passive - accusative supine (4th principle part acc) + iri

What tenses of the infinitive may be used in an indirect statement

present, future, perfect

With the whole population following, the weeping father leads his daughter to the highest mountain

toto populo sequente, pater flens ducit filiam ad montem summum

Under what circumstances can the participle be omitted from a abl absolute construction?

when the verb is sum. assuming being (sum) so there would be 2 abl nouns or a noun and adjective

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