Chapter 4 Questions

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True or false: Because epithelial tissue is highly vascular, it heals well..


True or false: During tissue repair, dense irregular collagenous connective tissue which forms is called granulation tissue.


This type of tissue is closely packed with fat cells and forms a protective cushion around organs; insulate body and also form energy.

Adipose connective tissue

Which of the following statements is false?

Columnar epithelial cells promote diffusion.

Indicate two roles of connective tissue in the body.

cushioning and insulating

Muscular tissue consists of what type of cells or fibers?

elongated fibers (cells) that are specialized to contract

A cell that forms fibrous connective tissue would be called a



has a rich blood supply

Which of the following characteristics is NOT consistent with simple squamous epithelial tissue?

has good blood supply within it

Unlike an exocrine gland, an endocrine gland

has no ducts

Which of the following is not a characteristic of age-related changes at the tissue level?

injuries heal rapidly and more completely in older people

What type of cells release chemicals in response to injury and play an important role in inflammation?

mast cells

The extracellular material found in tissues is called


The extracellular material of a tissue is called the:


The embryonic germ layer that is the source of connective tissue and muscle is


Epithelium that is primarily secretory in function would most likely be

simple cuboidal

Epithelial tissue is characterized by

tightly packed cells

An aggregation of cells and extracellular materials which performs a discrete function is known as a(n):


Collections of specialized cells and extra-cellular substances around them are known as a(n) ______.


What is a collection of similar cells and surrounding substances?


Which of the following is found in spongy bone but not compact bone?


What is a malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial tissue?


What type of muscle is found in the wall of the heart?

cardiac muscle

A gland with branching ducts that end in acini would be classified as

compound acinar

What type of gland possesses ducts?


Stratified epithelium consists of

multiple layers of cells.

Of the four classes of tissues, the tissue that consists of elongated fibers that are specialized to contract in response to stimulation is ______

muscle tissue

What type of tissue is contractile?

muscular tissue

A tissue has the following characteristics: free surface, single layer of cells, cells are narrow and tall, microvilli, many mitochondria, goblet cells. Which of the following is most consistent with those observations? (1) active transport (2) epithelium (3) simple epithelium (4) columnar epithelium (5) cuboidal epithelium (6) squamous epithelium (7) secretion by exocytosis (8) movement of mucous across its surface

1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Which of the following occur as a result of inhibiting the release of chemical mediators of inflammation shortly after injury in a tissue?

2, 4, 6

What is a scar?

A large amount of granulation tissue converted to dense irregular collagenous connective tissue during tissue repair.

What type of tissue attaches to the underlying muscles and supports the framework for body organs?

Areolar connective tissue

all of that demonstrate how inflammation protects the body.

Blood vessels become more permeable and allow white blood cells to move into damaged tissue more easily, Clotting that occurs helps to isolate injurious agents, During inflammation blood vessels dilate, increasing the delivery of white blood cells to the area.

Which of the following statements is true?

Collagen fibers provide strength to dense connective tissue

Which of the following statements concerning collagen is false?

Collagen is elastic and stretches

Which of the following statements concerning epithelial cell surfaces is false?

Epithelium with folded surfaces tends to be very rigid.

Which of the following cell organelles would be most important in secretory epithelial cells?

Golgi apparatus

In the process of tissue repair, which of the events listed below occurs last?

Granulation tissue develops.

Which of the following statements concerning the process of tissue repair is false?

Labile cells cannot be replaced by the process of regeneration

True or false: The basal lamina is only one portion of the basement membrane, and it does not anchor the epithelium to the tissue below it.


Dense regular collagenous connective tissue would be found in

a ligament

Indicate the functions that apply to epithelial tissue.

acting as a barrier and secretion of substances

What is the function of the basement membrane?

adhere epithelial tissue to underlying connective tissue

What is the girdle of glycoproteins just below the tight junction between epithelial cells?

adhesion belt

What type of cells contain large amounts of lipids?


An example of a gap junction is

an intercalated disk

What type of gland discharges fragments of the gland's cells during secretion?


What is the examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death or to study the changes caused by a disease?


This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "E" represent?


Which of the following is associated with nervous tissue?


Which of the following is correctly matched?

axons - conduct action potentials away from the cell body

All of the characteristics of connective tissue:

bind other tissues and organs together, involved in delivering nutrients to the tissue, separate tissues from each other

What is the removal of a tissue sample from patients via surgery or needle to diagnose disease?


A tissue that has a fluid matrix is


This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "A" represent?

blood clot

This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "C" represent?

blood vessel

A gland produces a watery secretion that contains solutes. The secretion also contains a substantial amount of phospholipid. The type of secretory process for this gland is probably

both merocrine and apocrine

The type of connective tissue that contains chondrocytes, a rigid matrix of collagen fibers and proteoglycan-hyaluronic acid aggregates and few, if any, blood vessels is


Which of the following types of connective tissue is mismatched with its matrix?

cartilage - highly vascular matrix

This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "B" represent?

cell body of neuron

What type of cells form cartilage?


Which of the following is NOT an adhesive molecule found in the ground substance of connective tissue?

chondroitin sulfate

When Harry stepped on a nail, inflammation and infection were severe, but localized. Which of the following functions serves to wall off or isolate the injured area to the greatest degree?

coagulation of plasma proteins

Intervertebral discs exhibit a great deal of strength because of the presence of thick bundles of


The three types of protein fibers found in connective tissue are

collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers.

Which of the following categories of epithelium is based on cell shape?


Lamellae are characteristic of

compact bone tissue

Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder associated with _____ tissue.


Support, attachment of tissues, cushioning and protection are examples of functions for ______ tissue.

connective tissue

What type of tissue possesses an abundant extracellular matrix?

connective tissue

A general characteristic of connective tissue is that it

consists of cells with much intercellular material (matrix) between them.

Muscle tissue is characterized by its


Which of the following is NOT a function of connective tissue?


This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "A" represent?


What type of process conducts nerve impulses toward the cell body?


What type of connective tissue is found in the walls of large arteries?

dense irregular elastic tissue

Connective tissue in tendons is

dense regular collagenous tissue

What type of connective tissue is found in tendons and ligaments?

dense regular collagenous tissue

This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "D" represent?


Which of the following structures is likely to consist of dense irregular collagenous connective tissue?

dermis of the skin

Epithelial tissue that can stretch or is subjected to stress would have many


What is a disk-shaped structure with especially adhesive glycoproteins around each cell that bind cells to one another?


An infant born with a genetic defect that causes little or no brown fat to be formed will have

difficulty regulating his body temperature

Which of the following terms correctly identifies the name of an embryonic germ layer?


Name the embryonic germ layers:

ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

An accumulation of fluid in the tissue spaces is called


Which of the following occurs when the permeability of blood vessels increases during inflammation?


The major manifestations of inflammation include:

edema, heart, pain, redness

What type of connective tissue is found in the external ears?

elastic cartilage

A coiled fibrous protein in connective tissue that is stretchy is called


What type of gland does not have ducts?


What type of gland excretes products by secretion into the blood?


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

endoderm - bone

This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "B" represent?


Because it forms covering and lining layers for body structures, ______ tissue has very little extracellular matrix.


What type of tissue has little extracellular matrix because it forms covering and lining layers for body structures?


Which tissue type forms glands?


Indicate the class of tissue that is capable of regeneration, is avascular, and consists of cells that are bound to each other via specialized junctions.

epithelial tissue

What type of tissue forms linings or coverings?

epithelial tissue

The four primary tissue types are

epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous.

Granulation tissue is a delicate, granular-appearing connective tissue that consists of

fibroblast, collagen, capillaries

What type of cells form protein fibers in connective tissue proper?


What type of connective tissue is found between the vertebrae?


Adipose tissue

functions as an insulator and a site of energy storage

What is a small protein channel that allows the passage of ions and small molecules between cells?

gap junction

Structures that function in intercellular communication are

gap junctions.

A delicate connective tissue composed of fibroblasts, collagen, and capillaries is called

granulation tissue

What attaches epithelial cells to the basement membrane?


What is the microscopic study of tissues?


What type of gland accumulates its secretion in the cytoplasm of the cell, the cell then ruptures and becomes part of the secretion?


What type of connective tissue forms most of the skeleton before it is replaced by bone?

hyaline cartilage

A long, unbranched polysaccharide found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue is

hyaluronic acid

A swollen, painful area of the skin that is also hot and red are symptoms that accompany what process?


Proteoglycans trap large quantities of water and spring back to original shape after compression. They are found in

intervertebral discs

The secretions of endocrine glands are released directly

into the bloodstream

Hyaluronic acid gives a very slippery quality to fluids that contain it. Hyaluronic acid

is a good lubricant for joint cavities.

Cartilage heals slowly after an injury because

it has few, if any, blood vessels

Changes in the cells, extracellular materials and tissues in older adults cause a:

loss of elasticity of connective tissue, loss of flexibility of connective tissue, increase in collagen fibers

Reticular tissue is found in

lymphatic tissue

What type of cells phagocytize foreign or injured cells and play a major role in providing protection against infections?


A thin layer of tissue that covers an organ or lines a cavity is a


What type of exocrine gland uses exocytosis to secrete its product?


Which of the following occurs when the permeability of blood vessels increases during inflammation?

migration of white blood cells to the site of injury

What type of membranes line cavities that open to the outside and often contain mucous glands?


A thick, sticky secretion produced by goblet cells is called


What type of tissue contains cells called neurons?

nervous tissue

Support cells of the brain and spinal cord are called


The support and protection of neurons rests with


This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "D" represent?

neuroglia cells

What type of cell ingests bacteria?


A pseudo-unipolar neuron is characterized by the presence of

no dendrites

This is a diagram of a multipolar neuron. What does "C" represent?

nucleus of neuron

The connective tissue of ______ adults are less elastic and less flexible.


A(n) ______ is any anatomical structure that is composed of at least two different tissue types, has recognizable structural boundaries, and has a discrete function different from the structures around it.

organThe extracellular material of a tissue is called the:

What kind of cells form bone?


What type of cells break down bone tissue?


Cells that break down bone are called


Cells that maintain bone are called


Macrophages are cells specialized for


Collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers in connective tissues all contain


Which of the following matrix molecules tends to trap large quantities of water?


Which of the following molecules consists of numerous polysaccharides attached to a protein core?


The extracellular matrix of connective tissue contains


What type of epithelial tissue is found lining the trachea?

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

All cells attached to the basement membrane but not all cells reach free surfaces is a description of

pseudostratified columnar epithelium.

Blood cells are produced in hemopoietic tissue found in

red bone marrow

Which of the following are symptoms of inflammation?

redness, heat, and pain

Suturing a large wound

reduces risk of infection and helps to heal faster.

In _____, the new cells are the same type as those that were destroyed.


Name the two processes that result in the repair of injured tissue.

regeneration and replacement

the processes that result in the repair of injured tissue.

regeneration, replacement

What is a malignant neoplasm derived from connective tissue?


What is formed from granulation tissue?


Which of the following is classified as a holocrine gland?

sebaceous gland

What occurs when wound edges are far apart?

secondary union

Which of the following is a function of epithelial tissue?

secretion and absorption of molecule

The type of membrane that protects internal organs from friction is a ________ membrane.


What type of membranes do not open to the exterior, do not contain glands, but do secrete fluid?


Glands whose ducts have few branches are called


What type of epithelial tissue is found in the stomach?

simple columnar epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue is found in the kidney tubules?

simple cuboidal epithelium

If one of the functions of the capillaries is to supply body cells with oxygen and nutrients, you would expect the capillary walls to consist of

simple squamous epithelium

What type of muscle is found attached to bones?

skeletal muscle

The type of muscle found in the walls of blood vessels is


Movement of food through the digestive tract results from the action of

smooth muscle

What type of muscle is found in the wall of the digestive tract?

smooth muscle

Which of the following epithelial types is mismatched with its function?

squamous epithelium - stretching

What type of cells have the potential to differentiate to form adult cell types?

stem cells

Which type of epithelium has the following characteristics: multiple layers, squamous cell shape, dead outer layers of cells, and keratin present in some cells?

stratified keratinized squamous epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue is found in the mouth

stratified squamous epithelium

The epidermis of the skin is composed of

stratified squamous epithelium.

A muscle that is not consciously controlled and has a banded appearance would be described as

striated involuntary

Connective tissue is separated into subgroups based on the

structure of the extracellular matrix

This is a picture of a skin wound. What does "E" represent?

subcutaneous fat

The type of membrane that lines freely movable joints is a _____ membrane.


What type of membranes line joint cavities?


A tissue has the following characteristics: abundant extracellular matrix, abundant collagen fibers, collagen fibers mainly parallel to each other. Which of the following injuries results in damage to mainly this kind of tissue?

tear in the tissue that attaches the gastrocnemius muscle to bone

The various types of epithelium are classified by

the shape of cells and number of cell layers

To determine that a type of epithelium is squamous, which of the following is most important?

the shape of the most superficial epithelial cells

The type of cell connection that serves as a permeability barrier is a

tight junction

What is the permeability barrier that joins the cell membranes of adjacent cells to form a tight seal?

tight junction

What type of epithelial tissue is found in the urinary bladder?

transitional epithelium

In the inflammatory response, clotting proteins form a clot. This action

walls off foreign particles and microbes

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