Chapter 5 Practice

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An employer's computerized recruitment system should include all of the following elements EXCEPT ________. A) hypertext transfer protocol to enable applicants to post their resumes in any format or font B) requisition management systems to facilitate routing, approval, and posting of job openings C) hiring management software to collect and manage candidate information D) recruitment marketing to improve applicant pool quality E) skills and behavioral assessment services

A Explanation: A firm's computerized recruitment system should include a requisition management system, hiring management software, screening services, and recruiting solutions, such as recruitment marketing and applicant tracking. The manner in which resumes are posted does not relate to the site's http.

A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationship between all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) internal and external candidates B) offers made and offers accepted C) recruitment leads and invitees D) invitees and interviews E) interviews and offers made

A Explanation: A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment leads and invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and offers made, and offers made and offers accepted. The ratio of internal and external candidates is not a factor in the recruiting yield pyramid which is used to determine the number of applicants a firm needs to generate in order to hire the required number of new employees.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, most likely undermines Marie's decision to fill top positions with inside candidates? A) Barnum needs to head in a different direction with innovative ideas if it is to remain competitive with other hotel chains. B) Many current Barnum employees have indicated they are loyal to the firm by rejecting offers to work at competing hotels. C) Internet job postings generate too many applicants with inadequate experience in the hotel industry. D) Training new employees about the practices and procedures at Barnum is costly in regards to both time and money. E) The influence of local labor unions and EEO legislation is blamed for the high turnover rate among Barnum employees.

A Explanation: Inbreeding is a potential drawback to hiring internally because when all managers come up through the ranks, they may have a tendency to maintain the status quo, when a new direction is required. If Barnum needs to go in a new direction then it should hire outsiders. Benefits of internal hiring include increased morale, commitment, and reduced training requirements. Labor unions and the number of applicants are less relevant.

What is the typical compensation structure for on-demand recruiting services? A) hourly rate B) commission C) percentage fee D) 20-30% of the hire's salary E) 50% of the hire's signing bonus

A Explanation: On-demand recruiting services (ODRS) provide short-term specialized recruiting to support specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms. These recruiters are paid by the hour or project instead of a percentage fee or a commission.

Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using all of the following EXCEPT a ________. A) ratio analysis matrix B) personnel replacement chart C) position replacement card D) skills inventory software E) personnel inventory and development record form

A Explanation: Personnel replacement charts, position replacement cards, skills inventory software, and manual personnel inventory and development record forms are all tools for tracking and maintaining qualifications inventories. A ratio analysis is a forecasting technique for determining future staff needs rather than tracking employees for the purpose of transfer or promotion.

Which of the following terms refers to the background investigations, tests, and physical exams that firms use to identify viable candidates for a job? A) selection tools B) job analysis methods C) job specifications D) personnel techniques E) forecasting tools

A Explanation: Selection tools, such as tests, background investigations, and physical exams, are used by firms to identify viable candidates for a job. After candidates complete applications and undergo initial screening interviews, a firm uses these selection tools before interviewing the candidate more thoroughly or making a job offer.

Jackie works as a nurse on temporary assignment for hospitals throughout the region on an as-needed basis. Jackie is ________. A) a contingent worker B) on job rotation C) using job enlargement D) in a benchmark job E) forecasting personnel needs

A Explanation: Temporary workers are known as contingent workers, so a nurse who floats from one assignment to another on a temporary basis is a contingent worker. Job rotation occurs when an employer systematically moves a worker from one job to another to broaden the worker's experience.

Which of the following factors plays the greatest role in determining the best medium for a job advertisement? A) skills needed for the job B) job compensation and salary C) time allowed to fill the position D) length of the employment ad E) graphics used in the advertisement

A Explanation: The best medium for a job depends on the position and the skills needed for the job. For example, a local newspaper is probably best if an employer needs clerical workers or blue-collar help. For specialized employees, advertisement in trade and professional journals may be more appropriate.

Employment planning requires making forecasts of three elements: the supply of inside candidates, the likely supply of outside candidates, and ________. A) personnel needs B) job specifications C) supervisor salaries D) global trends E) labor relations

A Explanation: The process of personnel planning requires forecasts or estimates of three things: personnel needs, the supply of inside candidates, and the likely supply of outside candidates. Forecasting personnel needs can be done through a trend analysis of the firm's employment levels over the last few years.

Counselors in state-run employment agencies conduct all of the following activities EXCEPT ________. A) reviewing employer job requirements B) filing employer tax reports C) visiting employer work sites D) writing job descriptions E) filling job positions

B Explanation: Although state-run employment agencies offer tax credit information to employers, they do not file tax reports. State employment agencies assist employers by helping them fill jobs and write job descriptions. Counselors also review job requirements and visit employer work sites.

In regards to on-campus recruiting, which of the following is most likely to help sell the employer to the interviewee? A) recruiter's professional attire B) sincerity of the recruiter C) emphasis on the job location D) well-written job descriptions E) asking only a few questions

B Explanation: A recruiter who has a sincere and informal attitude, shows respect for the applicant, and sends a prompt follow-up letter is more likely to sell the firm to the interviewee than a recruiter who acts superior and is unprepared. Attire, job location, and job descriptions are less likely to have a major impact on an interviewee.

SB&A Consulting plans to do some college recruiting to fill entry-level management positions this year. Which of the following factors is most important for the firm to consider when deciding which colleges to visit? A) location B) reputation C) tuition and fees D) enrollment numbers E) student-teacher ratio

B Explanation: A school's reputation and the performance of previous hires from the school are the primary factors a firm should consider. A school's location, tuition fees, enrollment numbers, and student-teacher ratio are less important factors.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. All of the following questions are relevant to Marie's decision to fill top positions at the new hotels with internal candidates EXCEPT ________. A) What are the key managerial positions that are available at the new hotels? B) What percentage of employers in the service industry use succession planning? C) What skills, education, and training have been provided to potential candidates? D) What is the designated procedure for assessing and selecting potential candidates? E) How can potential candidates be made more viable with relevant developmental experiences?

B Explanation: Although about 36% of employers have formal succession planning programs, the question is not directly relevant to Marie's decision. Marie needs to consider what positions need to be filled, the experience of potential candidates, and the procedure for assessing candidates.

Finding or attracting applicants for an employer's open positions is known as ________. A) succession planning B) employee recruiting C) personnel planning D) employee contracting E) job posting

B Explanation: Employee recruiting is the process of finding or attracting applicants for an employer's open positions. Recruiting involves building up an applicant pool by posting jobs and succession planning, which is the process of internally filling executive jobs.

The best way for employers to avoid improper applicant screening at private employment agencies is by ________. A) using non-profit agencies to locate advertise open jobs B) providing the agency with an accurate job description C) posting jobs on the firm's intranet and bulletin boards D) developing applicant screening software for internal hires E) sending HR experts to monitor the agency's activities

B Explanation: Employers can avoid improper applicant screening at private employment agencies by providing the agency with an accurate job description. Employers should also make sure that tests, applications, and interviews are part of the agency's selection process. The agency should be screened, but it would be costly and time consuming to have HR managers monitor the agency's activities.

Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level manager to oversee its finance division. Qualified candidates can be difficult to find, so the business would most likely benefit from using a(n) ________ to recruit potential candidates. A) state-run employment agency B) executive recruiter C) temporary agency D) Internet-based job site E) alternate staffing recruiter

B Explanation: Executive recruiters or headhunters are special employment agencies retained by employers seeking top executives. State-run agencies and temporary or alternative staffing would be less beneficial to a firm seeking a top executive. Although Internet sites are popular sources for finding employees, headhunters are more appropriate for filling top positions in a firm.

When constructing a job advertisement, all of the following are aspects of the AIDA guide EXCEPT ________. A) attracting attention to the ad B) implying long-term benefits C) creating desire for the job D) prompting applicant action E) developing interest in the job

B Explanation: Experienced advertisers use AIDA when constructing ads, which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. An ad should attract attention, develop interest in the job, create desire for the job, and prompt readers to take action. Although benefits and salary may be mentioned in ads, implying long-term benefits is not an element of the AIDA guide.

Which of the following is typically responsible for paying the fees charged by a private employment agency when an applicant is placed in a job? A) U.S. Department of Labor B) employers C) employees D) state employment commissions E) independent recruiters

B Explanation: In most situations, employers pay the fees charged by private employment agencies. Private employment agencies are important sources for clerical, white-collar, and managerial personnel, and their fees are set by state law.

Mandatory alternative dispute resolution agreements require ________. A) disgruntled employees to contact the local EEOC office prior to filing formal complaints B) applicants to agree to arbitrate certain legal disputes related to employment or dismissal C) applicants to take unpaid leaves of absence during employment disputes D) employees to meet with human resources officials prior to submitting a resignation E) applicants to agree that they will accept decisions handed down by federal appellate courts

B Explanation: Many employers, cognizant of the high costs of employment litigation, require applicants to agree in writing to mandatory arbitration should a dispute arise. Different federal courts have taken different positions on the enforceability of these "mandatory alternative dispute resolution" clauses.

Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4 million in sales next year. A salesperson traditionally generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using ratio analysis, how many new salespeople should Newton hire? A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 15 E) 20

B Explanation: Ratio analysis is used to make a forecast in this case based on the number of salespeople and sales volume. $4 million in sales divided by the $800,000 generated by each salesperson indicates that 5 extra salespeople should be hired by Newton.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a scatter plot is the most appropriate tool for Marie to use in estimating future personnel needs? A) Productivity levels for Barnum employees typically vary from month to month. B) The size of the two new Barnum hotels will be similar to the chain's other hotels. C) Barnum requires HR to maintain qualifications inventories for all current employees. D) Personnel replacement charts serve as useful tools when filling Barnum's managerial positions. E) Barnum's marketing department will develop a new promotional campaign about the new hotels.

B Explanation: Scatter plots graphically show how two variables are related, such as hotel size and staffing levels. Marie should be able to estimate personnel needs if the new hotels are the same size as current ones. Productivity levels, qualifications inventories, replacement charts, and marketing are less important factors.

The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm is known as ________. A) internal recruiting B) succession planning C) long-term forecasting D) advanced interviewing E) candidate testing

B Explanation: Succession planning refers to the process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm. The process is also known as employment or personnel planning, although most firms use the term succession planning when determining how to fill top management positions.

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using internal sources of candidates to fill vacant positions in a firm? A) lack of knowledge regarding a candidate's strengths B) potential to lose employees who aren't promoted C) costs associated with transferring employees D) questionable commitment of candidates to the firm E) significant training and orientation requirements

B Explanation: The primary disadvantage of hiring from within is the potential of losing employees who are not promoted. Employees who apply for jobs and don't get them may become discontented. Advantages of hiring internally include the depth of knowledge the employer has about the candidate, the minimal amount of training and orientation required, and the likelihood that the candidate is committed to the firm.

Which of the following is NOT a tool used by firms to recruit outside candidates? A) newspaper advertising B) intranet job postings C) employment agencies D) executive recruiters E) online job boards

B Explanation: The term job posting refers to publicizing an open job to employees through a firm's intranet or on bulletin boards. Outside candidates are recruited through advertisements, employment agencies, executive recruiters, and online job boards, such as and

All of the following are common concerns that have been expressed to researchers by temporary employees EXCEPT ________. A) feeling angry towards the corporate world B) being in compliance with equal employment laws C) feeling insecure about their employment situation D) worrying about the lack of insurance benefits E) being treated by employers in an impersonal manner

B Explanation: When working with temporary agencies, managers need to ensure that they have a document from the agency stating that filling temp orders is not discriminating. However, this is not a concern felt among temporary workers. Temp workers have shown to be primarily concerned about their lack of insurance benefits and the way they are treated by managers and permanent staff. Temp worker often feel angry towards the corporate world and insecure about their employment situation because most of them want full-time positions.

A ________ is used to calculate the number of applicants a firm must generate to hire the required number of new employees. A) trend analysis B) ratio analysis C) recruiting yield pyramid D) scatter plot E) log function matrix

C Explanation: A recruiting yield pyramid is used by employers to calculate the number of applicants a firm must generate in order to hire the required number of new employees. A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationships between recruitment leads and invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and offers made, and offers made and offers accepted.

For most firms, which of the following is the most effective source for recruiting new hires? A) college recruiting B) regional career fairs C) employee referral programs D) newspaper advertisements E) contingency recruiters

C Explanation: Although Internet job boards are the best source for new hires, employee referral programs are also highly effective. College recruiting, career fairs, ads, and contingency recruiters lead to less new hires than employee referral programs.

Which of the following enhances the security of a firm's database management system by specifying the type of information that a user can obtain? A) file-sharing B) search engine C) access matrix D) main server E) intranet

C Explanation: An access matrix can be incorporated into a firm's database management system to make it difficult for people to gain unauthorized access of personnel files. An access matrix defines the rights of users to various kinds of access, such as "read only" or "write only" to each database element.

Which of the following has improved the ability of executive recruiters to find potential candidates? A) electronic performance support systems B) mobility premiums C) Internet-based databases D) corporate intranets E) broadbanding

C Explanation: Internet-based databases have dramatically sped up searches for potential candidates and enabled executive recruiters to fill positions more quickly. The primary challenge for headhunters has been finding qualified candidates, and technology has improved the searching ability of recruiters.

Which of the following is a service that provides short-term specialized recruiting to support specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms? A) top-executive searches B) contingent-based searches C) on-demand recruiting services D) just-in-time recruiting services E) ad hoc recruiting services

C Explanation: On-demand recruiting services (ODRS) provide short-term specialized recruiting to support specific projects without the expense of retaining traditional search firms. These recruiters are paid by the hour or project instead of a percentage fee.

All of the following terms are used to describe the contingent workforce of an organization EXCEPT ________. A) seasonal employees B) part-time employees C) collateral workers D) temporary workers E) just-in-time workers

C Explanation: Part-time workers, just-in-time workers, seasonal employees, and temporary employees are all part of the contingent workforce in a firm. Employers often supplement their permanent workforce by hiring contingent or temporary workers.

Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months., which means Marcus is currently working on ________. A) employee contracting B) screening job candidates C) personnel planning D) interviewing job candidates E) writing job descriptions

C Explanation: Personnel or employment planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. The process considers all future positions from maintenance workers to executives, and flows from the firm's strategic plans.

Which of the following contains data regarding employees' education, career development, and special skills and is used by managers when selecting inside candidates for promotion? A) computerized forecasting tools B) replacement charts C) qualifications inventories D) trend records E) personnel files

C Explanation: Qualifications or skills inventories are used by managers when determining which employees should be promoted or transferred. A skills inventory contains data on employees' performance records, educational background, and promotability.

Which of the following motivates most employees over 65 to work? A) overtime payments B) promotion opportunities C) schedule flexibility D) supportive work environments E) additional sick days

C Explanation: Schedule flexibility is the primary motivation for employees over age 65. Older employees want flexible and often abbreviated work schedules, and many only want to work part time. Overtime, promotions, sick days, and supportive work environments are less important factors than flexibility.

When managers need to determine which employees are available for promotion or transfer, they will most likely use ________. A) organizational charts B) scatter plots C) skills inventories D) estimated sales trends E) personnel forecasts

C Explanation: Skills inventories are manual or computerized records listing employees' education, career and development interests, languages, and special skills. They are used in selecting inside candidates for promotion or transfer.

The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance is known as ________. A) action learning B) employee mentoring C) succession planning D) work sampling E) employee recruiting

C Explanation: Succession planning is the ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance. Succession planning is necessary when a firm is filling its top positions from internal candidates. The process involves identifying key needs, creating and assessing candidates, and selecting those who will fill the key positions.

The ________ run by the U.S. Department of Labor enables public employment agency counselors to advise applicants about local and national job openings. A) U.S. Career Center B) American Job Network C) National Job Bank D) National Employment Agency E) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

C Explanation: The National Job Bank maintains a nationwide computerized job bank that enables public employment agency counselors to advise applicants about local and national job openings. The EEOC is a government agency responsible for enforcing federal hiring laws.

What is the first step in succession planning? A) creating an applicant pool B) assessing possible candidates C) identifying and analyzing key jobs D) selecting who will fill key positions E) developing the strengths of current employees

C Explanation: The first step in succession planning is identifying a firm's future key position needs and then formulating job descriptions and specifications for them. The key needs are based on the company's future plans. The second step involves developing inside candidates for future key positions, which is followed by assessing and selecting who will fill the key positions.

Which of the following is the primary disadvantage for employers who use private employment agencies to fill positions? A) White-collar applicants are difficult to attract. B) Internal recruitment specialists are necessary. C) Applicant screening may not be thorough. D) Applicant processing time is too lengthy. E) Application procedures are complicated.

C Explanation: The primary drawback to using a private employment agency is the fact that agencies may not screen applicants very well. Successful applicants may be blocked, while inappropriate applicants may be sent to interview with hiring supervisors. Advantages include saving time and being good sources for white-collar personnel.

What is the purpose of an applicant tracking system? A) sorting resumes based on an applicant's years of work experience B) generating advertisements for attracting and gathering applicants C) assisting employers in attracting screening, and managing applicants D) providing employers and applicants with an interactive Web site E) assisting recruiters with locating internal applicants for key positions

C Explanation: The purpose of an applicant tracking system is to help employers attract, gather, screen, compile, and manage outside applicants. Such an online system is needed because Web-based ads tend to generate a large number of applicants.

Which of the following is NOT information that should be requested on application forms? A) work history B) experience C) technical skills D) marital status E) training

D Explanation: According to EEO law, application forms should not request information about an applicant's marital status. Asking about an applicant's work history, experience, training, and skills is considered acceptable.

Which of the following terms refers to the use of nontraditional recruitment sources? A) negligent hiring B) personnel planning C) human resource management D) alternative staffing E) organizational development

D Explanation: Alternative staffing refers to the use of nontraditional recruitment sources. Alternative staffing examples include in-house temporary employees, contract technical employees, outsourcing, and offshoring.

When using either a trend analysis or a ratio analysis, it is assumed that ________ will remain the same. A) staffing levels B) currency rates C) economic forecasts D) productivity levels E) recruitment plans

D Explanation: Both a trend analysis and a ratio analysis assume that productivity remains about the same. For example, when using a ratio analysis, an assumption is made that you cannot motivate a salesperson to produce more than he or she has sold in the past. With a trend analysis, historical productivity trends are used and are the basis for predicting the future.

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that Marie should implement a computerized skills inventory database? A) Barnum offers its employees the opportunities to participate in job rotation and job expansion experiences. B) Barnum primarily recruits for management trainee positions at college campuses and through online job boards. C) Barnum's recruiting yield pyramid indicates that the firm should generate 1,000 leads in order to fill 100 positions. D) Barnum executives would like to transfer the firm's most qualified employees to the new hotels to fill supervisory positions. E) HR managers at Barnum frequently receive discrimination complaints that must be investigated by the EEOC.

D Explanation: Computerized skills inventory databases provide firms with easy access to information about all employees. If Barnum wants to hire internally, then a database would provide the skills inventory needed to determine the most qualified candidates to staff the new hotels. Recruiting, job rotation, and discrimination claims are less relevant to implementing a computerized skills inventory database.

Which of the following best explains why employers frequently use Internet recruiting methods to find outside candidates for jobs? A) simplified EEO compliance B) standardized questionnaires C) pre-screened applicants D) cost effectiveness E) data collection

D Explanation: Cost-effectiveness is the primary reason that most employers use the Internet to find outside candidates for jobs. Internet recruiting is more efficient and inexpensive than jobs posted in newspapers. One of the negatives is that fewer old people use the Internet, so the method has the potential of discriminating against older applicants and some minorities. As a result, employers must keep track of the race, sex, and ethnic group of applicants to make sure EEO compliance is occurring.

A firm's ________ should guide employment planning and determine the types of skills and competencies the firm needs. A) job analysis B) organization chart C) marketing plan D) strategic plan E) recruitment process

D Explanation: Employment planning should flow from the firm's strategic plans. For example, plans to enter new businesses or reduce costs all influence the types of positions a firm will need to fill or eliminate.

________ are special employment agencies retained by employers to seek out top management talent for their clients. A) State-run employment agencies B) Private employment agencies C) Temporary agencies D) Executive recruiters E) Job banks

D Explanation: Executive recruiters, or headhunters, are special employment agencies retained by employers to seek out top management talent for their clients. State-run, employment agencies, private employment agencies, and temporary agencies are less likely to be used by firms seeking top executives.

Smith Industries has set a goal of recruiting minority applicants. Which of the following methods is LEAST likely to be successful for Smith Industries? A) implementing employee referral campaigns B) offering flexible work schedules C) providing flexible benefits plans D) utilizing executive recruiters E) collaborating with professional organizations

D Explanation: Firms that provide flexible work schedules and benefits plans are more likely to attract minority workers, especially women. Collaborating with professional organizations, such as the National Society of Hispanic MBAs will also improve the chances of hiring minorities. Executive recruiters are the least likely method for attracting minorities.

Jessica Garza is a manager at a large retail store. Currently, Jessica has four temporary workers under her supervision that a local staffing agency has provided. In which of the following tasks should Jessica become directly involved? A) negotiating the pay rate of a temporary worker B) discussing job opportunities with a temporary worker C) discussing harassment issues with a temporary worker D) answering task-related questions posed by a temporary worker E) terminating a temporary worker directly

D Explanation: For legal purposes, companies should treat temporary employees as if the temp agency is the worker's employer. Managers should let the temp agency handle matters such as pay, harassment, and termination. A manager who thinks a temp worker might be suitable for a permanent position should refer the worker to publicly available job postings. However, answering questions is not problematic as long as the manager is not training the worker.

An employer will most likely use a private employment agency in order to ________. A) reach unemployed individuals B) receive assistance writing job ads C) adhere to federal hiring practices D) fill a specific job opening quickly E) spend more time recruiting applicants

D Explanation: One of the main reasons an employer uses a private employment agency is to fill a specific job opening quickly. Other reasons include spending less time recruiting and reaching currently employed individuals who might feel more comfortable dealing with an agency than a competing firm.

Which of the following is a recommended method for HR departments to protect employee data? A) hiring temporary employees to manage personal employment information B) requiring HR data access through peer-to-peer file-sharing applications C) retaining written rather than computerized personnel files D) performing random background checks on employees with HR database access E) providing full database access to employee files only through a firm's intranet

D Explanation: Random background and drug tests is recommended to screen out potential identity thieves, especially on employees with access to personal information. Firms are advised against hiring temporary employees but to use trusted workers at all times when dealing with personnel information. Access to employee files should be limited since intruders can strike from both inside and outside a firm.

All of the following are advantages of a firm recruiting through a central office EXCEPT ________. A) reducing the duplication of efforts B) implementing company-wide strategic priorities C) ensuring EEO compliance among recruiters D) developing autonomous divisions and Web sites E) simplifying the recruiting process

D Explanation: Recruitment through a central office is beneficial for a number of reasons, such as the reduction of duplicated efforts and the simplification of the process for both employers and employees. Having a central office also makes it easier to ensure that recruiters who understand EEO law are involved in recruiting. A central office enables a firm to apply its strategic priorities on a company-wide basis. Firm Web sites provide central locations for recruitment and they eliminate the need for autonomous recruiting divisions.

Which of the following best explains why firms are using temporary workers more frequently? A) low cost when hired through agencies B) workers' desires for flexible schedules C) high cost of workers' compensation insurance D) need of businesses to increase productivity E) desire of businesses to avoid paying overtime

D Explanation: The desire and need among firms to increase productivity contributes to the growing popularity of temporary workers. Productivity is measured in terms of output per hour paid for, and temps are only paid when they are working. However, temps cost employees more than permanent workers because temp agencies receive a fee.

The fastest growing labor force segment in the United States over the next few years will be those from ________ years old. A) 18-22 B) 23-29 C) 30-44 D) 45-64 E) 65+

D Explanation: The fastest-growing segment of the U.S. labor force in the next few years will be among workers 45-64 years old. Workers between 25-34 will decline by almost 3 million.

Which of the following is the primary advantage of college recruiting? A) minimal preparation required B) flexible, short-term interview schedule C) inexpensive method of screening applicants D) access to a source of management trainees E) opportunity to keep firm's identity confidential

D Explanation: The primary advantage of college recruiting is the extensive source of management trainees and professional and technical employees. Disadvantages include the fact that on-campus recruiting is both expensive and time-consuming because schedules must be planned far in advance and company brochures must be printed.

Which of the following would be the best option for a business that needs to attract local applicants for hourly jobs? A) employee referral campaigns B) on-demand recruiting services C) college recruiting D) walk-ins E) headhunters

D Explanation: Walk-ins, which are direct applications made at an office, are a major source of hourly workers. Companies that post "Help Wanted" signs are able to cost-effectively attract many local applicants. Employee referral campaigns do not necessarily attract local applicants, and they typically cost $400-$900 per hire, which makes them an unlikely method for hiring hourly workers.

A small software firm is seeking several permanent employees with experience in the semiconductor industry and advanced degrees in computer science. The firm is a small one and cannot afford to pay a traditional recruiting firm a fee of 30% per each hire's salary. Instead, this firm should consider using a(n) ________. A) contingency-based recruiter B) state-run employment agency C) temporary staffing agency D) outsourcing staffing service E) on-demand recruiting service

E Explanation: An on-demand recruiting service would be the best solution for a small firm that cannot pay high fees to recruit employees. ODRS provide short-term specialized recruiting assistance to support specific projects without the expense of traditional search firms. An ODRS charges by time or project

Marie Boyd has been hired by Barnum Hotels to manage staffing for the regional hotel chain. Barnum intends to open two new hotels within the next three years and will have many job positions to fill. Historically, employee turnover is high at Barnum as employees remain with the company for one or two years before quitting. Marie realizes that Barnum needs to make significant changes in its personnel strategy in order to meet the company's goals for the future and improve employee retention rates. Which of the following, if true, best supports Marie's plan to centralize Barnum's recruitment efforts? A) Online screening tests are given to all candidates for positions at Barnum to assess their potential and skills. B) Barnum plans to end its succession planning program, which the firm believes is to blame for poor candidate assessment. C) Barnum executives believe that the high turnover rate at the firm is due to inadequate training requirements. D) Barnum enforces a strict policy about hiring friends and family members of current employees. E) EEO selection violations have occurred in the past when hiring responsibilities were given to Barnum managers at each individual hotel.

E Explanation: Centralized recruiting makes it easier to ensure that recruitment experts who know EEO law are doing the recruiting. If EEO violations have occurred in the past, then it is a good idea for the firm to centralize the hiring process.

Which of the following is most frequently used by retailers to estimate short-term personnel needs? A) recruiting yield pyramids B) position replacement cards C) personnel replacement charts D) qualifications inventories E) computerized forecasting programs

E Explanation: Computerized forecasting programs are used to translate projected productivity and sales levels into anticipated personnel needs. Many firms, especially retailers, use computerized employee forecasting systems to estimate short-term needs.

Recruiting is necessary to ________. A) determine whether to use inside or outside candidates B) forecast the short-term supply of outside candidates C) create positive word-of-mouth about a firm D) create qualifications inventories E) develop an applicant pool

E Explanation: Developing an applicant pool is the primary reason to recruit. Forecasting the supply of outside candidates and determining whether to hire internally or externally are considerations made by HR managers before they begin the recruiting process.

________ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. A) Recruitment B) Selection C) Job analysis D) Interviewing E) Personnel planning

E Explanation: Personnel or employment planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. The process considers all future positions from maintenance workers to executives, and flows from the firm's strategic plans.

Which of the following refers to company records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for a firm's top positions? A) yield pyramids B) trend analysis charts C) succession planning tools D) employee scatter plots E) personnel replacement charts

E Explanation: Personnel replacement charts are company records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for a firm's top positions. Such charts show the present performance and promotability for each position's potential replacement. Succession planning is the term used when referring to employment planning that focuses on filling executive jobs, but it is a process rather than a tool for managing employee records.

All of the following are characteristics of a job posting EXCEPT ________. A) listing the job's attributes B) providing the job's pay rate C) publicizing the open job to employees D) listing the job's required qualifications E) indicating the preferred number of applicants

E Explanation: Posting a job means to publicize an open job to employees by posting it on company intranets or bulletin boards. Such postings list the jobs' attributes, such as qualifications, supervisor, work schedule, and pay rate. The preferred number of applicants is less likely to appear on a job posting.

What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process? A) performing initial screening interviews B) building a pool of candidates C) performing candidate background checks D) interviewing possible candidates E) deciding what positions to fill

E Explanation: The first step of the recruitment and selection process is deciding what positions to fill through personnel planning and forecasting. Building a candidate pool, having candidates complete applications, and performing background checks are the next steps in the process. The final step is interviewing candidates and making job offers.

Which of the following is a primary goal of college recruiters? A) supporting employment diversity programs B) building relationships with college career centers C) cutting future recruiting costs for the firm D) developing a pool of temporary workers E) attracting good candidates

E Explanation: The two main goals of college recruiters are attracting good candidates and determining if candidates are worthy of further consideration. It is helpful if firms develop ties with college career centers to gain feedback on its recruiting programs, but the main goal of college recruiters is to find employees.

A trend analysis is limited in its usefulness because it ________. A) overlooks the passage of time in regards to staffing B) considers too many possible influences on employment C) addresses only the financial impact of employment changes D) assumes constant increases in worker productivity E) overlooks how changes in sales volume affect staffing

E Explanation: Trend analysis provides an initial estimate of future staffing needs, but employment levels rarely depend only on the passage of time. Factors such as changes in sales volume and productivity also affect staffing needs, which is why a trend analysis is limited in its usefulness.

All of the following are methods used by firms to develop high-potential candidates for future positions EXCEPT ________. A) providing internal training B) offering cross-functional experiences C) implementing job rotation D) offering global assignments E) developing skills inventories

E Explanation: With succession planning, firms identify future key positions, and then they create candidates for these jobs by identifying potential internal and external candidates. Employers develop candidates through internal training, cross-functional experiences, job rotation, external training, and global/regional assignments. Skills inventories are records that list employees' qualifications.

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