Chapter 8

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what are the elements of the supply chain

- Raw materials - Logistics (transportation, coordination, etc) - Warehouse/storage - Production - Warehouse/storage - Logistics - Distributors--marketing and sales

The United States is the ___ largest market for industrial robots


Why are service providers more labor intensive

Because of the high level of customer contact, perishability of the output( must be consumed immediately) and high degree of inputs and outputs (customization)

what is an important process for the operations manager?

Being able to efficiently plan the organization's capacity

What are examples of high contract services

Health care, real estate, tax preparation and fast food

What are some common characteristics of services?

Intangibility, inseparability of production and competition, perishability, customization and customer contact

Supply chain management requires

Marketing managers to work with other managers in operations, logistics and procurement

For most businesses, the ultimate objective is for the

Produced outputs be more worth than the combined costs of the inputs

Who tends to be more labor extensive

Service providers

What are the effectively actions or performance that must be directed towards the customer that uses them


Who is considered in the upstream of a supply chain


A major function of operations is

Supply chain management

What type of issues are becoming increasingly important to stakeholders and consumers


procurement involves

The processes to obtain resources to create value through sourcing, purchasing, and recycling materials and information

planning does not stop with

a blueprint it must also work out efficient production to ensure there's enough available to satisfy consumer demand

project organization

a company using a fixed-position layout because it is typically involved in large, complex projects such as construction or exploration

computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

a complete system that designs products, manages machines and materials, and controls the operations function

The nature of the service provider's product requires

a higher degree of customer contact and produces more intangible products

product layout

a layout requiring that production be broken down into relatively simple tasks assigned to workers, who are usually positioned along an assembly line

fixed position layout

a layout that brings all resources required to create the product to a central location

process layout

a layout that organizes the transformation process into departments that group related processes

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed

a list of global standards that companies can adopt to assure stakeholders that they are complying with the highest quality, environmental, and managerial guidelines


all raw materials, components, completed or partially completed products, and pieces of equipment a firm uses

raw material inventory includes

all the materials that have been purchased to be used as inputs for making other products

why does standardization become more complex on a global scale

because different countries have different standards for quality

why is it an important decision to know where to locate the firms facilities

because the firm must live with it due to the high cost involved

Companies used cim to

boost productivity and quality and reduce costs

operations are used to describe those processes used in the making of

both tangible and intangible products

how can you solve this problem of countries having different standards for quality

by adopting the international organization for standardization

planning the operational processes for the organization involves two important areas which are

capacity planning and facilities planning

continuous manufacturing organizations

companies that use continuously running assembly lines, creating products with many similar characteristics

CAD helps engineers design

components, products and processes on the computer instead on paper

Supply Chain Management

connecting and integrating all parties or members of the distribution system in order to satisfy customers

before a company can produce any product it must first

decide what it will produce and for what group of customers

before a firm can begin product it must first

determine the appropriate method of transforming resources into the desired product

What are examples of low contract services


third party logistics involves

employing outside firms to move goods because they can transport them efficiently than the company itself

what creates major factors in decision making about operations

fair trade, organic food products, working conditions, child labor, sending jobs overseas, and regulatory mandates

what are the three basic types of inventory

finished goods, work in process inventorty and raw materials

outbound logistics follows the

finished products and information from the business customers and then to the final customers

the nature of manufacturer implies that a

firm makes tangible products

what are the three basic layouts for a facility

fixed-position, process and product

example of intangibility

going to a basketball game

example of inseparability of production and consumption

going to a chiropractor, traveling on an airplane

service operations must build their operations around

good execution

Example of customization


what happens if there is a failure in any part of the modular design usually mean

having to replace the entire component

marketing research can also

help gauge the demand for a product and how much consumers are willing to pay for it

what are different ways of differences between manufactures and service providers

how the output is used, uniformity of inputs and outputs, labor that is needed and measurement of productivity

what are the important parts of the transformation modes

inbound logistics, outbound logistics and third party logistics

what has been an increasingly important criterion in the recent years

inducements and tax reductions

maximum capacity can be stated in terms of

inputs or outputs provided

how are many modular designs produced as

integrated units

operations represent an

interest in viewing the operations function as a whole

once a company knows what processes it will use to create its products then

it can design and build an appropriate facility in which to make them

what are products that can be considered as customization

jewelry, furniture, custom artwork, photocopy services, repair services

products generally cost

less than custom designed products

what is another important reason for efficient capacity is the

long term commitment of resources

mass customization relates to

making products that meet the needs or wants of a large number of individual customers


making products to meet a particular customer's needs or wants

computer assisted manufacturing (CAM)

manufacturing that employs specialized computer systems to actually guide and control the transformation processes

most companies use

marketing research to determine the kinds of goods and services to provide and the features they must possess.

the purchasing department aims to

obtain items of the desired quality in the right quantities at the lowest possible cost, Must be on the constant lookout for better deals

how do manufacturers and service providers differ in nature and consumption?

of their output

what function is often the most public and visible aspect of the supply chain


om includes a wide range of

organizational activities and situations outside of manufacturing

in order to avoid situations where there is more capacity available than needed then

organizations must accurately forecast demand and then plan capacity based on those forecasts

intermittent organizations

organizations that deal with products of a lesser magnitude than do project organizations; their products are not necessarily unique but possess a significant number of differences

logistical concerns involve

physical distribution, and the selection of transportation modes

operation managers must

plan for the types and qualities needed to produce the product, the skills and quantity of people needed to make the product and the actual processes through which the inputs must pass in their transformation to outputs

production and operation management involves

planning and designing the processes that will transform those resources into finished products, manage the movement of those resources through the transformation process and ensuring that the products are of the quality expected by customers

when companies decide to relocate or open a new facility it must pay closes attention to factors like

proximity to market, availability of raw materials, availability of labor, community characteristics and taxes and inducements

what are the fundamental aspects of operations management

quality and productivity

modular designs allows products to be

repaired quickly which reduces the cost of labor but the labor itself is expensive

example of customer contact


what is changing the landscape of operations

robotics, predictive analytics, driveless cars, internet of things, drones, network inventory optimization tools and automation in identification of inventory

example of perishability

seats at a speaker's presentation

the blockchain is a

secure, public database that records all transactions and is spread across multiple computers

to ensure that this process generates quality products efficiently, operation managers control the process by

taking measurements(feedback) at various points in the transformation process and comparing them to previously established standards

manufacturing and production are used interchangeably to represent the activities and processes used in making

tangible products


the activities and processes used in making both tangible and intangible products


the activities and processes used in making tangible products also called manufacturing


the activities and processes used in making tangible products; also called production


the buying of all the materials needed by the organization also known as procurement

modular design

the creation of an item in self-contained units, or modules, that can be combined or interchanged to create different products

computer assisted design (CAD)`

the design of components and processes on computers instead of an paper

operations management (om)

the development and administration of the activities involved in transforming resources into goods and services

flexible manufacturing

the direction of machinery by computers to adapt to different versions of similar operations


the goods, services and ideas that result from the conversion of inputs


the making of identical interchangeable components or products


the maximum load that an organizational unit can carry or operate

inbound logistics involve

the movement of raw materials, packaging, information and other goods and services from the supplier to the producers

inventory control

the process of determining how many supplies and goods are needed and keeping track of quantities on hand, where each item is, and who is responsible for it


the resources—such as labor, money, materials, and energy—that are converted into outputs

how do service operations build their operations around good execution

they hire and train excellent employees, develop flexible systems, customize services and maintain adjustable capacity to deal with fluctuating demand

work in process inventory consists of

thos e products that are partly completed or are in some stage of the transformation process

finished goods inventory includes

those products that are ready for sale

when is cad used

to develop a 3d image

what are examples of standardized products?

tvs, ballpoint pens, tortilla chips

companies must decide

where to locate their operations facilities, what layout is best for producing their product and what technology to apply to the transformation process

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