Chapter 9

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Which structure was not affected by surgery in H.M.?

Cingulate gyrus

Which experimental result implicates sleep in the consolidation of declarative memories?

Cues, present during learning, provided during slow-wave sleep increase hippocampal activity and improve memory for object locations the next day.

Which of the following was a consequence of H.M.'s surgery?

His declarative memory was impaired.

Which of the following is true of long-term potentiation?

It has been implicated in spatial memory in mice with their NMDA receptors knocked out genetically.

Which famous scientist is known for work with dogs and the discovery of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

Place cells are neurons that fire only when an organism is:

Located in a particular place in its local environment

The hippocampal formation is contained within the

Medial Temporal Lobe.

What receptor is important for both long-term potentiation and learning?


Which of the following is not true of declarative memory?

Only semantic memory contributes to autobiographical memory.

Repeating a series of words or numbers over and over in your head in order to remember them

Phonological loop

Which of the following is not an example of skill learning?

Remembering where you learned to swim

The cerebellum and brainstem are associated with which type of memory?

Skeletal muscle responses

The pathway that connects the postrhinal cortex, medial entorhinal cortex, and hippocampal formation is associated with:

Spatial memory and spatial cognitive mapping

Semantic knowledge can be impaired by damage to which brain region?

The anterior temporal lobes

A dog salivates at the sight and smell of food. A scientist starts ringing a bell just before the food is presented. What will likely happen if the scientist repeats the procedure many times?

The dog will be conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell.

Which of the following is true of declarative memory?

The posterior parietal cortex and prefrontal cortex are important for encoding and retrieval.

A rat enters a maze and heads to the left. The rat is shocked once it reaches the end of the left fork of the maze. What is most likely to happen the next time the rat enters the maze?

There is an increased probability that the rat will head to the right.

Where are semantic memories stored?

They are distributed throughout the brain.

Completing the mental rotation task

Visuospatial sketchpad

Explaining to your friend where to find your phone in your house when you forgot to bring it to work

Visuospatial sketchpad

Giving directions on how to get to the grocery store to your cousin who is visiting from out of town

Visuospatial sketchpad

New neurons tend to have

a short lifespan

Nondeclarative, or implicit, memory is subdivided into which categories?

all of the above Classical conditioning Perceptual priming Skills

The hippocampus appears to be important for

all of the above the retrieval phase of recent episodic memories. providing an index that points to locations of memories distributed over the cortex. the encoding phase of episodic memory. the storage phase of episodic memory.

Loss of memory for information acquired after damage or trauma is called

anterograde amnesia

What is the term for when an individual's recollection of the past is affected by their current knowledge and beliefs?


H. M., the memory patient described in a mini-lecture and your text, underwent the following surgical procedure

bilateral removal of the hippocampus and temporal lobes.

If we take an evolutionary perspective on the hippocampus, it would make sense to assume that

both spatial and episodic memories are needed for survival.

An example of an episodic memory is

buying your very first car.

The NMDA receptor present in many postsynaptic membranes is normally blocked by magnesium ions. When the postsynaptic neuron is repeatedly stimulated and depolarized, _____ ions can pass into the neuron, resulting in structural changes to the neuron.


Encoding of memory involves

changes in the strength and/or number of synaptic connections between neurons.

Place cells in the hippocampus of rodents and humans supports the

cognitive map theory

In Pavlov's experiment with salivating dogs, salivating after the ringing of the bell alone is the:

conditioned response

The process in which a short-term memory transitions into a long-term memory is called


_____ involves the activation of the hippocampus for stabilizing some memories.


Which type of evidence for functional localization is obtained using a PET scan or and fMRI?

correlational evidence

Although it has been years and years since Johnny studied dinosaurs in school, when shown a picture of a stegosaurus, he can still tell you that the stegosaurus was a large herbivore with plates running along its back. This is an example of

declarative memory

You are able to list the names of your first-, second-, and third-grade teachers. This is an example of

declarative memory

When a presynaptic neuron fires at a high-frequency, what happens to the postsynaptic neuron?


Which of the following does not involve memory?

detection of visual stimuli

Remembering the specific details of breaking your arm while playing football in 7th grade is an example of a(n) ___________ memory, a kind of declarative long-term memory.


The knowledge of autobiographical facts are which type of memory?


Retrograde amnesia affects

episodic memories made before a traumatic event such as a head injury.

memories for events

episodic memory

Episodic memories are about ______, whereas semantic memories are about facts.


Episodic memories are about ______.


Episodic memories are about _____, whereas semantic memories are about _______.

events, facts

Life episodes and facts are categorized as which type of memory?


______________ are memories that can be consciously recalled and expressed.

explicit memories

Episodic memories are about events, whereas semantic memories are about


Semantic memories are about _____.


Which of the following structures play an important role in short-term memory or temporary memory?

frontal lobes

Object recognition and memory is linked with the pathway that connects the perirhinal cortex to the lateral entorhinal cortex to the

hippocampal formation

As seen in both animals with food-caching behavior and in humans who must acquire a detailed cognitive map of an area, the ______ is able to increase in volume over time.


Experiments on spatial memory show that bilateral lesions to the _____ impair the ability to navigate in an environment.


Neurogenesis occurs in the


Which of the following was largely unaffected after the memory patient H. M.'s surgery?

implicit memory

Changes in dendritic morphology

imply the addition or subtraction of synapses.

Nondeclarative memory

includes priming, conditioning, and skill learning.


involves the activation of the hippocampus for stabilizing some memories.

An example of an implicit memory is

knowing how to brush your hair.

An example of an explicit memory is

knowing that Austin is the capital of Texas.

An example of a semantic memory is

knowing that the Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock.

Consolidation is the process in which short-term memory transitions into

long-term memory

A 70-year-old woman is asked what she did on her 16th birthday. She answers that she had a party and received her first car as a gift. This is an example of

long-term memory.

"Cells that fire together wire together," suggests that

memories are formed when synaptic associations grow stronger and tend to persist.

Procedural memories are

memories for how to perform skills or habits.

Semantic memories are

memories of facts about the outside world.

In the comparative studies discussed in a lecture, the hippocampus implicated in

memory for places

Sally witnesses a mugging and is asked to appear in court. While on the witness stand, she avidly swears that she saw Mr. Jones committing the crime. Sally actually saw Mr. Jones at the grocery store only 10 minutes before the mugging took place. Mr. Jones did not commit the mugging. Sally is suffering from_____.


This is the term for when an individual attributes an idea or recollection to the wrong source:


You haven't ridden a bicycle in 6 years, yet when your friend invites you to go cycling and you get on the bike, your body automatically starts to balance and pedal. This is an example of

non-declarative memory

You sit on the couch to enjoy a relaxing afternoon of knitting. You pick up the needles and your hands start to move, seemingly without much effort. This is an example of

non-declarative memory

Which of the following would be regarded as examples of explicit learning?

none of the answers is correct

A rat enters a t-shaped maze and heads to the left. The rat is shocked once it reaches the end of the left fork of the maze. Afterward, there is an increased probability that the rat will head to the right. This is an example of what kind of learning?

operant conditioning

In a delayed non-match-to-sample test,

performance in monkeys is disrupted by medial temporal lobe lesions.

Remembering a grocery list by repeating over and over while you drive to the store

phonological loop

The circuitry of the striatum is thought to be important in which type of memory?


Memory for how to do something

procedural memory

Episodic memories can be either vague and without context (called familiarity), or richly detailed, called


A lesion on the medial prefrontal cortex would most likely result in the inability to distinguish between

relevant and irrelevant memories.

Studies on memory show that without NMDA-R, animals seem to be unable to

remember specifics of a task

Damage to the anterior temporal lobes in humans will result in impairment of which type of knowledge?


Knowing that the first president of the United States was George Washington is a _______ memory.


Explicit memory is subdivided into which two categories?

semantic episodic

Memories for facts

semantic memory

You search online for the phone number to your dentist, dial it, then cannot remember the number once you hang up. This is an example of

short-term memory

A gradual improvement in performance due to repeated practice is called

skill learning

Place cells and grid cells are involved in which type of memory?


The cognitive map theory states that hippocampus of a human is involved with both episodic and _____ memories.


Classical conditioning pairs stimulus with


According to scientist Donald Hebb, when neuron A fires repeatedly to neuron B, their connection is


Hebbian systems display the characteristic of

strengthened connections through neural firing, and weakened connections through lack of neural firing.

When two cells in your brain are active at the same time, the connection between them ____.


Most neuroscientists believe that memory storage depends on changes at the _____, the tiny connection between brain cells.


The hippocampus is located on the medial edge of the:

temporal lobe

Emotional memory is associate with which region of the brain?

the amygdala

Emotional events may be more likely to be remembered due to the connection between

the amygdala and the hippocampal formation.

Anterograde amnesia affects

the forming of new episodic memories.

Repeating a series of words or numbers over and over in your head in order to remember them requires

the phonological loop

The medial prefrontal cortex, used for reasoning and planning ahead, is also used when determining

the value of stimuli

In Pavlov's experiment with salivating dogs, salivation at the presentation of food is the

unconditioned response

In Pavlov's experiment with salivating dogs, the presentation of food is the

unconditioned stimulus.

Implicit memory refers to memories that are

unconscious motor or emotional memories.

In the Morris water maze task, rats are attempting to find the hidden platform using

visual cues and spatial memory.

The theory of "7 +/- 2" describes the capacity of which type of memory?


Memory that lasts for seconds or minutes

working memory

The theory of "7 +/- 2"

working memory

Which type of memory lasts for only seconds, or perhaps a few minutes?

working memory

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