Chapter 7 FOM

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What information will the flight crew pass to dispatch when requesting an inflight reanalysis? [7.1.27]

-Flight plan position from which the reanalysis originates -ETA at that position -Flight level at that position -Estimated fuel at that position -ATC reroute, if applicable -New flight level, if applicable -Aircraft configuration, normal or non-normal

How is Terminal weather described in an RDM? [7.1.29]

-Open: 3000ft./5 SM or greater -Operational: Less than 3000ft/5sm but not less than 1000ft/3sm -Instruments: Less than 1000ft/3sm but not less than 600ft/1sm

What is Minimum Fuel? [7.1.26]

-The minimum fuel required for each scenario ORIG to DEST POR to DEST ORIG to RAPT

What is an example of unusable fuel? [7.1.26]

-Trapped fuel in a tank -requirement in some specific MEL's

When is an inflight reanalysis normally calculated? [7.1.27]

-When the flight has been dispatched to a POR -When the flight crew or dispatcher determines a needs for a more optimum route or altitude, and to accurately forecast fuel remaining at destination -At the flight crew's request.

What does a briefing package normally consist of?

1. 3 flight plans 2. TLR 3. Company NOTAMS 4. WX/NOTAMS 5. Maps and Company Documents

What criteria must be met to make a landing at an airport without an operating control tower?

1. Airport served by an IAP 2. Airport has an approved source of weather 3. Airport has a suitable means to acquire traffic advisories and status of airport services and facilities 4. The facilitates and services necessary to safely conduct IFR operations are available and operational at the time of the operation 5. All operations are conducted under IFR

When is a new or amended flight release required?

1. Change of aircraft 2. Change of alternate 3. MEL item added or removed 4. Aircraft performance limitations require an amendment 5. Actual ZFW differs from PZFW by more than 767-300 - 10,000 lbs 767-200 - 6,000 lbs 6. A flight has been delayed on the ground past the "Release Valid Until" time listed on the top of the flight plan. (Typically 4 hours after flight plan departure time)

How much fuel must a DOMESTIC flight be dispatched with?

1. Fly to the airport to which it was dispatched 2. Thereafter to fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport (where required) for the airport to which dispatched, and 3. Thereafter to fly for 45 mins at normal cruising fuel consumption

What situations generally require tankering fuel?

1. Operational Tankering - Fuel in short supply or unavailable at the destination airport. 2. Economic Tankering - To take advantage of a price differential between fuel at the departure airport and fuel at the destination airport. 3. Time - To expedite down line transits when fuel is not an economic penalty.

Once determining the FAA Authorized Approach Minimums for your aircraft what are your minimum weather conditions for dispatching a flight subject to?

1. The approaches available at the destination 2. Any MEL restrictions which affect the approach for landing status of the aircraft 3. NOTAMS which affect the approach status of the runway 4. Company NOTAMS 5. The flight crews authorized minimums

How must a runway be lit to conduct night operations to a runway with inoperative runway edge lights?

1. The first 5,000 feet approach end of the runway must be lighted by normal or substitute lights on both sides at 200ft intervals 2. The remainder of the runway lighted by substitute lights at 400 foot intervals 3. Four substitute lights are placed at the each end of the runway if the threshold lights are out 4. Obstruction lights are illuminated 5. The PIC and Dispatcher agree that the substitute lighting is adequate for a safe operation

When is an alternate required for International (Flag) Operations?

1. The flight time to destination is more than 6 hours 2. The flight time to destination is 6 hours or less and WX forecasts for the destination indicate that: a. For the period 1 hour before to 1 hour after the ETA b. CIG less than 1,500 feet above lowest circling MDA if a circling approach is required c. The CIG is less than 2,000 feet above the airport elevation or 1,500 feet above the lowest published instrument approach minimum, whichever is greater, or d. The VIS is less than 3SM or 2SM above the lowest applicable VIS minimum whichever is greater.

What limitations apply if only one RNAV system is installed and operational? (i.e. - IRS with no GPS)

1. The redundant airborne equipment required to conduct IFR Class 1 navigation using airways navigation facilities is installed and operational. 2. The capability exists at any point along the planned route of flight to safely return to and use airways navigation facilities for navigation if the single RNAV system fails 3. Any flight operated over off-airway routing is operated under ATC radar control

How much fuel must an INTERNATIONAL (Flag or Supplemental) be dispatched with?

1. To fly to and land at the airport to which it was dispatched; 2. Thereafter, to fly for a period of 10% of the total time required to fly from the airport of departure to, and land at, the airport to which it was released, or 10% of the total time from the POR to the airport to which it is redispatched, whoever is less 3. Thereafter to fly to and land at the most distant alternate (if required) specified in the release, and 4. Thereafter to fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the alternate airport (or destination airport if an alternate is not required)

What equipment must be operating normally prior to entering RVSM airspace?

1. Two independent primary altimetry systems 2. Mode C capable SSR transponder 3. Altitude alert system 4. Automatic altitude keeping device

What is standard taxi time when considering Taxi Fuel? [7.1.27]

20 minutes

When does the briefing package normally become available?

3 hours prior to departure.

What are the Engine-Out Long Range Cruise Distances used for planning a departure alternate?

762-340nm 763-375nm

What indicates the PIC is in agreement and familiar with the dispatch/flight release and constitutes a legal release of the flight indicating the concurrence between the PIC and Dispatch that a flight can be conducted safely?

A signed dispatch flight release

What is ADD.xx (Additional Fuel)? (On the OFP)

ADD.TO - Ensures minimum takeoff fuel requirement 2. ADD.E - Ensures ETP/ETOPS fuel 3. ADD.LD - Ensures minimum REMF of 60 minutes 4. ADD.AL - Ensures minimum fuel at the ALT of 45 mins. Based on fuel to the destination, missed approach, diversion to, and immediate landing at the alternate 5. ADD.RC - Fuel added for redispatch requirements. Added if MINF ORIG to RAPT is greater than MINF ORIG-DEST

What must be done to operate at an airport at night with inoperative runway edge lights?

Adequate substitute lighting must be available and used. The substitute lighting may be provided by the use of battery or other temporary lights.

To dispatch an aircraft under IFR or Night VFR on a route containing or an airport being affected by thunderstorms or other hazardous conditions detectable by radar what must be operative?

Airborne weather radar

What airspace are company aircraft authorized to operate in?

All company aircraft are authorized to operate BRNAV/RNAV5 in Class 1 airspace. All company aircraft EXCEPT the 737 are authorized to operate RNP-4 in Class 2 airspace.

When is an alternate required International (Supplemental) Operations?

Always unless then flight is being dispatched to an Isolated Airport.

What is a "Special Airport"?

An airport designated by the FAA or DoD as requiring the flight crew to meet special airport qualifications.

What is an Isolated Airport?

An airport for which no alternates are available

What is a Redispatch Message? [7.1.28]

An authorization from dispatch, received en route, releasing the flight over the POR to the final destination.

When operating to an airport that is listed on the dispatch/flight release (other than the destination) using the routing found at the end of the navigation log...what will be done if the engine inoperative or oxygen decompression maximum altitude is below the MORA height?

An escape route will also be provided.

What flights are considered an extended overwater flight? (NOT ETOPS!)

Any flight more than 50 nautical miles from the shore.

What must the weather forecast be at the destination airport in order to release the flight?

At or above the authorized minimums at the ETA.

What is ballast fuel used for? [7.1.26]

Balancing the aircraft for weight and balance purposes.

When is weather considered "marginal"?

Both the destination and the first alternate are forecasted to be 600-2 or lower. If any single element of CIG or VIS exceeds 600-2 the condition is not considered marginal.

What is the COMPANY POLICY fuel requirement for an Isolated Airport flight?

Company policy is to conduct flights to Isolated Airports with a PSR using Planned Redispatch procedures. The flight must be planned with enough fuel to comply with one of the two following scenarios, whichever is HIGHER: INITIAL DESTINATION (RAPT) - Isolated Airport 1. Fly to the PSR, then fly to, and land at, the initial destination airport 2. After that, to fly for a period of 10% of the total time required to fly from the airport of departure to, and land, at the initial destination 3. After that, fly to, and land at, the most distant initial alternate airport specified in the release, if an alternate is required 4. After that, fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the initial alternate airport (or initial destination airport if no alternate is required) under standard temperature conditions or.... FINAL DESTINATION (DEST) - Isolated Airport 1. Fly to the PSR, then fly to and land at the final destination airport to which it is released (the Isolated Airport) and thereafter to fly for at least two hours at normal cruising fuel consumption.

How is the time value of Extra Fuel derived? [7.1.27]

Cruise Fuel Flow at top of descent.

Where is the minimum equipment that must be operational to operate in Class1/ Class2 airspace located?


If the FMC is unable to uplink winds what step can be taken to still receive FMC winds?

Dispatch has the capability to "push" wind information to the aircraft.

A dispatch/flight release authorizes what type of revenue flights to operate/depart?

Domestic, flag, and supplemental.

What mode does the FMC need to be in to benefit from flying at Cost Index?


What additional maps will an ETOPS flight contain in the briefing package?

ETOPS map containing appropriate range rings for ETOPS alternate airports and adequate airports with a threshold time of 60 minutes.

What are the recommended/standard forecast level for the FMC wind forecasts?

FL's 240, 300, 340, 390, and 450

If Dispatch is used to "push" FMC forecast wind information to the FMC what altitudes will winds be provided for?

FL's 240, 300, 340, 390, and 450.

What altitudes are the Descent forecast wind levels in the FMC fixed at?

FL's 300, 240, 180, and 10,000

What altitudes are RVSM?

FL290 to FL410 inclusive

If a hard copy of a re-release (amended release) is obtained what must be done to the original?

Filed with the original release.

What operations are planned redispatches only allowed? [7.1.29]

Flag or supplemental

When do Flag Operation flights NOT need an alternate?

Flight is less than 6 hours or the destination meets the weather requirements.

What is Destination Alternate Fuel? (ALT1/ALT2)? (On the OFP)

Flight plan burn from the destination to the alternate. Including the following criteria: 1. Takeoff and climb 2. Long Range Cruise 3. Forecast wind and temperature 4. Descent 5. Approach and landing

What is the weather requirement for an ETOPS alternate?

For each ETOPS alternate airport the dispatch weather minima must be forecast to be at or above the minima specified in the Alternate Airport Minimums starting at the earliest time of arrival and ending at the latest time of arrival

When fuel is not available at the destination airport what takes precedence, payload or fuel?


What is CF (Contingency Fuel)? (On the OFP)

Fuel added by dispatcher for ATC, WX, or anticipated landing delays. Value based on top of descent fuel flow.

Cost Index (CI) values are based on what two main things?

Fuel and time cost for the flight.

Define "Minimum Diversion Fuel" (FMC Reserve).

Fuel required to fly to the alternate and thereafter for 45 mins, holding at 1,500 AGL. FMC Reserve on the OFP provides the minimum diversion fuel from the destination airport.

What flight rules must all 121 flights be conducted under?


When is a POR flight not required to have a planned alternate for the final destination?

If the flight time from the POR to final destination is 6 hours or less and the WX requirements for International (Flag) Operations are met.

When is a departure alternate required?

If the weather conditions at the departure airport are below the landing minimums, or if other operating conditions exist (curfew, volcanic ash, etc.) that preclude a return to the departure airport.

With regards to Alternate Airport Minimums what constitutes Two Operational Facilities?

In the event there is a single failure of one facility the other would remain operational. Must have two distinct ILS frequencies.

What is the recommended fuel for Block-Out? [7.1.27]

MINF plus taxi and extra fuel

What safe altitude information is listed for airports on the dispatch/flight release (other than the destination)?


Which alternate is included in the MINF?

Most distant alternate

If a departure alternate is not already listed on the OFP and is going to be added, what information must the dispatcher provide?

Name of airport ETE fuel burn to the departure airport

Do Flag Operation flights with a redispatch segment need an alternate if the redispatch segment is less than 6 hours and the destination meets the weather requirements?


Does a diversion to a planned alternate require a redispatch? [7.1.29]


Is the "Minimum Diversion Fuel" (FMC Reserve) figure the same as the RESERVES fuel number included in an RDM?


Is ballast fuel to be considered usable fuel? [7.1.26]

No except in an emergency.

What is the earliest a dispatcher can issue a RDM? [7.1.29]

No more the 2 hours prior to the aircraft's ETA to the POR

Is tankering a definite scenario at certain airports?

No. It changes on a flight by flight basis.

Will a dispatcher consider direct routing to the alternate when doing fuel computations?

No. Unless such routing is routinely assigned by ATC

How far away may a departure alternate be?

Not more than ONE hour away from the departure airport, at normal cruising speed, in still air, with one engine inoperative. 762-340nm 763-375nm

When a verbal amended release is given what must the PIC do?

Note the UTC time and the dispatchers initials on their copy of the release.

All airports listed on the dispatch/flight release (with the exception of the destination airport) will have routings listed where?

On the flight plan at the end of the navigation log

How much fuel must a Planned Redispatch flight be dispatched with?

One of the two following scenarios, whichever is HIGHER INITIAL DESTINATION (RAPT): 1. Fly to the POR, then fly to and land at the initial destination airport 2. After that, to fly for a period of 10% of the total time required to fly from the airport ot departure to, and land, at the initial destination 3. After that, fly to, and land at, the most distant initial alternate airport specified in the release, if an alternate is required 4. After that fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the initial alternate airport (or initial destination airport if no alternate is required) under standard temperature conditions or..... 1. Fly to the POR, then fly to, and land at, the final destination airport to which it is released 2. After that, to fly for a period of 10% of the total time required to fly from the POR to, and land, at the final destination to which it was released 3. After that, fly to, and land at, the most distant final alternate airport specified in the release, if an alternate is required 4. After that fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the initial alternate airport (or initial destination airport if no alternate is required) under standard temperature conditions

On an Isolated Airport flight what is a PSR?

Point of safe return

What are the 3 classifications of airports that Atlas may dispatch SCHEDULED OPERATIONS to?

Regular, refueling, and provisional

In areas where Constant Mach is used, what mach number should be requested for clearance?

Request a Mach number closest in hundredths to the OFP

For airports with at least TWO operational navigational facilities, each providing a straight-in IAP to DIFFERENT suitable runways, what does separate and suitable mean?

Separate and suitable can be applied to a single pavement provided a landing can be accomplished within aircraft limitations in either direction, and each end is served by SEPARATE navigational facilities

Which type of icing is a flight prohibited from being dispatched into?


If a revenue flight lands at an airport that is not the original airport of intended landing what must be done?

Special authority in the form of a dispatch/flight release must be given to the flight for it to depart. An FCR is required.

What regulations allow company aircraft to be dispatched to airports that are not listed in the OpSpecs?

Supplemental operations

Which flights may operate VFR?

Test and ferry flights. VFR Departures (10.1.37) and arrivals covered under "Canceling an IFR Flight Plan" (10.1.66) also permit a certain amount of VFR operation.

What are the alternate airport minimums for an airport without an approved IAP?

The CIG and VIS must be enough to permit a descent from the MEA and approach to land in VFR conditions at the ETA at the alternate airport.

When operating to an airport that is listed on the dispatch/flight release (other than the destination) using the routing found at the end of the navigation log...what altitude should be flown?

The MORA or FMC optimum altitude, whichever is higher.

Should any condition change enroute which affects the validity of the dispatch/flight release, what must be done?

The first one noticing the change (PIC or Dispatcher) shall inform the other so that an amended dispatch/flight release can be considered

If in the opinion of the PIC or Dispatcher the flight cannot be completed safely what must be done?

The flight must NOT be dispatched, released, allowed to continue enroute, or land.

What are the REGULATORY fuel requirements for an Isolated Airport flight?

The flight must be planned with enough fuel to comply with the following A or B, whichever is higher: A: Initial Destination (RAPT) - Isolated Airport • Fly to the PSR, then fly to, and land at, the initial destination airport • After that, to fly for a period of 10% of the total time required to fly from the airport of departure to, and land, at the initial destination. • After that, fly to, and land at, the most distant initial alternate airport specified in the release, if an alternate is required • After that, fly for 30 minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the initial alternate airport (or initial destination airport if no alternate is required) under standard temperature conditions. OR B: Final Destination (DEST) - Isolated Airport • Fly to the PSR, then fly to, and land at, the final destination airport to which it is released (the Isolated Airport) and thereafter to fly for at least two hours at normal cruising fuel consumption.

What is "Trip Fuel"? (On the OFP)

The sum of the fuel required for takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, approach, and landing at the destination. Including the following criteria 1. Departure and arrival procedures 2. 1 instrument approach and possible missed 3. MX deferral items that include a burn penalty 4. Perishables/livestock 5. Wind speed and direction forecast 6. Estimated payload

What is the weather requirement for departure alternate airports?

The weather must be, at the time of arrival at the departure alternate, at or above the criteria specified in the Alternate Airport Minimums.

How are Isolated Airports determined?

They are aircraft type specific and must listed in OpSpec C067

What is true of IAP that specify "alternate airport weather minimums are not authorized (NA) in regards to determining alternate airport minimums?

They are not to be used when determining alternate airport minimums.

If a landing is made at an unauthorized airport for the sake of an emergency what is true of payloads?

They can not be discharged or picked up.

What is true regarding payloads at alternate airports?

They may be discharged but not picked up.

When will "extra fuel" be added to a flight plan?

To ensure a safe, conservative operation for conditions such as possible delays, incomplete upper air reports, weather conditions, etc.

If a flight becomes delayed to the point that a potential exists to have 2 identical callsigns in the air at the same time, what actions will be taken?

Usually Dispatch will change the delayed flights callsign by adding a letter to the flight number. For example Giant 606 Heavy becomes Giant 606A Heavy.

For the purposes for dispatching a flight, approach minimums are usually comprised of what controlling weather criteria?


When does the PIC accept responsibility for the preflight planning of a flight?

When signing the Dispatch/Flight Release.

Can an airport without an operating control tower be used as a destination, alternate, or diversion airport?


If dispatched to an airport that has other airports nearby but those airports cannot facilitate your type aircraft is the destination airport considered an "isolated airport"?


When determining CIG for Alternate Airport Minimums must conditional forecast elements be taken into account?


Are flights operating in areas that employ the Constant Mach Technique dispatched with a Cost Index number?

Yes. All flights are dispatched with a CI

What are the Alternate Airport Minimums?

a. For airports with at least ONE operational navigational facility providing a straight-in NP IAP, or a CAT1 precision IAP, or a circling maneuver from an IAP: CIG: Add 400FT to MDA(H), or DA(H) as applicable VIS: Add 1SM or 1600m to the landing minimum b. For airports with at least TWO operational navigational facilities, each providing a straight-in IAP to DIFFERENT suitable runways: CIG: Add 200 ft to higher DA(H) or MDA(H) of the two approaches used. VIS: Add 1/2SM or 800m to the higher authorized landing minimum of the 2 approaches used.

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