Chapter 3 US history

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Patrick Henry

"Give me liberty or give me death"

Place these battles from the revolutionary war in chronological order:

1: Lexington & Concord ( April 19th, 1774) 2: Bunker Hill ( June 1775) 3.New York city ( Sept. 1776) 4.Saratoga (Oct. 1777) 5. Yorktown ( aug 30- oct. 19th , 1781)


A religion of reason. God is rational. God does not interfere with his creation.


Also known as the separation of church and state, this notion denies a government the right to encourage, endorse, or support a particular religion. Most Christians supported this because it provided equality of opportunity & protected them from a corrupted influence. This also furthered trends begun with the great awakening. •Not every state disestablish at the same time ( Massachusetts and the Congregationalist fought this for a very long time)

Boston Tea Party (1773)

American colonists calling themselves the Sons of Liberty, disguised as Mohawk Native Americans, boarded three British ships and dumped British tea into the Boston harbor. • 300 chests of tea dumped ( equivalent to $4 mill. Of tea destroyed today)

Judith Sargent Murray

Argued for equal educational opportunities for women

Identify the north American territories were the events of the revolution began and ended:

Began: Massachusetts Ended: Virginia


Equality of opportunity

Tea Act of 1773

Law passed by parliament allowing the British East India Company to sell its low-cost tea directly to the colonies - undermining colonial tea merchants; led to the Boston Tea Party. •this reignited the Sons of Liberty's protests.

Battle of Quebec (1759)

One of history's turning points in the war for empire in North America because Quebec is capital of New France. British win.

Revolution Liberty

Republic virtue & equality

Declaration of Independence

Signed in 1776 by US revolutionaries; it declared the United States as a free state.( now the war is about independence) •American forces pushed back to Pennsylvania

In most states, the new constitution expanded..

Voting rights to better uphold the will of the people. •Voting became democratized first men- during the Revolution disparities remained( not everyone could vote)

1st Continental Congress (1774)

colonial meetings, asked Great Britain to repeal harsh taxes and overturn other harsh actions. United behind Massachusetts and resist the infringement of rights.


government by the people, giving power to the people; expanding inclusion of voices in decision making.

what were some of the ethnic groups represented in New York City at this time? (1771)

scottish,dutch, and french


the legal status of a married woman, considered to be under her husband's protection and authority. Marriage covered a women's identity. Was based on the belief that women were enslaved to their emotions & therefore naturally submissive. Women were not naturally free.

From 1776-1810, the free black population grew 10,000 to 200,000, but for many Americans & especially those in the south. The question of....?

Emancipation ran counter to Liberty itself: the ability to maintain property. Then they started to question Liberty itself with property rights or human rights? What does Liberty mean now?

Which countries disputed some of the border areas of the US from the Revolutionary war?

England & Spain

Writs of assistance were legal decrease issue by Parliament to help royal governors work more effectively with their colonial legislators by granting the governors more power. True or false?


Gradual Emancipation Laws

Freeing the children of slaves after they come of age. •In Pennsylvania current enslaved people remained such for life but their children were freed at 28 years old. By 1840, there were still 64 enslaved people in PA; by 1860 there were none.

Where did British Commander Sir Williams Howe take his troops before moving to attack New York?


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage that describes a major conflict within the British Empire during this time.

One major problem within the British Empire was that British leader ship considered the empire to be a system of unequal parts under parliaments command, and colonists consider themselves as citizens with the rights to govern themselves

To these white male leaders of the Revolution, slavery meant the denial of personal & political rights without cause.

Samuel Adam's & George Washington

Who burns Governor Thomas house to the ground on August 26th, 1765?

The sons of Liberty

Who all believed in separation of church and state?

Thomas jefferson, thomas Paine, and Benjamin Franklin

Enemies of liberty

•Loyalists & Native Americans ( $$ was better from British than Americans)

Identify the statements that describe why indentured servitude declined after the American Revolution:

•Many indentured servants fled their masters amid the instability of the war. •The concept of servitude ran counter to the ideals of republic citizenship •Increasing numbers of non-indentured immigrants from Europe joined indentured servants outliving their terms of required labor.

Land ownership was important for social mobility and political standing during the early republic. Identify the reasons for this:

•Many states still has property ownership qualifications for voting. •Many in the foundation generation believed that widespread landownership would serve to equalize the social classes.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the committees of safety

" The committees of safety were significant because they gave common people the experience and informal training necessary to enforce boycotts against the British and to begin to exercise local political power."

November 16, 1776 The Battle of Fort Washington

*Huge loss go Washington's forces *This could have ended it, but the British forces did not pursue.

Daughters of Liberty

-The definition of Liberty went hand in hand with masculinity. -To be a man meant to be a free construct , women were constrained or enslaved.

The Revolutionary War is often thought of as a conflict between Great Britain and one of its colonies. Identify some other perspectives that can help us better understand the conflict.

-The Revolutionary War was a civil war, in a sense, because it pitted neighbor against neighbor. -The Revolutionary War was a borderlands conflict because it resulted in new geographies, national and cultural identity. -The Revolutionary War was an international conflict because it involved France and native nations in addition to Great Britain and its colony.

What does the map reveal about political allegiances during the Revolutionary War?

-The majority of colonists either strongly supported the patriots or Loyalists; very few were neutral. Strong loyalty to the British government was not widespread. -The locations of Loyalist communities correlate more with ethnic settlements than with factors of class or race.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the sweets of Liberty:

" As time went on, Americans came to believe that their struggle was for universal rights, which were derived from the laws of nature, not as a gift of their chief magistrate. While Americans to revered the king, they demanded that the Empire be seen as a collection of equal parts held together by loyalty to a constitutional monarch, not a system in which one party rule over the other."

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

" In Britain and its colonies, as well as the rest of the Western world, social hierarchy and deference to authority were considered necessary for society to work. The American Rev. would challenge this tradition by redefining notions of Liberty and social standing."

Match the trailblazer from this period with his or her correct description.

-This woman established the Boston Committee of Correspondence, proving that women could participate in intellectual discussion: Mercy Otis Warren -The poetic talents of this woman challenged Americans' idea that black persons were devoid of intellectual ability: Phillis Wheatley -This veteran of the Massachusetts militia and noted preacher was an early proponent of extending freedom and equality to people of African heritage:Lemuel Haynes -This woman joined the British army in 1745 disguised as a man; later she was awarded a soldier's pension:Hannah Snell -This young Mohawk hoped to create an Indian Confederacy between the new United States and Canada:Joseph Brant

Philis Wheatley

1753-1784 poet that was a slave (female) she was brought to Boston at the age 8 never had no education she published a book of verses +subsequently wrote other polished poems that revealed the influence of Alexander pope

Stamp Act

1765; law that taxed printed goods, including: playing cards, documents, newspapers, etc.

Eric Foner discusses " British Liberty" Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage:

A concept critical to political thought in the 18th century, " British Liberty" encompassed ideas of individual rights and rule of law alongside ideas of limited executive power. British Liberty was a parochial concept, understood to apply specifically to British people, not to people from continental Europe or Africa.


A government in which authority tested in the consent of the governed ; vested in a constitution

Benedict Arnold (1780)

A traitorous American commander who planned to sell out the American garrison at West Point to the British, but his plot was discovered before it could be executed and he joined the British army.

Should the government control prices & provide citizens with land?

Adam smith says no, he wrote wealth of nations and says " economic development arises from economic self- interest.

Olive Branch Petition (1775)

Adopted by the Continental Congress in an attempt to avoid a full-blown war with Great Britain. *Provisions:* Affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and entreated the king to prevent further conflict. *Historical Significance:* Rejected and the colonies were formally declared in rebellion.

Thomas Paine

All republics are defined on prioritizing the public good.

Battle of Trenton (1776)

Battle that ended with an American victory against the Hessian mercenaries hired by the British. *Historical Significance:* Boosted American morale and inspired re-enlistments.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the tea act:

Because of a surplus of tea, Britain passed the Tea Act, which reduced the price of tea in the colonies, and simultaneously included a tax to pay for the costs of colonial government, which threatened the power of colonial assemblies.

identify why Jefferson's assertion in the declaration of independence that " All men are created equal" was viewed as a radical principle?

Britain and colonies believed a well ordered society was widely thought to depend on obedience to authority. ( the powers of rulers over their subjects)

At the time, what were these country characterized regarding slavery?

Britain: kingdom of slaves American = country of free men

Traditional notions of " liberty" shifted in the American colonial context and were further redefined during the early republic. Identify which characteristics describe British concepts of Liberty versus those that describe American concepts of Liberty:

British concept of Liberty: •Social status is largely hereditary and fixed. •Rights are privileges held by few in society. American: •equality of economic opportunity •One's social status may change over the course of his or her lifetime. Both: woman has few if any legal rights.

Yorktown (1781)

British plan to defeat colonies, Cornwallis arrived at Yorktown and the French blocked the waterways while Washington surrounded British troops, marked the end of English control over American colonies. British surrender.

Match the military commanders with the Revolutionary War victory he oversaw:

Bunker hill: Howe ( British) Camden: Cornwallis ( British) Trenton: Washington ( American)

Which faction occupied the largest geographic area during the American Revolution?

Loyalists and neutral Indians

who took steps for emancipation by 1804?

New York, Pennsylvania,& Massachusets

what state during this time (1776) where nearly the entire prewar elite opposed revolution?


Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Promoted laissez-faire, free-market economy, and supply-and-demand economics. " invisible hand" of supply and demand will regulate prices.

Which countries , besides the U.S., had territories in North America ?

Russia, England, and Spain

Colonist of many different social backgrounds responded to new British trade restrictions with a wide ranging boycott movement. Fill in the blanks below to describe those movements.

The movement to replace British imports with domestically produced goods was described as homespun virtue. Women who spun in with goods at home became known as daughters of liberty. Colonial leaders in Virginia even briefly moved to band me importance of slaves, with his Pham was undermined by smaller planters away from the coast, who ignored it.

John Adams argued for a

legislature with two houses: a senate to represent people with property and an assembly to

Thomas Jefferson

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ( he really only meant this for the people in the room with him, still kept men enslaved)

Second Continental Congress (May 1775)

meeting that authorized the creation of a Continental Army; many delegates still hoped that conflict could be avoided with the British. George Washington was chosen as commander

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

powerful pamphlet telling the colonists to break free. British were trying to destroy colonies' natural rights. Government is there to protect life liberty and property. Power came from people, not kings. Colonies don't benefit from British Empire.


the freeing of slaves.

equality of opportunity

the idea that each person is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life. There are no artificial barriers to one's freedom.

Identify the statement that describes the Townshend acts of 1767

• A portion of the funds generated was allocated to paying the colonial governors' salaries. • They were a set of trade regulations.

Identify the statement that describes the repeal of the stamp act:

• At the same time that the Stamp Act was being repealed, the Declaratory Act was created, which empowered Parliament to make all laws for the colonies. •The sons of Liberty played a key role in the repeal of the Stamp Act. • Colonial Boycotts of British goods played a major role in bringing about its repeal.

Reaction to Stamp Act

• Colonies began to communicate with one another & discussed a coordinated boycott. • The house of Burgesses passed a resolution condemning the stamp act. -Patrick Henry says " no taxation without representation"

The revolutionary war in the south between 1775-1781 statements:

• From 1778-1781 , the conflict in the South pushed northward. •Both Washington and Cornwallis left the conflicts in the North to aid those in the South. •Several armies converged on the Battle of Guilford Courthouse

Identify the terms of the treaty of Paris ( 1783) that ended the Revolutionary War.

• Loyalists were to be compensated by the US for their losses. • The U.S. western border became the Mississippi River.

The stamp act crisis was not only example of social turmoil during the 1760s. Identify the statements that describe the regulator movement

• Regulators' grievances often revolves around competing claims of landownership. •Regulators often included a class based element of the have-nots resisting the power of local elites.

Identify the statements that describe the battle of Saratoga and the outcomes of had on the rest of the world:

• The American victory helped to persuade European Powers to enter into the conflict. •A lack of British military coordination played a major role in the outcome.

What does a map reveal about the revolutionary war in the north?

• The majority of American victories took place inland away from the coast • The British launched a significant number of troops from Canada

Samual Seabury was a prominent and outspoken pamphleteer in years before the American revolution. Which of the following statements about him are correct?

• a loyalist who opposed war with Britain • the US first Episcopal bishop

Sons of Liberty

•A group of colonists who formed a secret society to oppose British policies at the time of the American Revolution. •They destroy property and it works, the stamp act gets repealed.

What is the American Revolution?

•A phase in century long battles between European empires ( 1754-1776) •A conflict over what an American nation should be. • the Revolution was radical in the long term. It created rhetoric & potential for change, even if it didn't change things immediately.

Intolerable Acts (1774)

•A series of laws passed by the British Parliament after the Boston Tea Party intending to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance. It was a wake up call for the colonies. The Boston harbor closed. England took over all governmental activities. • retribution for the Boston tea party • This United the colonies & launched a new phase of the Rev.

Townshend Acts

•A tax that the British Parliament passed in 1767 that was placed on leads, glass, paint and tea • New regulations & board of customs •collects taxes and cracks down on smuggling

Identify the factors that contributed to inflation during and immediately after the revolutionary war.

•Basic commodities were often hoarded by Americans during the war. •The printing and distribution of the paper currency by Congress contributed to inflation.

Identify the statements that were true of democracy in the 18th century context:

•Democracy was feared by some leaders who associated it with mob rule. •Democracy had several meanings, some from ancient texts. •Democracy meant, in general, the government should serve the needs of the people as a whole, not just a moneyed elite.

Identify why George Washington was elected to lead the continental army:

•He had gained extensive experience in combat operations during the French and Indian War. •He was from the colony of Virginia

What form did parliamentary regulations of the colonies take prior to 1763?

•Laws that forbade colonial printing of paper currency •Laws thaf required colonial goods to be shipped go England •Rules that prevented the colonial manufacturing of goods that could be made in Britain.

At the end of the seven years war, the British government was determined to exert control over the economies of its North American colonies. Match each new rule with the act parliament that introduced it.

•Revenue act: " enumerated" goods so that colonists could no longer trade them directly with Holland & France. • Currency Act: Reiterated earlier ban on colonies issuing their own currencies •Sugar Act: reduced the tax on molasses imported from the French West Indies by half. Cracked down on smuggling by colonial merchants.

In what ways did the expansion of the definition of liberty and the proliferation of democratic practices change religious practice in the early United States?

•The disestablishment of the state sponsored churches allowed for the proliferation of religious denominations •Democratic Liberty challenged the traditional authority of some religious traditions

Identify the reasons why this engraving of the Boston massacre by Paul revere was significant.

•The image created to stir up colonist resistance to British presence in the colonies. • It was the most effective piece of propaganda created during the revolutionary period. • The image does not portray the event accurately.

How did the revolution affect religious freedom?

•There was a clear separation of church and state. •it expanded religious freedom, with some states passing laws for religious tolerance •The Constitution did not include any religious requirements for voting or holding office.

Daughters of Liberty

•This organization supported the boycott of British goods. They urged Americans to wear homemade fabrics and produce other goods that were previously available only from Britain. They believed that way, the American colonies would become economically independent. •Homespun clothes

Identify the radically democratic elements of the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776:

•the establishment of a one house legislature •The abolition of the governor's office •The abolition of property requirements for suffrage

In which of the following ways were Native Americans affected by the American Revolution?

-Indians who helped the British forces were abandoned after the war, and their land holdings were not recognized by the Treaty of Paris. -After learning the American concept of "liberty," several Native American groups sought "freedom" for themselves from state governments. -New state governments forced Native American groups to cede lands. -Americans were encouraged by their military success in the Revolution to continue their expansion westward.

Historians use the term "republican motherhood" to describe beliefs about women and femininity in the revolutionary period. Identify the characteristics of republican motherhood.

-Marriage was increasingly identified as "companionate," or based on an idea of affection and teamwork. -Women were to be educated so that they would raise their children—especially their sons—with republican values. -"Family" came to be associated with parents and children; older definitions which included indentured servants and enslaved persons went out of style.

Identify the statements that were true of slavery—both the concept and the practice—in the post-revolutionary period.

-Most founders owned slaves, even though they promoted the concept of liberty and equality as natural entitlements. -Many ex-slaves began life anew as free persons in Nova Scotia and England. -Revolutionaries used the word "slavery" to describe the denial of personal and political rights by a tyrannical government. -Some members of the founding generation argued that liberty for whites was possible only because of the enslavement of blacks.

What were some of the biggest obstacles to the enactment of widespread abolition during the early years of the republic?

-Much of the resistance to abolition originated in the fact that slavery remained a pathway for many white Americans to achieve prosperity and social mobility. -The founders' attachment to the importance of property rights of citizens made abolition problematic.

The Revolution was a borderlands conflict; the interface of cultures and identities were challenged and changed as a result of revolutionary success in the war. Identify the statements that describe the ways in which the Revolution was a borderlands conflict.

-The Revolution created an international border between the United States and Quebec. The patriots stayed on one side and the Loyalists went to the other. -Although Canada defined itself in opposition to the United States, goods and ideas flowed easily across the border.

Battle of Saratoga (October 1777)

Decisive colonial victory in upstate New York, which helped secure French support for the Revolutionary cause.

On which of the following events did the American Revolution and its success have an important ideological and political influence?

-the French Revolution -Latin American wars for independence in the early nineteenth century

After the seven years' war colonists and the British government found themselves in a cycle of legislative crackdown followed by political rebellion. Place the following events from this time. In chronological order.

1. British government imposes the Townshend Acts, placing new taxes on imports and creating new anti smuggling mechanisms. 2.Confrontation between British troops and an angry crow leaves five colonists dead. 3.the British government offers rebates and subsidies to the East India Company, flooding colonial markets with Chinese tea at the expense of the local merchants and importers. 4.The British government, seeking to demonstrate its authority, authorizes the lodging of British soldiers in colonial homes

Liberty funerals

Dead people pop out of caskets shouting " Liberty will live."

Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown ended the American revolution, and the treaty of Paris was signed immediately afterward. True or false?

False ( took two years)

Proponents of " no taxation without representation" claimed that although trade regulation was a legal means for Parliament to raise revenue, direct internal taxes such as the Stamp Act were an illegitimate extension of parliamentary power. True or false?


Battle of Bunker Hill (1775)

First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, and Bunker Hill was in British hands. However, the British suffered more deaths. ( moral victory for colonists)

As sites of conflict in the war of independence move westward, like white Americans, Indians divided in allegiance. Match each of the following groups to his allegiance during the revolution:

Sided with the colonists: The Oneida Nation Sided with Britain: Iroquois nation Split or neutral: Cherokee

The battle of Saratoga in 1777 help to persuade France and Spain to support America's pursuit of independence from Britain. Identify each of the following reasons as either a French or Spanish reason for supporting the United States in the war of independence:

Spanish reason for supporting American independence: Wished to regain control of Florida French reason for supporting American Independence: Sought to weaken British influence in the West Indies, sought retribution for the defeat in the Seven Years' war

Suffolk Resolves

The First Continental Congress endorsed Massachusetts's Suffolk Resolves, which declared that the colonies need not obey the 1773 Coercive Acts, since they infringed upon basic liberties. Massachusetts will refuse obedience to the intolerable acts & will withhold taxes to Britain & prepare for war.

Boston Massacre (1770)

The colonials hated the British soldiers in the colonies because the worked for very low wages and took jobs away from colonists. On March 4, 1770, a group of colonials started throwing rocks and snowballs at some British soldiers; the soldiers panicked and fired their muskets, killing a few colonials. This outraged the colonies and increased anti-British sentiment.

What played an essential role in the American Revolution?

The disruption of commerce & violet destruction of private property.

Battle of Lexington and Concord

The first military engagement of the Revolutionary War. It occurred on April 19, 1775, when British soldiers fired into a much smaller body of minutemen on Lexington green.( shot heard around the world)

Economic Freedom

The freedom to own property, to make a profit, and to make choices about what to produce, buy, and sell.

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