chapter 48

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4.describe the following needles, including gauge and the length as well as the potential uses. blue, pink, red, green

22 g , 20 g 25g 18 g

10.list five common SNAP test used in the clinic. how would you interpret the results. are these test antigen or antibody test ?

4Dx plus test( antibodies ) heart worm RT test ( antigen) guardians test ( antigen) parvo test lepto test ( antibody)

2.what is the total magnification power when using the following objects?5x, 10x, 40x , 100x

5x=50 40x=400 10x=100 100x=1000

23.describe a culture sensitivity test

A culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sensitivity test checks to see what kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic, will work best to treat the illness or infection.

18. list the test that might be able to evaluate the liver function


36. explain why the vet might choose to send a sample into a reference lab rather than using in-house testing .

For highly qualified personal interpreting

37. what is the advantage to a in-house testing

Quicker results

26. which of the following parasites listed above are zoonotic

Round work , girdia , toxoplasmosis ,ticks , hookworm , tapeworm

33. explain how you would write and say a urine samples specific gravity

Wrote : USG : 1039 and say ten thirty one

22. explain the difference between antibodies and antigens

antigens are molecules capable of stimulation an immune response antibodies are x- shaped proteins produced by B cells of the immune system on response

15. explain why you might perform a direct fecal smear

because the animal may not be pooping

17. list the test that might be used to evaluate kidney function

bun and creatine

9.explain how you would read the hematocrit test. what might your results indicate?

by placing the tube on the hematocrit reader chart to find the pct percentage and also by using a refractomometer with the plasma to find the total protein dehydration or anemic or increase in bilinbin level

13.list four things to note for a gross urinalysis.

color, consistency, order, texture

30. explain a CBC

complete blood count

12. list four things to note for a gross fecal exam

consistency, odor , color , texture

32. define DTM.

dermatophyte test medium

35. explain the gram stain, why would you use this stain instead of the diff quick stain?

determine if bacteria is present and the diff quick stain allows the cells to be viewed under the microscope

5.describe the diff quick stain. what type of cytology would you use for this?

dip into 3 and keep immersed for 15 seconds new methylene blue: rapid differential stain 3 light blue: rapid differential stain red: rapid differential stain allows number 2 .cells to be easily viewed under the microscope.

7.identify the different parts of the microscope?

eye piece , side holder, course adjustment , fine adjustment, light switch, nose piece , obj stage , control knobs for slide holder, condenser with diaphragm.

31. describe what a FNA is .

fine needle aspiration

8.define hematocrit. what is another name for the test?

hematocrit.:the ratio of the volume of RBC to the total volume of blood other term is HCT

16.define pancreatitis. which two enzymes might be used in evaluating this disease.

inflammation of the organ lying behind the lower part of the stomach. Amylase and lipase tests are used to detect pancreatitis

29. what is the name of the type of yeast that is typically found in a dogs ear?

malasseezia yeast

27. list the five tools of pieces of equipment are found in vet lab

microscope , refrigerator , centrifuge , hazard waste bin , disinfectant

28. list the three things you would write on a sample such as a blood tube

patient name, va initials , date

19. explain the difference between plasma, serum , and whole blood

plasma: fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat globules are suspended serum: amber-colored, protein-rich liquid that separates out when blood coagulates. whole blood: blood drawn directly from the body from which none of the components, such as plasma or platelets, has been removed.

3.describe the following vacutainer tubes :lavender, red top , blue top, green top

red top=silicone coated ,clot activator tiger top=clot activater and gl serum separation blue top =sodium, clot activator lavender top= liquid k ,EDTA green top =heparin

25.explain the following parasites, including symptoms of each, as well as their scientific names: round worm, coccidia , giardia, toxoplasmosis, strongyles , pinworms, ticks, demodex, scabies, fleas ,lice , hook worm ,whipworm , tapeworm, ear mites , heart worm

round worm: coccidia : giardia: toxoplasmosis: strongyles : pinworms: ticks: demodex: scabies: fleas: lice: hook worm : whipworm: tapeworm: ear mites : heart worm

14. explain how you would prepare a fecal floatation. what is the floatation solution called? how long do you need to wait before you read the fecal float ?describe what you might be looking for.

to prepare for fecal flotation you gather the fecal, put in container/tube + solution half way, mix then pour in more once you are done with that Put the thin slide on top of the tube and put a timer on for 10 min. The fecal solution is called _________.

24.list 2 things a refractomometer can be used to test for

urine specific gravity and serum or plasma protein

21. list three ways to obtain fecal sample.

voided sample, fecal loop, direct sample

20. list four ways to obtain urine sample. which one is more sterile?

voided, Manuel expression, cauterization, cystocentis ( cystocentesis; more sterile)

11. explain how to perform a blood smear. what area of the smear is the easiest to read?

you gather the tub that has a blood and a slide. on the slide you just need one drop of blood get another slide place on top angle and as you slide the blood let it absorb then take off. easiest to read is when feathered edge

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