Chapters 1-4

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Where are sutures found in the body?

Between cranial bones

What is a Saddle Joint?

Bidirectional joint allowing movement in several planes along with some degree of rotation.

What is a Condyloid Joint?

Bidirectional joint with motion occurring in multiple planes of motion.

What is Wolff's Law?

Bone in a healthy individual will adapt to the loads it is placed under

How are bones separated in a Symphysis joint?

By a fibrocartilage pad

What movements occur in the Sagittal Plane?

Flexion & Extension

What is the role of osteoblasts?

Form new bone

What type of joint is a gomphosis?

Found in sockets in the teeth

Common Bone Pathologies

Fracture, Osteoporosis, Osteomyelitis, Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease, Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

What field of science studies joint movements using a goniometer?


What is the function of the skeletal system related to blood formation?


What separates bones in a Synchondrosis joint?

Hyaline cartilage

What are synarthrodial joints?

Immovable joints

What happens to a bone when the load on it decreases?

It will become weaker

Alignment Variation Terminology

Kyphosis, Lordosis, Recurvatum, Retroversion, Anteroversion, Scoliosis, Valgus, Varus

What term describes away from the midline of the body?


Synovial Fluid

Lubricates joint, reduces friction,provides shock absorption

What term describes towards the midline of the body?


What is arthrokinematics?

Motion between articular surfaces


Movement away from the midline of the body

Diagonal ABduction

Movement by a limb through a diagonal plane away from midline of body

What is the function of the skeletal system related to movement?

Movement by serving as points of attachment for muscles and acting as levers


Movement toward the midline of the body

What is a Plane Joint?

Occurs between relatively flat joint surfaces that glide over one another. Allows linear motion.

What term describes the palm of the hand?


What term describes the sole of the foot?


What term describes the back side of the body?


What term describes being face down?


What is the function of the skeletal system related to protection?

Protection of vital soft tissue such as the heart, lungs, & brain

What term describes closer to the point of attachment?


What is the term for the ability to move a joint freely and painlessly?

Range of Motion (ROM)

What is the role of osteoclasts?

Resorb old bone

External Rotation

Rotation of a joint away from the middle of the body.

Internal Rotation

Rotation of a joint toward the middle of the body.

What movements occur in the Transverse Plane?

Rotational Movements

What are the three cardinal planes of motion?

Sagittal Plane, Frontal Plane, Transverse Plane

What is an Amphiarthrodial joint?

Slightly movable joint

What is the function of the skeletal system related to storage?

Storage for minerals such as Calcium & Phosphorus


Straightening of a joint

What holds together a Syndesmosis joint?

Strong ligamentous structure


Study of the principles of anatomy, physiology, and mechanics relating to human movement

What term describes towards the surface of the body?


What term describes being face up?


What is the function of the skeletal system related to support?

Support to maintain posture

What are diarthrodial joints also known as?

Synovial joints

What is the function of a joint capsule?

To provide a sleevelike covering of ligamentous tissues surrounding the bony ends forming the joint

What is the role of ligaments in joints?

To provide additional support against abnormal movement or joint opening

Anatomical Position

To stand erect with arms at the sides and palms of the hands turned forward

What is a Ball and Socket Joint?

Triaxial joint allowing motion in all 3 planes.

What is a Hinge Joint?

Uniaxial joint with motion occurring in one plane around one axis.

What is a Pivot Joint?

Uniaxial motion occurring in the transverse plane.

What are the components of the appendicular skeleton?

Upper extremities, Lower extremities, Shoulder girdle, Pelvic girdle

How is the range of motion measured?

Using a goniometer

What term describes the front of the body?


What term describes the front of the hand?



circular movement of a limb at the far end

Types of Bones

long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid

Diagonal Adduction

movement by a limb through a diagonal plane toward and across the midline of the body

What term describes the back of the body?


What term describes the top side of the foot?


How many bones are in the human appendicular skeleton?


Basic Knowledge

600 muscles 206 bones

How many bones are in the human axial skeleton?

80 (including the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum)

What is roll in arthrokinematics?

A new point on each surface comes into contact throughout the motion

What is spin in arthrokinematics?

A single point on one articular surface rotates about a single point

What is glide in arthrokinematics?

A specific point on one articulating surface comes in contact with a series of points on another surface

What lines the ligamentous capsule in a joint cavity?

A thin vascular synovial capsule

What movements occur in the Frontal Plane?

Abduction & Adduction

What are the types of joint classifications based on movement?

Amphiarthrodial, Syndesmosis, Symphysis, Synchondrosis

What term describes the front side of the body?


Articular specifics

Cartilage: Hyaline/ articular, Fibrocartilage. Tendon, Bursa

What term describes towards the feet?


What term describes towards the head?



Decreases the angle of a joint

What term describes away from the surface of the body?


Bony Features

Diaphysis, Periosteum, Medullary Canal, Endosteum, Epiphysis: Pressure, Traction. Epiphyseal Plate

What term describes further from the point of attachment?


Types of Bone Fractures

transverse, linear, oblique nondisplaced, oblique displaced, spiral, greenstick, comminuted

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