Chapter 9 -works history

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"Selling" the war to the American people was the task of _ A. J. Edgar Hoover B . The War Propaganda Board C. The War Industries Board D. The Committee on Public Information


According to the Selective Service Act, the order in which men were called to service was determined by _ A. Local draft bonds B. Military headquarters C. Age D. Lottery


President Wilson's peace plan was known as the _ A. Zimmerman telegram B. Sussex Pledge C. Treaty of Versailles D. Fourteen Points


The organization that became the Federal Bureau of Investigation was originally formed to _ A. Uncover German spies during World War I B. Plead propaganda within the United States in support of the war C. Infiltrate unions to head off strikes D. Raid radical headquarters looking for evidence of a Communist conspiracy


supreme commander of the allied forces

Ferdinand Foch

Bolshevik leader

Vladimir Lenin

During World War I, the slogan "Food Will Win the War—Don't Waste It" encouraged Americans to _ A. Observe Wheatless Mondays B. Observe Heatless Tuesdays C. Buy Liberty Bonds D. Buy only products necessary to live


The Triple Alliance included _ A. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy B. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia C. Britain, France, and Russia D. Britain, France, and the United States


To prevent strikes from disrupting the war effort, the government established the _ A. National War Labor Board B. War Industrial Board C. Committee on Public Information D. League of Nations


Criticism of the war at home was effectively silenced by _ A. The Committee on Public Information B. The Espionage and Sedition Acts C. The Red Scare D. the Palmer raids


In World War I, airplanes were first used to _ A. Transport troops to the front B. Observe enemy activities C. Bomb enemy trenches D. Bring supplies to the troops


In the case Schenck v. The United Sates, the Supreme Court ruled that _ A. Immigrants from countries at war with the United States could be excluded from positions of power B. Freedom of speech could be curbed in wartime C. The right to bear arms could be limited for immigrants D. The Sedition Act was unconstitutional


stockbroker who led the War Industries Board

Bernard Baruch

Serbian nationalist group behind assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Black Hand

According to the Zimmermann Telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would _ A. Send troops to support the Huerta government B. Prevent the United States from taking control of Mexico C. Help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona D. Help Mexico take control of Central America


In 1908 the Serbs became furious when _ A. The Ottoman Empire refused them independence B. Austria-Hungary refused them independence C. A Slav assassinated their leader D. Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia


One of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles was that _ A. Germany must adhere to all of the Fourteen Points B. Austria-Hungary must pay reparations to the United States C. Germany must admit its guilt in causing World War I D. Austria-Hungary must reduce the size of its military


The Triple Entente included _ A. Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy B. Germany, Turkey, and Russia C. Britain, France, and Russia D. Britain, France, and the U.S.


Goods prohibited from shipment to Germany or its allies


gave patriotic speeches urging support of war effort

Four-Minute Men

Describe two events that pushed the united states toward entering World War I

Germany using unrestricted submarine warfare on ships that carries innocent passengers, and the Zimmermann Telegram which said Germany would help Mexico gain back their land that was taken from the U.S.

What caused inflation after World War I, and how did inflation help cause the wave of strikes in the United States?

Government agencies removed their control from the American economy. This released and up pent-up demand in the economy prices rose at an average of more than 15% inflation, greatly, increasing the cost of living

Describe President Wilson's Fourteen Points plan by summarizing the main purpose of the first 5 points, then the next 8 points, and finally the fourteenth point

In the first 5 points, Wilson proposed to eliminate the general causes of war through free trade, disarmament, freedom of the seats, impartial adjustment of colonial claims, and open diplomacy instead of secret agreements. The next 8 points addressed the right of self-determination. The fourteenth point called for the creation of the League of Nations. The League's member nations would help preserve Peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect each other's territory and political independence

method of loaning money to the government to pay for war

Liberty Bonds

Information designed to influence opinion


Promise not to sink more merchant ships without warning

Sussex Pledge

Explain the purpose of the War Industries Board and the National War Labor Board, and describe their activities

Their purpose was to organize industry, increase efficiency, and maximize production. The National War Labor Board as to maintain cooperation between industry management and labor unions

spying to acquire government secrets


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