Chapter 3: Stress and Illness/Disease

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A physical disease caused by emotional stress without a microorganism involved.

Autoimmune Response

A physiological response in which the body turns on itself.


A psychosomatic disease that results from the mind increasing the body's susceptibility to disease-causing microbes or natural degenerative processes.

Cerebral Hemorrhage

A rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

B Cells

A type of lymphocyte that produces antibodies.

T Cells

A type of lymphocyte whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body by puncturing invaded body cells and killing the cells and the foreign substances.


A type of white blood cell whose purpose is to destroy substances foreign to the body.


An instrument used to measure blood pressure.


Can be caused by the ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs. Peptic ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.


Cancer-causing agents.

Memory T and B Cells

Cells left in the bloodstream and the lymphatic system to recognize and respond to future attacks to the body by the same invader.

Suppressor T Cells

Cells whose purpose is to halt the immune response.


Clogging of the coronary arteries.


Conditions that have both a mind and body component.


Debris that clog coronary arteries.


High levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Essential Hypertension

Hypertension with no known cause. Approximately 90% of hypertension cases.

Temporomandibular Syndrome (TMJ)

Interference with the smooth functioning of the jaw.


Loss of elasticity of the coronary arteries.

Hot Reactors

People who react to stress with an all-out physiological reaction.


Relaxation and some forms of visualization result in the production of neuropeptides.

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)

Sometimes termed bad cholesterol, too much LDL leads to clogging of the arteries and, therefore, is related to the development of coronary heart disease.

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)

Sometimes termed good cholesterol, HDL helps to remove cholesterol from the body thereby lowering the chances of developing coronary heart disease.


Substances produced by the body to fight antigens.


Synonymous with psychosomatic.


The constriction phrase of a migraine headache; also called preattack.

Diastolic Blood Pressure

The pressure of the blood against the aterial walls when the heart is relaxed.

Systolic Blood Pressure

The pressure of the blood as it leaves the heart.


The study of the illness-causing healing effects of the mind on the body.

Myocardial Infraction

When a part of the heart dies because of a lack of oxygen.


Synonymous with prodrome.


A part of the immunes system that destroys mutant cells.

Type A

A behavior pattern associated with the development of coronary heart disease. Traits; competitive, aggressive, time-urgent, hostile, does things quickly, overly concerned with numbers, and does more than one thing at a time.

Rheumatoid Factor

A blood protein associated with rheumatoid arthritis.


A foreign substance irritating to the body.


A lack of oxygen to the brain resulting from a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel; also called a stroke.


A lack of oxygen to the brain resulting from a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel; also called apoplexy.

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