Chapter 6 Psych

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Identify the example that best fits the definition of creativity.

While camping, Patrick realized he forgot a tarp, so he used an old shower curtain instead

Dr. Ballard is able to solve math problems very quickly and, as head of the math department, is often asked for guidance from other math professors and students.

analytical intelligence

Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer. Tammy is learning about the human digestive system in anatomy class.

analytical intelligence

Alex is a very caring and patient nurse because he knows the difference this makes having been a patient before.

emotional intelligence

Zachary is putting together Legos for the first time. He is using [blank] to put together his Lego set.

fluid intelligence

Terman's study showed gifted children were also above average in [blank].

physical attractiveness

Identify the one of the four that doesn't belong in regards to a specific type of intelligence.

street smarts

Which of the following typically occurs between 3 and 8 months of age?

a child develops interest in others

According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, an individual with high linguistic intelligence would most likely excel in which of the following careers?



process by which we derive meaning from morphemes and words

role schema

set of expectations that define the behaviors of a person occupying a particular role

When discussing problem solving, hindsight bias is best defined as [blank].

the belief that the event just experienced was predictable even though it really wasn't

Identify the definition that matches the following component of language. Select the best answer. grammar

the set of rules that are used to convey meaning through the use of the words of a given language

Geraldo makes sure that he has created very clear guidelines for how his assessment should be scored. Next, he gives the assessment to thousands of high school teachers. Which sentence includes an example of norming?

Next, he gives the assessment to thousands of high school teachers.

Which of the following is an example of a prototype for trees? Select the best answer. Monkey Puzzle Tree Weeping Willow Oak


Flynn effect

Observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation

Which of the following typically occurs between 3 and 5 years of age?

a child develops the ability to have conversations

Which of the following statements about concepts is inaccurate?

a concept is a set of expectations that define the behaviors of a person occupying a particular role

Which of the following best describes a heuristic?

a general problem-solving framework

Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer. Mary Grace is selected to be the leader of the future problem solvers team at school.

analytical intelligence

dogs computers laptop computer chihuahua Which example would be considered a prototype?


Learning disabilities are [blank] disorders that can affect language and [blank].

cognitive; reading

Danny noticed his employee, Raemond, had been late to work several times lately and appeared very tired. Rather than talking to Raemond to see what might be troubling him, Danny just immediately wrote him up. Danny is lacking in [blank].

emotional intelligence

Determine whether environment or heritability has a bigger impact on intelligence in the following scenario. Select the best answer. Al's parents are very loving and encouraging, and even though they did not go to college, they provide an environment that encourages him to do so; therefore, he excels academically and as a college student.

environment (nurture)

ire ant n p Which example would be considered a morpheme?


Carley, who thinks that vaccines are terrible, only believes information that supports her belief.After the team won, Julie said, "Of courseI You could tell how fired up everyone was before the game! It was inevitable."When asked to pick either an English professor or a truck driver as someone who "loves poetry," people will often say the English professor.Many people believe that flying is dangerous due to highly publicized examples of crashes.When closing on the house, the sellers wanted to sell for $200,000 and didn't see how $195,000 wasn't a bad deal. Which example best represents the concept of representative bias?

people thinking that an English professor would like poetry

Is the following an example of a phoneme or morpheme in the English language? Select the best answer. gh


Is the following an example of a phoneme or morpheme in the English language? Select the best answer. oo


Is the following an example of a phoneme or morpheme in the English language? Select the best answer. th



smallest unit of language that conveys some type of meaning

Which of the following best describes morphemes?

smallest unit of language that conveys some type of meaning

Which of the following is an example of a heuristic?

solving a math problem using memorized times tables

Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer.Sally is a brilliant architect and seems to have an immense understanding of space and design.

spatial intelligence

Popular belief used to be that gifted people are [blank].


Anna is pregnant and is curious if her own learning disability will be passed on to her child. When should Anna likely notice the presence of a learning disability if her child does have the same disability?

when her child reaches school age

In which of the following scenarios would an individual likely choose not to use a heuristic?

when the decision to be made is very important

In which of the following scenarios would an individual likely choose to use a heuristic?

when the time to make a decision is limited

Which of the following best describes lexicon?

words of a given language

Does the following example represent a prototype? Select the best answer.A daisy is a flower.


Is the following an example of cognition? Select the best answer. recalling the words to your favorite song


Is the following an example of cognition? Select the best answer. solving a personal conflict


Is the following scenario an example of a role schema? Select the best answer. expecting a lawyer to be intelligent


Is the following scenario an example of an event schema? Select the best answer. going to the post office


A belief that the event just experienced was predictable

hindsight bias

People are considered gifted, or of superior intelligence, if they have an IQ score of [blank] or higher.


superior scores

130, 135

Within which developmental stage do children typically develop the ability to speak in simple sentences of two words?

18-24 months

About [blank] percent of people fall into the gifted category.


Callie was reading about the work of Arthur Jensen. She discovered that he believed there are how many levels of intelligence?


David has an IQ of 140. What percentage of the population would score around that same range?


Nancy has been diagnosed as having an intellectual disability. Based on this result, we know Nancy would fall in what percent of the population with this same diagnosis?


After taking the WISC-V, an individual should receive how many score results?


Alice has been diagnosed as having a mild intellectual disability. Based on this result, we know Alice's IQ score would fall in the range of [blank].

70 or below

Read the following bell curve:Which scores are one standard deviation away from the mean?

85, 115

If a bell curve has the following characteristics, what value would be two standard deviations below the mean? Select the best answer. The mean is 110; the standard deviation is 12.


average scores

90, 100

If a bell curve has the following characteristics, what value would be one standard deviation above the mean? Select the best answer. The mean is 90; the standard deviation is 8.


Which of the following statements about concepts is inaccurate?

A concept is a set of expectations that define the behaviors of a person occupying a particular role

Sam is an ecologist.Michael is a football player.James is a comic book writer.Ryan is a statistician.Jonathan is a sculptor.Thomas is a person who is able to access his personal motivations.Tyler is a bass guitarist.Bryce is a social worker. Which person would most benefit from interpersonal intelligence?


Which of the following children is most likely to be 12 to 18 months of age? Select the best answer. Carley says, "No! Mine!" Charlie says, "Please stay out of my room." Cheyenne says, "Goo goo baaaa grrrrr." Cole says, "My toy. Not you!"


His test became one of the most extensively used intelligence tests in the history of psychology.

David Wechsler

Is the following example evidence of the biological (nature) or environmental (nurture) influence on language development? Select the best answer.Children typically learn the language spoken in their culture.


He worked in the late 19th century.

Francis Galton

Which of the following scenarios is an example of confirmation bias?

Fred is in support of raising the minimum wage nationwide. He regularly seeks out news and research articles that suggest that raising the minimum wage is beneficial for society. When he hears stories about minimum wage on TV, he interprets them in a way that support his belief.

Frida and her identical twin slept in late this morning. Andrea and her little sister both love to play volleyball. Ana has brown hair, but her twin sister has always had blonde hair. Which sentence describes the siblings who are most likely to have a high correlation between their IQ scores?

Frida and her identical twin slept in late this morning.

Rick is a counselor.William is an ecologist.Genie is a dancer.Diana is a mathematician.Ellen is a poet.Ed writes music.Jordan is a choreographer.Darius has access to his personal feelings. Which person would most benefit from bodily kinesthetic intelligence?


Moe is in fifth grade. He hates reading. He enjoys history but has difficulty writing legibly on his assignments. Which sentence in the scenario contains a description of dysgraphia?

He enjoys history but has difficulty writing legibly on his assignments.

Ann found her grandmother's IQ test results in the attic. Ann noticed that her own IQ was much higher than that of her grandmother. This effect would have easily been explained to Ann by whom?

James Flynn

Jason and his identical twin brother go on a run every Saturday morning. Thuy is always in a fight with her little brother. Indy and Lindy are fraternal twins, so they look more like sisters than twins. Which sentence describes the siblings who are most likely to have a high correlation between their IQ scores?

Jason and his identical twin brother go on a run every Saturday morning.

Javier and his identical twin always fight over the drumstick at dinner. Houston follows his older brother around everywhere he goes. Theo is almost a foot taller than his twin brother, Lonnie. Which sentence describes the siblings who are most likely to have a high correlation between their IQ scores?

Javier and his identical twin always fight over the drumstick at dinner.

Jenny and her identical twin grew up in different cities. Travis borrowed his older brother's coat today. Tanya's twin brother, Luis, is significantly taller than her. Which sentence describes the siblings who are most likely to have a high correlation between their IQ scores?

Jenny and her identical twin grew up in different cities.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of availability heuristic?

John has read many recent news stories about home foreclosures. As such, he thinks the likelihood of this event is very high.

Carley, who thinks that vaccines are terrible, only believes information that supports her belief.After the team won, Julie said, "Of courseI You could tell how fired up everyone was before the game! It was inevitable."When asked to pick either an English professor or a truck driver as someone who "loves poetry," people will often say the English professor.Many people believe that flying is dangerous due to highly publicized examples of crashes.When closing on the house, the sellers wanted to sell for $200,000 and didn't see how $195,000 wasn't a bad deal. Which example best represents the concept of hindsight bias?

Julie's belief that the game outcome was predictable

Who/what provided insight into the belief that testing methods used to identify students with learning disabilities was culturally unfair as the tests were normed and standardized using white children?

Larry P. v. Riles

Derrick has been told he has very high Level II intelligence. Identify what Level II intelligence entails.

Level II abilities comprise conceptual ability, involved abstract thinking, and problem-solving

Identify the index that is not one of the five primary indices measured by the WISC-V.

Quantitative reasoning index

Choose the term for the theory that each person responds to the environment in a unique way based on his or her genetic makeup.

Range of reaction

Moe just started attending high school. He is terrified of how difficult the classwork will be. Reading has always been a huge challenge for him. Which sentence in the scenario contains a description of a learning disability?

Reading has always been a huge challenge for him.

Brenda built an IQ assessment and is making sure that the results are interpreted the same way each time someone takes it. She also wants to have as many adults take her assessment as possible. Which sentence includes an example of norming?

She also wants to have as many adults take her assessment as possible.

Identify the term that means that the manner of administration, scoring, and interpretation of results is consistent.


Who/what provided insight into determining the heritability of intelligence?

The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart

Which of the following children is most likely to be 12 to 18 months of age? Select the best answer. Terry says, "I completed my homework, Mom." Teresa says, "Phhhhthhhh ba ba ba." Trina says, "Tickle!" Terrence says, "Please tickle!"


Which problem solving strategy is utilized in the following example? Select the best answer. When unsure about which foods to eat for dinner, you remember the rule of thumb to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables.

a heuristic

Ted has been diagnosed with dysgraphia. What does this diagnosis mean?

a learning disability that results in a struggle to write legibly

What is dysgraphia?

a learning disability that results in a struggle to write legibly


a mental construct of a cluster or collection of related concepts

Which problem solving strategy is utilized in the following example? Select the best answer. During your scavenger hunt, you are told to walk 100 steps north, turn 90 degrees to the right, and dig a hole two feet deep.

an algorithm

Which problem solving strategy is utilized in the following example? Select the best answer.After purchasing a bookshelf from a big box store, you begin the process of assembly by viewing the photos in the provided manual.

an algorithm

Does the following example display a natural concept or an artificial concept? Select the best answer. a fraction


A decision is based upon either an available precedent or an example that may be faulty

availability heuristic


basic sound unit of a given language

Which of the following scenarios best represents practical intelligence? Select the best answer. Emma is a kid who can easily adapt to her world; she goes with the flow and doesn't get tripped up.Joey would be considered "book smart."Thomas often comes up with new and different ideas.

being adaptable


best representation of a concept

Which of the following is an example of a concept for birds? Select the best answer. Penguin Robin Owl


Kat is the most highly followed and esteemed yoga instructor in town, and students speak very highly of her knowledge of the body and movement.

bodily kinesthetic intelligence

Does the following scenario suggest an environmental influence, a genetic influence, or both? Select the best answer. Gregory's parents are both professional tennis players, and Gregory grows up in the same household with both parents.

both environmental and genetic

dogs computers laptop computer chihuahua Which example would be considered a concept?


Which of the following statements about concepts is inaccurate?

concepts are agreed upon by a group of people

Which of the following statements about concepts is inaccurate

concepts are complex and abstract

Identify the problem-solving mistake occurring in the following example. Select the best answer. You believe that your boss is stupid. At work, you notice all of the mistakes he makes but ignore all of his good ideas and decisions.

confirmation bias

When discussing problem solving, a mental set is best defined as [blank].

continually using an old solution to a problem without results

Which of the following best describes trial and error?

continuing to try different solutions until the problem is solved

Danielle states that she feels that people are either sick or healthy with no room in between. She thinks about most things in terms of extremes.

convergent thinking

Christopher decides to create at least two art projects per week in order to help his creative thinking in his career.

creative intelligence

Nick and his friends are camping when they realize they've forgotten blankets. Nick then comes up with the solution of using extra packed clothes to keep warm and make pillows.

creative intelligence

Identify the statement that is false.

creativity is not considered a form of intelligence

Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer.Jacob has been taking piano classes for three years, and during tonight's recital, he really impressed the audience with his performance.

crystallized intelligence

In the case of Atkins v. Virginia, Atkins appealed his death sentence to the United States Supreme Court, claiming it violated the which amendment?


Darlene completes a study abroad program in Scotland and connects very well with the people and culture. She considers moving there permanently.

cultural intelligence

Brenda designs a final project for her students in which she encourages them to relay their knowledge through an artistic medium rather than a standardized multiple choice exam.

divergent thinking

[blank] is to thinking outside the box while [blank] describes the ability to provide a correct answer or solution.

divergent thinking; convergent thinking

The stance of the Supreme Court is that intellectual disability [blank] affect decision making and, therefore, should affect the nature of the punishment such criminals receive. Select the best answer.


Jeb has accommodations at school that allow him to take an oral test instead of a handwritten one. What would most likely be the diagnosed learning disability?


Katy is unable to read and seems to reverse letters within words while attempting to read aloud.


Tracy mixes up letters within words and sentences, such as letter reversals.


Determine whether environment or heritability has a bigger impact on intelligence in the following scenario. Select the best answer. John's parents are highly intelligent, yet he spends little to no time with them as they travel often for work. John begins to get in trouble at school and is not focused on academics.

environment (nurture)

Determine whether environment or heritability has a bigger impact on intelligence in the following scenario. Select the best answer.Hillary's biological parents struggle with mental illness and are not able to provide a stable home for her, so her grandmother raises her and offers a loving and stable home environment, which allows Hillary to excel and become a well-rounded individual.

environment (nurture)

Is the following example evidence of the biological (nature) or environmental (nurture) influence on language development? Select the best answer.Early language attempts are often praised.


Is the following statement true or false? Select the best answer. It is only possible to be fluent in one language.


Is the following statement true or false? Select the best answer.It is only possible to be fluent in one language.


Which of the following scenarios best represents creative intelligence? Select the best answer.Using a parking app on your phone to park in a new citySolving algebra problems using a formulaFiguring out how to start a fire when camping when you left your lighter at home

figuring out how to light a fire

Which of the following is an example of a concept for fish? Select the best answer. Goldfish Oscars Mosquitofish


Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer. Mary is very effective and well-respected therapist and offers very specific therapy methods to help her clients.

fluid intelligence

Which term is being described in the following example? Select the best answer.Leslie must find an alternate route while hiking in the woods due to flooding around the creek.

fluid intelligence

Which of the following would be considered an example of confirmation bias? Select the best answer. After reading about lottery winners, Roger begins to believe his chances of winning are really good.In an era of a spreading viral infection, you might assume that a person has that particular illness rather than the more common flu.Carrie is offered a promotion after her fortune cookie said, "You will soon receive a promotion."Katie is proud of the fact that she placed a winning bet on Bonobo, the horse at the horse track, because she "knew" it would win.

fortune cookie promotion

Identify the problem-solving mistake occurring in the following example. Select the best answer. You can't quite reach the basket sitting on top of your refrigerator. There is a yardstick sitting on the table, but because it is intended for measuring, you don't think to use it to help you reach the basket.

functional fixedness

The following is an example of which component of language? Select the best answer.The rule a sentence must express a complete thought


Jonie was reading about the case of Daryl Atkins in 1996. What did the jury assign as the original punishment?

he was sentenced to death

IQ stands for

intelligence quotient

Which of the following would be considered an example of hindsight bias? After seeing the news about unemployment rates, Francis begins to think she will be fired.When meeting a new individual, a person might guess the individual's profession due to stereotypes rather than considering the number of people with that profession.After gaining a lot of money in the stock market, Jared says he knew that stock would increase in price.People who believe vaccinations are bad will discount any evidence to the contrary.

knowing a stock price would increase

Is the following description indicative of a learning disability or an intellectual disability? Select the best answer. Amy has learned to read by memorizing the shapes of letters because otherwise, she reverses letters while reading

learning disability

Is the following description indicative of a learning disability or an intellectual disability? Select the best answer. James has spatial ability problems but has a high IQ.

learning disability

Is the following description indicative of a learning disability or an intellectual disability? Select the best answer. Stacy's teachers notice that she writes many of her letters backwards and reverses spellings of words.

learning disability

Tracy is able to verbally recall what she has learned in science class; however, she is unable to write legibly and is showing signs of dysgraphia.

learning disability

Alex can communicate nonverbally and requires intensive oversight. His IQ is 15. Determine if it is likely or unlikely that Alex has an intellectual disability or if there is not enough information.


Joan is a journalist and loves to write fiction in her spare time. Identify the intelligence type that would most accurately describe Joan's abilities.

linguistic intelligence

Sam is really good at math. It is likely Sam would have a high score on [blank].

logical-mathematical intelligence

Which of the following is an example of an algorithm?

making cookies using your grandmother's recipe


manner by which words are organized into sentences

Is the following an example of a phoneme or morpheme in the English language? Select the best answer. un


The following is an example of which component of language? Select the best answer.The prefix pre-


The smallest unit of language that conveys some type of meaning


Ann is good at remembering songs and melodies. Choose the type of intelligence that would most accurately describe Ann's abilities.

musical intelligence

Does the following example display a natural concept or an artificial concept? Select the best answer. healthy


Does the following example represent a prototype? Select the best answer.A shingle froe is a tool.


Is the following an example of cognition? Select the best answer. getting carsick


Is the following an example of cognition? Select the best answer. instinctively pulling your hand away from a hot pan


Is the following scenario an example of a role schema? Select the best answer. wishing for a birthday gift


Is the following scenario an example of an event schema? Select the best answer. smiling


Is the following scenario an example of overgeneralization in language learning? Select the best answer. Adding -ed to the word show


Is the following scenario an example of overgeneralization in language learning? Select the best answer. Adding -er to the word loud


Alex has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Determine if it is likely or unlikely that Alex has an intellectual disability or if there is not enough information. Select the best answer.

not enough info

A person in this subtype is in the least common subtype. Which intellectual disability subtype is being described?


A person in this subtype requires intensive oversight. Which intellectual disability subtype is being described?


r s ness ship Which example would be considered a phoneme?


Arthur Jensen's work created much controversy because of what kind of bias in his outcomes?

racial bias

Andrea is adopted from parents of average intelligence; however she is raised in an environment that is highly stimulating, stable, and loving.

range of reaction

The theory that each person responds to the environment in a unique way based on his or her genetic makeup is known as what?

range of reaction

Identify the following pitfall to problem solving. Select the best answer. a faulty way of thinking in which you unintentionally stereotype someone or something

representative bias

Which roadblock to effective problem solving is taking place in the following example? Select the best answer. Mary is looking at prospective colleges. She met three students from one of the colleges and thought they were all arrogant. Now, Mary now assumes the college has an arrogant culture and that most students from that college will also be arrogant.

representative bias

Jerome is testing intelligence in children from the 7th grade. However, he only tests one class of 7th graders from one school. Jerome's results would not be a what?

representative sample

Is the following scenario an example of a role schema? Select the best answer. hoping that it rains

role schema

We know that there are several different types of schemata. Match the following example with the type of schema it fits in to. Select the best answer. Coaches are mean.

role schema

We know that there are several different types of schemata. Match the following example with the type of schema it fits in to. Select the best answer. Mothers are kind.

role schema

The process by which we derive meaning from morphemes and words



the words of a given language


the words of a given language

Which problem solving strategy is utilized in the following example? Select the best answer.Your refrigerator is broken. You try taking it apart and putting it back together. Next, you ask a friend for advice. You finally call a repair technician to see if they can help you.

trial and error

Alex has an IQ between one and two standard deviations above the mean. Determine if it is likely or unlikely that Alex has an intellectual disability or if there is not enough information.


Alex has dyslexia, ADHD, and an IQ of 110. Determine if it is likely or unlikely that Alex has an intellectual disability or if there is not enough information.


Which of the following scenarios best represents practical intelligence? Select the best answer. Kevin often engages in common sense reasoning.Larry is more of a "book smart" guy.Mark can often think "outside the box."

using common sense

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