Chapter 9 Astronomy

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Einstein's famous equation is what?

E=mc squared

What is the main fuel in the fusion process?


How much of the Sun's mass has been lost since its creation?

0.1 percent

How many tons of material is the Sun losing each second?

1 million

The Sun has an atmosphere that starts just above the Photosphere called the?


By reading the sound waves that travel through the sun we can tell what it is like internally. This is called?


Who tried to use deuteron for a nuclear weapon?


This force holds the nucleus in an atom together?

Strong Nuclear Force

These are storms on the surface of the Sun?


The highest number of sunspots is given a name, ____________ ____________

Sunspots Maximums

Spicules tend to gather around these upwellings of energy in the Sun?


A star is nothing more than a what?

a glowing ball of gas

What holds a star together?

its own gravity

How hot can this area of the upper atmosphere get?

1,000,000 - 10,000,000 degrees celsius

How hot does the center of the Sun get?

10,000,000 degrees celsius

The Sun creates a huge amount of energy. In one second how many 1 megaton nuclear bombs can this energy amount to?

100 billion

How many Earth's would it take to go from one side of the Sun to the other?

109 or more than 100

Sunspots tend to reach maximum numbers every ___________ years.


How fast is the speed of light?

186,000 Miles/Second or 299,792.458 Km/Sec.

How long is a Solar Cycle?

22 years

The mass of the Sun is how many times that of the Earth?


How fast is the Solar Wind?

500 Km/Sec.

Areas of explosions that fling material high into the Corona are called? ______________________

Active Regions

How long is it going to take our Sun to change?

Billions of years or 5 billion years

This process carries the Photon's energy to the Surface?


Below the surface of the Sun is an area that is in constant motion called the?

Convection Zone

This is the central portion of the Sun where the energy is produced?


These are bubbles of ionized magnetic gas that can sometimes reach the Earth?

Coronal Mass Ejections

what do the letters in Einstein's equation mean?

E=total amount of energy, M=mass, c=constant of the speed of light squared

What is the process that splits atoms to create energy?


This type of energy is produced at every step in the fusion process?

Gamma Radiation

Convection causes differences in temperatures on the Suns surface, this makes the surface mottled. These differences in temperature and color are called?


The two most common elements on any star are?

Hydrogen, Helium

The inward pull of gravity is being canceled out by the outward push of the nuclear furnace. This is called?

Hydrostatic Equilibrium

Sunspots may have caused a drop in the Earth's temperature several hundred years ago called the _________ ____________ ______________.

Little Ice Age

If you take the answer from number 18 and multiply it by the surface area of the Sun you get this?


The total amount of energy emitted by the Sun in one second is called?


The part of the Sun that emits the light that we see here on Earth is called the?


What is the opposite of an electron?


The interior of the Sun is transparent to?


This layer of the inner Sun is where the energy produced is radiated outward?

Radiation Zone or Conduction Zone

The upper atmosphere of the Sun is called the?

Solar Corona

These are the areas of magnetic instability that shoot material out into space not to return to the Sun?

Solar Flares

These are active regions of looping gas that are found in the active regions of the Sun?

Solar Prominences

This part of the Sun permeates the entire solar system and is responsible for creating the tails of comets?

Solar Wind

Scientists combine all available measurements with theories of how the Sun operates to come up with this?

Standard Solar Model

Most of these structures in number 11 are this size?


What law states that the sum of the mass and energy must always remain constant in any physical process?

The law of the Conservation of Matter

Each chemical element gives off its own signature of lines when it is used or created?


Magnetic fields can switch on planets, just like the Sun.


Sunspots can come and go in cycles.


The Sun is slowly evaporating.


The Sun shows differential rotation?


The Sun vibrates like a bell.


Sunspots have dark and light regions around them called the __________ and the ____________.

Umbra Penumbra

The light from Proxima Centuri, our nearest neighboring star, takes how long to reach us?

about 4.3 years

How long does it take the light from the sun to reach us?

about 8 minutes

Scientists look at these kinds of lines in order to learn more about the Sun?

absorption or spectral lines

We know that the Earth has had reversals in its magnetic field because of this structure found in rocks?

banding of rocks or iron

Sunspots can also affect the Earth in that they can change the __________________.

cell phone communications

Sunspots can cause problems on Earth. Name one of them?

communications can be severely interrupted

What is the mass needed to push the nuclei of atoms together to start fusion?

critical mass

When is the only time that we can see the Chromosphere?

during an eclipse

When a gas is ionized it loses these?


What is the only known energy generation mechanism that can account for the Sun's enormous energy output?


What is the average surface temperature of the Sun?

greater than 6,000 degrees celsius

Another name for a deuteron?

heavy water

In fusion four hydrogen's come together to make 1 atom of this element and two new protons to continue the reaction?


In nuclear fusion the mass of the product is less than the mass of the reactant where did the mass go?

it turned into energy

Photons are allowed to escape the Sun's gravity. We know this because we see?

light or sunlight

Two _______ elements combine to create one _____________ element plus energy in nuclear fusion?

light, heavy

Sunspots are in reality storms that are made out of?

magnetic charges

The temperature of upper area of the Sun's atmosphere is much hotter than the surface, why?

magnetic disturbances in the Photosphere

Scientists also use this line to tell us three other things about a star, name them?

movement of the star towards or away from us, temperature, age

This is a charge-less particle with almost no mass?


What process drives the sun, that is, what process produces the energy that we see and use?

nuclear fusion

The only way we have duplicated fusion on Earth is through what?

nuclear weapons

Every few moments the Chromosphere erupts in small storms that emit jets of gas called?


But there are bigger ones called _______________ and they can get this big? ____________

super granules, 30,000 kilometers

This effortless movement of energy is almost like these materials produce here on Earth?


What substance could be used to fuel cars if we could harness the energy produced by fusion?


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